Пример #1
 public function array_to_csv($values)
     $header = "";
     $body = "";
     $header = implode(CHAR_CSVEXPORT, $this->columns_title);
     foreach ($values as $value) {
         $rows = array();
         foreach ($this->columns as $name) {
             if (isset($value[$name])) {
                 $rows[] = OOB_validatetext::cleanToExport($value[$name]);
             } else {
                 $rows[] = "";
         $body .= implode(CHAR_CSVEXPORT, $rows);
         $body .= "\n";
     //end each
     $this->csv = $header . "\n" . $body;
Пример #2
 public static function isAttributeOfType($attribute, $type)
     global $ari;
     if (OOB_validatetext::isCorrectLength($attribute, 1, MAX_LENGTH)) {
         $attribute = $ari->db->qMagic($attribute);
         $type = $ari->db->qMagic($type);
         $savem = $ari->db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
         $sql = "SELECT True \n\t\t\t        FROM Data_Attribute, Data_TypeAttribute  \n\t                WHERE Data_TypeAttribute.AttributeID = Data_Attribute.ID\n\t                AND Data_Attribute.Name = {$attribute}\n\t                AND Data_TypeAttribute.TypeID = {$type}\n\t                ";
         //echo $sql;echo "<br><br>";
         $rs = $ari->db->Execute($sql);
         $i = 0;
         if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
             $return = true;
         } else {
             $return = false;
         return $return;
Пример #3

Url Handler for Admin MODULE


global $ari;
$handle = $ari->url->getVars();

switch ($handle[0])
case "selector": {
	if (OOB_validatetext::isClean($_POST['modulo']) && $_POST['modulo'] != "/" )
		header( "Location: " . $ari->get('adminaddress') ."/" . $_POST['modulo']);
		throw new OOB_exception('', "404", 'Selecione un modulo válido.');	

case "menu": 
	include ($ari->module->admindir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR  . "menu.php");

case "newtab": 
Пример #4
 /** Stores/Updates user group object in the DB */
 public function store()
     global $ari;
     $flagStore = true;
     //validate description
     if (!OOB_validatetext::isClean($this->description)) {
         $ari->error->addError("seguridad_group", "INVALID_DESCRIPTION");
         $flagStore = false;
     //validate the data!
     if (!OOB_validatetext::isClean($this->name) || !OOB_validatetext::isCorrectLength($this->name, 1, MAX_LENGTH)) {
         $ari->error->addError("seguridad_group", "INVALID_NAME");
         $flagStore = false;
     if ($this->group == ID_UNDEFINED) {
         //para nuevo busco uno con el mismo nombre
         $clausula = "";
     } else {
         //si actualizo busco con el mismo nombre pero con el mismo id
         $clausula = " AND id <> '{$this->group}'";
     $savem = $ari->db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
     $name = $ari->db->qMagic($this->name);
     $sql = "SELECT true as cuenta FROM security_group WHERE name = {$name} {$clausula}";
     $rs = $ari->db->Execute($sql);
     if (!$rs->EOF && $rs) {
         if ($this->group == ID_UNDEFINED) {
             //para nuevo
             // si el grupo con el mismo nombre esta borrado lo activo, sino da instancio un error
             $sql = "SELECT id FROM security_group WHERE name = {$name} AND Status = '" . DELETED . "'";
             $rs2 = $ari->db->Execute($sql);
             if (!$rs2->EOF) {
                 //asigno el id del el objeto que volvi a activar
                 $this->group = $rs2->fields[0];
                 $this->status = USED;
             } else {
                 $ari->error->addError("seguridad_group", "DUPLICATE_GROUP");
                 $flagStore = false;
         } else {
             $ari->error->addError("seguridad_group", "DUPLICATE_GROUP");
             $flagStore = false;
     if ($flagStore) {
         $name = $ari->db->qMagic($this->name);
         $description = $ari->db->qMagic($this->description);
         $status = $ari->db->qMagic($this->status);
         $group_id = $ari->db->qMagic($this->group);
         if ($this->group > ID_MINIMAL) {
             // update data
             $sql = "UPDATE security_group \n\t\t\t\t\t   SET name = {$name}, \n\t\t\t\t\t   \t   description = {$description}, \n\t\t\t\t\t   \t   status = {$status}  \n\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE id = {$group_id}";
             if (!$ari->db->CompleteTrans()) {
                 throw new OOB_exception("Error en DB: {$ari->db->ErrorMsg()}", "010", "Error en la Base de Datos", false);
             } else {
                 return true;
         } else {
             // insert new and set usergroupid with new id
             $sql = "INSERT INTO security_group \n\t\t\t\t\t   ( name, description, status)\n\t\t\t\t\t   VALUES ( {$name}, {$description}, {$status} )\n\t\t\t\t\t   \t";
             $this->group = $ari->db->Insert_ID();
             if (!$ari->db->CompleteTrans()) {
                 throw new OOB_exception("Error en DB: {$ari->db->ErrorMsg()}", "010", "Error en la Base de Datos", false);
             } else {
                 return true;
     } else {
         // no validan los datos
         return false;
         //devuelve un objeto de error con los errores!
