Пример #1
 public function get_all($include_slider_items = FALSE)
     $this->db->select($this->_table_prefix . '.*,u.first_name,u.last_name,u.profile_img,u.gender,ue.email');
     $this->db->join(NAILS_DB_PREFIX . 'user u', $this->_table_prefix . '.modified_by = u.id');
     $this->db->join(NAILS_DB_PREFIX . 'user_email ue', $this->_table_prefix . '.modified_by = ue.user_id AND ue.is_primary = 1');
     $_sliders = parent::get_all();
     foreach ($_sliders as $m) {
         if ($include_slider_items) {
             //	Fetch the nested slider items
             $m->items = $this->get_slider_items($m->id);
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     return $_sliders;
Пример #2
  * Fetches all objects
  * @access public
  * @param int $page The page number of the results, if NULL then no pagination
  * @param int $per_page How many items per page of paginated results
  * @param mixed $data Any data to pass to _getcount_common()
  * @param bool $include_deleted If non-destructive delete is enabled then this flag allows you to include deleted items
  * @param string $_caller Internal flag to pass to _getcount_common(), contains the calling method
  * @return array
 public function get_all($page = NULL, $per_page = NULL, $data = NULL, $include_deleted = FALSE, $_caller = 'GET_ALL')
     $_posts = parent::get_all($page, $per_page, $data, $include_deleted, 'GET_ALL');
     foreach ($_posts as $post) {
         //	Fetch associated categories
         if (!empty($data['include_categories'])) {
             $this->db->join(NAILS_DB_PREFIX . 'blog_category c', 'c.id = pc.category_id');
             $this->db->where('pc.post_id', $post->id);
             $post->categories = $this->db->get(NAILS_DB_PREFIX . 'blog_post_category pc')->result();
             foreach ($post->categories as $c) {
                 $c->url = $this->blog_category_model->format_url($c->slug);
         } else {
             $post->categories = array();
         // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
         //	Fetch associated tags
         if (!empty($data['include_tags'])) {
             //	Fetch associated tags
             $this->db->join(NAILS_DB_PREFIX . 'blog_tag t', 't.id = pt.tag_id');
             $this->db->where('pt.post_id', $post->id);
             $post->tags = $this->db->get(NAILS_DB_PREFIX . 'blog_post_tag pt')->result();
             foreach ($post->tags as $t) {
                 $t->url = $this->blog_tag_model->format_url($t->slug);
         } else {
             $post->tags = array();
         // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
         //	Fetch other associations
         $_associations = $this->config->item('blog_post_associations');
         if (!empty($data['include_associations']) && $_associations) {
             foreach ($_associations as $index => $assoc) {
                 $post->associations[$index] = $assoc;
                 //	Fetch the association data from the source, fail ungracefully - the dev should have this configured correctly.
                 $this->db->select('src.' . $assoc->source->id . ' id, src.' . $assoc->source->label . ' label');
                 $this->db->join($assoc->source->table . ' src', 'src.' . $assoc->source->id . '=target.associated_id', 'LEFT');
                 $this->db->where('target.post_id', $post->id);
                 $post->associations[$index]->current = $this->db->get($assoc->target . ' target')->result();
         } else {
             $post->associations = array();
         // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
         //	Fetch associated images
         if (!empty($data['include_gallery'])) {
             $this->db->where('post_id', $post->id);
             $post->gallery = $this->db->get(NAILS_DB_PREFIX . 'blog_post_image')->result();
         } else {
             $post->gallery = array();
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     return $_posts;