public function actionEnd() { $this->validateToken(); $this->validatePermission('smartslider_edit'); $key = N2Request::getCmd('key'); N2SmartSliderSettings::set('guide-' . $key, 0); N2Message::notice('The ' . $key . ' guide completed. If you need it again, you can turn it on in the "Settings"!'); $this->response->respond(); }
public function actionOrderBy() { $time = N2Request::getCmd('time', null); if ($time == 'DESC' || $time == 'ASC') { N2SmartSliderSettings::set('slidersOrder', 'time'); N2SmartSliderSettings::set('slidersOrderDirection', $time); } $title = N2Request::getCmd('title', null); if ($title == 'DESC' || $title == 'ASC') { N2SmartSliderSettings::set('slidersOrder', 'title'); N2SmartSliderSettings::set('slidersOrderDirection', $title); } $this->redirectToSliders(); }
n2GetBox('n2-box-wide n2-box-overflow n2-box-free', 'free/box2.png', N2Html::tag('div', array(), 'Take your slider to the next level with Smart Slider 3 PRO!') . N2Html::link('See all features', N2SS3::getWhyProUrl(), array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'n2-button n2-button-blue n2-button-medium n2-h5 n2-uc')), false); n2GetBox('', 'Documentation.png', N2Html::tag('div', array(), n2_('Interactive online documentation.')) . N2Html::link(n2_('Read'), '', array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'n2-button n2-button-grey n2-button-small n2-h5 n2-uc'))); n2GetBox('', 'Videos.png', N2Html::tag('div', array(), n2_('Helpful tutorial videos.')) . N2Html::link(n2_('Watch'), '', array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'n2-button n2-button-grey n2-button-small n2-h5 n2-uc'))); n2GetBox('', 'Help.png', N2Html::tag('div', array(), n2_('First class support with real people.')) . N2Html::link(n2_('Write'), '', array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'n2-button n2-button-grey n2-button-small n2-h5 n2-uc'))); n2GetBox('', 'Newsletter.png', N2Html::tag('div', array(), n2_('Receive the latest news.')) . N2Html::link(n2_('Subscribe'), '', array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'n2-button n2-button-grey n2-button-small n2-h5 n2-uc'))); n2GetBox('', 'Facebook.png', N2Html::tag('div', array(), n2_('Join the community on Facebook.')) . N2Html::link(n2_('Join'), '', array('class' => 'n2-button n2-button-grey n2-button-small n2-h5 n2-uc', 'target' => '_blank'))); n2GetBox('', 'Love.png', N2Html::tag('div', array(), n2_('Are you satisfied with Smart Slider 3?')) . N2Html::link(n2_('Yes'), '', array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'n2-button n2-button-green n2-button-small n2-h5 n2-uc')) . N2Html::link(n2_('No'), '', array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'n2-button n2-button-red n2-button-small n2-h5 n2-uc'))); n2GetBox('n2-box-add-license', 'AddLicense.png', '<div>' . n2_('You got the PRO license key?') . '</div><a href="" target="_blank" class="n2-button n2-button-small n2-button-blue n2-uc n2-h5">' . n2_('Install PRO version') . '</a>'); ?> <div class="n2-clear"></div> </div> <?php if (intval(N2SmartSliderSettings::get('discover', 1)) == 1) { N2SmartSliderSettings::set('discover', 0); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> n2(window).ready(function () { new NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 913, 710 ], title: n2_('Discover Smart Slider 3'), back: false, close: true, content: '<iframe style="margin:20px 10px 0;" width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>', controls: ['<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-big n2-button-green n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Close') + '</a>'],