Пример #5

#OOB/N1 Framework [2008 - Nutus] - PM
// Codigo por JPCOSEANI
// Script que procesa los datos del FORM UPDATE  ROLE
global $ari;
$ari->popup = 1;
$resultado = array();
$resultado["errors"] = array();
$resultado["success"] = false;
if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
    if (OOB_validatetext::isNumeric($_POST['id'])) {
        $role = new seguridad_role($_POST['id']);
    } else {
        throw new OOB_exception("INVALID_ID_VALUE", "501", "INVALID_ID_VALUE", false);
    $role->set('name', $_POST['txt_nombre']);
    $role->set('description', $_POST['txt_descripcion']);
    if (isset($_POST['chk_anonimo'])) {
        $role->set('anonymous', ANONIMO);
    } else {
        $role->set('anonymous', NO_ANONIMO);
    if (isset($_POST['chk_confiados'])) {
        $role->set('trustees', YES);
    } else {
Пример #6
 /** Lista los usuarios miembros de los roles que se encuentran 
  *  en el array $roles pasado como paramentro y que tengan el 
  *  estado = USED, ademas lista los usuarios q se encuentren en algun
  *  grupo q sea miembro del algun rol pasado como parametro
  * 	*/
 public static function listAllUsersFor($roles)
     global $ari;
     $roles_array = array();
     //si no es array el parametro lo transformo en uno
     if (!is_array($roles)) {
         $roles_array[0] = $roles;
     } else {
         $roles_array = $roles;
     //recorro el array, y formo la clausula solo con los id
     // de los objetos seguridad_role para usarlo en la clausula in
     $in_string = "";
     $flagFirst = true;
     foreach ($roles_array as $r) {
         if (is_a($r, "seguridad_role")) {
             if ($flagFirst) {
                 $in_string .= $ari->db->qMagic($r->get('role'));
                 $flagFirst = false;
             } else {
                 $in_string .= ',' . $ari->db->qMagic($r->get('role'));
         //end if
     //end foreach
     if ($in_string == "") {
         $ari->error->addError("seguridad_role", "INVALID_ROLE");
         return false;
     $savem = $ari->db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC);
     //armo la consulta para traer los usuarios miembros del rol
     $sql1 = "SELECT `OOB_User_User`.`ID`, `OOB_User_User`.`Uname`, \n\t\t\t\t\t    `OOB_User_User`.`Password`, `OOB_User_User`.`Email`, \n\t\t\t\t        `OOB_User_User`.`Connections`, `OOB_User_User`.`Status`, \n\t\t\t\t        `OOB_User_User`.`EmployeeID` \n\t\t\t\tFROM `Security_UsersRole`, `OOB_User_User`\n                WHERE `Security_UsersRole`.`UserID` = `OOB_User_User`.`ID`\n\t\t\t\tAND `Security_UsersRole`.`RoleID` IN ({$in_string}) \n\t\t\t\tAND `OOB_User_User`.`Status` = '" . USED . "' \n\t\t\t\t";
     //armo la consulta para traer los usuarios miembros de algun grupo q sea
     //miembro de algun rol
     $sql2 = "SELECT `OOB_User_User`.`ID`, `OOB_User_User`.`Uname`, \n\t\t\t\t\t    `OOB_User_User`.`Password`, `OOB_User_User`.`Email`, \n\t\t\t\t        `OOB_User_User`.`Connections`, `OOB_User_User`.`Status`, \n\t\t\t\t        `OOB_User_User`.`EmployeeID` \n\t\t\t\t FROM `OOB_User_User`, `Security_UsersGroup`\n\t\t\t\t WHERE `Security_UsersGroup`.`UserID` = `OOB_User_User`.`ID`\n\t\t\t\t AND `OOB_User_User`.`Status` = '" . USED . "' \n\t\t\t\t AND `Security_UsersGroup`.`GroupID` IN  \n\t\t\t\t ( SELECT `Security_GroupsRole`.`GroupID` \n\t\t\t\t FROM `Security_GroupsRole` \n\t\t\t\t WHERE `Security_GroupsRole`.`RoleID` IN ({$in_string}) )\n\t\t\t\t ORDER BY 2";
