public function get($options) { $url = $options['url']; $limit = array_key_exists('limit', $options) ? NumberHelper::makeNumeric($options['limit']) : null; $offset = array_key_exists('offset', $options) ? NumberHelper::makeNumeric($options['offset']) : 0; // Check to see if the response is cached $cachedResponse = craft()->fileCache->get($url); if ($cachedResponse) { return $cachedResponse; } try { $client = new \Guzzle\Http\Client(); $request = $client->get($url); $response = $request->send(); if (!$response->isSuccessful()) { return; } $items = $response->json(); // Cache the response craft()->fileCache->set($url, $items); // Apply the limit and offset $items = array_slice($items, $offset, $limit); return $items; } catch (\Exception $e) { return; } }
public function __construct($View = null, $settings = array()) { $settings = Set::merge(array('engine' => 'Tools.NumberLib'), $settings); parent::__construct($View, $settings); /* $i18n = Configure::read('Currency'); if (!empty($i18n['code'])) { $this->code = $i18n['code']; } if (!empty($i18n['places'])) { $this->places = $i18n['places']; } if (!empty($i18n['symbolRight'])) { $this->symbolRight = $i18n['symbolRight']; } if (!empty($i18n['symbolLeft'])) { $this->symbolLeft = $i18n['symbolLeft']; } if (isset($i18n['decimals'])) { $this->decimalPoint = $i18n['decimals']; } if (isset($i18n['thousands'])) { $this->thousandsPoint = $i18n['thousands']; } */ }
function test_numeric() { $ret = NumberHelper::numeric(10); self::assertTrue(is_int($ret) and $ret == 10); $ret = NumberHelper::numeric(10.55, 'float'); self::assertTrue(is_float($ret) and $ret == 10.55); $ret = NumberHelper::numeric('bidon'); self::assertTrue(is_int($ret) and $ret == 0); }
/** * @param string $url * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @param null $cacheDuration * * @return array */ public function getFeedItems($url, $limit = 0, $offset = 0, $cacheDuration = null) { $limit = NumberHelper::makeNumeric($limit); $offset = NumberHelper::makeNumeric($offset); $items = craft()->feeds->getFeedItems($url, $limit, $offset, $cacheDuration); // Prevent everyone from having to use the |raw filter when outputting the title and content $rawProperties = array('title', 'content', 'summary'); foreach ($items as &$item) { foreach ($rawProperties as $prop) { $item[$prop] = TemplateHelper::getRaw($item[$prop]); } } return $items; }
function get_trend_parameters($total_visit, $nbr_day, $yesterday_visit, $today_visit) { $average = $total_visit / $nbr_day; if (!$yesterday_visit && $nbr_day == 1) { $trend = 100; } elseif ($today_visit > $average) { $trend = NumberHelper::round($today_visit * 100 / $average, 1) - 100; } elseif ($today_visit < $average) { $trend = 100 - NumberHelper::round($today_visit * 100 / $average, 1); } else { $trend = 0; } $sign = $today_visit < $average ? '-' : '+'; return array('average' => NumberHelper::round($average, 1), 'trend' => $trend, 'sign' => $sign, 'picture' => $trend != 0 ? $sign == '+' ? 'up' : 'down' : ''); }
/** * @return array */ public function getFeedItems($url, $limit = 0, $offset = 0) { $limit = NumberHelper::makeNumeric($limit); $offset = NumberHelper::makeNumeric($offset); $items = craft()->feeds->getFeedItems($url, $limit, $offset); // Prevent everyone from having to use the |raw filter when outputting the title and content $rawProperties = array('title', 'content', 'summary'); $charset = craft()->templates->getTwig()->getCharset(); foreach ($items as &$item) { foreach ($rawProperties as $prop) { $item[$prop] = new \Twig_Markup($item[$prop], $charset); } } return $items; }
public function get_menu_content() { global $LANG; $poll_config = PollConfig::load(); $config_cookie_name = $poll_config->get_cookie_name(); $polls = PollMiniMenuCache::load()->get_polls(); //Chargement de la langue du module. load_module_lang('poll'); $rand = array_rand($polls); $poll_mini = $polls[$rand]; //Sondage aléatoire. $tpl = new FileTemplate('poll/poll_mini.tpl'); #####################Résultats###################### //Si le cookie existe, on redirige vers les resulats, sinon on prend en compte le vote (vérification par ip plus tard). $array_cookie = array(); if (AppContext::get_request()->has_cookieparameter($config_cookie_name)) { $array_cookie = explode('/', AppContext::get_request()->get_cookie($config_cookie_name)); } if (in_array($poll_mini['id'], $array_cookie)) { $tpl->put_all(array('L_VOTE' => $poll_mini['total'] > 1 ? $LANG['poll_vote_s'] : $LANG['poll_vote'])); $tpl->assign_block_vars('result', array('QUESTION' => $poll_mini['question'], 'VOTES' => $poll_mini['total'])); foreach ($poll_mini['votes'] as $answer => $width) { $tpl->assign_block_vars('result.answers', array('ANSWERS' => $answer, 'WIDTH' => NumberHelper::round($width, 0), 'PERCENT' => $width)); } } else { #####################Questions###################### $tpl->put_all(array('L_MINI_POLL' => $LANG['mini_poll'], 'L_VOTE' => $LANG['poll_vote'], 'L_POLL_RESULT' => $LANG['poll_result'], 'U_POLL_RESULT' => url('.php?id=' . $poll_mini['id'] . '&r=1', '-' . $poll_mini['id'] . '-1.php'))); $tpl->assign_block_vars('question', array('ID' => url('.php?id=' . $poll_mini['id'], '-' . $poll_mini['id'] . '.php'), 'QUESTION' => $poll_mini['question'])); $z = 0; if ($poll_mini['type'] == '1') { if (is_array($poll_mini['votes'])) { // FIXME should always be an array, needs to patch cache generation foreach ($poll_mini['votes'] as $answer => $width) { $tpl->assign_block_vars('', array('NAME' => $z, 'ANSWERS' => $answer)); $z++; } } } elseif ($poll_mini['type'] == '0') { foreach ($poll_mini['votes'] as $answer => $width) { $tpl->assign_block_vars('question.checkbox', array('NAME' => $z, 'ANSWERS' => $answer)); $z++; } } } return $tpl->render(); }
/** * Changes sign position based on language * @param float $number * @param string $currency * @param array $options * @return string */ public function currency($number, $currency = 'USD', $options = array()) { // Every total and price and stored in cents in DB $number = round(intval($number) / 100, 2); if (Configure::read('Config.language') == 'fr') { $options['wholePosition'] = 'after'; $options['decimals'] = ','; } $options['fractionSymbol'] = '¢'; $indicator = sprintf('<i class="currency">%s</i>', Configure::read('Config.language') == 'fr' ? 'CA' : 'C'); $result = parent::currency($number, $currency, $options); if (Configure::read('Config.language') == 'fr') { return $result . ' ' . $indicator; } else { return $indicator . ' ' . $result; } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function synchronize() { $this->polls = array(); $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select("SELECT id, question, votes, answers, type\n\t\tFROM " . PollSetup::$poll_table . "\n\t\tWHERE archive = 0 AND visible = 1 AND id IN :ids_list", array('ids_list' => PollConfig::load()->get_displayed_in_mini_module_list())); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $row['question'] = stripslashes($row['question']); $row['answers'] = explode('|', $row['answers']); $row['votes'] = explode('|', $row['votes']); $number_votes = array_sum($row['votes']) ? array_sum($row['votes']) : 1; $array_votes = array_combine($row['answers'], $row['votes']); foreach ($array_votes as $answer => $nbrvote) { $array_votes[$answer] = NumberHelper::round($nbrvote * 100 / $number_votes, 1); } $row['votes'] = $array_votes; $row['total'] = $number_votes; $this->polls[$row['id']] = $row; } $result->dispose(); }
private function build_form() { $extensions = $this->get_extensions_list(); $form = new HTMLForm(__CLASS__); $fieldset = new FormFieldsetHTML('files-config', LangLoader::get_message('files_config', 'main')); $form->add_fieldset($fieldset); $auth_settings = new AuthorizationsSettings(array(new ActionAuthorization($this->lang['auth_files'], FileUploadConfig::AUTH_FILES_BIT))); $auth_settings->build_from_auth_array($this->file_upload_config->get_authorization_enable_interface_files()); $auth_setter = new FormFieldAuthorizationsSetter('authorizations', $auth_settings); $fieldset->add_field($auth_setter); $fieldset->add_field(new FormFieldDecimalNumberEditor('size_limit', $this->lang['size_limit'], NumberHelper::round($this->file_upload_config->get_maximum_size_upload() / 1024, 2), array('min' => 0, 'step' => 0.05, 'description' => $this->lang['size_limit_explain'], 'required' => true))); $fieldset->add_field(new FormFieldCheckbox('bandwidth_protect', $this->lang['bandwidth_protect'], $this->file_upload_config->get_enable_bandwidth_protect(), array('description' => $this->lang['bandwidth_protect_explain']))); $fieldset->add_field(new FormFieldMultipleSelectChoice('authorized_extensions', $this->lang['auth_extensions'], $this->file_upload_config->get_authorized_extensions(), $extensions['authorized_extensions_select'], array('size' => 12))); $fieldset->add_field(new FormFieldTextEditor('extend_extensions', $this->lang['extend_extensions'], $extensions['extend_extensions'], array('description' => $this->lang['extend_extensions_explain']))); $this->submit_button = new FormButtonDefaultSubmit(); $form->add_button($this->submit_button); $form->add_button(new FormButtonReset()); $this->form = $form; }
