public function launch() { global $interface; global $user; //Load user ratings require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/UserRating.php'; $rating = new UserRating(); $resource = new Resource(); $rating->joinAdd($resource); $rating->userid = $user->id; $rating->find(); $ratings = array(); while ($rating->fetch()) { if ($rating->deleted == 0) { $ratings[] = array('id' => $rating->id, 'title' => $rating->title, 'author' => $rating->author, 'format' => $rating->format, 'rating' => $rating->rating, 'resourceId' => $rating->resourceid, 'fullId' => $rating->record_id, 'shortId' => $rating->shortId, 'link' => '/Record/' . $rating->record_id . '/Home', 'dateRated' => $rating->dateRated, 'ratingData' => array('user' => $rating->rating), 'source' => 'VuFind'); } } //Load econtent ratings require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/eContent/EContentRating.php'; $eContentRating = new EContentRating(); $econtentRecord = new EContentRecord(); $eContentRating->joinAdd($econtentRecord); $eContentRating->userId = $user->id; $eContentRating->find(); while ($eContentRating->fetch()) { if ($eContentRating->status == 'active') { $resource = new Resource(); $resource->record_id = $eContentRating->id; $resource->source = 'eContent'; $resource->find(true); $ratings[] = array('id' => $eContentRating->id, 'title' => $eContentRating->title, 'author' => $eContentRating->author, 'format' => $resource->format_category, 'rating' => $eContentRating->rating, 'fullId' => $eContentRating->id, 'shortId' => $eContentRating->id, 'link' => '/EcontentRecord/' . $eContentRating->id . '/Home', 'dateRated' => $eContentRating->dateRated, 'ratingData' => array('user' => $eContentRating->rating), 'source' => 'eContent'); } } asort($ratings); //Load titles the user is not interested in $notInterested = array(); $notInterestedObj = new NotInterested(); $resource = new Resource(); $notInterestedObj->joinAdd($resource); $notInterestedObj->userId = $user->id; $notInterestedObj->deleted = 0; $notInterestedObj->selectAdd(' as user_not_interested_id'); $notInterestedObj->find(); while ($notInterestedObj->fetch()) { if ($notInterestedObj->source == 'VuFind') { $link = '/Record/' . $notInterestedObj->record_id; } else { $link = '/EcontentRecord/' . $notInterestedObj->record_id; } if ($notInterestedObj->deleted == 0) { $notInterested[] = array('id' => $notInterestedObj->user_not_interested_id, 'title' => $notInterestedObj->title, 'author' => $notInterestedObj->author, 'dateMarked' => $notInterestedObj->dateMarked, 'link' => $link); } } $interface->assign('ratings', $ratings); $interface->assign('notInterested', $notInterested); $interface->setPageTitle('My Ratings'); $interface->setTemplate('myRatings.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
public function launch() { global $interface; global $user; //Load user ratings require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/LocalEnrichment/UserWorkReview.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/Grouping/GroupedWork.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/RecordDrivers/GroupedWorkDriver.php'; $rating = new UserWorkReview(); $rating->userId = $user->id; $rating->find(); $ratings = array(); while ($rating->fetch()) { $groupedWorkDriver = new GroupedWorkDriver($rating->groupedRecordPermanentId); if ($groupedWorkDriver->isValid) { $ratings[] = array('id' => $rating->id, 'groupedWorkId' => $rating->groupedRecordPermanentId, 'title' => $groupedWorkDriver->getTitle(), 'author' => $groupedWorkDriver->getPrimaryAuthor(), 'rating' => $rating->rating, 'review' => $rating->review, 'link' => $groupedWorkDriver->getLinkUrl(), 'dateRated' => $rating->dateRated, 'ratingData' => $groupedWorkDriver->getRatingData()); } } asort($ratings); //Load titles the user is not interested in $notInterested = array(); require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/LocalEnrichment/NotInterested.php'; $notInterestedObj = new NotInterested(); $notInterestedObj->userId = $user->id; $notInterestedObj->find(); while ($notInterestedObj->fetch()) { $groupedWorkId = $notInterestedObj->groupedRecordPermanentId; $groupedWorkDriver = new GroupedWorkDriver($groupedWorkId); if ($groupedWorkDriver->isValid) { $notInterested[] = array('id' => $notInterestedObj->id, 'title' => $groupedWorkDriver->getTitle(), 'author' => $groupedWorkDriver->getPrimaryAuthor(), 'dateMarked' => $notInterestedObj->dateMarked, 'link' => $groupedWorkDriver->getLinkUrl()); } } $interface->assign('ratings', $ratings); $interface->assign('notInterested', $notInterested); $interface->assign('showNotInterested', false); $interface->setPageTitle('My Ratings'); $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl'); $interface->setTemplate('myRatings.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
