function find_results_with_tag_like($tag) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*eBook_library WHERE tags LIKE ?'; $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare($sql); $res = $stmt->execute(array($tag)); return $res; }
function import() { switch ($this->appinfo->version) { default: // All versions of the app have had the same db structure, so all can use the same import function $query = $this->content->prepare('SELECT * FROM `calendar_calendars` WHERE `userid` = ?'); $results = $query->execute(array($this->olduid)); $idmap = array(); while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) { // Import each calendar $calendarquery = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*calendar_calendars` (`userid`,`displayname`,`uri`,`ctag`,`calendarorder`,`calendarcolor`,`timezone`,`components`) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'); $calendarquery->execute(array($this->uid, $row['displayname'], $row['uri'], $row['ctag'], $row['calendarorder'], $row['calendarcolor'], $row['timezone'], $row['components'])); // Map the id $idmap[$row['id']] = OCP\DB::insertid('*PREFIX*calendar_calendars'); // Make the calendar active OC_Calendar_Calendar::setCalendarActive($idmap[$row['id']], true); } // Now tags foreach ($idmap as $oldid => $newid) { $query = $this->content->prepare('SELECT * FROM `calendar_objects` WHERE `calendarid` = ?'); $results = $query->execute(array($oldid)); while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) { // Import the objects $objectquery = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*calendar_objects` (`calendarid`,`objecttype`,`startdate`,`enddate`,`repeating`,`summary`,`calendardata`,`uri`,`lastmodified`) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'); $objectquery->execute(array($newid, $row['objecttype'], $row['startdate'], $row['enddate'], $row['repeating'], $row['summary'], $row['calendardata'], $row['uri'], $row['lastmodified'])); } } // All done! break; } return true; }
function import() { switch ($this->appinfo->version) { default: // All versions of the app have had the same db structure, so all can use the same import function $query = $this->content->prepare("SELECT * FROM contacts_addressbooks WHERE userid LIKE ?"); $results = $query->execute(array($this->olduid)); $idmap = array(); while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) { // Import each bookmark, saving its id into the map $query = OCP\DB::prepare("INSERT INTO *PREFIX*contacts_addressbooks (`userid`, `displayname`, `uri`, `description`, `ctag`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); $query->execute(array($this->uid, $row['displayname'], $row['uri'], $row['description'], $row['ctag'])); // Map the id $idmap[$row['id']] = OCP\DB::insertid(); } // Now tags foreach ($idmap as $oldid => $newid) { $query = $this->content->prepare("SELECT * FROM contacts_cards WHERE addressbookid LIKE ?"); $results = $query->execute(array($oldid)); while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) { // Import the tags for this bookmark, using the new bookmark id $query = OCP\DB::prepare("INSERT INTO *PREFIX*contacts_cards (`addressbookid`, `fullname`, `carddata`, `uri`, `lastmodified`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); $query->execute(array($newid, $row['fullname'], $row['carddata'], $row['uri'], $row['lastmodified'])); } } // All done! break; } return true; }
function getShortcode($url) { $shortcode = ''; $query = OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT shortcode FROM *PREFIX*shorten WHERE url=?'); $results = $query->execute(Array($url))->fetchAll(); if ($results) { foreach($results as $result) { $shortcode = $result['shortcode']; } } if ($shortcode == "") { $shortcode = rand_chars(6); $found = true; while ($found) { $query = OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT id FROM *PREFIX*shorten WHERE shortcode=?'); $results = $query->execute(Array($shortcode))->fetchAll(); if (!$results) { $found = false; $uid = \OCP\User::getUser(); $query = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO *PREFIX*shorten (uid, shortcode, url) VALUES (?,?,?)'); $query->execute(Array($uid,$shortcode,$url)); $id = OCP\DB::insertid('*PREFIX*shorten'); } else $shortcode = rand_chars(6); } } return $shortcode; }
