function news_show() { global $news_show; $news = new News(); $news_show = $news->find($_GET['id']); render(); }
public function removeNews($id) { $news = News::find($id); $name = $news->title; $news->delete(); return Redirect::route('account')->with('status', 'alert-success')->with('global', 'You just deleted ' . $name); }
/** * @param $id * @return mixed */ public function togglePublish($id) { $news = $this->news->find($id); $news->is_published = $news->is_published ? false : true; $news->save(); return Response::json(array('result' => 'success', 'changed' => $news->is_published ? 1 : 0)); }
public function Insert_UpdateNews($data) { $id = Input::get("id"); if (!Input::has('id')) { $news = new News(); } else { $news = News::find(array_get($data, 'id')); //tìm id đã có trong data } $news->title = array_get($data, 'title'); // Upload images if (Input::file('file')) { define('PATH_CATEGORY_ICON', rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '/') . '/upload/'); $file = array_get($data, 'file'); $file->move(PATH_CATEGORY_ICON, $file->getClientOriginalName()); $news->images = $file->getClientOriginalName(); } // End Upload images $news->tomtat = array_get($data, 'tomtat'); $news->content = array_get($data, 'content'); $news->cat_id = array_get($data, 'cat_id'); $news->hot = array_get($data, 'hot'); $news->ngaydangbai = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); return $news->save(); }
public function listAction() { $params = $this->request->getQuery(); if ($params['_url'] != null) { $string = ltrim($params['_url'], '/danh-muc'); } $array = explode('-', $string); $id = $array[0]; // Get name category $category = Category::findFirstById($id); $this->tag->setTitle($category->name); // Get list category of id if ($id != '' && $id > 0) { // The data set to paginate $news = News::find(array('active = 1 AND category =' . $id, 'order' => 'id DESC')); $currentPage = (int) $_GET["page"]; // Create a Model paginator, show 10 rows by page starting from $currentPage $paginator = new PaginatorModel(array("data" => $news, "limit" => 13, "page" => $currentPage)); // Get the paginated results $page = $paginator->getPaginate(); $this->view->setVar('page', $page); $this->view->setVar('category', $category); } else { $this->response->redirect('error'); } }
public function testEmpty() { $news = News::find(); $this->assertTrue($news->count() == 0); $news = new News(); $news->title = "A new News!"; $this->assertFalse($news->save()); }
public function showYearAction() { $activeYear = $this->filter->sanitize($this->_getParam('year'), "int"); Phalcon_Tag::setTitle('News'); $this->view->setVar("news", News::find(array("year='{$activeYear}'", "order" => "published DESC"))); $this->view->setVar("activeYear", $activeYear); $this->view->setVar("years", News::count(array('group' => 'year'))); }
public function get_detail($id) { $news = News::find($id); if (is_null($news)) { return json_encode('News not found', 404); } else { return json_encode($news); } }
public function hasUpdated() { $checksum = News::find()->select('SUM(`publishDate`)')->where(['or', ['in', 'categoryID', $this->categories], ['in', 'id', $this->articles]])->scalar(); if (\Yii::$app->cache->get('rssfeed-' . $this->id . '-checksum') != $checksum) { \Yii::$app->cache->set('rssfeed-' . $this->id . '-checksum', $checksum); return true; } return false; }
public function post_delete($id) { $news = News::find($id); if (empty($news)) { return View::make('msg.error')->with('error', 'That news item doesn\'t exist.'); } $news->delete(); return Redirect::to('/admin/news/overview'); }
public function get_delete($id = false) { if (!$id) { return Redirect::to('news'); } $news = News::find($id); $news->delete(); return Redirect::to('news'); }
public function indexAction() { $language = Phalcon_Session::get('language'); $news = News::find(array("language='{$language}'", "limit" => 5, "order" => "published desc")); if (count($news) === 0) { $news = News::find(array("language='en'", "limit" => 5, "order" => "published desc")); } //Query the last 5 news $this->view->setVar("news", $news); }
public function destroy($id, $request) { $data = ['success' => false]; if (News::exists($id)) { $new = News::find($id); if ($new->belongsToUser(Session::get())) { $data['success'] = $new->delete(); } } return new JsonResponse($data); }
function index() { $recent_events = Event::find()->where(array('created_at >= NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK'))->order('created_at DESC')->all(); $find_news = News::find() ->order(array('weight ASC', 'updated_at DESC')) ->limit(5); $this->render(array( 'recent_events' => $recent_events, 'news' => $find_news->all(), )); }