     $sql = $sql1 . " UNION  " . $sql2;
     $rs = $ari->db->Execute($sql);
     $i = 0;
     if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             $return[$i] = new oob_user(ID_UNDEFINED);
             $return[$i]->set("user", $rs->fields["ID"]);
             $return[$i]->set("uname", $rs->fields["Uname"]);
             $return[$i]->set("password", $rs->fields["Password"]);
             $return[$i]->set("email", $rs->fields["Email"]);
             $return[$i]->set("maxcon", $rs->fields["Connections"]);
             $return[$i]->set("status", $rs->fields["Status"]);
             if (!empty($rs->fields['EmployeeID']) && OOB_validatetext::isNumeric($rs->fields['EmployeeID']) && $rs->fields['EmployeeID'] > ID_MINIMAL) {
                 $return[$i]->set('employee', new personnel_employee($rs->fields['EmployeeID']));
     } else {
         $return = false;
     return $return;
Пример #7
 $desde = false;
 if (isset($_POST['desdeYear']) && isset($_POST['desdeMonth']) && isset($_POST['desdeDay'])) {
     //begin if
     $fecha = $_POST['desdeYear'] . "-";
     $fecha .= OOB_validatetext::addZero($_POST['desdeMonth']) . "-";
     $fecha .= OOB_validatetext::addZero($_POST['desdeDay']);
     $fecha .= ' 00:00:00';
     $desde = new Date($fecha);
 //fecha hasta
 $hasta = false;
 if (isset($_POST['hastaYear']) && isset($_POST['hastaMonth']) && isset($_POST['hastaDay'])) {
     //begin if
     $fecha = $_POST['hastaYear'] . "-";
     $fecha .= OOB_validatetext::addZero($_POST['hastaMonth']) . "-";
     $fecha .= OOB_validatetext::addZero($_POST['hastaDay']);
     $fecha .= ' 23:59:59';
     $hasta = new Date($fecha);
 $errores = array();
 //verificar datos enviados duplicados
 if (!$sp->Validar()) {
     $errores[] = 'SENT_DUPLICATE_DATA';
 //validar fechas
 if ($desde) {
     if (!contenido_estructura::isValidDate($desde)) {
         $errores[] = "INVALID_DESDE";
Пример #8
    $ari->t->assign("newName", "");
    $ari->t->assign("newNiceName", "");
} else {
    //verificar datos enviados duplicados
    if (!$sp->Validar()) {
        $ari->error->addError('seguridad_permission', 'SENT_DUPLICATE_DATA');
    $permiso = new seguridad_permission();
    $permiso->set('modulename', $_POST['cboModulo']);
    $permiso->set('name', $_POST['txtName']);
    $permiso->set('nicename', $_POST['txtNiceName']);
    if ($permiso->store()) {
        header("Location: " . $ari->get("adminaddress") . '/seguridad/permission/new');
    } else {
        $ari->t->assign("form", true);
        $ari->t->assign("error", true);
        $errores = $ari->error->getErrorsfor("seguridad_permission");
        foreach ($errores as $error) {
            $ari->t->assign($error, true);
        //refrescar template
        $name = OOB_validatetext::inputHTML($_POST['txtName']);
        $ari->t->assign("newName", $name);
        $niceName = OOB_validatetext::inputHTML($_POST['txtNiceName']);
        $ari->t->assign("newNiceName", $niceName);
$ari->t->assign("formElement", $sp->FormElement());
$ari->t->display($ari->module->admintpldir() . "/permission_new.tpl");
Пример #9