/** * Alternative number_format() to accommodate multibyte decimals and thousands < PHP 5.4 * * @param float $number * @param integer $places * @param string $decimals * @param string $thousands * @return string */ protected static function _numberFormat($number, $places = 0, $decimals = '.', $thousands = ',') { if (!isset(self::$_numberFormatSupport)) { self::$_numberFormatSupport = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>='); } if (self::$_numberFormatSupport) { return number_format($number, $places, $decimals, $thousands); } $number = number_format($number, $places, '.', ''); $after = ''; $foundDecimal = strpos($number, '.'); if ($foundDecimal !== false) { $after = substr($number, $foundDecimal); $number = substr($number, 0, $foundDecimal); } while (($foundThousand = preg_replace('/(\\d+)(\\d\\d\\d)/', '\\1 \\2', $number)) != $number) { $number = $foundThousand; } $number .= $after; return strtr($number, array(' ' => $thousands, '.' => $decimals)); }
public function get_search_request($args) { $weight = isset($args['weight']) && is_numeric($args['weight']) ? $args['weight'] : 1; $search = $args['search']; $idcat = !empty($args['ForumIdcat']) ? NumberHelper::numeric($args['ForumIdcat']) : -1; $time = (!empty($args['ForumTime']) ? NumberHelper::numeric($args['ForumTime']) : 30000) * 3600 * 24; $where = !empty($args['ForumWhere']) ? TextHelper::strprotect($args['ForumWhere']) : 'all'; require_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/forum/forum_defines.php'; $authorized_categories = ForumService::get_authorized_categories(Category::ROOT_CATEGORY); if ($where == 'all') { // All return "SELECT " . $args['id_search'] . " AS `id_search`,\n\t\t\t\tMIN( AS `id_content`,\n\t\t\t\tt.title AS `title`,\n\t\t\t\tMAX(( 2 * FT_SEARCH_RELEVANCE(t.title, '" . $search . "') + FT_SEARCH_RELEVANCE(msg.contents, '" . $search . "') ) / 3) * " . $weight . " AS `relevance`,\n\t\t\t\tCONCAT('" . PATH_TO_ROOT . "/forum/topic.php?id=',, '#m', AS `link`\n\t\t\tFROM " . PREFIX . "forum_msg msg\n\t\t\tJOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_topics t ON = msg.idtopic\n\t\t\tJOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_cats c ON c.id_parent != 0 AND = t.idcat\n\t\t\tWHERE ( FT_SEARCH(t.title, '" . $search . "') OR FT_SEARCH(msg.contents, '" . $search . "') ) AND msg.timestamp > '" . (time() - $time) . "'\n\t\t\t" . ($idcat > 0 ? " AND = " . $idcat : '') . " AND IN (" . implode(',', $authorized_categories) . ")\n\t\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\t\tORDER BY relevance DESC\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . FORUM_MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS; } if ($where == 'contents') { // Contents return "SELECT " . $args['id_search'] . " AS `id_search`,\n\t\t\t\tMIN( AS `id_content`,\n\t\t\t\tt.title AS `title`,\n\t\t\t\tMAX(FT_SEARCH_RELEVANCE(msg.contents, '" . $search . "')) * " . $weight . " AS `relevance`,\n\t\t\t\tCONCAT('" . PATH_TO_ROOT . "/forum/topic.php?id=',, '#m', AS `link`\n\t\t\tFROM " . PREFIX . "forum_msg msg\n\t\t\tJOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_topics t ON = msg.idtopic\n\t\t\tJOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_cats c ON c.id_parent != 0 AND = t.idcat\n\t\t\tWHERE FT_SEARCH(msg.contents, '" . $search . "') AND msg.timestamp > '" . (time() - $time) . "'\n\t\t\t" . ($idcat > 0 ? " AND = " . $idcat : '') . " AND IN (" . implode(',', $authorized_categories) . ")\n\t\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . FORUM_MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS; } else { // Title only return "SELECT " . $args['id_search'] . " AS `id_search`,\n\t\t\t\ AS `id_content`,\n\t\t\t\tt.title AS `title`,\n\t\t\t\tFT_SEARCH_RELEVANCE(t.title, '" . $search . "') * " . $weight . " AS `relevance`,\n\t\t\t\tCONCAT('" . PATH_TO_ROOT . "/forum/topic.php?id=',, '#m', AS `link`\n\t\t\tFROM " . PREFIX . "forum_msg msg\n\t\t\tJOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_topics t ON = msg.idtopic\n\t\t\tJOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_cats c ON c.id_parent != 0 AND = t.idcat\n\t\t\tWHERE FT_SEARCH(t.title, '" . $search . "') AND msg.timestamp > '" . (time() - $time) . "'\n\t\t\t" . ($idcat > 0 ? " AND = " . $idcat : '') . " AND IN (" . implode(',', $authorized_categories) . ")\n\t\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . FORUM_MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS; } }
private function compute_nb_items_per_page() { if (isset($this->parameters['items'])) { $items_per_page = $this->parameters['items']; if (is_numeric($items_per_page)) { $items_per_page = NumberHelper::numeric($items_per_page); if (is_int($items_per_page) && $items_per_page > 0) { $this->nb_items_per_page = $items_per_page; } } } }
$start_timestamp = 0; $end_timestamp = 0; } else { $visible = 0; $start_timestamp = 0; $end_timestamp = 0; } $date = new Date($current_date); $timestamp = $date->get_timestamp(); if ($timestamp > 0) { $timestamp += $hour * 3600 + $min * 60; } else { //Ajout des heures et minutes $timestamp = time(); } $poll_type = NumberHelper::numeric($poll_type); $answers = ''; $votes = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) { if ($request->has_postparameter('a' . $i)) { if (!empty(retrieve(POST, 'a' . $i, ''))) { $answers .= str_replace('|', '', retrieve(POST, 'a' . $i, '')) . '|'; $votes .= str_replace('|', '', retrieve(POST, 'v' . $i, 0)) . '|'; } } } PersistenceContext::get_querier()->insert(PREFIX . "poll", array('question' => $question, 'answers' => substr($answers, 0, strlen($answers) - 1), 'votes' => substr($votes, 0, strlen($votes) - 1), 'type' => $type, 'archive' => $archive, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'visible' => $visible, 'start' => $start_timestamp, 'end' => $start_timestamp, 'user_id' => AppContext::get_current_user()->get_id())); AppContext::get_response()->redirect('/poll/admin_poll.php'); } else { AppContext::get_response()->redirect('/poll/admin_poll_add.php?error=incomplete#message_helper'); }
function number_to_human_size($size, $precision = 1) { return NumberHelper::number_to_human_size($size, $precision = 1); }
function ValidateAdd() { App::import('Helper', 'Number'); $Number = new NumberHelper(); $this->validate = array('title' => array('maxLength' => array('rule' => array('maxLength', 255), 'message' => "Title {$this->name} is too long, please insert less than or equals 255 character."), 'minLength' => array('rule' => array('minLength', 3), 'message' => "Title {$this->name} name is too short, please insert greater than or equals 3 character."), 'notEmpty' => array('rule' => "notEmpty", 'message' => "Please insert {$this->name} title.")), 'description' => array('notEmpty' => array('rule' => "notEmpty", 'message' => "Please insert {$this->name} description.")), 'images' => array('imagewidth' => array('rule' => array('imagewidth', 666), 'message' => 'Please upload image with minimum width is 666px'), 'size' => array('rule' => array('size', 5242880), 'message' => 'Your image size is too big, please upload less than ' . $Number->toReadableSize(5242880) . '.'), 'extension' => array('rule' => array('validateName', array('gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png')), 'message' => 'Only (*.gif,*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.png) are allowed.'), 'notEmptyImage' => array('rule' => "notEmptyImage", 'message' => 'Please upload {$this->name} images.'))); }
$calendar_type = !empty($date) ? 'timestamp' : 'date'; $field = !empty($field) ? trim($field) : 'calendar'; $date_lang = LangLoader::get('date-common'); $tpl = new FileTemplate('framework/util/mini_calendar_response.tpl'); $tpl->add_lang($date_lang); //Type date. if ($calendar_type == 'date') { $now = new Date(); $year = $request->get_getint('y', $now->get_year()); $month = $request->get_getint('m', $now->get_month()); $day = $request->get_getint('d', $now->get_day()); $input_date = !empty($input_date) ? trim($input_date) : $day . '/' . $month . '/' . $year; $selected = explode('/', $input_date); $selected_day = NumberHelper::numeric($selected[0]); $selected_month = NumberHelper::numeric($selected[1]); $selected_year = NumberHelper::numeric($selected[2]); if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { list($year, $month, $day) = array(date('Y'), date('n'), date('j')); } $bissextile = date("L", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year)) == 1 ? 29 : 28; $array_month = array(31, $bissextile, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); $array_l_month = array($date_lang['january'], $date_lang['february'], $date_lang['march'], $date_lang['april'], $date_lang['may'], $date_lang['june'], $date_lang['july'], $date_lang['august'], $date_lang['september'], $date_lang['october'], $date_lang['november'], $date_lang['december']); $month_day = $array_month[$month - 1]; $tpl->put_all(array('FIELD' => $field, 'INPUT_FIELD' => $input_field, 'CALENDAR_NUMBER' => $calendar_number, 'MONTH' => $month, 'YEAR' => $year, 'PREVIOUS_YEAR' => $month == 1 ? $year - 1 : $year, 'PREVIOUS_MONTH' => $month == 1 ? 12 : $month - 1, 'NEXT_YEAR' => $month == 12 ? $year + 1 : $year, 'NEXT_MONTH' => $month == 12 ? 1 : $month + 1)); //Génération des select. for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $selected = $month == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $tpl->assign_block_vars('month', array('MONTH' => '<option value="' . $i . '" ' . $selected . '>' . TextHelper::htmlentities($array_l_month[$i - 1]) . '</option>')); } for ($i = 1900; $i <= 2037; $i++) { $selected = $year == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
