  * Read the external storages config
  * @return StorageConfig[] map of storage id to storage config
 public function getAllStorages()
     $mountPoints = $this->readLegacyConfig();
      * Here is the how the horribly messy mount point array looks like
      * from the mount.json file:
      * $storageOptions = $mountPoints[$mountType][$applicable][$mountPath]
      * - $mountType is either "user" or "group"
      * - $applicable is the name of a user or group (or the current user for personal mounts)
      * - $mountPath is the mount point path (where the storage must be mounted)
      * - $storageOptions is a map of storage options:
      *     - "priority": storage priority
      *     - "backend": backend identifier
      *     - "class": LEGACY backend class name
      *     - "options": backend-specific options
      *     - "authMechanism": authentication mechanism identifier
      *     - "mountOptions": mount-specific options (ex: disable previews, scanner, etc)
     // group by storage id
     /** @var StorageConfig[] $storages */
     $storages = [];
     // for storages without id (legacy), group by config hash for
     // later processing
     $storagesWithConfigHash = [];
     foreach ($mountPoints as $mountType => $applicables) {
         foreach ($applicables as $applicable => $mountPaths) {
             foreach ($mountPaths as $rootMountPath => $storageOptions) {
                 $currentStorage = null;
                  * Flag whether the config that was read already has an id.
                  * If not, it will use a config hash instead and generate
                  * a proper id later
                  * @var boolean
                 $hasId = false;
                 // the root mount point is in the format "/$user/files/the/mount/point"
                 // we remove the "/$user/files" prefix
                 $parts = explode('/', ltrim($rootMountPath, '/'), 3);
                 if (count($parts) < 3) {
                     // something went wrong, skip
                     \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_external', 'Could not parse mount point "' . $rootMountPath . '"', \OCP\Util::ERROR);
                 $relativeMountPath = rtrim($parts[2], '/');
                 // note: we cannot do this after the loop because the decrypted config
                 // options might be needed for the config hash
                 $storageOptions['options'] = \OC_Mount_Config::decryptPasswords($storageOptions['options']);
                 if (!isset($storageOptions['backend'])) {
                     $storageOptions['backend'] = $storageOptions['class'];
                     // legacy compat
                 if (!isset($storageOptions['authMechanism'])) {
                     $storageOptions['authMechanism'] = null;
                     // ensure config hash works
                 if (isset($storageOptions['id'])) {
                     $configId = (int) $storageOptions['id'];
                     if (isset($storages[$configId])) {
                         $currentStorage = $storages[$configId];
                     $hasId = true;
                 } else {
                     // missing id in legacy config, need to generate
                     // but at this point we don't know the max-id, so use
                     // first group it by config hash
                     $storageOptions['mountpoint'] = $rootMountPath;
                     $configId = \OC_Mount_Config::makeConfigHash($storageOptions);
                     if (isset($storagesWithConfigHash[$configId])) {
                         $currentStorage = $storagesWithConfigHash[$configId];
                 if (is_null($currentStorage)) {
                     // create new
                     $currentStorage = new StorageConfig($configId);
                 try {
                     $this->populateStorageConfigWithLegacyOptions($currentStorage, $mountType, $applicable, $storageOptions);
                     if ($hasId) {
                         $storages[$configId] = $currentStorage;
                     } else {
                         $storagesWithConfigHash[$configId] = $currentStorage;
                 } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
                     // don't die if a storage backend doesn't exist
                     \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_external', 'Could not load storage: "' . $e->getMessage() . '"', \OCP\Util::ERROR);
     // convert parameter values
     foreach ($storages as $storage) {
     return $storages;
Пример #2
  * Read the external storages config
  * @return array map of storage id to storage config
 protected function readConfig()
     $mountPoints = $this->readLegacyConfig();
      * Here is the how the horribly messy mount point array looks like
      * from the mount.json file:
      * $storageOptions = $mountPoints[$mountType][$applicable][$mountPath]
      * - $mountType is either "user" or "group"
      * - $applicable is the name of a user or group (or the current user for personal mounts)
      * - $mountPath is the mount point path (where the storage must be mounted)
      * - $storageOptions is a map of storage options:
      *     - "priority": storage priority
      *     - "backend": backend class name
      *     - "options": backend-specific options
      *     - "mountOptions": mount-specific options (ex: disable previews, scanner, etc)
     // group by storage id
     $storages = [];
     // for storages without id (legacy), group by config hash for
     // later processing
     $storagesWithConfigHash = [];
     foreach ($mountPoints as $mountType => $applicables) {
         foreach ($applicables as $applicable => $mountPaths) {
             foreach ($mountPaths as $rootMountPath => $storageOptions) {
                 $currentStorage = null;
                  * Flag whether the config that was read already has an id.
                  * If not, it will use a config hash instead and generate
                  * a proper id later
                  * @var boolean
                 $hasId = false;
                 // the root mount point is in the format "/$user/files/the/mount/point"
                 // we remove the "/$user/files" prefix
                 $parts = explode('/', trim($rootMountPath, '/'), 3);
                 if (count($parts) < 3) {
                     // something went wrong, skip
                     \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_external', 'Could not parse mount point "' . $rootMountPath . '"', \OCP\Util::ERROR);
                 $relativeMountPath = $parts[2];
                 // note: we cannot do this after the loop because the decrypted config
                 // options might be needed for the config hash
                 $storageOptions['options'] = \OC_Mount_Config::decryptPasswords($storageOptions['options']);
                 if (isset($storageOptions['id'])) {
                     $configId = (int) $storageOptions['id'];
                     if (isset($storages[$configId])) {
                         $currentStorage = $storages[$configId];
                     $hasId = true;
                 } else {
                     // missing id in legacy config, need to generate
                     // but at this point we don't know the max-id, so use
                     // first group it by config hash
                     $storageOptions['mountpoint'] = $rootMountPath;
                     $configId = \OC_Mount_Config::makeConfigHash($storageOptions);
                     if (isset($storagesWithConfigHash[$configId])) {
                         $currentStorage = $storagesWithConfigHash[$configId];
                 if (is_null($currentStorage)) {
                     // create new
                     $currentStorage = new StorageConfig($configId);
                 $this->populateStorageConfigWithLegacyOptions($currentStorage, $mountType, $applicable, $storageOptions);
                 if ($hasId) {
                     $storages[$configId] = $currentStorage;
                 } else {
                     $storagesWithConfigHash[$configId] = $currentStorage;
     // process storages with config hash, they must get a real id
     if (!empty($storagesWithConfigHash)) {
         $nextId = $this->generateNextId($storages);
         foreach ($storagesWithConfigHash as $storage) {
             $storages[$nextId] = $storage;
         // re-save the config with the generated ids
     return $storages;