 //cargo el array refrescados
 $r = 0;
 for ($k = 0; $k < count($_POST['modulo']); $k++) {
     //me fijo si el elemento posteado actual es del modulo q recorro
     //if ($_POST['modulo'][$k] == $m->name() &&
     //OOB_validatetext :: isClean($_POST['accion'][$k]) &&
     //OOB_validatetext :: isCorrectLength ($_POST['accion'][$k], 1, MAX_LENGTH) )
     //me fijo si el elemento posteado actual es del modulo q recorro
     if ($_POST['modulo'][$k] == $m->name()) {
         //lo cargo en el array de refrescados
         $refrescados[$r]['row'] = $k * -1;
         $refrescados[$r]['modulo'] = $_POST['modulo'][$k];
         $refrescados[$r]['permiso'] = $_POST['permiso'][$k];
         $accion = OOB_validatetext::inputHTML($_POST['accion'][$k]);
         $refrescados[$r]['accion'] = $accion;
         $nicename = OOB_validatetext::inputHTML($_POST['nicename'][$k]);
         $refrescados[$r]['nicename'] = $nicename;
         $refrescados[$r]['inmenu'] = $_POST['inmenu'][$k];
         //busco el nombre del permiso
         $refrescados[$r]['permisoName'] = "";
         foreach ($objPermiso as $p) {
             if ($p->get('permission') == $_POST['permiso'][$k]) {
                 $refrescados[$r]['permisoName'] = $p->get("nicename");
     //end if
 //end for
Пример #10
global $ari;
$handle = $ari->url->getVars();
$ari->t->caching = 0;
$ari->popup = true;
// valida pos
$pos = 0;
if (isset($_GET['pos']) && OOB_validatetext::isNumeric($_GET['pos']) && $_GET['pos'] > 0) {
    $pos = $_GET['pos'];
//levanta el limit
$modulo = new oob_module("personnel");
$limit = $modulo->config()->get('limit', 'employee');
$ari->t->assign('limit', $limit);
$ari->t->assign('total', oob_user::userCountNoAsigned());
$users = array();
if ($return = oob_user::listNoAssigned('uname', $pos, $limit)) {
    // show time
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($return as $u) {
        $users[$i]['id'] = $u->get('user');
        $users[$i]['uname'] = $u->name();
        $users[$i]['unameClean'] = OOB_validatetext::cleanToScript($u->name());
        $users[$i]['email'] = $u->get('email');
        $users[$i]['status'] = oob_user::getStatus($u->get('status'));
//end if
$ari->t->assign("users", $users);
// display
$ari->t->display($ari->module->admintpldir() . "/user_selectforemployee.tpl");
Пример #11
 * Created on 22/07/2008
 * @author Pablo Micolini (pablo.micolini@nutus.com.ar)
global $ari;
$plantilla_bl = $ari->newTemplate();
$plantilla_bl->caching = 0;
// dynamic content
$language = $ari->get('agent')->getLang();
//validar parametros del bloque
$currency_selected = false;
if (isset($params['currencyID']) && OOB_validatetext::isNumeric($params['currencyID']) && $params['currencyID'] > 0) {
    $currency_selected = $params['currencyID'];
$value = '';
if (isset($params['value']) && OOB_validatetext::isNumeric($params['value'])) {
    $value = $params['value'];
$prefix = 'currency';
if (isset($params['prefix'])) {
    $prefix = $params['prefix'];
if ($currencies = currency_currency::listCurrenciesForLanguage(USED, 'name', $operator = OPERATOR_EQUAL, $language)) {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($currencies as $c) {
        $array_currencies[$c->get('id')] = $c->get('name') . " (" . $c->get('sign') . ")";