public function showSinglePressItem($slug, $id) { $pressItem = News::with('catalog')->find($id); if (!$pressItem || !$pressItem->isActive() || $pressItem->getSlug() != $slug) { App::abort(404); } $previousPressItemId = News::active()->where('id', '<', $pressItem->id)->max('id'); $previousPressItem = News::find($previousPressItemId); $nextPressItemId = News::active()->where('id', '>', $pressItem->id)->min('id'); $nextPressItem = News::find($nextPressItemId); return View::make('', compact('pressItem', 'previousPressItem', 'nextPressItem')); }
public function showYearAction() { $activeYear = $this->dispatcher->getParam('year', "int"); $exists = $this->view->getCache()->exists($activeYear); if (!$exists) { Phalcon\Tag::setTitle('News'); $this->view->setVar("news", News::find(array("year='{$activeYear}'", "order" => "published DESC"))); $this->view->setVar("activeYear", $activeYear); $this->view->setVar("years", News::count(array('group' => 'year'))); } $this->view->cache(array("lifetime" => 86400, "key" => $activeYear)); }
public function indexAction() { $news1 = News::find(array("typeid = 1", "order" => "inputtime desc", "limit" => 5)); $news2 = News::find(array("typeid = 2", "order" => "inputtime desc", "limit" => 5)); $news3 = News::find(array("typeid = 3", "order" => "inputtime desc", "limit" => 3)); $news4 = News::find(array("typeid = 4", "order" => "inputtime desc", "limit" => 5)); $indexProducts = Products::find(array("limit" => 5, "order" => "id asc")); $this->view->indexProducts = $indexProducts; $this->view->setVar("news1", $news1); $this->view->setVar("news2", $news2); $this->view->setVar("news3", $news3); $this->view->setVar("news4", $news4); }
function delete($params){ $news = News::find($params['id']); if (!empty($news)) { if ($news->destroy()) { $this->flash('success', 'Successfully Destroyed'); } else { $this->flash('error', 'Can\'t destroy News! ' . $news->errors[0]); } } else { $this->flash('error', 'News not found!'); } $this->redirect_back(); }
public function indexAction() { $language = $this->session->get('language'); $exists = $this->view->getCache()->exists($language . 'index'); if (!$exists) { $news = News::find(array("language='{$language}'", "limit" => 5, "order" => "published desc")); if (count($news) === 0) { $news = News::find(array("language='en'", "limit" => 5, "order" => "published desc")); } //Query the last 5 news $this->view->setVar("news", $news); } $this->view->cache(array("lifetime" => 86400, "key" => $language . 'index')); }
public function getTestModel() { // $news = News::select('id', 'name')->getList(); // echo '<pre>'; print_r($news); echo '</pre>'; if ($news = News::find(1)) { $validator = $news->set(array('name' => 'test name', 'text' => 'a lot of text', 'another' => 'this is not a field')); if ($validator->success()) { echo "validation success\n"; $news->save(); } else { echo "validation fail\n"; echo "error fields: " . implode(', ', $validator->errorFields) . "\n"; } print_r($news); } return Response::text("end"); }
public function postEditNews($id) { /* validate input */ $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array("title" => "required", "description" => "required")); /* if validated */ if ($validator->passes()) { /* get input */ $news = News::find($id); $news->title = Input::get("title"); $news->description = Input::get("description"); $news->save(); return Redirect::to("admin/ews/edit_news/{$news->id}")->with('message', 'News edited!'); } else { return Redirect::to("admin/news/edit_news/{$news->id}")->withErrors($validator); } // end validation }
/** * 更新新闻 * */ function actionEdit() { $form = Form_Admin_News::createForm('news', url('news/edit')); $newId = $this->_context->id; $news = News::find('id =?', $newId)->query(); //数组导入到表单 $form->import($news); if ($this->_context->isPOST() && $form->validate($_POST)) { try { //改变属性的值 $news->changeProps($form->values()); $news->save(); return $this->_redirectMessage('编辑文章内容成功', '如果你不做出选择系统将自动跳转', url('news/index'), 3); } catch (QValidator_ValidateFailedException $ex) { $form->invalidate($ex); } } $this->_view['form'] = $form; }
public function getAnnouncementNews() { $conditions = []; if ($this->articles) { $conditions[] = ['in', 'id', $this->articles]; } if ($this->categories) { $conditions[] = ['in', 'categoryID', $this->categories]; } if (empty($conditions)) { return false; } if (count($conditions) > 1) { $conditions = array_merge(['or'], $conditions); } else { $conditions = array_shift($conditions); } return News::find()->with('category')->where($conditions)->orderBy('publishDate DESC')->limit(1)->one(); }