function import() { switch ($this->appinfo->version) { default: // All versions of the app have had the same db structure, so all can use the same import function $query = $this->content->prepare("SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE user_id LIKE ?"); $results = $query->execute(array($this->olduid)); $idmap = array(); while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) { // Import each bookmark, saving its id into the map $query = OCP\DB::prepare("INSERT INTO *PREFIX*bookmarks(url, title, user_id, public, added, lastmodified) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); $query->execute(array($row['url'], $row['title'], $this->uid, $row['public'], $row['added'], $row['lastmodified'])); // Map the id $idmap[$row['id']] = OCP\DB::insertid(); } // Now tags foreach ($idmap as $oldid => $newid) { $query = $this->content->prepare("SELECT * FROM bookmarks_tags WHERE bookmark_id LIKE ?"); $results = $query->execute(array($oldid)); while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) { // Import the tags for this bookmark, using the new bookmark id $query = OCP\DB::prepare("INSERT INTO *PREFIX*bookmarks_tags(bookmark_id, tag) VALUES (?, ?)"); $query->execute(array($newid, $row['tag'])); } } // All done! break; } return true; }
function import() { switch ($this->appinfo->version) { default: // All versions of the app have had the same db structure, so all can use the same import function $query = $this->content->prepare('SELECT * FROM `contacts_addressbooks` WHERE `userid` LIKE ?'); $results = $query->execute(array($this->olduid)); $idmap = array(); while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) { // Import each addressbook $addressbookquery = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*contacts_addressbooks` (`userid`, `displayname`, `uri`, `description`, `ctag`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'); $addressbookquery->execute(array($this->uid, $row['displayname'], $row['uri'], $row['description'], $row['ctag'])); // Map the id $idmap[$row['id']] = OCP\DB::insertid('*PREFIX*contacts_addressbooks'); // Make the addressbook active OC_Contacts_Addressbook::setActive($idmap[$row['id']], true); } // Now tags foreach ($idmap as $oldid => $newid) { $query = $this->content->prepare('SELECT * FROM `contacts_cards` WHERE `addressbookid` LIKE ?'); $results = $query->execute(array($oldid)); while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) { // Import the contacts $contactquery = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*contacts_cards` (`addressbookid`, `fullname`, `carddata`, `uri`, `lastmodified`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'); $contactquery->execute(array($newid, $row['fullname'], $row['carddata'], $row['uri'], $row['lastmodified'])); } } // All done! break; } return true; }
public static function scan($id, $path, $storage) { $file = $storage->getLocalFile($path); $result = OC_Files_Antivirus::clamav_scan($file); switch ($result) { case CLAMAV_SCANRESULT_UNCHECKED: \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_antivirus', 'File "' . $path . '" from user "' . $user . '": is not checked', \OCP\Util::ERROR); break; case CLAMAV_SCANRESULT_INFECTED: $infected_action = \OCP\Config::getAppValue('files_antivirus', 'infected_action', 'only_log'); if ($infected_action == 'delete') { \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_antivirus', 'File "' . $path . '" from user "' . $user . '": is infected, file deleted', \OCP\Util::ERROR); unlink($file); } else { \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_antivirus', 'File "' . $path . '" from user "' . $user . '": is infected', \OCP\Util::ERROR); } break; case CLAMAV_SCANRESULT_CLEAN: $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*files_antivirus` (`fileid`, `check_time`) VALUES (?, ?)'); try { $result = $stmt->execute(array($id, time())); if (\OC_DB::isError($result)) { \OC_Log::write('files_antivirus', __METHOD__ . ', DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR); return; } } catch (\Exception $e) { \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_antivirus', __METHOD__ . ', exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR); } break; } }
public static function log($target, $source, $mode) { $query = OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*sharing` WHERE `source` = ? AND `target` = ?'); $info = $query->execute(array($source, $target))->fetchAll(); $info = $info[0]; //var_dump($info); $query = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sharing_log` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)'); $query->execute(array($info['uid_owner'], $source, OCP\User::getUser(), time(), $mode)); //die; }
/** * find the user that can be authenticated with an openid identity */ public static function findUserForIdentity($identity) { $query = OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT `userid` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `appid`=? AND `configkey`=? AND `configvalue`=?'); $result = $query->execute(array('user_openid', 'identity', $identity))->fetchAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { return $result[0]['userid']; } else { return false; } }