        if ($currency_selected === false && $c->get('default') == YES) {
            $currency_selected = $c->get('id');
Пример #12
     $ari->t->assign("address_state_id", $state->get('id'));
     $ari->t->assign("address_state_name", $state->get('name'));
 } else {
     $errores[] = "NO_STATE";
 if (!isset($_POST['destiny'])) {
     $errores[] = "NO_DESTINY_OPTION";
 } else {
     //verifico si el destino es uno nuevo o existente
     if ($_POST['destiny'] == ID_UNDEFINED) {
         //destino nuevo
         $destiny = new address_city(ID_UNDEFINED);
         $destiny->set("state", $state);
         $destiny->set("status", USED);
         if (isset($_POST['new_name'])) {
             $new_name = OOB_validatetext::inputHTML($_POST['new_name']);
             $ari->t->assign("new_name", $new_name);
             $destiny->set("name", $new_name);
             //$errores[] = "INVALID_DESTINY_NEW";
         if (!$destiny->isValid()) {
             $errores[] = "INVALID_OBJECT";
         $new_city = true;
     } else {
         //destino existente
         if (isset($_POST['address_city'][0]) && $_POST['address_city'][0] != "" && $_POST['address_city'][0] != ID_UNDEFINED) {
             $destiny = new address_city($_POST['address_city'][0]);
             $ari->t->assign("address_city_id", $destiny->get('id'));
             $ari->t->assign("address_city_name", $destiny->get('name'));
Пример #13
  * Returns true if successful, false if not.
 public function addChange($value, $date = false)
     global $ari;
     $flagStore = true;
     if (!OOB_numeric::isValid($value)) {
         $flagStore = false;
         $ari->error->addError("currency_currency", "INVALID_VALUE");
     if (!$date) {
         $date = new Date();
     //valid and clean Date
     if (!OOB_validatetext::isValidDate($date)) {
         $flagStore = false;
         $ari->error->addError("currency_currency", "INVALID_DATE");
     } else {
         $date = $ari->db->qMagic($date->format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));
     $value = OOB_numeric::formatMySQL(trim($value));
     if ($flagStore) {
         $value = $ari->db->qMagic($value);
         $id = $ari->db->qMagic($this->id);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO Currency_Change\n\t\t\t\t   ( Date, Value, CurrencyID)\n\t\t\t\t   VALUES \n\t\t\t\t   ( {$date},{$value},{$id} )\n\t\t\t\t  ";
         //echo $sql; exit;
         if (!$ari->db->CompleteTrans()) {
             throw new OOB_exception("Error en DB: {$ari->db}->ErrorMsg()", "010", "Error en la Base de Datos", false);
             //return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #14
#  @copyright Pablo Micolini
#  @license BSD

global $ari;
$handle = $ari->url->getVars();
$ari->t->caching = 0;

if (isset($handle[1]) && $handle[1] == 'update')

if (isset($handle[2]) && OOB_validatetext::isClean($handle[2]))

if (isset($_POST['recover']))
	$usuario = oob_user::lostPass($_POST['email']);
	if ($usuario == false)
		$from_address = $ari->config->get('email', 'main');
		$from_name = $ari->config->get('name', 'main');
		$plantilla = $ari->newTemplate();
		$plantilla->caching = 0;
Пример #15
 /**	graba la accion en la base de datos*/
 public function store()
     global $ari;
     //clean vars and validation!
