Пример #1
  * Add new switch by polling it via SNMP
 public function addBySnmpAction()
     $this->view->sw = $sw = new \Entities\Switcher();
     $this->view->f = $f = new IXP_Form_Switch_AddBySNMP();
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $f->isValid($_POST)) {
         do {
             // ensure provided name and hostname are not in use
             if ($this->getD2R('\\Entities\\Switcher')->findOneBy(['name' => $f->getValue('name')]) || $this->getD2R('\\Entities\\Switcher')->findOneBy(['hostname' => $f->getValue('hostname')])) {
                 $this->addMessage('A switch already exists with the given name / hostname', OSS_Message::ERROR);
             // can we talk to it by SNMP and discover some basic details?
             try {
                 $snmp = new \OSS_SNMP\SNMP($f->getValue('hostname'), $f->getValue('snmppasswd'));
                 $vendor = $snmp->getPlatform()->getVendor();
             } catch (\OSS_SNMP\Exception $e) {
                 $this->addMessage("Could not query {$f->getValue('hostname')} via SNMP.\n                        Consider using the <a href=\"" . OSS_Utils::genUrl('switch', 'add') . "\">the manual add method</a>.", OSS_Message::ERROR);
             if ($vendor == 'Unknown') {
                 $this->addMessage("Could not interpret switch system description string - most likely\n                            because no platform interpretor exists for it.<br/><br/>Please see\n                            <a href=\"https://github.com/opensolutions/OSS_SNMP/wiki/Device-Discovery\">this OSS_SNMP page</a>\n                            and consider adding one.<br /><br />\n                            Otherwise use the <a href=\"" . OSS_Utils::genUrl('switch', 'add') . "\">the manual add method</a>.", OSS_Message::ERROR);
             if (!($eVendor = $this->getD2R('\\Entities\\Vendor')->findOneBy(['name' => $vendor]))) {
                 $this->addMessage("No vendor defined for [{$vendor}]. Please\n                        <a href=\"" . OSS_Utils::genUrl('vendor', 'add') . "\">add one first</a>.", OSS_Message::ERROR);
             // now we have a switch with all the necessary details, add it:
             $s = new Switcher();
             $s->setIpv4addr($this->_resolve($s->getHostname(), DNS_A));
             $s->setIpv6addr($this->_resolve($s->getHostname(), DNS_AAAA));
             $s->setLastPolled(new DateTime());
             // clear the cache
             $this->addMessage("Switch polled and added successfully! Please configure the ports found below.", OSS_Message::SUCCESS);
             $this->redirect('switch-port/snmp-poll/switch/' . $s->getId());
         } while (false);
Пример #2
// This is an example script for OSS_SNMP
// It needs to be called with a hostname / IP address and a community string
if (count($argv) != 3) {
    echo <<<HELPTEXT

OSS_SNMP - A PHP SNMP library for people who hate SNMP MIBs and OIDs!
Copyright (c) 2012, Open Source Solutions Limited, Dublin, Ireland
All rights reserved.

See: https://github.com/opensolutions/OSS_SNMP/

This is an example script to show how to use OSS_SNMP. It requires two arguments:

 - the IP address of hostname of a SNMP capable host
 - the SNMP v2 community string for that host

For example:

    {$argv[0]} public

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../OSS_SNMP/SNMP.php';
$host = new \OSS_SNMP\SNMP($argv[1], $argv[2]);
echo "\n\nPlatform details for {$argv[1]}:\n" . "\nVendor:     " . $host->getPlatform()->getVendor() . "\nModel:      " . $host->getPlatform()->getModel() . "\nOS:         " . $host->getPlatform()->getOs() . "\nOS Version: " . $host->getPlatform()->getOsVersion();
echo "\n\n";