Пример #1
include 'classifier.php';
// train or load an NGram profile, note a model will not be able to deal with languages it has not seen during training and
// will gladly misclassify any such language as one it has seen during training.
$classifier = new NGramProfiles('etc/classifiers/ngrams.dat');
if (!$classifier->exists()) {
    $classifier->train('en', 'etc/data/english.raw');
    $classifier->train('nl', 'etc/data/dutch.raw');
    $classifier->train('fr', 'etc/data/french.raw');
} else {
// simple prediction function that takes a classifier and a text and echo's the most likely language
function predict($classifier, $text)
    $language = $classifier->predict($text);
    echo "{$language} = '{$text}'\n";
predict($classifier, "Dit is een nederlandse text.");
predict($classifier, "This is an english text.");
predict($classifier, "Ceci n'est pas une pipe.");
Пример #2
include 'classifier.php';
$classifier = new NGramProfiles('etc/classifiers/full.dat');
$classifier->train('en', 'etc/data/english.raw');
$classifier->train('nl', 'etc/data/dutch.raw');
$classifier->train('fr', 'etc/data/french.raw');
$classifier->train('de', 'etc/data/german.raw');
$classifier->train('id', 'etc/data/indonesian.raw');
$classifier->train('jp', 'etc/data/japanese.raw');
$classifier->train('pt', 'etc/data/portugese.raw');
$classifier->train('es', 'etc/data/spanish.raw');
// simple prediction function that takes a classifier and a text and echo's the most likely language
function predict($classifier, $text, $result)
    $language = $classifier->predict($text);
    echo "{$language} = {$result} @ '{$text}'\n";
predict($classifier, "Dit is een nederlandse text.", 'nl');
predict($classifier, "This is an english text.", 'en');
predict($classifier, "Ceci n'est pas une pipe.", 'fr');
predict($classifier, "dies ist ein Satz auf Deutsch", 'de');
predict($classifier, "esta es una frase en alemán", 'es');