function view($id = null) { //$this->layout = 'map_only'; //$this->Property->recursive = 1; $property = $this->Property->read(null, $id); if (empty($property)) { /* $this->Session->setFlash('Invalid Property Id'); $this->redirect('index'); */ // $this->cakeError('error404',array(array('url'=> $this->params['url']['url']))); } else { App::import('Helper', 'Text'); App::import('Helper', 'Number'); $text = new TextHelper(); $number = new NumberHelper(); $city = $this->City->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => array($property['Property']['City'])))); //debug($city); // image setup // primary image // load agent record for extra data $this->MemberAgent->recursive = -1; $agent = $this->MemberAgent->find('first', array('conditions' => array('MemberAgent.Agent_Email_Address' => $property['Property']['Agent_Email_Address']), 'fields' => 'MemberAgent.Agent_License')); $property['Property']['Agent_License'] = $agent['MemberAgent']['Agent_License']; $co_agent = $this->MemberAgent->find('first', array('conditions' => array('MemberAgent.Agent_Email_Address' => $property['Property']['Co_Agent_Email_Address']), 'fields' => 'MemberAgent.Agent_License')); $property['Property']['Co_Agent_License'] = $co_agent['MemberAgent']['Agent_License']; /* debug($agent); */ if (!empty($property['Property']['Primary_Picture_Url'])) { // main image exists $image_attributes = null; // first try to get image attributes from local cache $cached_image = WWW_ROOT . 'img_cache_fullsize/' . md5(base64_encode($property['Property']['Primary_Picture_Url'])); if (is_file($cached_image)) { $image_size = @getimagesize($cached_image); } else { // otherwise try to get image size from remote site $image_size = @getimagesize($property['Property']['Primary_Picture_Url']); } if (!empty($image_size)) { $image_attributes = array('height' => $image_size[1], 'width' => $image_size[0], 'alt' => 'Primary Image', 'title' => 'Primary Image'); } else { $image_attributes = null; } $primary_image['source'] = $property['Property']['Primary_Picture_Url']; //$primary_image['source'] = '/listings/fullsize_image/'.base64_encode($property['Property']['Primary_Picture_Url']); $primary_image['attributes'] = $image_attributes; } else { // main images does not exist $primary_image['source'] = $html->image('/img/mls-no-image.gif'); // the "no image" thumb $primary_image['attributes'] = array('height' => 90, 'width' => 125); } // find any secondary images // $secondary_images = $this->_extra_images($property['Property']['Primary_Picture_Url'], $property['Property']['ML_Number_Display']); // $secondary_images = $this->_extra_images($property['Property']['ML_Number_Display'], $property['Property']['Pictures_Count']); $secondary_images = $property['Property']['Pictures_Count']; // finished image setup $neighbors = $this->Property->find('neighbors', array('fields' => array('Property.ML_Number_Display'))); // get most recent DB update time $db_updated = $this->UpdateLog->find('all', array('order' => 'modified DESC', 'limit' => 1, 'fields' => 'modified')); /* $allowed_fields = array( // add all the fields we want to show here 'Search_Price_Display', 'Street_Full_Address', 'County', 'Bedrooms', 'Bathrooms_Display', 'ML_Number_Display', 'Acres', 'City', 'State', 'Street_Name', 'Street_Number', 'Street_Suffix', 'Zip_Code', 'Agent_Email_Address', 'Agent_Name', 'Bathrooms_Display', 'Bedrooms', 'County', 'Cross_Street', 'Full_Bathrooms', 'Half_Bathrooms', 'RESI_HOA_Code', 'RESI_HOA_Amount', 'RESI_HOA_Desc', 'Property_Agent_Email', 'Lot_Size_-_Sq_Ft', 'Lot_Size_-_Acres', 'Lot_Size_Source', 'Marketing_Remarks', 'Office_Broker_ID', 'Office_Full_Name_and_Phones', 'Office_Long_Name', 'Office_Short_Name', 'Office_Phone_1', 'Property_Subtype_1_Display', 'Property_Type', 'Search_Price_Display', 'Square_Footage', 'Status', 'Street_Direction', 'Street_Full_Address', 'Total_Bathrooms', 'RESI_Total_Rooms', 'Virtual_Tour_URL', 'Year_Built', 'Agent_Nickname', 'Lot_Size', 'MLS', 'RESI_Unit_Blk_Lot', 'Transaction_Type', 'RESI_Senior_Code', 'RESI_Senior_Desc', 'Property_Date', 'RESI_On_Market_Date', 'Agent_Phones', 'Agent_Phone_1', 'Reciprocal_Member_Name', 'Reciprocal_Member_Phone', 'Reciprocal_Office_Name', 'Co_Agent_Email_Address', 'Co_Agent_Fax_Phone', 'Co_Agent_Full_Name', 'Co_Agent_Phone_Type_1', 'Co_Agent_Web_Page_Address', 'Co_Office_Full_Name_and_Phones', 'RESI_2nd_Unit_on_Lot_Code', 'RESI_2nd_Unit_on_Lot_Desc', 'Property_Type', 'Agent_Web_Page_Address' ); */ $item = $property['Property']; // co-listing agent info cleanup if (stristr($item['Co_Agent_Full_Name'], '(ID:')) { $item['Co_Agent_Full_Name'] = explode('(ID:', $item['Co_Agent_Full_Name']); $item['Co_Agent_Full_Name'] = $item['Co_Agent_Full_Name'][0]; } if (stristr($item['Co_Office_Full_Name_and_Phones'], 'Phone:')) { $item['Co_Office_Full_Name_and_Phones'] = explode('Phone:', $item['Co_Office_Full_Name_and_Phones']); $item['Co_Office_Full_Name_and_Phones'] = $item['Co_Office_Full_Name_and_Phones'][0]; } $code = $item['Property_Type']; /* die($code); */ $address_display_field = $code . '_Address_on_Internet_Desc'; $this->set('address_display_field', $address_display_field); if (!isset($item[$address_display_field]) || strtolower($item[$address_display_field]) == 'full') { /* if(strtolower($item['RESI_Address_on_Internet_Desc']) == 'full'){ */ $address_display = $item['Street_Number'] . ' ' . $item['Street_Name'] . ' ' . $item['Street_Suffix']; $this->pageTitle = $item['Street_Full_Address']; } else { /* $address_display = '<i>(Full Address Not Shown)</i>'; */ $address_display = null; $this->pageTitle = $item['City'] . ', ' . $item['County'] . ' ' . $item['Zip_Code']; } $property_type = $item['Property_Type']; // find co-listing agent details $this->MemberAgent->recursive = -1; $co_agent_id = null; $co_agent = $this->MemberAgent->find('first', array('conditions' => array('MemberAgent.Agent_Email_Address' => $item['Co_Agent_Email_Address']), 'fields' => 'MemberAgent.Agent_MLS_ID')); /* debug($co_agent); */ if (!empty($co_agent)) { $co_agent_id = $co_agent['MemberAgent']['Agent_MLS_ID']; } $this->MemberOffice->recursive = -1; $member_office = $this->MemberOffice->find('first', array('conditions' => array('MemberOffice.Office_MLS_ID' => $property['Property']['Office_ID']))); $this->set('member_office', $member_office); /* debug($member_office); */ $this->set('co_agent_id', $co_agent_id); $grouping = array('Summary' => array('Status' => $item['Status'], 'MLS Number' => $item['ML_Number_Display'], 'Price' => '$' . $item['Search_Price_Display'], 'Property Type' => $item['Property_Subtype_1_Display'], 'Transaction Type' => $this->transaction_types[$item['Transaction_Type']], 'Number of Units' => @$item[$property_type . '___of_Units']), 'Property_Details' => array('Address' => $address_display, 'City' => $item['City'], 'Zip' => $item['Zip_Code'], 'County' => $item['County'], 'Bedrooms' => $item['Bedrooms'], 'Bathrooms' => $item['Bathrooms_Display'], 'Square Footage (approx.)' => $number->format($item['Square_Footage']), 'Building Sq. Ft. (approx.)' => $number->format($item['Lot_Size_Sq_Ft']), 'Lot Size - Acres (approx.)' => $item['Acres'], '2nd Unit on Lot' => @$item[$property_type . '_2nd_Unit_on_Lot_Desc'], 'HOA' => @$item[$property_type . '_HOA_Desc'], 'Senior Community' => @$item[$property_type . '_Senior_Desc'], 'Pool (Y/N)' => @$item[$property_type . '_Pool_Desc'], 'Year Built' => $item['Year_Built']), 'Contact_Information' => array('Listing Agent' => $item['Agent_Name'], 'Listing Agent Phone' => $item['Agent_Phone_1'], 'Listing Agent Email' => $item['Agent_Email_Address'], 'Agent Web Page Address' => $item['Agent_Web_Page_Address'], 'Listing Office' => $item['Office_Long_Name'], 'Listing Office Phone' => $item['Agent_Phone_1'], 'Co-Listing Agent' => $item['Co_Agent_Full_Name'], 'Co-Listing Agent Email' => $item['Co_Agent_Email_Address'], 'Co-Lisitng Agent Phone' => $item['Co_Office_Fax_Phone'])); /* // GEOCODING STUFF $this->params['map'] = true; $address = $property['Property']['Street_Full_Address']; $this->Coordinate->recursive = -1; $coordinate_finder = array('conditions' => array('Coordinate.ML_Number_Display' => $property['Property']['ML_Number_Display'])); $coordinates = $this->Coordinate->find('first', $coordinate_finder); if(empty($coordinates)){ $geo_data = $this->Geocoder->getLatLng($address, $this->google_map_API_key); $coordinate['Coordinate']['id'] = $coordinates['Coordinate']['id']; $coordinate['Coordinate']['ML_Number_Display'] = $property['Property']['ML_Number_Display']; $coordinate['Coordinate']['latitude'] = $geo_data['lat']; $coordinate['Coordinate']['longitude'] = $geo_data['lng']; $this->Coordinate->create(); $this->Coordinate->save($coordinate); //$this->Session->setFlash('Coordinate data saved for property '.$property['Property']['ML_Number_Display']); $coordinates = $this->Coordinate->find('first', $coordinate_finder); } $coordinates['Coordinate']['address'] = $property['Property']['Street_Full_Address']; $this->params['coordinates'] = $coordinates; // END GEOCODING STUFF */ // die(debug($grouping)); $this->set('property', $property); $this->set('primary_image', $primary_image); $this->set('secondary_images', $secondary_images); $this->set('neighbors', $neighbors); $this->set('db_updated', $db_updated); // $this->set('allowed_fields', $allowed_fields); $this->set('grouping', $grouping); $this->set('city', $city); // $this->set('coordinates', $coordinates); } }
