<?php // /update/:query/:inicio/:final // $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-n-j H:i',$inicio); // $inicio = date('Y-m-d H:i',$date->format('U')); // $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-n-j H:i',$final); // $final = date('Y-m-d H:i',$date->format('U')); echo $inicio, PHP_EOL, $final, PHP_EOL; // Only insert data every four hours $files = array('oee_insert_uITLA_PRE-POST-PURGE'); // $inicio = strtotime('-4 hours'); // $final = strtotime('now'); // echo('Query for dates:' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $inicio) . " >". date('Y-m-d H:i', $final)); $DB = new MxApps(); foreach ($files as $index => $value) { $query = file_get_contents("sql/" . $value . '.sql'); $DB->setQuery($query); $DB->bind_vars(':inicio', $inicio); $DB->bind_vars(':final', $final); file_put_contents("sql/preCompiled/" . $value . ".sql", $DB->query); echo "Active : " . $value . PHP_EOL; if (oci_execute($DB->statement)) { echo "Success : " . $value . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "Fail" . PHP_EOL; } } $DB->close();
// Take a base DATE and ADD 4 hours $final = strtotime('+4 hours', $date->format('U')); $final = date('Y-m-d H:i', $final); $bu_id = '3'; // bu_id [Alfredo-1,Luis-2,Gerardo-3,Tomas-4] $depto = 'ITLA'; $product = 'all'; $process = 'Deflector'; $machine = $request['machine']; $sample_time_span = '240'; $total_production_time = ''; $build_qty = $request['build_qty'] <= 0 ? 0 : $request['build_qty']; $good_qty = $request['good_qty'] <= 0 ? 0 : $request['good_qty']; $yield = $build_qty <= 0 ? 0 : "{$good_qty}/{$build_qty}"; $query = file_get_contents("./sql/oee_manual_insert_generic.sql"); $DB = new MxApps(); $DB->setQuery($query); $DB->bind_vars(':inicio', $inicio); $DB->bind_vars(':final', $final); $DB->bind_vars(':bu_id', $bu_id); $DB->bind_vars(':depto', $depto); $DB->bind_vars(':product', $product); $DB->bind_vars(':process', $process); $DB->bind_vars(':machine', $machine); $DB->bind_vars(':sample_time_span', $sample_time_span); $DB->bind_vars(':total_production_time', $total_production_time); $DB->bind_vars(':build_qty', $build_qty); $DB->bind_vars(':good_qty', $request['good_qty']); $DB->bind_vars(':avg_ct', $avg_ct); $DB->bind_vars(':yield', $yield); $DB->exec();
<?php // phpinfo(); // echo "product: $machine, $total_qty, $good_qty, $start" ; /* * All this effort to convert a date to a string */ // Convert the taken date to a date object $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-n-j H:i', $start); // Convert the date to a string $inicio = date('Y-m-d H:i', $date->format('U')); // echo "$inicio"; $machine = $machine; $query = "select * from oee_master2 where s_start_dt = to_date(':s_start_dt','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') and machine = ':machine'"; $DB = new MxApps(); $DB->setQuery($query); $DB->bind_vars(':s_start_dt', $inicio); $DB->bind_vars(':machine', $machine); $DB->exec(); $json = $DB->json(); $ans = $DB->results[0]; // echo $DB->query; if ($json == "[]") { echo '{"error":"empty"}'; } else { $build_qty = $ans['BUILD_QTY']; $good_qty = round($ans['BUILD_QTY'] * $ans['YIELD']); $json = '{"build_qty":' . $build_qty . ',"good_qty":' . $good_qty . '}'; echo "{$json}"; } $DB->close();
if ($json == '[]') { // throw new Exception("No arrojo datos la base de datos [".$queryName. "]", 1); } else { file_put_contents('cache/' . $queryName . '.json', $json); array_push($ans, array($queryName => json_decode($json))); } } $DB->close(); echo json_encode($ans); } elseif ($target == 'four_ours') { // Only insert data every four hours $files = array('oee_insert_SiLens_every_x_h', 'oee_insert_LR4-OSA_LIV', 'oee_insert_Engines_Functional', 'oee_insert_Engines_Welder', 'oee_insert_pmqpsk_dctest', 'oee_insert_pmqpsk_plctest', 'oee_insert_uITLA_LENS', 'oee_insert_LR4-pack_Screening', 'oee_insert_Engines_LIV', 'oee_query_uITLA_PRE-POST-PURGE', 'oee_insert_Engines_10Gb_25Gb'); $inicio = strtotime('-4 hours'); $final = strtotime('now'); // echo('Query for dates:' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $inicio) . " >". date('Y-m-d H:i', $final)); $DB = new MxApps(); foreach ($files as $index => $value) { $query = file_get_contents("sql/" . $value . '.sql'); $DB->setQuery($query); $DB->bind_vars(':inicio', date('Y-m-d H:i', $inicio)); $DB->bind_vars(':final', date('Y-m-d H:i', $final)); file_put_contents("sql/preCompiled/" . $value . ".sql", $DB->query); echo "Active : " . $value . PHP_EOL; if (oci_execute($DB->statement)) { echo "Success : " . $value . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "Fail" . PHP_EOL; } } $DB->close(); }