static function getSuggestions($userId = -1) { global $configArray; if ($userId == -1) { global $user; $userId = $user->id; } //Load all titles the user is not interested in $notInterestedTitles = array(); $notInterested = new NotInterested(); $resource = new Resource(); $notInterested->joinAdd($resource); $notInterested->userId = $userId; $notInterested->find(); while ($notInterested->fetch()) { if ($notInterested->source == 'VuFind') { $fullId = $notInterested->record_id; } else { $fullId = 'econtentRecord' . $notInterested->record_id; } $notInterestedTitles[$fullId] = $fullId; } //Load all titles the user has rated (print) $allRatedTitles = array(); $allLikedRatedTitles = array(); $ratings = new UserRating(); $ratings->userid = $userId; $resource = new Resource(); $notInterested->joinAdd($resource); $ratings->joinAdd($resource); $ratings->find(); while ($ratings->fetch()) { $allRatedTitles[$ratings->record_id] = $ratings->record_id; if ($ratings->rating >= 4) { $allLikedRatedTitles[] = $ratings->record_id; } } //Load all titles the user has rated (eContent) $econtentRatings = new EContentRating(); $econtentRatings->userId = $userId; $econtentRatings->find(); while ($econtentRatings->fetch()) { $allRatedTitles['econtentRecord' . $econtentRatings->recordId] = 'econtentRecord' . $econtentRatings->recordId; if ($econtentRatings->rating >= 4) { $allLikedRatedTitles[] = 'econtentRecord' . $econtentRatings->recordId; } } // Setup Search Engine Connection $class = $configArray['Index']['engine']; $url = $configArray['Index']['url']; $db = new $class($url); if ($configArray['System']['debugSolr']) { $db->debug = true; } //Get a list of all titles the user has rated (3 star and above) $ratings = new UserRating(); $ratings->whereAdd("userId = {$userId}", 'AND'); $ratings->whereAdd('rating >= 3', 'AND'); $ratings->orderBy('rating DESC, dateRated DESC, id DESC'); //Use the 20 highest ratings to make real-time recommendations faster $ratings->limit(0, 5); $ratings->find(); $suggestions = array(); //echo("User has rated {$ratings->N} titles<br/>"); if ($ratings->N > 0) { while ($ratings->fetch()) { $resourceId = $ratings->resourceid; //Load the resource $resource = new Resource(); $resource->id = $resourceId; $resource->find(); if ($resource->N != 1) { //echo("Did not find resource for $resourceId<br/>"); } else { $resource->fetch(); //echo("Found resource for $resourceId - {$resource->title}<br/>"); $ratedTitles[$resource->record_id] = clone $ratings; $numRecommendations = 0; if ($resource->isbn) { //If there is an isbn for the title, we can load similar titles based on Novelist. $isbn = $resource->isbn; $numRecommendations = Suggestions::getNovelistRecommendations($ratings, $isbn, $resource, $allRatedTitles, $suggestions, $notInterestedTitles); //echo(" - Found $numRecommendations for $isbn from Novelist<br/>"); } if ($numRecommendations == 0) { Suggestions::getSimilarlyRatedTitles($db, $ratings, $userId, $allRatedTitles, $suggestions, $notInterestedTitles); //echo(" - Found $numRecommendations based on ratings from other users<br/>"); } } } } //Also get eContent the user has rated highly $econtentRatings = new EContentRating(); $econtentRatings->userId = $userId; $econtentRatings->whereAdd('rating >= 3'); $econtentRatings->orderBy('rating DESC, dateRated DESC'); $econtentRatings->limit(0, 5); $econtentRatings->find(); //echo("User has rated {$econtentRatings->N} econtent titles<br/>"); if ($econtentRatings->N > 0) { while ($econtentRatings->fetch()) { //echo("Processing eContent Rating {$econtentRatings->recordId}<br/>"); //Load