function human_size($size) { return NumberHelper::number_to_human_size($size); }
public function downloadExcel() { $this->autoRender = false; $this->layout = ''; $data['Linnworksapi']['order_type'] = $this->request->data['Linnworksapis']['order_type']; $data['Linnworksapi']['location'] = $this->request->data['Linnworksapis']['location']; $data['Linnworksapi']['source'] = $this->request->data['Linnworksapis']['source']; $data['Linnworksapi']['subsource'] = $this->request->data['Linnworksapis']['subsource']; $data['Linnworksapi']['datefrom'] = $this->request->data['Linnworksapis']['datefrom']; $data['Linnworksapi']['dateto'] = $this->request->data['Linnworksapis']['dateto']; $data['Linnworksapi']['orderid'] = $this->request->data['Linnworksapis']['orderid']; App::import('Helper', 'Soap'); $SoapHelper = new SoapHelper(new View(null)); $getData = $SoapHelper->getFilteredOrder($data); App::import('Helper', 'Number'); $numberHelper = new NumberHelper(new View(null)); App::import('Vendor', 'PHPExcel/IOFactory'); App::import('Vendor', 'PHPExcel'); $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A1', 'OrderItemNumber'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B1', 'Name'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C1', 'Address'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D1', 'Postcode'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E1', 'Country'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('F1', 'Item Count'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('G1', 'Contents'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('H1', 'Total Packet Value'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('I1', 'Weight'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J1', 'HS'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('K1', 'Deposit'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('L1', 'Invoice Number'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('M1', 'Bag barcode'); $i = 2; foreach ($getData->GetFilteredOrdersResponse->GetFilteredOrdersResult->Orders->Order as $order) { $contents = array(); $orderItems = array(); foreach ($order->OrderItems->OrderItem as $item) { $contents[] = $item->Qty . ' X ' . $item->ItemTitle; $orderItems[] = $item->OrderItemNumber; } $content = implode(" \n", $contents); $orderItem = implode(" \n", $orderItems); $itemCount = count($order->OrderItems->OrderItem); $address = $order->ShippingAddress->Address1 . ',' . $order->ShippingAddress->Address2 . ',' . $order->ShippingAddress->Address3; $address = explode(',', $address); $address = implode(" \n ", $address); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A' . $i . '', $orderItem); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B' . $i . '', $order->ShippingAddress->Name); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C' . $i . '', $address); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D' . $i . '', $order->ShippingAddress->PostCode); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E' . $i . '', $order->ShippingAddress->CountryCode); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('F' . $i . '', $itemCount); $totlaCost = $numberHelper->currency($order->TotalCost, 'EUR'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('G' . $i . '', $content); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('H' . $i . '', $totlaCost); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('I' . $i . '', '5'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J' . $i . '', '5'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('K' . $i . '', '5'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('L' . $i . '', '5'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('M' . $i . '', '5'); $i++; } if ($this->request->data['Linnworksapis']['order_type'] == 0) { $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle('Open Order'); $objPHPExcel->createSheet(); $name = 'Open Order'; } if ($this->request->data['Linnworksapis']['order_type'] == 1) { $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle('Processed Order'); $objPHPExcel->createSheet(); $name = 'Procesed Order'; } if ($this->request->data['Linnworksapis']['order_type'] == 2) { $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle('Cancelled Order'); $objPHPExcel->createSheet(); $name = 'Cancelled Order'; } header('Content-Encoding: UTF-8'); header('Content-type: text/csv; charset=UTF-8'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $name . '.csv"'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'CSV'); $objWriter->save('php://output'); }
function Add_poll($idtopic, $question, $answers, $nbr_votes, $type) { PersistenceContext::get_querier()->insert(PREFIX . "forum_poll", array('idtopic' => $idtopic, 'question' => $question, 'answers' => implode('|', $answers), 'voter_id' => 0, 'votes' => trim(str_repeat('0|', $nbr_votes)), 'type' => NumberHelper::numeric($type))); }
/** * Formats a number into a percentage string. * * @param float $number A floating point number * @param integer $precision The precision of the returned number * @return string Percentage string * @access public */ function toPercentage($number, $precision = 2) { return NumberHelper::precision($number, $precision) . '%'; }
/** * @desc Round to the next dozen * @param int $number Number to round * @param boolean $demi_dozen Round to the half dozen. * @return int The number rounded. */ private function number_round_dozen($number, $demi_dozen = true) { $unit = $number % 10; $number = NumberHelper::round($number, 1) * 10; $decimal = $unit + $number % 10 / 10; $number /= 10; if ($demi_dozen) { if ($decimal < 2.5) { $number = $number - $decimal; } elseif ($decimal >= 2.5 && $decimal <= 7.5) { $number = $number - $decimal + 5; } else { $number = $number - $decimal + 10; } } else { if ($decimal < 5) { $number = $number - $decimal; } else { $number = $number - $decimal + 10; } } return NumberHelper::round($number, 0); }
$tpl->put_all(array('IDPOLL' => $row['id'], 'QUESTIONS' => stripslashes($row['question']), 'TYPE_UNIQUE' => $row['type'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'TYPE_MULTIPLE' => $row['type'] == '0' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'ARCHIVES_ENABLED' => $row['archive'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'ARCHIVES_DISABLED' => $row['archive'] == '0' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'VISIBLE_WAITING' => $row['visible'] == 2 || !empty($row['end']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'VISIBLE_ENABLED' => $row['visible'] == 1 && empty($row['end']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'VISIBLE_UNAPROB' => $row['visible'] == 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'CALENDAR_START' => $calendar_start->display(), 'CALENDAR_END' => $calendar_end->display(), 'CALENDAR_CURRENT_DATE' => $calendar_current_date->display(), 'HOUR' => Date::to_format($row['timestamp'], 'H'), 'MIN' => Date::to_format($row['timestamp'], 'i'), 'DATE' => Date::to_format($row['timestamp'], Date::FORMAT_DAY_MONTH_YEAR), 'L_REQUIRE_QUESTION' => $LANG['require_question'], 'L_REQUIRE_ANSWER' => $LANG['require_answer'], 'L_REQUIRE_ANSWER_TYPE' => $LANG['require_answer_type'], 'L_POLL_MANAGEMENT' => $LANG['poll_management'], 'L_POLL_ADD' => $LANG['poll_add'], 'L_POLL_CONFIG' => $LANG['poll_config'], 'L_REQUIRE' => LangLoader::get_message('form.explain_required_fields', 'status-messages-common'), 'L_QUESTION' => $LANG['question'], 'L_ANSWER_TYPE' => $LANG['answer_type'], 'L_ANSWERS' => $LANG['answers'], 'L_SINGLE' => $LANG['single'], 'L_MULTIPLE' => $LANG['multiple'], 'L_YES' => LangLoader::get_message('yes', 'common'), 'L_NO' => LangLoader::get_message('no', 'common'), 'L_NUMBER_VOTE' => $LANG['number_vote'], 'L_DATE' => LangLoader::get_message('date', 'date-common'), 'L_POLL_DATE' => $LANG['poll_date'], 'L_RELEASE_DATE' => $LANG['release_date'], 'L_IMMEDIATE' => $LANG['immediate'], 'L_UNAPROB' => $LANG['unaprob'], 'L_UNTIL' => $LANG['until'], 'L_UPDATE' => $LANG['update'], 'L_RESET' => $LANG['reset'], 'L_DELETE' => LangLoader::get_message('delete', 'common'))); //Gestion erreur. $get_error = retrieve(GET, 'error', ''); if ($get_error == 'incomplete') { $tpl->put('message_helper', MessageHelper::display($LANG['incomplete'], MessageHelper::NOTICE)); } $array_answer = explode('|', $row['answers']); $array_vote = explode('|', $row['votes']); $sum_vote = array_sum($array_vote); $sum_vote = $sum_vote == 0 ? 