function search($query) { $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*gallery_albums` WHERE `uid_owner` = ? AND `album_name` LIKE ?'); $result = $stmt->execute(array(OCP\USER::getUser(), '%' . $query . '%')); $results = array(); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $results[] = new OC_Search_Result($row['album_name'], '', OCP\Util::linkTo('gallery', 'index.php') . '?view=' . $row['album_name'], (string) $l->t('Galleries')); } return $results; }
/** * @brief Finds the last modified date and time of the event * @param Event ID * @return date|boolean (timestamp|false) */ public static function getModifiedTime($eid) { try { $query = OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT `lastmodified` FROM `*PREFIX*clndr_objects` WHERE `id`=?'); $result = $query->execute(array($eid)); $row = $result->fetchRow(); return $row ? $row['lastmodified'] : false; } catch (\Exception $e) { OC_Log::write('collaboration', __METHOD__ . ', Exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), OCP\Util::DEBUG); return false; } }
/** * @brief Fetch the details of the given project * @param Project ID * @return Array|boolean (Details of the project|false) */ public static function readProject($pid) { try { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*collaboration_project` WHERE `pid`=?'; $query = OCP\DB::prepare($sql); $result = $query->execute(array($pid))->fetchAll(); return $result[0]; } catch (\Exception $e) { OC_Log::write('collaboration', __METHOD__ . ', Exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), OCP\Util::DEBUG); return false; } }
/** * @brief chek the login parameters * @param user object $meUser * @param write the basic user data to db * @returns the login data * * This function tries to load the configured login data for roundcube and return it. */ public static function checkLoginData($meUser, $written = 0) { $mailID = self::existLoginData($meUser); if (isset($mailID) && $mailID != '') { $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT id,ocUser,mailUser,mailPass FROM *PREFIX*roundcube WHERE id = {$mailID}"); $result = $stmt->execute(); $row = $result->fetchRow(); return $row; } elseif ($written == 0) { self::writeBasicData($meUser); } }
/** * get the sha256 hash of the password needed for ampache * @param array $params, parameters passed from OC_Hook */ public static function loginListener($params) { if (isset($params['uid']) and $params['password']) { $name = $params['uid']; $query = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT `user_id` from `*PREFIX*media_users` WHERE `user_id` LIKE ?"); $uid = $query->execute(array($name))->fetchAll(); if (count($uid) == 0) { $password = hash('sha256', $_POST['password']); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*media_users` (`user_id`, `user_password_sha256`) VALUES (?, ?);"); $query->execute(array($name, $password)); } } }
function import() { $existingURIs = array(); $existingNames = array(); $query = $this->content->prepare('SELECT `displayname`, `uri` FROM *PREFIX*contacts_addressbooks WHERE userid = ?'); $results = $query->execute(array($this->uid)); while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) { \OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__ . ', row: ' . print_r($row, true), \OCP\Util::DEBUG); $existingURIs[] = $row['uri']; $existingNames[] = $row['displayname']; } switch ($this->appinfo->version) { default: // All versions of the app have had the same db structure, so all can use the same import function $query = $this->content->prepare('SELECT * FROM contacts_addressbooks WHERE userid = ?'); $results = $query->execute(array($this->olduid)); $idmap = array(); while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) { // Import each addressbook $addressbookquery = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*contacts_addressbooks` (`userid`, `displayname`, `uri`, `description`, `ctag`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'); $uriSuffix = ''; $nameSuffix = ''; while (in_array($row['uri'] . $uriSuffix, $existingURIs)) { $uriSuffix++; } while (in_array($row['displayname'] . $nameSuffix, $existingNames)) { $nameSuffix++; } $addressbookquery->execute(array($this->uid, $row['displayname'] . $nameSuffix, $row['uri'] . $uriSuffix, $row['description'], $row['ctag'])); // Map the id $idmap[$row['id']] = OCP\DB::insertid('*PREFIX*contacts_addressbooks'); // Make the addressbook active OCA\Contacts\Addressbook::setActive($idmap[$row['id']], true); } // Now tags foreach ($idmap as $oldid => $newid) { $query = $this->content->prepare('SELECT * FROM contacts_cards WHERE addressbookid = ?'); $results = $query->execute(array($oldid)); while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) { // Import the contacts $contactquery = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*contacts_cards` (`addressbookid`, `fullname`, `carddata`, `uri`, `lastmodified`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'); $contactquery->execute(array($newid, $row['fullname'], $row['carddata'], $row['uri'], $row['lastmodified'])); } } // All done! break; } return true; }