     $this->name = trim($this->name);
     $this->nicename = trim($this->nicename);
     if (!OOB_validatetext::isNumeric($this->action)) {
         $ari->error->addError("seguridad_action", "INVALID_ACTION");
     if (!OOB_validatetext::isClean($this->name) || !OOB_validatetext::isCorrectLength($this->name, 1, MAX_LENGTH)) {
         $ari->error->addError("seguridad_action", "INVALID_NAME");
     if (!OOB_validatetext::isClean($this->nicename) || !OOB_validatetext::isCorrectLength($this->nicename, 1, MAX_LENGTH)) {
         $ari->error->addError("seguridad_action", "INVALID_NICENAME");
     if (!OOB_validatetext::isNumeric($this->permission->get('permission'))) {
         $ari->error->addError("seguridad_action", "INVALID_PERMISSION");
     if (!OOB_validatetext::isNumeric($this->inmenu)) {
         $ari->error->addError("seguridad_action", "INVALID_INMENU");
     //valido q no exista la accion
     if ($this->action == ID_UNDEFINED) {
         //para nuevo busco uno con el mismo nombre
         $clausula = "";
     } else {
         //si actualizo busco con el mismo nombre pero con el mismo id
         $clausula = " AND id <> {$this->action}";
     $savem = $ari->db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
     $name = $ari->db->qMagic($this->name);
     $permissionid = $ari->db->qMagic($this->permission->get('permission'));
     $sql = "SELECT true as accion FROM security_action \n\t\t\t   WHERE name = {$name} and permissionid = {$permissionid} {$clausula}";
     $rs = $ari->db->Execute($sql);
     if (!$rs->EOF && !$rs == false) {
         $ari->error->addError("seguridad_action", "DUPLICATE_ACTION");
     // end if
     if (!$ari->error->getErrorsfor("seguridad_action")) {
         $name = $ari->db->qMagic($this->name);
         $nicename = $ari->db->qMagic($this->nicename);
         $inmenu = $ari->db->qMagic($this->inmenu);
         if ($this->action > ID_MINIMAL) {
             // update data
             $action_id = $ari->db->qMagic($this->action);
             $sql = "UPDATE security_action\n\t\t\t\t\t   SET Name = {$name},\n\t\t\t\t\t   NiceName = {$nicename},\n\t\t\t\t\t   PermissionID = {$permissionid},\n\t\t   \t\t\t   InMenu = {$inmenu},\n\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE id = {$action_id}";
             if (!$ari->db->CompleteTrans()) {
                 throw new OOB_exception("Error en DB: {$ari->db->ErrorMsg()}", "010", "Error en la Base de Datos", false);
             } else {
                 return true;
         } else {
             // insert new and set actionid with new id
             $sql = "INSERT INTO security_action \n\t\t\t\t  \t  (name,nicename,permissionid,inmenu)\n\t\t\t\t      VALUES ({$name},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$nicename},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$permissionid},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$inmenu})";
             $this->action = $ari->db->Insert_ID();
             if (!$ari->db->CompleteTrans()) {
                 throw new OOB_exception("Error en DB: {$ari->db->ErrorMsg()}", "010", "Error en la Base de Datos", false);
             } else {
                 return true;
         //end if
     } else {
         // no validan los datos
         return false;
         //devuelve un objeto de error con los errores!
