$auth_oauth_secret = '';
$auth_method = '';
// Override above parameters into you own file:
include __DIR__ . '/../../secrets.php';
// ===================================================
//$auth_method = 'Basic';
$osmApi = new OSM_Api(array('url' => OSM_Api::URL_DEV_UK));
if ($auth_method == 'Basic') {
    _wl(' using Basic auth with user="******"');
    $osmApi->setCredentials(new OSM_Auth_Basic($auth_basic_user, $auth_basic_password));
} else {
    if ($auth_method == 'OAuth') {
        _wl(' using OAuth auth with consumerKey="' . $auth_oauth_consumer_key . '"');
        $oauth = new OSM_Auth_OAuth($auth_oauth_consumer_key, $auth_oauth_consumer_secret);
        $oauth->setAccessToken($auth_oauth_token, $auth_oauth_secret);
// http://api06.dev.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/relation/500
// http://api06.dev.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/way/8184
// http://api06.dev.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/node/611571
// get a node
$permissions = $osmApi->getAuthPermissions();
echo print_r($permissions, true) . "\n";
if ($auth_method == 'Basic') {
    _assert($osmApi->isAllowedToReadPrefs() === true);
    _assert($osmApi->isAllowedToWritePrefs() === true);
    _assert($osmApi->isAllowedToWriteDiary() === true);
    _assert($osmApi->isAllowedToWriteApi() === true);
Пример #2
 * 		en étape 2 pour accéder aux données de l'utilisateur.
 * Note: files "secrets.php" and "test_OSM_OAuth.php.token" are ignored by Git (see .gitignore)
$DEV = true;
$time_start = microtime(true);
require_once __DIR__ . '/tests_common.php';
_wl('test "' . basename(__FILE__) . '');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/OSM/Api.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/secrets.php';
if ($DEV) {
    $apiUrl = 'http://api06.dev.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6';
    $oauth = new OSM_Auth_OAuth($AUTH_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY_DEV, $AUTH_OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET_DEV, array('requestTokenUrl' => OSM_Auth_OAuth::REQUEST_TOKEN_URL_DEV, 'accessTokenUrl' => OSM_Auth_OAuth::ACCESS_TOKEN_URL_DEV, 'authorizeUrl' => OSM_Auth_OAuth::AUTHORIZE_TOKEN_URL_DEV));
} else {
    $apiUrl = 'http://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6';
$tokenFilename = __DIR__ . '/' . basename(__FILE__) . '.token';
if (file_exists($tokenFilename)) {
    echo 'Reusing Authorization...' . "\n";
    $fp = fopen($tokenFilename, 'r');
    eval('$authCredentials = ' . file_get_contents($tokenFilename) . ';');
    $oauth->setAccessToken($authCredentials['token'], $authCredentials['tokenSecret']);
    	// Get user details (GET)
    	$result = $oauth->http($apiUrl . '/user/details');
    	echo 'User details: ' . print_r($result, true) . "\n";
    	// Ask a changeSet (PUT)