private function getBookmarks() { $filters = OCP\Config::getUserValue($this->user, "ocDashboard", "ocDashboard_bookmarks_tags", ""); // default value doesnt work if empty if (empty($filters)) { $filters = $this->getDefaultValue("tags"); } $filters = explode(',', $filters); $params = array(OCP\USER::getUser()); $sql = "SELECT *, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`tag`) from `*PREFIX*bookmarks_tags` WHERE `bookmark_id` = `b`.`id`) as `tags`\n\t\t\t\tFROM `*PREFIX*bookmarks` `b`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `user_id` = ? "; // filter clause $sql .= " AND\texists (SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*bookmarks_tags`\n\t\t\t`t2` WHERE `t2`.`bookmark_id` = `b`.`id` AND ( `tag` = ? " . str_repeat(' OR `tag` = ? ', count($filters) - 1) . " ) ) "; $params = array_merge($params, $filters); $sql .= " ORDER BY lastmodified DESC "; $query = OCP\DB::prepare($sql); $results = $query->execute($params)->fetchAll(); $this->bookmarks = $results; }
<?php $currentVersion = OC_Appconfig::getValue('search_lucene', 'installed_version'); if (version_compare($currentVersion, '0.5.0', '<')) { //force reindexing of files $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*lucene_status` WHERE 1=1'); $stmt->execute(); //clear old background jobs $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*queuedtasks` WHERE `app`=?'); $stmt->execute(array('search_lucene')); }
public static function changePath($oldAlbumId, $newAlbumId, $oldpath, $newpath) { $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare("UPDATE *PREFIX*gallery_photos SET file_path = ?, album_id = ? WHERE album_id = ? and file_path = ?"); $stmt->execute(array($newpath, $newAlbumId, $oldAlbumId, $oldpath)); }
{ // first remove any entries already marked as 'deleted' $query = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_REMOVE ); $result = $query->execute(array(':user'=>OCP\User::getUser())); // now comes the real list selection // define ('PAGE_SIZE', 100); // $p_offset = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'page', OC_Shorty_Type::INTEGER, FALSE) * PAGE_SIZE; // pre-sort list according to user preferences $p_sort = OC_Shorty_Type::$SORTING[OCP\Config::getUserValue(OCP\User::getUser(),'shorty','list-sort-code','cd')]; $param = array ( ':user' => OCP\User::getUser ( ), ':sort' => $p_sort, // ':offset' => $p_offset, // ':limit' => PAGE_SIZE, ); $query = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_LIST ); $result = $query->execute($param); $reply = $result->fetchAll(); foreach (array_keys($reply) as $key) { if (isset($reply[$key]['id'])) { // enhance all entries with the relay url $reply[$key]['relay']=OC_Shorty_Tools::relayUrl ( $reply[$key]['id'] ); // make sure there is _any_ favicon contained, otherwise layout in MS-IE browser is broken... if (empty($reply[$key]['favicon'])) $reply[$key]['favicon'] = OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'blank.png'); } } // foreach // swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control ( FALSE );
/** * Get data by users for monthly evolution * * @param $user The * user * @return Array */ private static function getDataByUserToHistoChart($user) { $months = array(date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 11)), date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 10)), date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 9)), date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 8)), date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 7)), date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 6)), date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 5)), date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 4)), date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 3)), date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 2)), date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 1)), date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m')))); $return = array(); foreach ($months as $km => $month) { $query = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT AVG(stc_used) as stc_used FROM *PREFIX*storagecharts2 WHERE oc_uid = ? AND stc_month = ?"); $result = $query->execute(array($user, $month))->fetchAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { $return[] = $result[0]['stc_used']; } else { $return[] = 0; } } $last = 0; foreach ($return as $key => $value) { if ($value == 0) { $return[$key] = $last; } $last = $return[$key]; } return $return; }
public static function removeFromGroupShare($arguments) { $query = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE uid_shared_with = ?'); $query->execute(array($arguments['uid'] . '@' . $arguments['gid'])); self::updateFolder($arguments['uid']); }
