public function deploy() { $releaseId = $this->dataBase->startRelease(); $ssh = new Net_SSH2(SSH_SERVER); $key = new Crypt_RSA(); $key->setPassword(SSH_PASSWORD); $key->loadKey(file_get_contents(PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY)); if (!$ssh->login(SSH_LOGIN, $key)) { $this->dataBase->logStep($releaseId, 'ssh ' . SSH_SERVER, ['error' => 'Login failed'], 1); exit('Login Failed'); } $ssh->enableQuietMode(); $command = $this->bash->dtLock('sandbox-mercury', 'mercury'); $output['success'] = $ssh->exec($command); $output['error'] = $ssh->getStdError(); $this->dataBase->logStep($releaseId, $command, $output, $ssh->getExitStatus()); $command = $this->bash->dtPrep('sandbox-mercury', 'mercury', ["mercury" => "dev"]); $output['success'] = $ssh->exec($command); $output['error'] = $ssh->getStdError(); $this->dataBase->logStep($releaseId, $command, $output, $ssh->getExitStatus()); $command = $this->bash->dtPush('sandbox-mercury', 'mercury'); $output['success'] = $ssh->exec($command); $output['error'] = $ssh->getStdError(); $this->dataBase->logStep($releaseId, $command, $output, $ssh->getExitStatus()); }
/** * Run this method after executing a command to detect errors * @param \Net_SSH2 $handle * @throws \Cogeco\Build\Exception */ protected static function checkCmdExceptions(\Net_SSH2 $handle) { if ($handle->getExitStatus() > 0) { throw new Exception("Command failed with exit status " . $handle->getExitStatus() . "\n\t" . implode("\n\t", $handle->getErrors())); } else { if (count($handle->getErrors())) { throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ": Command failed.\n\t" . implode("\n\t", $handle->getErrors())); } } }
public function fire($job, $data) { $output = new Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput(); $node = Node::find($data['message']['node_id']); $s3 = \Aws\S3\S3Client::factory(array('key' => 'AKIAIUCV4E2L4HDCDOUA', 'secret' => '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', 'region' => 'us-east-1')); $all_keys = Key::where('integration_id', '=', $data['message']['integration_id'])->get(); foreach ($all_keys as $pem_key_reference) { if ($pem_key_reference->remote_url) { $unique_key_name = rand(0, 9999) . $pem_key_reference->remote_url; $key_bucket = App::isLocal() ? '' : ''; $s3->getObject(array('Bucket' => $key_bucket, 'Key' => $pem_key_reference->remote_url, 'SaveAs' => '/tmp/' . $unique_key_name)); // Shouldn't need these two lines at all. exec('chmod 400 /tmp/' . $unique_key_name); $empty = null; $s3_resource_root = App::isLocal() ? '' : ''; $latest_version = exec("curl -s " . $s3_resource_root . "latest", $empty); $latest_version_url = $s3_resource_root . $latest_version; $ssh = new Net_SSH2($node->public_dns_name); $ssh->enableQuietMode(); $ssh->enablePTY(); $key = new Crypt_RSA(); $key->loadKey(file_get_contents('/tmp/' . $unique_key_name)); exec('rm -rf /tmp/' . $unique_key_name); if (!$ssh->login($pem_key_reference->username, $key)) { continue; } else { $possible_installers = ["yum", "apt-get"]; foreach ($possible_installers as $possible_installer) { $installer_check_result = false; $found = false; $ssh->exec("sudo " . $possible_installer . " -y install ruby"); $install_result = $ssh->read(); $output->writeln($install_result); $install_exit_status = $ssh->getExitStatus(); if ($install_exit_status == 0) { Queue::push('DeployAgentToNode', array('message' => array('node_id' => $node->id, 'integration_id' => $node->integration->id))); return $job->delete(); } } } } else { $output->writeln("This is what we do if all we have is a password."); continue; } } // If we got to this point we were unable to install Curl automatically. $problem = new Problem(); $problem->description = "Couldn't install Curl."; $problem->reason = "Unable to automatically install Curl. Please install it manually."; $problem->node_id = $node->id; $problem->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Retry Deployment"; $remediation->queue_name = "DeployAgentToNode"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Cancel"; $remediation->queue_name = "CancelDeployAgentToNode"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); return $job->delete(); }
if (!isset($_POST['dir'])) { $response['output'] = array('No dir specified!'); $response['return'] = 1; } else { $command_dir = $_POST['dir'] . "/"; $str_content = isset($_POST['content']) ? $_POST['content'] : NULL; $str_content = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($str_content) : $str_content; $json_content = json_decode($str_content); $arguments = count($json_content->arguments) > 0 ? implode(' ', $json_content->arguments) : ''; if (isset($json_content->remote) && $json_content->remote->enabled) { if ($json_content->remote->type == "ssh") { $command = "ssh -q -oBatchMode=yes -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i " . $json_content->remote->ssh->key_path . " " . $json_content->remote->user . "@" . $json_content->remote->host . " 'bash -s' -- < " . $command_dir . " " . $arguments . " 2>&1"; exec($command, $output, $return); } else { $ssh = new Net_SSH2($json_content->remote->host); if (!$ssh->login($json_content->remote->user, $json_content->ssh->password)) { exit("Login failed"); } $command = 'date'; $output = $ssh->exec($command); $return = $ssh->getExitStatus(); } } else { $command = $command_dir . " " . $arguments . " 2>&1"; exec($command, $output, $return); } $response['return'] = $return; $response['output'] = $output; $response['command'] = $command; } echo json_encode($response);
