public function getNetworks($hydrationMode = Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY) { if (count($networkIds = NoteTable::unserialize($this->network_ids))) { return LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('LsList l')->whereIn('', $networkIds)->setHydrationMode($hydrationMode)->execute(); } return array(); }
public function executeNotes($request) { $this->checkNetwork($request); $page = $request->getParameter('page', 1); $num = $request->getParameter('num', 20); $this->query = $request->getParameter('query'); $s = new LsSphinxClient($page, $num); $s->setFilter('network_ids', array($this->network['id'])); $s->setFilter('visible_to_user_ids', array_unique(array(0, sfGuardUserTable::getCurrentUserId()))); $this->note_pager = NoteTable::getSphinxPager($s, $this->query, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY); }
public function executeRecordSample() { $model = isset($this->model) ? $this->model : get_class($this->record); $this->actions = array(array('text' => 'see all', 'url' => $this->more_uri ? $this->more_uri : $this->record->getInternalUrl('notes'))); if ($this->getUser()->isAuthenticated()) { $class = $model == 'LsList' ? 'List' : $model; $this->actions[] = array('text' => 'write a note', 'url' => 'home/notes?compose=1&' . strtolower($class) . '_id=' . $this->record['id']); $this->actions[] = array('text' => 'note all', 'credential' => 'editor', 'url' => 'home/notes?compose=1&analysts=1&' . strtolower($class) . '_id=' . $this->record['id']); } $attribute = strtolower($model) . '_ids'; $s = new LsSphinxClient(1, 5); $s->setFilter($attribute, array($this->record['id'])); if (!($currentUserId = sfGuardUserTable::getCurrentUserId())) { $currentUserId = 0; } $s->setFilter('visible_to_user_ids', array_unique(array(0, $currentUserId))); $this->notes = NoteTable::getSphinxRecords($s, null, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY); }
public function executeNotes($request) { $this->checkUser($request); if ($this->user->isCurrentUser()) { $this->redirect('home/notes'); } $this->note_form = new NoteForm(); $page = $request->getParameter('page', 1); $num = $request->getParameter('num', 20); $withReplies = $request->getParameter('replies', 1); $s = new LsSphinxClient($page, $num); if ($withReplies) { $s->setFilter('visible_to_user_ids', array($this->user->id)); } else { $s->setFilter('user_id', array($this->user->id)); } $s->setFilter('visible_to_user_ids', array_unique(array(0, sfGuardUserTable::getCurrentUserId()))); $this->note_pager = NoteTable::getSphinxPager($s, null, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY); }
public function executeNameSearch($request) { $this->results = array(); if ($terms = $request->getParameter('name')) { $entities = array(); $page = $request->getParameter('page', 1); $num = $request->getParameter('num', 20); $result = EntityTable::getSphinxHits($terms, $page, $num); if ($result['total_found'] > 0 && isset($result['matches'])) { $ids = array_keys($result['matches']); $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); $sql = 'SELECT e.*, FIELD(, ' . implode(',', $ids) . ') AS field ' . 'FROM entity e WHERE IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ') AND e.is_deleted = 0 ' . 'ORDER BY field'; $stmt = $db->execute($sql); $entities = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } foreach ($entities as $entity) { $this->results[] = array('name' => $entity['name'], 'markup' => NoteTable::getRecordMarkup($entity, $entity['name'], 'entity')); } } }
?> <?php echo NoteTable::prepareBodyForDisplay($note['body']); ?> <div class="note_full_date"> <?php echo link_to(time_ago_in_words(strtotime($note['created_at'])) . ' ago', NoteTable::getInternalUrl($note)); ?> <?php if (NoteTable::hasNonUsNetworks($note)) { ?> <?php $networks = NoteTable::getNetworksArray($note); ?> <?php $networkLinks = array(); ?> <?php foreach ($networks as $network) { ?> <?php $networkLinks[] = network_link($network); ?> <?php } ?> in <?php