<?php $installedVersion = \OC::$server->getConfig()->getAppValue('files_antivirus', 'installed_version'); if (version_compare($installedVersion, '0.6', '<')) { $query = OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*files_antivirus` GROUP BY `fileid` HAVING COUNT(*) > 1'); $result = $query->execute(); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $deleteQuery = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*files_antivirus` WHERE `fileid` = ?', $row['count'] - 1); $deleteQuery->execute(array($row['fileid'])); } } if (version_compare($installedVersion, '0.6.1', '<') && version_compare($installedVersion, '0.5', '>=')) { $alterQuery = OCP\DB::prepare('ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*files_antivirus_status` RENAME TO `*PREFIX*files_avir_status`'); $alterQuery->execute(); }
/** * Use the pulic key of the respective user to encrypt the given * email identity and store it in the data-base. * * @param owncloud $ocUser * @param roundcube $emailUser * @param roundcube $emailPassword * @param * set to false if don't want to persist/read data to db $persist * @return The IMAP credentials.|unknown */ public static function cryptEmailIdentity($ocUser, $emailUser, $emailPassword, $persist = true) { OCP\Util::writeLog('roundcube', 'OC_RoundCube_App.class.php->cryptEmailIdentity(): Updating roundcube profile for ' . $ocUser . ' (mail user: '******')', OCP\Util::DEBUG); $pubKey = self::getPublicKey($ocUser); if ($pubKey === false) { OCP\Util::writeLog('roundcube', 'Found no valid public key for user ' . $ocUser . ' (mail user: '******')', OCP\Util::ERROR); return false; } OCP\Util::writeLog('roundcube', 'Found valid public key for user ' . $ocUser . ': ' . $pubKey . ')', OCP\Util::DEBUG); if ($persist) { $mail_userdata_entries = self::checkLoginData($ocUser); $mail_userdata = $mail_userdata_entries[0]; if ($mail_userdata_entries === false) { OCP\Util::writeLog('roundcube', 'OC_RoundCube_App.class.php->cryptEmailIdentity(): Found no valid mail login data ', OCP\Util::ERROR); return false; } else { OCP\Util::writeLog('roundcube', 'OC_RoundCube_App.class.php->cryptEmailIdentity(): Found valid mail login data for user ' . $ocUser . ' (mail user: '******')', OCP\Util::INFO); } } $mail_username = self::cryptMyEntry($emailUser, $pubKey); $mail_password = self::cryptMyEntry($emailPassword, $pubKey); if ($mail_username === false || $mail_password === false) { OCP\Util::writeLog('roundcube', 'Encryption error for user ' . $ocUser, OCP\Util::ERROR); return false; } if ($persist) { OCP\Util::writeLog('roundcube', 'Updating roundcube user data (' . $emailUser . ')for oc user ' . $ocUser, OCP\Util::INFO); $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare("UPDATE *PREFIX*roundcube SET mail_user = ?, mail_password = ? WHERE oc_user = ?"); $result = $stmt->execute(array($mail_username, $mail_password, $ocUser)); OCP\Util::writeLog('roundcube', 'Done updating roundcube login data for user ' . $ocUser . ' (mail user: '******')' . $ocUser, OCP\Util::INFO); } else { $result = array('mail_user' => $mail_username, 'mail_password' => $mail_password); } return $result; }
<?php $currentVersion = OC_Appconfig::getValue('gallery', 'installed_version'); if (version_compare($currentVersion, '0.5.0', '<')) { $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `*PREFIX*gallery_photos`'); $stmt->execute(); $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `*PREFIX*gallery_albums`'); $stmt->execute(); \OC_DB::createDbFromStructure(OC_App::getAppPath($appid) . '/appinfo/database.xml'); }
public static function changePath($oldAlbumId, $newAlbumId, $oldpath, $newpath) { $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*gallery_photos` SET `file_path` = ?, `album_id` = ? WHERE `album_id` = ? AND `file_path` = ?'); $stmt->execute(array($newpath, $newAlbumId, $oldAlbumId, $oldpath)); }
public static function moveToCalendar($id, $calendarid) { $calendar = OC_Calendar_Calendar::find($calendarid); if ($calendar['userid'] != OCP\User::getUser()) { $sharedCalendar = OCP\Share::getItemSharedWithBySource('calendar', $calendarid); if (!$sharedCalendar || !($sharedCalendar['permissions'] & OCP\PERMISSION_DELETE)) { throw new Exception(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n->t('You do not have the permissions to add events to this calendar.')); } } $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*clndr_objects` SET `calendarid`=? WHERE `id`=?'); $stmt->execute(array($calendarid, $id)); OC_Calendar_Calendar::touchCalendar($calendarid); OCP\Util::emitHook('OC_Calendar', 'moveEvent', $id); return true; }