public function fire($job, $data) { $output = new Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput(); $node = Node::find($data['message']['node_id']); // Make sure node exists if (!$node) { $output->writeln("node doesn't exist anymore. no need for this job."); return $job->delete(); } // Make sure node isn't terminated /*if($node->service_provider_status == "terminated") { return $job->delete(); }*/ // Make sure node is running if ($node->service_provider_status != "running") { return $job->release(); $output->writeln("node is not running"); } // Keys are always stored on S3. This is the NoS account. $s3 = \Aws\S3\S3Client::factory(array('key' => 'AKIAIUCV4E2L4HDCDOUA', 'secret' => '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', 'region' => 'us-east-1')); $all_keys = Key::where('integration_id', '=', $data['message']['integration_id'])->get(); $unique_key_name = null; $cmdout = null; // Make sure the user has added credentials for this integration if ($all_keys->isEmpty()) { $problem = new Problem(); $problem->description = "Couldn't deploy agent"; $problem->reason = "No credentials added for this integration.<br /><br />You can manage your integration credentials on the <a href='#'>integrations</a> page.<br />Or <a href='#'>deploy manually</a>."; $problem->node_id = $node->id; $problem->long_message = true; $problem->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Cancel"; $remediation->queue_name = "CancelDeployAgentToNode"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Retry"; $remediation->queue_name = "DeployAgentToNode"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); return $job->delete(); } $eventually_logged_in = false; foreach ($all_keys as $pem_key_reference) { if ($pem_key_reference->remote_url) { $unique_key_name = rand(0, 9999) . $pem_key_reference->remote_url; $key_bucket = App::isLocal() ? '' : ''; $s3->getObject(array('Bucket' => $key_bucket, 'Key' => $pem_key_reference->remote_url, 'SaveAs' => '/tmp/' . $unique_key_name)); exec('chmod 400 /tmp/' . $unique_key_name); $empty = null; $s3_resource_root = App::isLocal() ? '' : ''; $latest_version = exec("curl -s " . $s3_resource_root . "latest", $empty); $latest_version_url = $s3_resource_root . $latest_version; $ssh = new Net_SSH2($node->public_dns_name); $ssh->enableQuietMode(); $ssh->enablePTY(); $key = new Crypt_RSA(); $key->loadKey(file_get_contents('/tmp/' . $unique_key_name)); exec('rm -rf /tmp/' . $unique_key_name); if (!$ssh->login($pem_key_reference->username, $key)) { $output->writeln("ssh fail."); continue; } else { $output->writeln("we are in ssh just fine."); // Let's look for any problems running sudo first. $ssh->exec("sudo whoami"); $exit_status = $ssh->getExitStatus(); if (!$exit_status && $exit_status != 0) { // User can't sudo without a password. We can't auto-install. $problem = new Problem(); $problem->description = "Couldn't deploy agent"; $problem->reason = "User '" . $pem_key_reference->username . "' doesn't have passwordless sudo priviliges. Please either enable it or <a class='problem_cta_btn' href='#'>Manually deploy the NoSprawl Agent</a>"; $problem->node_id = $node->id; $problem->long_message = true; $problem->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Cancel"; $remediation->queue_name = "CancelDeployAgentToNode"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Retry"; $remediation->queue_name = "DeployAgentToNode"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); return $job->delete(); } $result = $ssh->read(); $output->writeln($result); // Check for problems with curl $ssh->exec("curl --help"); $curl_result = $ssh->read(); $curl_exit_status = $ssh->getExitStatus(); if ($curl_exit_status != 0) { $problem = new Problem(); $problem->description = "Couldn't deploy agent"; $problem->reason = "cURL isn’t installed."; $problem->node_id = $node->id; $problem->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Install cURL"; $remediation->queue_name = "InstallCurlAndRetryDeployment"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Cancel"; $remediation->queue_name = "CancelDeployAgentToNode"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); return $job->delete(); } $ssh->exec("(curl " . $latest_version_url . " > nosprawl-installer.rb) && sudo ruby nosprawl-installer.rb && rm -rf nosprawl-installer.rb"); $installer_result = $ssh->read(); $installer_exit_status = $ssh->getExitStatus(); if ($installer_exit_status == 0) { // Everything is good. $node->limbo = false; $node->save(); return $job->delete(); } else { $problem = new Problem(); $problem->description = "Couldn't deploy agent"; $problem->reason = "Ruby isn't installed."; $problem->node_id = $node->id; $problem->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Install"; $remediation->queue_name = "InstallRubyAndRetryDeployment"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Cancel"; $remediation->queue_name = "CancelDeployAgentToNode"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); return $job->delete(); } return $job->delete(); } } else { $output->writeln("This is what we do if all we have is a password."); continue; } } if (!$eventually_logged_in) { $problem = new Problem(); $problem->description = "Couldn't deploy agent"; $problem->reason = "None of the credentials provided were sufficient to connect to this node. Manage your credentials on the <a href='#'>integrations</a> page.<br />Or <a href='#'>deploy manually</a>."; $problem->node_id = $node->id; $problem->long_message = true; $problem->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Cancel"; $remediation->queue_name = "CancelDeployAgentToNode"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); $remediation = new Remediation(); $remediation->name = "Retry"; $remediation->queue_name = "DeployAgentToNode"; $remediation->problem_id = $problem->id; $remediation->save(); return $job->delete(); } }