public function indexAction() { //$this->persistent->searchParams = null; $Newstype = Newstype::find(); $this->view->setVar("Newstype", $Newstype); $News = News::find(); $this->view->setVar("News", $News); /* $typeArr; $type = Type::find(); foreach($type as $k=>$v){ $types = Types::find("fid = '".$v->id."'"); $typeArr[$v->name] = $types->toArray(); } $auth = $this->session->get("auth"); if($auth['did'] != 0){ Tag::setDefault("company", $auth['did']); } $this->view->setVar('did',$auth['did']); $this->view->setVar("typeArr",$typeArr); */ }
public function indexAction() { $dynamicPageBegin = $this->request->getPost("dynamicPageBegin"); $mediaPageBegin = $this->request->getPost("mediaPageBegin"); $schdPageBegin = $this->request->getPost("schdPageBegin"); $type = $this->request->getQuery("type"); if ($type == '') { $type = $this->request->getPost("type"); } if ($type == '') { $type = 'X_WXX'; } $this->view->setVar("type", $type); /* $news1 = News::find(array( "typeid = 1", "limit" => 5 )); $news2 = News::find(array( "typeid = 2", "limit" => 5 )); $news3 = News::find(array( "typeid = 3", "order" => "inputtime desc", "limit" => array( "number" => 3, "offset" => 0 ) )); */ $news1 = News::find(array("typeid = 1", "order" => "inputtime desc")); $paginator1 = new \Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\Model(array("data" => $news1, "limit" => 6, "page" => $dynamicPageBegin)); $news2 = News::find(array("typeid = 2", "order" => "inputtime desc")); $paginator2 = new \Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\Model(array("data" => $news2, "limit" => 10, "page" => $mediaPageBegin)); $news3 = News::find(array("typeid = 3", "order" => "inputtime desc")); $paginator = new \Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\Model(array("data" => $news3, "limit" => 3, "page" => $schdPageBegin)); $this->view->page1 = $paginator1->getPaginate(); $this->view->page2 = $paginator2->getPaginate(); $this->view->page = $paginator->getPaginate(); //$this->view->setVar("news3",$news3); }
public function post_edit() { $rules = array('id' => 'required|exists:news', 'title' => 'required|max:255', 'content' => 'required', 'image' => 'image|max:2500'); $validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validation->fails()) { Messages::add('error', $validation->errors->all()); return Redirect::to('admin/' . $this->views . '/edit')->with_input(); } else { $article = News::find(Input::get('id')); $article->title = Input::get('title'); $article->url_title = Str::slug(Input::get('title'), '-'); $article->content = Input::get('content'); $article->save(); $upload = Uploadr::upload('image', 'news', $article->id, true); if ($upload) { WideImage::load('./uploads/' . $upload->filename)->resize(200, 200)->saveToFile('./uploads/' . $upload->small_filename); WideImage::load('./uploads/' . $upload->small_filename)->crop('center', 'center', 150, 150)->saveToFile('./uploads/' . $upload->thumb_filename); } Messages::add('success', 'News article saved'); return Redirect::to('admin/' . $this->views . ''); } }
/** * @param int $count * @return News[]|bool */ public function getNews($count = 0) { $news = News::find(); if (empty($this->getCategories()) && empty($this->getArticles())) { return false; } else { $where = ''; if (!empty($this->getCategories())) { $where = ['in', 'categoryID', $this->getCategories()]; } if (!empty($this->getArticles())) { if (!empty($where)) { $where = ['or', $where, ['in', 'id', $this->getArticles()]]; } else { $where = ['in', 'id', $this->getArticles()]; } } $news->andWhere($where); } if (!empty($count)) { $news->limit($count); } return $news->orderBy('publishDate DESC')->with('category')->all(); }
public function delete($id) { $news = News::find($id); $news->delete(); return Redirect::route('')->with('success', Lang::get('messages.news_delete')); }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); require 'app/config/config.php'; $modelManager = new Phalcon\Model\Manager(); $modelManager->setModelsDir(__DIR__ . '/' . $config->phalcon->modelsDir); Phalcon\Db\Pool::setDefaultDescriptor($config->database); $categoriesCode = array(); foreach (Categories::find() as $category) { $categoriesCode[$category->name] = $category->id; } foreach (News::find() as $new) { foreach ($new->getNewsCategories() as $newCategory) { $newCategory->delete(); } $categories = array(); if (stripos($new->title, 'conf') !== false) { $categories['conf'] = true; } if (stripos($new->title, 'world') !== false) { $categories['conf'] = true; } if (stripos($new->title, 'Rio') !== false) { $categories['conf'] = true; } if (stripos($new->title, 'phpDay') !== false) { $categories['conf'] = true; } if (stripos($new->title, 'NW') !== false) { $categories['conf'] = true; }
public function getEditNewsInfo() { $id = Input::get('id'); $allNews = News::find($id); return $response[] = array("ban_id" => $allNews['id'], "ban_title" => $allNews['title'], "ban_content" => $allNews['content']); }