the resource $resource = new Resource(); $resource->record_id = $econtentRatings->recordId; $resource->source = 'eContent'; $resource->find(); if ($resource->N != 1) { //echo("Did not find resource for $resourceId<br/>"); } else { $resource->fetch(); //echo("Found resource for $resourceId - {$resource->title}<br/>"); $ratedTitles[$resource->record_id] = clone $econtentRatings; $numRecommendations = 0; if ($resource->isbn) { //If there is an isbn for the title, we can load similar titles based on Novelist. $isbn = $resource->isbn; $numRecommendations = Suggestions::getNovelistRecommendations($ratings, $isbn, $resource, $allRatedTitles, $suggestions, $notInterestedTitles); //echo(" - Found $numRecommendations for $isbn from Novelist<br/>"); } if ($numRecommendations == 0) { Suggestions::getSimilarlyRatedTitles($db, $ratings, $userId, $allRatedTitles, $suggestions, $notInterestedTitles); //echo(" - Found $numRecommendations based on ratings from other users<br/>"); } } } } $groupedTitles = array(); foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion) { $groupingTerm = $suggestion['titleInfo']['grouping_term']; $groupedTitles[] = $groupingTerm; } //If the user has not rated anything, return nothing. if (count($allLikedRatedTitles) == 0) { return array(); } //Get recommendations based on everything I've rated using more like this functionality $class = $configArray['Index']['engine']; $url = $configArray['Index']['url']; /** @var Solr $db */ $db = new $class($url); //$db->debug = true; $moreLikeTheseSuggestions = $db->getMoreLikeThese($allLikedRatedTitles); //print_r($moreLikeTheseSuggestions); if (count($suggestions) < 30) { foreach ($moreLikeTheseSuggestions['response']['docs'] as $suggestion) { $groupingTerm = $suggestion['grouping_term']; if (array_key_exists($groupingTerm, $groupedTitles)) { //echo ($suggestion['grouping_term'] . " is already in the suggestions"); continue; } $groupedTitles[$groupingTerm] = $groupingTerm; //print_r($suggestion); if (!array_key_exists($suggestion['id'], $allRatedTitles) && !array_key_exists($suggestion['id'], $notInterestedTitles)) { $suggestions[$suggestion['id']] = array('rating' => $suggestion['rating'] - 2.5, 'titleInfo' => $suggestion, 'basedOn' => 'MetaData for all titles rated'); } if (count($suggestions) == 30) { break; } } } //print_r($groupedTitles); //sort suggestions based on score from ascending to descending uasort($suggestions, 'Suggestions::compareSuggestions'); //Only return up to 50 suggestions to make the page size reasonable $suggestions = array_slice($suggestions, 0, 30, true); //Return suggestions for use in the user interface. return $suggestions; }
static function getSuggestions($userId = -1) { global $configArray; //Configuration for suggestions $doNovelistRecommendations = true; $numTitlesToLoadNovelistRecommendationsFor = 10; $doMetadataRecommendations = true; $doSimilarlyRatedRecommendations = false; $maxRecommendations = 30; if ($userId == -1) { global $user; $userId = $user->id; } //Load all titles the user is not interested in $notInterestedTitles = array(); $notInterested = new NotInterested(); $notInterested->userId = $userId; $notInterested->find(); while ($notInterested->fetch()) { $notInterestedTitles[$notInterested->groupedRecordPermanentId] = $notInterested->groupedRecordPermanentId; } //Load all titles the user has rated $allRatedTitles = array(); $allLikedRatedTitles = array(); require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/LocalEnrichment/UserWorkReview.php'; $ratings = new UserWorkReview(); $ratings->userId = $userId; $ratings->find(); while ($ratings->fetch()) { $allRatedTitles[$ratings->groupedRecordPermanentId] = $ratings->groupedRecordPermanentId; if ($ratings->rating >= 4) { $allLikedRatedTitles[] = $ratings->groupedRecordPermanentId; } } // Setup Search Engine Connection $class = $configArray['Index']['engine']; $url = $configArray['Index']['url']; $db = new $class($url); $suggestions = array(); if ($doNovelistRecommendations) { //Get a list of all titles the user has rated (3 star and above) $ratings = new UserWorkReview(); $ratings->whereAdd("userId = {$userId}", 'AND'); $ratings->whereAdd('rating >= 3', 'AND'); $ratings->orderBy('rating DESC, dateRated DESC, id DESC'); //Use just recent ratings to make real-time recommendations faster $ratings->limit(0, $numTitlesToLoadNovelistRecommendationsFor); $ratings->find(); //echo("User has rated {$ratings->N} titles<br/>"); require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/API/WorkAPI.php'; $workApi = new WorkAPI(); if ($ratings->N > 0) { while ($ratings->fetch()) { $groupedWorkId = $ratings->groupedRecordPermanentId; //echo("Found resource for $resourceId - {$resource->title}<br/>"); $ratedTitles[$ratings->groupedRecordPermanentId] = clone $ratings; $isbns = $workApi->getIsbnsForWork($groupedWorkId); Suggestions::getNovelistRecommendations($ratings, $groupedWorkId, $isbns, $allRatedTitles, $suggestions, $notInterestedTitles); /*if (count($suggestions) >= $maxRecommendations){ break; }*/ } } } if ($doSimilarlyRatedRecommendations && count($suggestions) < $maxRecommendations) { //Get a list of all titles the user has rated (3 star and above) $ratings = new UserWorkReview(); $ratings->whereAdd("userId = {$userId}", 'AND'); $ratings->whereAdd('rating >= 3', 'AND'); $ratings->orderBy('rating DESC, dateRated DESC, id DESC'); //Use just recent ratings to make real-time recommendations faster $ratings->limit(0, $numTitlesToLoadNovelistRecommendationsFor); $ratings->find(); //echo("User has rated {$ratings->N} titles<br/>"); require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/API/WorkAPI.php'; $workApi = new WorkAPI(); if ($ratings->N > 0) { while ($ratings->fetch()) { Suggestions::getSimilarlyRatedTitles($workApi, $db, $ratings, $userId, $allRatedTitles, $suggestions, $notInterestedTitles); } } } //Get metadata recommendations if enabled, we have ratings, and we don't have enough suggestions yet if ($doMetadataRecommendations && count($allLikedRatedTitles) > 0 && count($suggestions) < $maxRecommendations) { //Get recommendations based on everything I've rated using more like this functionality $class = $configArray['Index']['engine']; $url = $configArray['Index']['url']; /** @var Solr $db */ $db = new $class($url); //$db->debug = true; $moreLikeTheseSuggestions = $db->getMoreLikeThese($allLikedRatedTitles, $notInterestedTitles); foreach ($moreLikeTheseSuggestions['response']['docs'] as $suggestion) { if (!array_key_exists($suggestion['id'], $allRatedTitles) && !array_key_exists($suggestion['id'], $notInterestedTitles)) { $suggestions[$suggestion['id']] = array('rating' => $suggestion['rating'] - 2.5, 'titleInfo' => $suggestion, 'basedOn' => 'MetaData for all titles rated'); } if (count($suggestions) == $maxRecommendations) { break; } } } //sort suggestions based on score from ascending to descending uasort($suggestions, 'Suggestions::compareSuggestions'); //Only return up to $maxRecommendations suggestions to make the page size reasonable $suggestions = array_slice($suggestions, 0, $maxRecommendations, true); //Return suggestions for use in the user interface. return $suggestions; }
function ClearNotInterested() { global $user; $idToClear = $_REQUEST['id']; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/NotInterested.php'; $notInterested = new NotInterested(); $notInterested->userId = $user->id; $notInterested->id = $idToClear; $result = array('result' => false); if ($notInterested->find(true)) { $notInterested->delete(); $result = array('result' => true); } return json_encode($result); }
/** * Get filters based on scoping for the search * @param Library $searchLibrary * @param Location $searchLocation * @return array */ public function getScopingFilters($searchLibrary, $searchLocation) { global $user; global $configArray; $filter = array(); //************************* //Marmot overrides for filtering based on library system and location //Only show visible records if (!isset($configArray['Index']['ignoreBibSuppression']) || $configArray['Index']['ignoreBibSuppression'] == false) { $filter[] = '-bib_suppression:suppressed'; } //Only include titles that the user has access to based on pType $pType = 0; $owningSystem = ''; $owningLibrary = ''; $canUseDefaultPType = !