     //end if
Пример #16
  *  Ordena array
 function quickSort(&$array, $low, $high, $numeric = false, $key = '', $reverse = false)
     if ($low < $high) {
         $tmpLow = $low;
         $tmpHigh = $high + 1;
         $current = $array[$low];
         $done = false;
         while (!$done) {
             while (++$tmpLow <= $high && OOB_validatetext::isLess($array[$tmpLow], $current, $numeric, $key)) {
             while (OOB_validatetext::isGreater($array[--$tmpHigh], $current, $numeric, $key)) {
             if ($tmpLow < $tmpHigh) {
                 OOB_validatetext::swap($array, $tmpLow, $tmpHigh);
             } else {
                 $done = true;
             //end if
         //end while
         OOB_validatetext::swap($array, $low, $tmpHigh);
         OOB_validatetext::quickSort($array, $low, $tmpHigh - 1, $numeric, $key);
         OOB_validatetext::quickSort($array, $tmpHigh + 1, $high, $numeric, $key);
     //end if
     if ($reverse == ORDER_ASC) {
         $array = array_reverse($array);
Пример #17
  * Get parents for the given node
  * */
 public function getParents($node, $initialize = true)
     global $ari;
     if (!is_a($node, 'OOB_tree_node')) {
         return false;
     $tree_id = $ari->db->qMagic($this->id);
     $init = true;
     if (OOB_validatetext::isBool($initialize)) {
         $init = $initialize;
     $nodeID = $ari->db->qMagic($node->id());
     $nodeLeft = $ari->db->qMagic($node->left());
     $nodeRight = $ari->db->qMagic($node->right());
     # select all nodes where parent.leftvisit<=node.leftvisit and parent.rightvisit>=node.rightvisit
     # order by parent.leftvisit descending gives bottom up path
     $sql = "SELECT N.ID, N.ClassName, N.ObjectID, N.Left, N.Right  \n\t\t\t\t   FROM OOB_Tree_Node N\n\t\t\t\t   WHERE N.TreeID = {$tree_id}\n\t\t\t\t   AND N.Left <=  {$nodeLeft}\n\t\t\t\t   AND N.Right >= {$nodeRight}\n\t\t\t\t   AND N.ID " . OPERATOR_DISTINCT . " {$nodeID}\t\n\t\t\t\t   ORDER BY N.left ASC";
     $savem = $ari->db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
     $rs = $ari->db->Execute($sql);
     if (!$rs || $rs->EOF) {
         $result = false;
         //	print "OOB_ROOT";
     } else {
         $result = array();
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             //	print "nodo: " . $rs->fields[0] . ",obj-id: " .$rs->fields[2]."<br>";
             $result[] = new OOB_tree_node($rs->fields[0], $rs->fields[1], $rs->fields[2], $rs->fields[3], $rs->fields[4], $this->id, $init);
     //	var_dump ($result);
     return $result;
Пример #18
 private static function __SQLsearch($field, $comparison, $value, $connector, $type, $join_name)
     global $ari;
     $table = static::getTable();
     $operadores = array();
     $operadores["eq"] = "=";
     $operadores["lt"] = "<";
     $operadores["gt"] = ">";
     $operadores["eqgt"] = ">=";
     $operadores["ltgt"] = "<=";
     $operadores["neq"] = "!=";
     $constraint = "";
     //le agregue esto para que funcione la informacion adicional de contactos
     if ($table == 'contactos_informacion_adicional_control_value' && $field != 'control') {
         switch ($type) {
             case 'numeric':
                 $constraint = 'isInt';
             case 'date':
                 $constraint = 'object-Date';
     } else {
         if (in_array($field, array('id', 'status')) && $type != 'list') {
             $constraint = 'isInt';
         } elseif (in_array($field, array('id', 'status')) && $type == 'list') {
             $constraint = 'list';
         } else {
             $constraint = static::$public_properties[$field];
     switch ($constraint) {
         case 'isNumeric':
         case 'isFloat':
         case 'isInt':
             if (!is_numeric($value) && !is_float($value) && !OOB_validatetext::isInt($value)) {
                 return false;
             $operador_inicio = $operadores[$comparison];
             $operador_fin = "";
         case 'object-Date':
             $value = $ari->db->qMagic(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($value)));
             // @fixme : formato de fecha, revisar
             $operador_inicio = $operadores[$comparison];
             $operador_fin = "";
         case 'isArray':
             return false;
             // no valido
         case 'isBool':
             if ($value == true) {
                 $value = 1;
             } else {
                 $value = 0;
             $operador_inicio = " = ";
             $operador_fin = "";
         case 'list':
             // $value = $ari->db->qMagic($value)
             $operador_inicio = "IN ( ";
             $operador_fin = ") ";
             $value = $ari->db->qMagic('%' . $value . '%');
             $operador_inicio = " LIKE ";
             $operador_fin = "";
     return ' ' . $connector . ' ' . $join_name . '.' . $field . ' ' . $operador_inicio . $value . $operador_fin;
Пример #19
 public function store($datos = array(), $type = "TYPE")
     global $ari;
     // clean vars !
