public function testAuthHelperUnsuccessfullWithUnkownError() { $userRcEntries = array(array()); OC_RoundCube_App::$RC_USER_ENTRIES = $userRcEntries; OC_RoundCube_App::$LOGIN_RESULT = false; $params = array("uid" => 'user', "password" => 'password'); $loggedIn = OC_RoundCube_AuthHelper::login($params); $this->assertFalse($loggedIn, 'Should not be logged in'); }
} } } else { if ($param === 'removeHeaderNav') { OCP\Config::setAppValue('roundcube', 'removeHeaderNav', false); } if ($param === 'removeControlNav') { OCP\Config::setAppValue('roundcube', 'removeControlNav', false); } if ($param === 'autoLogin') { OCP\Config::setAppValue('roundcube', 'autoLogin', false); } if ($param === 'enableDebug') { OCP\Config::setAppValue('roundcube', 'enableDebug', false); } if ($param === 'rcNoCronRefresh') { OCP\Config::setAppValue('roundcube', 'rcNoCronRefresh', false); } } } // update login status $username = OCP\User::getUser(); $params = array("uid" => $username); $loginHelper = new OC_RoundCube_AuthHelper(); $loginHelper->login($params); } else { OC_JSON::error(array("data" => array("message" => $l->t("Not submitted for us.")))); return false; } OCP\JSON::success(array('data' => array('message' => $l->t('Application settings successfully stored.')))); return true;
$result = OC_RoundCube_App::cryptEmailIdentity($ocUser, $_POST['rc_mail_username'], $_POST['rc_mail_password'], true); if ($result) { // update login credentials $maildir = OCP\Config::getAppValue('roundcube', 'maildir', ''); $rc_host = OCP\Config::getAppValue('roundcube', 'rcHost', ''); if ($rc_host == '') { $rc_host = OC_Request::serverHost(); } $params= array( "uid" => $_POST['rc_mail_username'], "password" => $_POST['rc_mail_password'], ); // first logout // then login again OC_RoundCube_AuthHelper::logout($params); // then login again OC_RoundCube_AuthHelper::login($params); } else { OC_JSON::error(array("data" => array( "message" => $l->t("Unable to store email credentials in the data-base.") ))); return false; } } else { OC_JSON::error(array("data" => array( "message" => $l->t("Not submitted for us.") ))); return false; } OCP\JSON::success(array('data' => array( 'message' => $l->t('Email-user credentials successfully stored. Please login again to OwnCloud for applying the new settings.') ))); return true;