1 : $sum_vote; //Empêche la division par 0. //Liste des choix des sondages => 20 maxi $i = 0; $array_poll = array_combine($array_answer, $array_vote); foreach ($array_poll as $answer => $nbrvote) { $percent = NumberHelper::round($nbrvote * 100 / $sum_vote, 1); $tpl->assign_block_vars('answers', array('ID' => $i, 'ANSWER' => !empty($answer) ? $answer : '')); $tpl->assign_block_vars('votes', array('ID' => $i, 'VOTES' => isset($nbrvote) ? $nbrvote : '', 'PERCENT' => isset($percent) ? $percent . '%' : '')); $i++; } $tpl->put_all(array('MAX_ID' => $i)); $tpl->display(); } else { $_NBR_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE = 20; $tpl = new FileTemplate('poll/admin_poll_management.tpl'); $nbr_poll = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->count(PREFIX . 'poll'); //On crée une pagination si le nombre de sondages est trop important. $page = AppContext::get_request()->get_getint('p', 1); $pagination = new ModulePagination($page, $nbr_poll, $_NBR_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE); $pagination->set_url(new Url('/poll/admin_poll.php?p=%d')); if ($pagination->current_page_is_empty() && $page > 1) {
###################################################*/ require_once '../kernel/begin.php'; require_once '../forum/forum_begin.php'; require_once '../forum/forum_tools.php'; $Bread_crumb->add($config->get_forum_name(), 'index.php'); $Bread_crumb->add($LANG['stats'], ''); define('TITLE', $LANG['stats']); require_once '../kernel/header.php'; $tpl = new FileTemplate('forum/forum_stats.tpl'); $total_day = NumberHelper::round((time() - GeneralConfig::load()->get_site_install_date()->get_timestamp()) / (3600 * 24), 0); $timestamp_today = @mktime(0, 0, 1, Date::to_format(Date::DATE_NOW, 'm'), Date::to_format(Date::DATE_NOW, 'd'), Date::to_format(Date::DATE_NOW, 'y')); $total_topics = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->count(ForumSetup::$forum_topics_table); $total_messages = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->count(ForumSetup::$forum_message_table); $total_day = max(1, $total_day); $nbr_topics_day = NumberHelper::round($total_topics / $total_day, 1); $nbr_msg_day = NumberHelper::round($total_messages / $total_day, 1); $row = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select_single_row_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as nbr_topics_today\nFROM " . ForumSetup::$forum_topics_table . " t\nJOIN " . ForumSetup::$forum_message_table . " m ON = t.first_msg_id\nWHERE m.timestamp > :timestamp", array('timestamp' => $timestamp_today)); $nbr_topics_today = $row['nbr_topics_today']; $nbr_msg_today = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->count(ForumSetup::$forum_message_table, 'WHERE timestamp > :timestamp', array('timestamp' => $timestamp_today)); $vars_tpl = array('FORUM_NAME' => $config->get_forum_name(), 'NBR_TOPICS' => $total_topics, 'NBR_MSG' => $total_messages, 'NBR_TOPICS_DAY' => $nbr_topics_day, 'NBR_MSG_DAY' => $nbr_msg_day, 'NBR_TOPICS_TODAY' => $nbr_topics_today, 'NBR_MSG_TODAY' => $nbr_msg_today, 'L_FORUM_INDEX' => $LANG['forum_index'], 'L_FORUM' => $LANG['forum'], 'L_STATS' => $LANG['stats'], 'L_NBR_TOPICS' => $total_topics > 1 ? $LANG['topic_s'] : $LANG['topic'], 'L_NBR_MSG' => $total_messages > 1 ? $LANG['message_s'] : $LANG['message'], 'L_NBR_TOPICS_DAY' => $LANG['nbr_topics_day'], 'L_NBR_MSG_DAY' => $LANG['nbr_msg_day'], 'L_NBR_TOPICS_TODAY' => $LANG['nbr_topics_today'], 'L_NBR_MSG_TODAY' => $LANG['nbr_msg_today'], 'L_LAST_MSG' => $LANG['forum_last_msg'], 'L_POPULAR' => $LANG['forum_popular'], 'L_ANSWERS' => $LANG['forum_nbr_answers']); //Vérification des autorisations. $authorized_categories = ForumService::get_authorized_categories(Category::ROOT_CATEGORY); //Dernières réponses $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select("SELECT, t.title, as cid, c.auth\nFROM " . PREFIX . "forum_topics t\nLEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_cats c ON = t.idcat\nWHERE c.id_parent != 0 AND IN :authorized_categories\nORDER BY t.last_timestamp DESC\nLIMIT 10", array('authorized_categories' => $authorized_categories)); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $tpl->assign_block_vars('last_msg', array('U_TOPIC_ID' => url('.php?id=' . $row['id'], '-' . $row['id'] . '.php'), 'TITLE' => stripslashes($row['title']))); } $result->dispose(); //Les plus vus $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select("SELECT, t.title, as cid, c.auth\nFROM " . PREFIX . "forum_topics t\nLEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_cats c ON = t.idcat\nWHERE c.id_parent != 0 AND IN :authorized_categories\nORDER BY t.nbr_views DESC\nLIMIT 10", array('authorized_categories' => $authorized_categories)); while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
} else { $stats_array[$name] = $array_info[1]; } } else { if (isset($array_info[0])) { $name = ucwords($key); if (array_key_exists($name, $stats_array)) { $stats_array[$name] = $stats_array[$name] + $array_info[0]; } else { $stats_array[$name] = $array_info[0]; } } } } } if ($robots_visits_number) { $Stats = new ImagesStats(); $Stats->load_data($stats_array, 'ellipse'); foreach ($Stats->data_stats as $key => $angle_value) { $array_color = $Stats->array_allocated_color[$Stats->image_color_allocate_dark(false, NO_ALLOCATE_COLOR)]; $name = ucfirst($key); $tpl->assign_block_vars('list', array('COLOR' => 'RGB(' . $array_color[0] . ', ' . $array_color[1] . ', ' . $array_color[2] . ')', 'VIEWS' => NumberHelper::round($angle_value * $Stats->nbr_entry / 360, 0), 'PERCENT' => NumberHelper::round($angle_value / 3.6, 1), 'L_NAME' => $name == 'Other' ? $LANG['other'] : $name)); } } $tpl->put_all(array('C_STATS_ROBOTS' => true, 'C_ROBOTS_DATA' => $robots_visits_number, 'L_ERASE_RAPPORT' => $LANG['erase_rapport'], 'L_ERASE' => $LANG['erase'], 'L_COLORS' => $LANG['colors'], 'L_VIEW_NUMBER' => $LANG['number_r_visit'], 'L_LAST_UPDATE' => $LANG['last_update'])); } else { $tpl->put_all(array('C_STATS_SITE' => true, 'START' => GeneralConfig::load()->get_site_install_date()->format(Date::FORMAT_DAY_MONTH_YEAR), 'VERSION' => Environment::get_phpboost_version(), 'BUILD' => GeneralConfig::load()->get_phpboost_major_version(), 'L_START' => $LANG['start'], 'L_KERNEL_VERSION' => $LANG['kernel_version'])); } $tpl->display(); } require_once '../admin/admin_footer.php';
private function build_view() { global $LANG, $Bread_crumb; load_module_lang('gallery'); $g_idpics = retrieve(GET, 'id', 0); $g_views = retrieve(GET, 'views', false); $g_notes = retrieve(GET, 'notes', false); $g_sort = retrieve(GET, 'sort', ''); $g_sort = !empty($g_sort) ? 'sort=' . $g_sort : ''; //Récupération du mode d'ordonnement. if (preg_match('`([a-z]+)_([a-z]+)`', $g_sort, $array_match)) { $g_type = $array_match[1]; $g_mode = $array_match[2]; } else { list($g_type, $g_mode) = array('date', 'desc'); } $comments_topic = new GalleryCommentsTopic(); $config = GalleryConfig::load(); $category = $this->get_category(); $categories = GalleryService::get_categories_manager()->get_categories_cache()->get_childrens($category->get_id()); $authorized_categories = GalleryService::get_authorized_categories($category->get_id()); $Gallery = new Gallery(); $nbr_pics = $this->db_querier->count(GallerySetup::$gallery_table, 'WHERE idcat=:idcat AND aprob = 1', array('idcat' => $category->get_id())); $total_cat = count($categories); //On crée une pagination si le nombre de catégories est trop important. $page = AppContext::get_request()->get_getint('p', 1); $pagination = new ModulePagination($page, $total_cat, $config->get_categories_number_per_page()); $pagination->set_url(new Url('/gallery/gallery.php?p=%d&cat=' . $category->get_id() . '&id=' . $g_idpics . '&' . $g_sort)); if ($pagination->current_page_is_empty() && $page > 1) { $error_controller = PHPBoostErrors::unexisting_page(); DispatchManager::redirect($error_controller); } //Colonnes des catégories. $nbr_column_cats = $total_cat > $config->get_columns_number() ? $config->get_columns_number() : $total_cat; $nbr_column_cats = !empty($nbr_column_cats) ? $nbr_column_cats : 1; $column_width_cats = floor(100 / $nbr_column_cats); //Colonnes des images. $nbr_column_pics = $nbr_pics > $config->get_columns_number() ? $config->get_columns_number() : $nbr_pics; $nbr_column_pics = !empty($nbr_column_pics) ? $nbr_column_pics : 1; $column_width_pics = floor(100 / $nbr_column_pics); $is_admin = AppContext::get_current_user()->check_level(User::ADMIN_LEVEL); $is_modo = GalleryAuthorizationsService::check_authorizations($category->get_id())->moderation(); $module_data_path = $this->tpl->get_pictures_data_path(); $rewrite_title = Url::encode_rewrite($category->get_name()); ##### Catégorie disponibles ##### $nbr_cat_displayed = 0; if ($total_cat > 0 && empty($g_idpics)) { $this->tpl->put('C_GALLERY_CATS', true); $j = 0; $result = $this->db_querier->select('SELECT @id_cat:=, gallery_cats.