     $this->name = trim($this->name);
     if (!OOB_validatetext::isClean($this->name) || !OOB_validatetext::isCorrectLength($this->name, 1, MAX_LENGTH)) {
         $ari->error->addError(strtolower($this->class), "INVALID_NAME");
     if (!OOB_validatetext::isClean($this->description) || !OOB_validatetext::isCorrectLength($this->description, 1, MAX_LENGTH)) {
         //$ari->error->addError (strtolower($this->class), "INVALID_DESCRIPTION");
     if (!$ari->error->getErrorsfor($this->class)) {
         $id = $ari->db->qMagic($this->id);
         $name = $ari->db->qMagic($this->name);
         if ($this->id == ID_UNDEFINED) {
             //para nuevo busco uno con el mismo nombre
             $clausula = "";
         } else {
             //si actualizo busco con el mismo nombre pero con el mismo id
             $clausula = " AND id <> {$id} ";
         $savem = $ari->db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
         $sql = "SELECT true as cuenta FROM {$this->table} WHERE `Name` = {$name} {$clausula}";
         $rs = $ari->db->Execute($sql);
         if (!$rs->EOF && $rs->fields[0] != 0) {
             if ($this->id == ID_UNDEFINED) {
                 //para nuevo
                 $status = $ari->db->qMagic(DELETED);
                 // si el rol con el mismo nombre esta borrado lo activo, sino da instancio un error
                 $sql = "SELECT id FROM {$this->table} WHERE `Name` = {$name} AND Status = {$status} ";
                 $rs2 = $ari->db->Execute($sql);
                 if (!$rs2->EOF) {
                     //asigno el id del el objeto que volvi a activar
                     $this->id = $rs2->fields[0];
                     $id = $ari->db->qMagic($this->id);
                     // $this->status = USED;
                 } else {
                     $ari->error->addError(strtolower($this->class), "DUPLICATE_" . $type);
             } else {
                 $ari->error->addError(strtolower($this->class), "DUPLICATE_" . $type);
     if (!$ari->error->getErrorsfor($this->class)) {
         $name = $ari->db->qMagic($this->name);
         $description = $ari->db->qMagic($this->description);
         $status = $ari->db->qMagic($this->status);
         if ($this->id > ID_MINIMAL) {
             $update = "";
             foreach ($datos as $item) {
                 $item['value'] = $ari->db->qMagic($item['value']);
                 $update .= ",`" . $item['field'] . "` = " . $item['value'];
             // update data
             $sql = "UPDATE {$this->table} \n\t\t\t\t\t   SET `Name` = {$name}, `Description` = {$description},  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t   `Status` = {$status} {$update} WHERE id = {$id}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t   ";
             if (!$ari->db->CompleteTrans()) {
                 throw new OOB_exception("Error en DB: {$ari->db->ErrorMsg()}", "010", "Error en la Base de Datos", false);
             } else {
                 return true;
         } else {
             // insert new and set roleid with new id
             $fields = "";
             $values = "";
             foreach ($datos as $item) {
                 $fields .= ",`" . $item['field'] . "`";
                 $item['value'] = $ari->db->qMagic($item['value']);
                 $values .= "," . $item['value'];
             $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->table} \n\t\t\t\t\t   ( `Name`, `Description`, `Status` {$fields})\n\t\t\t\t\t   VALUES \n\t\t\t\t\t   ( {$name}, {$description}, {$status} {$values})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
             $this->id = $ari->db->Insert_ID();
             if (!$ari->db->CompleteTrans()) {
                 throw new OOB_exception("Error en DB: {$ari->db->ErrorMsg()}", "010", "Error en la Base de Datos", false);
             } else {
                 return true;
     } else {
         // no validan los datos
         return false;