/** * @brief removes a calendar * @param integer $id * @return boolean */ public static function deleteCalendar($id) { $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM *PREFIX*calendar_calendars WHERE id = ?'); $stmt->execute(array($id)); $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM *PREFIX*calendar_objects WHERE calendarid = ?'); $stmt->execute(array($id)); return true; }
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*contacts_addressbooks` SET `active`=0'); $result = $stmt->execute(array()); // Then get all the active address books. $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT `userid`,`configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `appid`=\'contacts\' AND `configkey`=\'openaddressbooks\''); $result = $stmt->execute(array()); // Prepare statement for updating the new 'active' field. $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*contacts_addressbooks` SET `active`=? WHERE `id`=? AND `userid`=?'); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $ids = explode(';', $row['configvalue']); foreach ($ids as $id) { $r = $stmt->execute(array(1, $id, $row['userid'])); } } // Remove the old preferences. $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `appid`=\'contacts\' AND `configkey`=\'openaddressbooks\''); $result = $stmt->execute(array()); } if (version_compare($installedVersion, '', '==')) { // Rebuild this while we can $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*contacts_ocu_cards`'); $result = $stmt->execute(array()); $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*contacts_ocu_cards_properties`'); $result = $stmt->execute(array()); } if (version_compare($installedVersion, '', '<')) { $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*contacts_cards_properties` WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT NULL FROM `*PREFIX*contacts_cards` WHERE `*PREFIX*contacts_cards`.id = `*PREFIX*contacts_cards_properties`.contactid)'); $result = $stmt->execute(array()); }
/** * @brief Move card(s) to an address book * @param integer $aid Address book id * @param $id Array or integer of cards to be moved. * @return boolean * */ public static function moveToAddressBook($aid, $id) { OC_Contacts_App::getAddressbook($aid); // check for user ownership. if (is_array($id)) { $id_sql = join(',', array_fill(0, count($id), '?')); $prep = 'UPDATE *PREFIX*contacts_cards SET addressbookid = ? WHERE id IN (' . $id_sql . ')'; try { $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare($prep); //$aid = array($aid); $vals = array_merge((array) $aid, $id); $result = $stmt->execute($vals); } catch (Exception $e) { OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', 'OC_Contacts_VCard::moveToAddressBook:, exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), OCP\Util::DEBUG); OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', 'OC_Contacts_VCard::moveToAddressBook, ids: ' . join(',', $vals), OCP\Util::DEBUG); OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', 'SQL:' . $prep, OCP\Util::DEBUG); return false; } } else { try { $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('UPDATE *PREFIX*contacts_cards SET addressbookid = ? WHERE id = ?'); $result = $stmt->execute(array($aid, $id)); } catch (Exception $e) { OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', 'OC_Contacts_VCard::moveToAddressBook:, exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), OCP\Util::DEBUG); OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', 'OC_Contacts_VCard::moveToAddressBook, id: ' . $id, OCP\Util::DEBUG); return false; } } OC_Contacts_Addressbook::touch($aid); return true; }
case 'id': case 'shorty': // this looks like the request refers to a Shortys ID, lets see if we know that one $id = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument($key,OC_Shorty_Type::ID,FALSE); $param = array ( ':id' => OC_Shorty_Type::normalize($id,OC_Shorty_Type::ID) ); $query = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_BY_ID ); break 2; // skip switch AND foreach, we have all details we need... case 'url': case 'uri': case 'ref': case 'source': case 'target': // this looks like the request refers to a full url, lets see if we know that one as a Shortys source $source = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument($key,OC_Shorty_Type::URL,FALSE); $param = array ( ':source' => OC_Shorty_Type::normalize($source,OC_Shorty_Type::URL) ); $query = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_BY_SOURCE ); break 2; // skip switch AND foreach, we have all details we need... } // switch } // foreach // generate qrcode for the specified id/url, IF it exists and has not expired in the database try { if ( $query ) { $result = $query->execute($param)->FetchAll(); if ( FALSE===$result ) throw new OC_Shorty_HttpException ( 500 ); elseif ( ! is_array($result) ) throw new OC_Shorty_HttpException ( 500 ); elseif ( 0==sizeof($result) )