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . GallerySetup::$gallery_table . ' WHERE idcat IN ( @id_cat, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id SEPARATOR \',\') FROM ' . GallerySetup::$gallery_cats_table . ' WHERE id_parent = @id_cat), (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( SEPARATOR \',\') FROM ' . GallerySetup::$gallery_cats_table . ' parents INNER JOIN ' . GallerySetup::$gallery_cats_table . ' childs ON = childs.id_parent WHERE parents.id_parent = @id_cat) ) AND aprob = 1 ) AS nbr_pics FROM ' . GallerySetup::$gallery_cats_table . ' gallery_cats WHERE id_parent = :id_category AND id IN :authorized_categories ORDER BY id_parent, c_order LIMIT :number_items_per_page OFFSET :display_from', array('id_category' => $category->get_id(), 'authorized_categories' => $authorized_categories, 'number_items_per_page' => $pagination->get_number_items_per_page(), 'display_from' => $pagination->get_display_from())); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $category_image = new Url($row['image']); $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('sub_categories_list', array('C_CATEGORY_IMAGE' => !empty($row['image']), 'CATEGORY_NAME' => $row['name'], 'CATEGORY_IMAGE' => $category_image->rel(), 'PICTURES_NUMBER' => sprintf($LANG['nbr_pics_info'], $row['nbr_pics']), 'U_CATEGORY' => GalleryUrlBuilder::get_link_cat($row['id'], $row['name']))); $nbr_cat_displayed++; } $result->dispose(); } $category_description = FormatingHelper::second_parse($category->get_description()); $this->tpl->put_all(array('C_ROOT_CATEGORY' => $category->get_id() == Category::ROOT_CATEGORY, 'C_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION' => $category_description, 'C_SUB_CATEGORIES' => $nbr_cat_displayed > 0, 'C_SUBCATEGORIES_PAGINATION' => $pagination->has_several_pages(), 'SUBCATEGORIES_PAGINATION' => $pagination->display(), 'ARRAY_JS' => '', 'NBR_PICS' => 0, 'MAX_START' => 0, 'START_THUMB' => 0, 'END_THUMB' => 0, 'COLUMNS_NUMBER' => $nbr_column_pics, 'CATS_COLUMNS_WIDTH' => $column_width_cats, 'COLUMN_WIDTH_PICS' => $column_width_pics, 'CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION' => $category_description, 'U_EDIT_CATEGORY' => $category->get_id() == Category::ROOT_CATEGORY ? GalleryUrlBuilder::configuration()->rel() : GalleryUrlBuilder::edit_category($category->get_id())->rel(), 'CAT_ID' => $category->get_id(), 'DISPLAY_MODE' => $config->get_pics_enlargement_mode(), 'GALLERY' => $category->get_id() != Category::ROOT_CATEGORY ? $this->lang['module_title'] . ' - ' . $category->get_name() : $this->lang['module_title'], 'HEIGHT_MAX' => $config->get_mini_max_height(), 'WIDTH_MAX' => $column_width_pics, 'MODULE_DATA_PATH' => $module_data_path, 'L_APROB' => $LANG['aprob'], 'L_UNAPROB' => $LANG['unaprob'], 'L_FILE_FORBIDDEN_CHARS' => $LANG['file_forbidden_chars'], 'L_TOTAL_IMG' => $category->get_id() != Category::ROOT_CATEGORY ? sprintf($LANG['total_img_cat'], $nbr_pics) : '', 'L_ADD_IMG' => $LANG['add_pic'], 'L_GALLERY' => $this->lang['module_title'], 'L_CATEGORIES' => $category->get_id_parent() >= 0 ? $LANG['sub_album'] : $LANG['album'], 'L_NAME' => $LANG['name'], 'L_EDIT' => LangLoader::get_message('edit', 'common'), 'L_MOVETO' => $LANG['moveto'], 'L_DELETE' => LangLoader::get_message('delete', 'common'), 'L_SUBMIT' => $LANG['submit'], 'L_ALREADY_VOTED' => $LANG['already_vote'], 'L_ORDER_BY' => LangLoader::get_message('sort_by', 'common') . (isset($LANG[$g_type]) ? ' ' . strtolower($LANG[$g_type]) : ''), 'L_DIRECTION' => $LANG['direction'], 'L_DISPLAY' => LangLoader::get_message('display', 'common'), 'U_INDEX' => url('.php'), 'U_BEST_VIEWS' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?views=1&cat=' . $category->get_id(), '-' . $category->get_id() . '.php?views=1'), 'U_BEST_NOTES' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?notes=1&cat=' . $category->get_id(), '-' . $category->get_id() . '.php?notes=1'), 'U_ASC' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?cat=' . $category->get_id() . '&sort=' . $g_type . '_' . 'asc', '-' . $category->get_id() . '.php?sort=' . $g_type . '_' . 'asc'), 'U_DESC' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?cat=' . $category->get_id() . '&sort=' . $g_type . '_' . 'desc', '-' . $category->get_id() . '.php?sort=' . $g_type . '_' . 'desc'), 'U_ORDER_BY_NAME' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?sort=name_desc&cat=' . $category->get_id(), '-' . $category->get_id() . '+' . $rewrite_title . '.php?sort=name_desc'), 'U_ORDER_BY_DATE' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?sort=date_desc&cat=' . $category->get_id(), '-' . $category->get_id() . '+' . $rewrite_title . '.php?sort=date_desc'), 'U_ORDER_BY_VIEWS' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?sort=views_desc&cat=' . $category->get_id(), '-' . $category->get_id() . '+' . $rewrite_title . '.php?sort=views_desc'), 'U_ORDER_BY_NOTES' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?sort=notes_desc&cat=' . $category->get_id(), '-' . $category->get_id() . '+' . $rewrite_title . '.php?sort=notes_desc'), 'U_ORDER_BY_COM' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?sort=com_desc&cat=' . $category->get_id(), '-' . $category->get_id() . '+' . $rewrite_title . '.php?sort=com_desc'), 'L_BEST_VIEWS' => $LANG['best_views'], 'L_BEST_NOTES' => $LANG['best_notes'], 'L_ASC' => $LANG['asc'], 'L_DESC' => $LANG['desc'], 'L_DATE' => LangLoader::get_message('date', 'date-common'), 'L_VIEWS' => $LANG['views'], 'L_NOTES' => LangLoader::get_message('notes', 'common'), 'L_COM' => $LANG['com_s'])); ##### Affichage des photos ##### if ($nbr_pics > 0) { switch ($g_type) { case 'name': $sort_type = ''; break; case 'date': $sort_type = 'g.timestamp'; break; case 'views': $sort_type = 'g.views'; break; case 'notes': $sort_type = 'notes.average_notes'; break; case 'com': $sort_type = 'com.number_comments'; break; default: $sort_type = 'g.timestamp'; } switch ($g_mode) { case 'desc': $sort_mode = 'DESC'; break; case 'asc': $sort_mode = 'ASC'; break; default: $sort_mode = 'DESC'; } $g_sql_sort = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort_type . ' ' . $sort_mode; if ($g_views) { $g_sql_sort = ' ORDER BY g.views DESC'; } elseif ($g_notes) { $g_sql_sort = ' ORDER BY notes.average_notes DESC'; } $this->tpl->put('C_GALLERY_PICS', true); //Affichage d'une photo demandée. if (!empty($g_idpics)) { $info_pics = $this->db_querier->select_single_row_query("SELECT g.*, m.display_name, m.groups, m.level, notes.average_notes, notes.number_notes, note.note\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . GallerySetup::$gallery_table . " g\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " m ON m.user_id = g.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_COMMENTS_TOPIC . " com ON com.id_in_module = AND com.module_id = 'gallery'\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_AVERAGE_NOTES . " notes ON notes.id_in_module = AND notes.module_name = 'gallery'\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_NOTE . " note ON note.id_in_module = AND note.module_name = 'gallery' AND note.user_id = :user_id\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE g.idcat = :idcat AND = :id AND g.aprob = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t" . $g_sql_sort, array('user_id' => AppContext::get_current_user()->get_id(), 'idcat' => $category->get_id(), 'id' => $g_idpics)); if (!empty($info_pics['id'])) { $Bread_crumb->add(stripslashes($info_pics['name']), PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?cat=' . $info_pics['idcat'] . '&id=' . $info_pics['id'], '-' . $info_pics['idcat'] . '-' . $info_pics['id'] . '.php')); //Affichage miniatures. $id_previous = 0; $id_next = 0; $nbr_pics_display_before = floor(($nbr_column_pics - 1) / 2); //Nombres de photos de chaque côté de la miniature de la photo affichée. $nbr_pics_display_after = $nbr_column_pics - 1 - floor($nbr_pics_display_before); list($i, $reach_pics_pos, $pos_pics, $thumbnails_before, $thumbnails_after, $start_thumbnails, $end_thumbnails) = array(0, false, 0, 0, 0, $nbr_pics_display_before, $nbr_pics_display_after); $array_pics = array(); $array_js = 'var array_pics = new Array();'; $result = $this->db_querier->select("SELECT, g.idcat, g.path\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . GallerySetup::$gallery_table . " g\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE g.idcat = :idcat AND g.aprob = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t" . $g_sql_sort, array('idcat' => $category->get_id())); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { //Si la miniature n'existe pas (cache vidé) on regénère la miniature à partir de l'image en taille réelle. if (!file_exists(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/pics/thumbnails/' . $row['path'])) { $Gallery->Resize_pics(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/pics/' . $row['path']); } //Redimensionnement + création miniature //Affichage de la liste des miniatures sous l'image. $array_pics[] = '<td class="center" style="height:' . ($config->get_mini_max_height() + 16) . 