} ?> <?php $initialValue = ''; if (isset($user)) { $initialValue = NoteTable::getUserMarkup($user); } elseif (isset($record)) { if (isset($analysts)) { $handles = array(); foreach ($analysts as $analyst) { $handles[] = NoteTable::getUserMarkup($analyst); } $initialValue = "To all " . NoteTable::getRecordMarkup($record, $record->getName()) . " analysts (" . implode(", ", $handles) . "): \n"; } else { $initialValue = NoteTable::getRecordMarkup($record, $record->getName()); } } ?> <?php if (isset($networks)) { ?> <?php foreach ($networks as $network) { ?> <?php $isChecked = isset($network_ids) ? in_array($network['id'], $network_ids) : $network['id'] == sfGuardUserTable::getHomeNetworkId(); ?> <?php echo checkbox_tag('network_ids[]', $network['id'], $isChecked);
?> <?php echo NoteTable::prepareBodyForDisplay($note['body']); ?> <div class="note_short_date"> <?php echo link_to(time_ago_in_words(strtotime($note['created_at'])) . ' ago', NoteTable::getInternalUrl($note)); ?> <?php if (NoteTable::hasNonUsNetworks($note)) { ?> <?php $networks = NoteTable::getNetworks($note); ?> <?php $networkLinks = array(); ?> <?php foreach ($networks as $network) { ?> <?php $networkLinks[] = network_link($network); ?> <?php } ?> in <?php
public function executeNotes($request) { $this->checkGroup($request); $this->checkUser($request); $page = $request->getParameter('page', 1); $num = $request->getParameter('num', 20); $s = new LsSphinxClient($page, $num); $s->setFilter('sfguardgroup_ids', array($this->group['id'])); $s->setFilter('visible_to_user_ids', array_unique(array(0, sfGuardUserTable::getCurrentUserId()))); if ($userId = $request->getParameter('user_id')) { $s->setFilter('user_id', array($userId)); } $this->note_pager = NoteTable::getSphinxPager($s); }
$networks = NoteTable::getNetworksArray($note); ?> <?php $networkLinks = array(); ?> <?php foreach ($networks as $network) { ?> <?php $networkLinks[] = network_link($network); ?> <?php } ?> in <?php echo implode(', ', $networkLinks); } ?> </em></span> <br /> <br /> <div class="note_big"> <?php echo NoteTable::prepareBodyForDisplay($note['body']); ?> </div>
public function executeNotes($request) { $this->checkList($request); $page = $request->getParameter('page', 1); $num = $request->getParameter('num', 20); $s = new LsSphinxClient($page, $num); $s->setFilter('lslist_ids', array($this->list['id'])); $s->setFilter('visible_to_user_ids', array_unique(array(0, sfGuardUserTable::getCurrentUserId()))); if ($userId = $request->getParameter('user_id')) { $s->setFilter('user_id', array($userId)); } $this->note_pager = NoteTable::getSphinxPager($s, null, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY); }
public function executeNotes($request) { $this->checkUser(); $this->profile = $this->getUser()->getProfile(); $this->note_form = new NoteForm(); $this->unread_notes = $this->profile->unread_notes; $this->profile->unread_notes = 0; $this->profile->save(); //get network options $networkIds = array_unique(array(sfGuardUserTable::getHomeNetworkId(), LsListTable::US_NETWORK_ID)); $networkIds = array_unique(array_merge($networkIds, $request->getParameter('network_ids', array()))); if (count($networkIds) > 1) { $this->networks = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('LsList l')->whereIn('', $networkIds)->fetchArray(); } if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $params = $request->getParameter('note'); $this->note_form->bind($params); if ($this->note_form->isValid()) { $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); try { $db->beginTransaction(); //associate note with specified networks, or else the user's home network $networkIds = $request->getParameter('network_ids', array(sfGuardUserTable::getHomeNetworkId())); $note = new Note(); $note->user_id = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->id; $note->encodeBody($params['body']); $note->is_private = isset($params['is_private']) ? true : false; $note->network_ids = NoteTable::serialize($networkIds); $note->save(); //if there are alerted users, add notification emails to email queue foreach (NoteTable::unserialize($note->alerted_user_names) as $public_name) { if ($profile = Doctrine::getTable('sfGuardUserProfile')->findOneByPublicName($public_name)) { $public_name = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getProfile()->public_name; $profile->unread_notes++; $profile->save(); $email = new ScheduledEmail(); $email->from_name = sfConfig::get('app_mail_notes_sender_name'); $email->from_email = sfConfig::get('app_mail_notes_sender_address'); $email->to_name = $profile->getName(); $email->to_email = $profile->email; $email->subject = $public_name . ' has written you a note on LittleSis'; $email->body_text = $this->getPartial('notenotify', array('note_author' => $public_name, 'note_author_id' => $note->user_id, 'note_body' => NoteTable::prepareBodyForEmail($note->body), 'note_is_private' => $note->is_private)); $email->body_html = nl2br($this->getPartial('notenotify', array('note_author' => $public_name, 'note_author_id' => $note->user_id, 'note_body' => NoteTable::prepareBodyForEmail($note->body, true), 'note_is_private' => $note->is_private))); $email->save(); } } $db->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollback(); throw $e; } $this->redirect('home/notes'); } } $page = $request->getParameter('page', 1); $num = $request->getParameter('num', 20); $withReplies = $request->getParameter('replies', 1); //get notes to/from the current user using sphinx $s = new LsSphinxClient($page, $num); $currentUserId = sfGuardUserTable::getCurrentUserId(); if ($withReplies) { $s->setFilter('visible_to_user_ids', array($currentUserId)); } else { $s->setFilter('user_id', array($currentUserId)); } $this->note_pager = NoteTable::getSphinxPager($s, null, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY); //execute pager to get most recently indexed note $notes = $this->note_pager->execute(); $lastNoteId = count($notes) ? $notes[0]['id'] : 1; //get new notes that may not yet be indexed $this->new_notes = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Note n')->leftJoin('n.User u')->leftJoin('u.Profile p')->where('n.user_id = ?', $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->id)->andWhere(' > ?', $lastNoteId)->orderBy(' DESC')->setHydrationMode(Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY)->execute(); }
static function getNetworksArray($note) { if ($count = count($networkIds = NoteTable::unserialize($note['network_ids']))) { $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ls_list WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, $count, '?')) . ') ' . 'AND is_network = 1'; $stmt = $db->execute($sql, $networkIds); return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } return array(); }
<?php use_helper('Date'); ?> <?php $actions = array(array('text' => 'see all', 'url' => $more_uri ? $more_uri : $record->getInternalUrl('notes'))); ?> <?php $model = isset($model) ? $model : get_class($record); if ($sf_user->isAuthenticated()) { $class = $model == 'LsList' ? 'List' : $model; $actions[] = array('text' => 'write a note', 'url' => 'home/notes?compose=1&' . strtolower($class) . '_id=' . $record['id']); $actions[] = array('text' => 'note all', 'credential' => 'editor', 'url' => 'home/notes?compose=1&analysts=1&' . strtolower($class) . '_id=' . $record['id']); } ?> <?php include_partial('global/section', array('title' => 'Notes', 'pointer' => 'Analyst notes about ' . (isset($name) ? $name : $record['name']), 'actions' => $actions)); ?> <?php foreach (NoteTable::getNotesByModelAndIdQuery($model, $record['id'])->limit(5)->execute() as $note) { ?> <?php include_partial('note/short', array('note' => $note, 'record' => $record)); }
public function executeRecentNotes() { $s = new LsSphinxClient($page = 1, $num = 10); if (isset($this->network_ids)) { $s->setFilter('network_ids', $this->network_ids); } $userIds = array_filter(array_unique(array(0, sfGuardUserTable::getCurrentUserId())), 'strlen'); $s->setFilter('visible_to_user_ids', $userIds); $this->notes = NoteTable::getSphinxRecords($s, null, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY); }