$this->scopingDisabled; if ($user) { $pType = $user->patronType; } elseif (isset($searchLocation) && $searchLocation->defaultPType > 0 && $canUseDefaultPType) { $pType = $searchLocation->defaultPType; } elseif (isset($searchLibrary) && $searchLibrary->defaultPType > 0 && $canUseDefaultPType) { $pType = $searchLibrary->defaultPType; } if (isset($searchLocation)) { $owningLibrary = $searchLocation->facetLabel; } if (isset($searchLibrary)) { $owningSystem = $searchLibrary->facetLabel; } if ($pType > 0 && $configArray['Index']['enableUsableByFilter'] == true) { $usableFilter = 'usable_by:(' . $pType . ' OR all)'; if (strlen($owningLibrary) > 0) { $usableFilter .= " OR building:\"{$owningLibrary}\" OR building:\"{$owningLibrary} Online\""; } if (strlen($owningSystem) > 0) { $usableFilter .= " OR institution:\"{$owningSystem}\" OR building:\"{$owningSystem} Online\""; } $homeLibrary = Library::getPatronHomeLibrary(); if ($homeLibrary && $homeLibrary != $searchLibrary) { $homeLibraryFacet = $homeLibrary->facetLabel; $usableFilter .= " OR building:\"{$homeLibraryFacet}\" OR building:\"{$homeLibraryFacet} Online\""; } $filter[] = '(' . $usableFilter . ')'; } $blacklistRecords = null; if (isset($searchLocation) && strlen($searchLocation->recordsToBlackList) > 0) { $blacklistRecords = $searchLocation->recordsToBlackList; } if (isset($searchLibrary) && strlen($searchLibrary->recordsToBlackList) > 0) { if (is_null($blacklistRecords)) { $blacklistRecords = $searchLibrary->recordsToBlackList; } else { $blacklistRecords .= "\n" . $searchLibrary->recordsToBlackList; } } if (!is_null($blacklistRecords)) { $recordsToBlacklist = preg_split('/\\s|\\r\\n|\\r|\\n/s', $blacklistRecords); $blacklist = "NOT ("; $numRecords = 0; foreach ($recordsToBlacklist as $curRecord) { if (strlen($curRecord) > 0) { $numRecords++; if ($numRecords > 1) { $blacklist .= " OR "; } $blacklist .= "id:" . $curRecord; } } $blacklist .= ")"; $filter[] = $blacklist; } //Process anything that the user is not interested in. require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/NotInterested.php'; if ($user) { $notInterested = new NotInterested(); $resource = new Resource(); $notInterested->joinAdd($resource); $notInterested->userId = $user->id; $notInterested->find(); if ($notInterested->N > 0) { $notInterestedFilter = " NOT("; $numRecords = 0; while ($notInterested->fetch()) { $numRecords++; if ($numRecords > 1) { $notInterestedFilter .= " OR "; } if ($notInterested->source == 'VuFind') { $notInterestedFilter .= "id:" . $notInterested->record_id; } else { $notInterestedFilter .= "id:econtentRecord" . $notInterested->record_id; } } $notInterestedFilter .= ")"; $filter[] = $notInterestedFilter; } } if ($this->scopingDisabled == false) { if (isset($searchLibrary)) { if ($searchLibrary->restrictSearchByLibrary && $searchLibrary->includeDigitalCollection) { $filter[] = "(institution:\"{$searchLibrary->facetLabel}\" OR institution:\"Shared Digital Collection\" OR institution:\"Digital Collection\" OR institution:\"{$searchLibrary->facetLabel} Online\")"; } else { if ($searchLibrary->restrictSearchByLibrary) { $filter[] = "institution:\"{$searchLibrary->facetLabel}\""; } else { if (!$searchLibrary->includeDigitalCollection) { $filter[] = "!(institution:\"Digital Collection\" OR institution:\"{$searchLibrary->facetLabel} Online\")"; } } } } if ($searchLocation != null) { if ($searchLocation->restrictSearchByLocation && $searchLocation->includeDigitalCollection) { $filter[] = "(building:\"{$searchLocation->facetLabel}\" OR building:\"Shared Digital Collection\" OR building:\"Digital Collection\" OR building:\"{$searchLocation->facetLabel} Online\")"; } else { if ($searchLocation->restrictSearchByLocation) { $filter[] = "(building:\"{$searchLocation->facetLabel}\")"; } else { if (!$searchLocation->includeDigitalCollection) { $filter[] = "!(building:\"Shared Digital Collection\" OR building:\"Digital Collection\" OR building:\"{$searchLibrary->facetLabel} Online\")"; } } } } global $defaultCollection; if (isset($defaultCollection) && strlen($defaultCollection) > 0) { $filter[] = 'collection_group:"' . $defaultCollection . '"'; } if ($this->searchSource == 'econtent') { $filter[] = 'recordtype:"econtentRecord"'; } } return $filter; }