'px"><span id="thumb' . $i . '"><a href="gallery' . url('.php?cat=' . $row['idcat'] . '&id=' . $row['id'] . '&sort=' . $g_sort, '-' . $row['idcat'] . '-' . $row['id'] . '.php?sort=' . $g_sort) . '#pics_max' . '"><img src="pics/thumbnails/' . $row['path'] . '" alt="' . $row['path'] . '" /></a></span></td>'; if ($row['id'] == $g_idpics) { $reach_pics_pos = true; $pos_pics = $i; } else { if (!$reach_pics_pos) { $thumbnails_before++; $id_previous = $row['id']; } else { $thumbnails_after++; if (empty($id_next)) { $id_next = $row['id']; } } } $array_js .= 'array_pics[' . $i . '] = new Array();' . "\n"; $array_js .= 'array_pics[' . $i . '][\'link\'] = \'' . GalleryUrlBuilder::get_link_item($row['idcat'], $row['id']) . '#pics_max' . "';\n"; $array_js .= 'array_pics[' . $i . '][\'path\'] = \'' . $row['path'] . "';\n"; $i++; } $result->dispose(); $activ_note = $config->is_notation_enabled() && AppContext::get_current_user()->check_level(User::MEMBER_LEVEL); if ($activ_note) { //Affichage notation. $notation = new Notation(); $notation->set_module_name('gallery'); $notation->set_id_in_module($info_pics['id']); $notation->set_notation_scale($config->get_notation_scale()); $notation->set_number_notes($info_pics['number_notes']); $notation->set_average_notes($info_pics['average_notes']); $notation->set_user_already_noted(!empty($info_pics['note'])); } if ($thumbnails_before < $nbr_pics_display_before) { $end_thumbnails += $nbr_pics_display_before - $thumbnails_before; } if ($thumbnails_after < $nbr_pics_display_after) { $start_thumbnails += $nbr_pics_display_after - $thumbnails_after; } $html_protected_name = $info_pics['name']; $comments_topic->set_id_in_module($info_pics['id']); $comments_topic->set_url(new Url('/gallery/gallery.php?cat=' . $category->get_id() . '&id=' . $g_idpics . '&com=0')); //Liste des catégories. $search_category_children_options = new SearchCategoryChildrensOptions(); $search_category_children_options->add_authorizations_bits(Category::READ_AUTHORIZATIONS); $search_category_children_options->add_authorizations_bits(Category::WRITE_AUTHORIZATIONS); $categories_tree = GalleryService::get_categories_manager()->get_select_categories_form_field($info_pics['id'] . 'cat', '', $info_pics['idcat'], $search_category_children_options); $method = new ReflectionMethod('AbstractFormFieldChoice', 'get_options'); $method->setAccessible(true); $categories_tree_options = $method->invoke($categories_tree); $cat_list = ''; foreach ($categories_tree_options as $option) { $cat_list .= $option->display()->render(); } $group_color = User::get_group_color($info_pics['groups'], $info_pics['level']); //Affichage de l'image et de ses informations. $this->tpl->put_all(array('C_GALLERY_PICS_MAX' => true, 'C_GALLERY_PICS_MODO' => $is_modo, 'C_AUTHOR_DISPLAYED' => $config->is_author_displayed(), 'C_VIEWS_COUNTER_ENABLED' => $config->is_views_counter_enabled(), 'C_TITLE_ENABLED' => $config->is_title_enabled(), 'C_COMMENTS_ENABLED' => $config->are_comments_enabled(), 'C_NOTATION_ENABLED' => $config->is_notation_enabled(), 'ID' => $info_pics['id'], 'NAME' => '<span id="fi_' . $info_pics['id'] . '">' . stripslashes($info_pics['name']) . '</span> <span id="fi' . $info_pics['id'] . '"></span>', 'POSTOR' => '<a class="small ' . UserService::get_level_class($info_pics['level']) . '"' . (!empty($group_color) ? ' style="color:' . $group_color . '"' : '') . ' href="' . UserUrlBuilder::profile($info_pics['user_id'])->rel() . '">' . $info_pics['display_name'] . '</a>', 'DATE' => Date::to_format($info_pics['timestamp'], Date::FORMAT_DAY_MONTH_YEAR), 'VIEWS' => $info_pics['views'] + 1, 'DIMENSION' => $info_pics['width'] . ' x ' . $info_pics['height'], 'SIZE' => NumberHelper::round($info_pics['weight'] / 1024, 1), 'L_COMMENTS' => CommentsService::get_number_and_lang_comments('gallery', $info_pics['id']), 'KERNEL_NOTATION' => $activ_note ? NotationService::display_active_image($notation) : '', 'COLSPAN' => $config->get_columns_number() + 2, 'CAT' => $cat_list, 'RENAME' => $html_protected_name, 'RENAME_CUT' => $html_protected_name, 'IMG_APROB' => $info_pics['aprob'] == 1 ? 'fa fa-eye-slash' : 'fa fa-eye', 'ARRAY_JS' => $array_js, 'NBR_PICS' => $i - 1, 'MAX_START' => $i - 1 - $nbr_column_pics, 'START_THUMB' => $pos_pics - $start_thumbnails > 0 ? $pos_pics - $start_thumbnails : 0, 'END_THUMB' => $pos_pics + $end_thumbnails, 'L_KB' => LangLoader::get_message('unit.kilobytes', 'common'), 'L_INFORMATIONS' => $LANG['informations'], 'L_NAME' => $LANG['name'], 'L_POSTOR' => $LANG['postor'], 'L_VIEWS' => $LANG['views'], 'L_ADD_ON' => $LANG['add_on'], 'L_DIMENSION' => $LANG['dimension'], 'L_SIZE' => $LANG['size'], 'L_NOTE' => LangLoader::get_message('note', 'common'), 'L_COM' => $LANG['com'], 'L_EDIT' => LangLoader::get_message('edit', 'common'), 'L_APROB_IMG' => $info_pics['aprob'] == 1 ? $LANG['unaprob'] : $LANG['aprob'], 'L_THUMBNAILS' => $LANG['thumbnails'], 'U_DEL' => url('gallery.php?del=' . $info_pics['id'] . '&token=' . AppContext::get_session()->get_token() . '&cat=' . $category->get_id()), 'U_MOVE' => url('gallery.php?id=' . $info_pics['id'] . '&token=' . AppContext::get_session()->get_token() . '&move=\' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value'), 'U_PREVIOUS' => $pos_pics > 0 ? '<a href="' . GalleryUrlBuilder::get_link_item($category->get_id(), $id_previous) . '#pics_max"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left fa-2x"></i></a> <a href="' . GalleryUrlBuilder::get_link_item($category->get_id(), $id_previous) . '#pics_max">' . $LANG['previous'] . '</a>' : '', 'U_NEXT' => $pos_pics < $i - 1 ? '<a href="' . GalleryUrlBuilder::get_link_item($category->get_id(), $id_next) . '#pics_max">' . $LANG['next'] . '</a> <a href="' . GalleryUrlBuilder::get_link_item($category->get_id(), $id_next) . '#pics_max"><i class="fa fa-arrow-right fa-2x"></i></a>' : '', 'U_LEFT_THUMBNAILS' => $pos_pics - $start_thumbnails > 0 ? '<span id="display_left"><a href="javascript:display_thumbnails(\'left\')"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left fa-2x"></i></a></span>' : '<span id="display_left"></span>', 'U_RIGHT_THUMBNAILS' => $pos_pics - $start_thumbnails <= $i - 1 - $nbr_column_pics ? '<span id="display_right"><a href="javascript:display_thumbnails(\'right\')"><i class="fa fa-arrow-right fa-2x"></i></a></span>' : '<span id="display_right"></span>', 'U_COMMENTS' => GalleryUrlBuilder::get_link_item($info_pics['idcat'], $info_pics['id'], 0, $g_sort) . '#comments-list', 'U_IMG_MAX' => 'show_pics.php?id=' . $info_pics['id'] . '&cat=' . $info_pics['idcat'])); //Affichage de la liste des miniatures sous l'image. $i = 0; foreach ($array_pics as $pics) { if ($i >= $pos_pics - $start_thumbnails && $i <= $pos_pics + $end_thumbnails) { $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('list_preview_pics', array('PICS' => $pics)); } $i++; } //Commentaires if (AppContext::get_request()->get_getint('com', 0) == 0 && $config->are_comments_enabled()) { $this->tpl->put_all(array('COMMENTS' => CommentsService::display($comments_topic)->render())); } } } else { $sort = retrieve(GET, 'sort', ''); //On crée une pagination si le nombre de photos est trop important. $page = AppContext::get_request()->get_getint('pp', 1); $pagination = new ModulePagination($page, $nbr_pics, $config->get_pics_number_per_page()); $pagination->set_url(new Url('/gallery/gallery.php?pp=%d' . (!empty($sort) ? '&sort=' . $sort : '') . '&cat=' . $category->get_id())); if ($pagination->current_page_is_empty() && $page > 1) { $error_controller = PHPBoostErrors::unexisting_page(); DispatchManager::redirect($error_controller); } $this->tpl->put_all(array('C_GALLERY_MODO' => $is_modo, 'C_PICTURE_NAME_DISPLAYED' => $config->is_title_enabled(), 'C_AUTHOR_DISPLAYED' => $config->is_author_displayed(), 'C_VIEWS_COUNTER_ENABLED' => $config->is_views_counter_enabled(), 'C_COMMENTS_ENABLED' => $config->are_comments_enabled(), 'C_PAGINATION' => $pagination->has_several_pages(), 'PAGINATION' => $pagination->display(), 'L_EDIT' => LangLoader::get_message('edit', 'common'), 'L_VIEW' => $LANG['view'], 'L_VIEWS' => $LANG['views'])); $is_connected = AppContext::get_current_user()->check_level(User::MEMBER_LEVEL); $j = 0; $result = $this->db_querier->select("SELECT, g.idcat,, g.path, g.timestamp, g.aprob, g.width, g.height, g.user_id, g.views, g.aprob, m.display_name, m.groups, m.level, notes.average_notes, notes.number_notes, note.note\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . GallerySetup::$gallery_table . " g\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " m ON m.user_id = g.user_id\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_COMMENTS_TOPIC . " com ON com.id_in_module = AND com.module_id = 'gallery'\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_AVERAGE_NOTES . " notes ON notes.id_in_module = AND notes.module_name = 'gallery'\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_NOTE . " note ON note.id_in_module = AND note.module_name = 'gallery' AND note.user_id = :user_id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE g.idcat = :idcat AND g.aprob = 1\n\t\t\t\t" . $g_sql_sort . "\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT :number_items_per_page OFFSET :display_from", array('user_id' => AppContext::get_current_user()->get_id(), 'idcat' => $category->get_id(), 'number_items_per_page' => $pagination->get_number_items_per_page(), 'display_from' => $pagination->get_display_from())); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { //Si la miniature n'existe pas (cache vidé) on regénère la miniature à partir de l'image en taille réelle. if (!file_exists(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/pics/thumbnails/' . $row['path'])) { $Gallery->Resize_pics(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/pics/' . $row['path']); } //Redimensionnement + création miniature $onclick = ''; //Affichage de l'image en grand. if ($config->get_pics_enlargement_mode() == GalleryConfig::FULL_SCREEN) { $display_link = PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/pics/' . $row['path'] . '" onmousedown="increment_view(' . $row['id'] . ');" title="' . str_replace('"', '', stripslashes($row['name'])); } elseif ($config->get_pics_enlargement_mode() == GalleryConfig::POPUP) { $onclick = 'increment_view(' . $row['id'] . ');display_pics_popup(\'' . PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/show_pics' . url('.php?id=' . $row['id'] . '&cat=' . $row['idcat']) . '\', \'' . $row['width'] . '\', \'' . $row['height'] . '\');return false;'; $display_link = ''; } elseif ($config->get_pics_enlargement_mode() == GalleryConfig::RESIZE) { $onclick = 'increment_view(' . $row['id'] . ');display_pics(' . $row['id'] . ', \'' . PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/show_pics' . url('.php?id=' . $row['id'] . '&cat=' . $row['idcat']) . '\');return false;'; $display_link = ''; } else { $onclick = true; $display_link = url('gallery.php?cat=' . $row['idcat'] . '&id=' . $row['id'], 'gallery-' . $row['idcat'] . '-' . $row['id'] . '.php') . '#pics_max'; } //Liste des catégories. $search_category_children_options = new SearchCategoryChildrensOptions(); $search_category_children_options->add_authorizations_bits(Category::READ_AUTHORIZATIONS); $search_category_children_options->add_authorizations_bits(Category::WRITE_AUTHORIZATIONS); $categories_tree = GalleryService::get_categories_manager()->get_select_categories_form_field($row['id'] . 'cat', '', $row['idcat'], $search_category_children_options); $method = new ReflectionMethod('AbstractFormFieldChoice', 'get_options'); $method->setAccessible(true); $categories_tree_options = $method->invoke($categories_tree); $cat_list = ''; foreach ($categories_tree_options as $option) { $cat_list .= $option->display()->render(); } $notation = new Notation(); $notation->set_module_name('gallery'); $notation->set_notation_scale($config->get_notation_scale()); $notation->set_id_in_module($row['id']); $notation->set_number_notes($row['number_notes']); $notation->set_average_notes($row['average_notes']); $notation->set_user_already_noted(!empty($row['note'])); $group_color = User::get_group_color($row['groups'], $row['level']); $comments_topic->set_id_in_module($row['id']); $html_protected_name = $row['name']; $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('pics_list', array('C_IMG_APROB' => $row['aprob'] == 1, 'C_OPEN_TR' => is_int($j++ / $nbr_column_pics), 'C_CLOSE_TR' => is_int($j / $nbr_column_pics), 'ID' => $row['id'], 'APROB' => $row['aprob'], 'PATH' => $row['path'], 'NAME' => stripslashes($row['name']), 'SHORT_NAME' => TextHelper::wordwrap_html(stripslashes($row['name']), 22, ' '), 'POSTOR' => $LANG['by'] . (!empty($row['display_name']) ? ' <a class="small ' . UserService::get_level_class($row['level']) . '"' . (!empty($group_color) ? ' style="color:' . $group_color . '"' : '') . ' href="' . UserUrlBuilder::profile($row['user_id'])->rel() . '">' . $row['display_name'] . '</a>' : ' ' . $LANG['guest']), 'VIEWS' => $row['views'], 'L_VIEWS' => $row['views'] > 1 ? $LANG['views'] : $LANG['view'], 'L_COMMENTS' => CommentsService::get_number_and_lang_comments('gallery', $row['id']), 'KERNEL_NOTATION' => $config->is_notation_enabled() && $is_connected ? NotationService::display_active_image($notation) : NotationService::display_static_image($notation), 'CAT' => $cat_list, 'ONCLICK' => $onclick, 'RENAME' => $html_protected_name, 'RENAME_CUT' => $html_protected_name, 'L_APROB_IMG' => $row['aprob'] == 1 ? $LANG['unaprob'] : $LANG['aprob'], 'U_PICTURE_LINK' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?cat=' . $row['idcat'] . '&id=' . $row['id'], '-' . $row['idcat'] . '-' . $row['id'] . '.php'), 'U_PICTURE' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/pics/thumbnails/' . $row['path'], 'U_DEL' => url('gallery.php?del=' . $row['id'] . '&token=' . AppContext::get_session()->get_token() . '&cat=' . $category->get_id()), 'U_MOVE' => url('gallery.php?id=' . $row['id'] . '&token=' . AppContext::get_session()->get_token() . '&move=\' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value'), 'U_DISPLAY' => $display_link, 'U_COMMENTS' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/gallery/gallery' . url('.php?cat=' . $row['idcat'] . '&id=' . $row['id'] . '&com=0', '-' . $row['idcat'] . '-' . $row['id'] . '.php?com=0') . '#comments-list')); } $result->dispose(); //Création des cellules du tableau si besoin est. while (!is_int($j / $nbr_column_pics)) { $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('end_table', array('TD_END' => '<td class="td-end" style="width:' . $column_width_pics . '%"> </td>', 'TR_END' => is_int(++$j / $nbr_column_pics) ? '</tr>' : '')); } } } }
private function get_raw_float($value, $varname, $default_value) { if (is_float($value)) { return NumberHelper::numeric($value, 'float'); } if ($default_value !== null) { return $default_value; } else { throw new ParameterTypeMismatchException($varname, 'float', $value); } }
public function test_for_NumberHelper() { $number = new NumberHelper(); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_phone(1235551234), '123-555-1234'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_phone(1235551234, array('area_code' => true)), '(123) 555-1234'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_phone(1235551234, array('delimiter' => ' ')), '123 555 1234'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_phone(1235551234, array('area_code' => true, 'extension' => 555)), '(123) 555-1234 x 555'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_currency("1234567890.50"), '$1,234,567,890.50'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_currency(123456789.123456, array('precision' => 2, 'unit' => ' Skk', 'unit_position' => 'right', 'separator' => ',', 'delimiter' => ' ')), '123 456 789,12 Skk'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_currency("1234567890.50"), '$1,234,567,890.50'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_currency(1234567890.506), '$1,234,567,890.51'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_currency(1234567890.5, array('unit' => "£", 'separator' => ",", 'delimiter' => "")), '£1234567890,50'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_currency(1234567890.5, array('unit' => " €", 'separator' => ",", 'delimiter' => ".", 'unit_position' => 'right')), '1.234.567.890,50 €'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_percentage(100), '100.00%'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_percentage(100, array('precision' => 0)), '100%'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_to_percentage(302.0576, array('precision' => 3)), '302.058%'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_with_delimiter(12345678), '12,345,678'); $this->assertEqual($number->number_with_delimiter(12345678.2), '12,345,678.2'); $this->assertEqual($number->human_size(123), '123 Bytes'); $this->assertEqual($number->human_size(1234), '1.2 KB'); $this->assertEqual($number->human_size(12345), '12.1 KB'); $this->assertEqual($number->human_size(1234567), '1.2 MB'); $this->assertEqual($number->human_size(1234567890), '1.1 GB'); $this->assertEqual($number->human_size_to_bytes('123 Bytes'), 123); $this->assertEqual($number->human_size_to_bytes('1.2 KB'), 1229); $this->assertEqual($number->human_size_to_bytes('12.1 KB'), 12391); $this->assertEqual($number->human_size_to_bytes('1.2 MB'), 1258292); $this->assertEqual($number->human_size_to_bytes('1.1 GB'), 1181116007); $this->assertEqual($number->number_with_precision(111.2345), '111.235'); $this->assertEqual($number->zeropad(123, 6), '000123'); $this->assertEqual($number->zeropad('0123', 6), '000123'); $this->assertEqual($number->zeropad(12345, 2), '12345'); }
/** * @param int $value the feed's category */ public function set_cat($value) { $this->category = is_numeric($value) ? NumberHelper::numeric($value) : 0; }