* * -s startDate with format dd/MM/yyyy (11/06/2011) * -e endDate with format dd/MM/yyyy (11/06/2011) * -n network name of the Oara_Network class for the network (AffiliateWindow, BuyAt, Dgm, WebGains......) * -t type this param is not compulsory, choose which report we want, by default it will show us all of them (payment, merchant, transaction, overview) * * * Examples from command line: * * php affjet.php -s 12/02/2010 -e 15/06/2011 -n TradeDoubler * php affjet.php -s 12/02/2010 -e 15/06/2011 -n TradeDoubler -t merchant * php affjet.php -s 12/02/2010 -e 15/06/2011 -n AffiliateWindow -t payment * */ require realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../settings.php'; $arguments = Oara_Utilities::arguments($argv); $argumentsMap = array(); $argumentsNumber = count($arguments['arguments']); for ($i = 0; $i < $argumentsNumber; $i++) { $argumentsMap[$arguments['flags'][$i]] = $arguments['arguments'][$i]; } if (isset($argumentsMap['s']) && isset($argumentsMap['e']) && isset($argumentsMap['n'])) { //Retrieving the credentials for the network selected $config = Zend_Registry::getInstance()->get('credentialsIni'); $iniNetworkOption = strtolower($argumentsMap['n']); $credentials = $config->{$iniNetworkOption}->toArray(); // Path for cookies inside of COOKIES_BASE_DIR $credentials["cookiesDir"] = "example"; $credentials["cookiesSubDir"] = "Affjet"; $credentials["cookieName"] = "test"; //The name of the network, It should be the same that the class inside Oara/Network