<div class="clearfix"> </div> <div class="table-header"> Formulaire: "<?php echo ACTIV_APP; ?> " </div> <div class="widget-content"> <div class="widget-box"> <?php $form = new Mform('addtask', 'addtask', 'task'); $form->input_hidden('id_modul', Mreq::tg('id')); //Déscription application $desc_array[] = array('required', 'true', 'Insérer la Déscription'); $form->input('Déscription', 'description', 'text', 6, null, $desc_array); //Nom Application $app_array[] = array('required', 'true', 'Insérer Nom d l' . "\\'" . ' application'); $app_array[] = array('minlength', '3', 'Minimum 3 caractères'); $app_array[] = array('remote', 'app#task', 'Ce nom existe déja'); $form->input('Nom Application', 'app', 'text', 6, null, $app_array); //Option Application système $app_sys = array('NON' => 0, 'OUI' => 1); $form->select('Application Système', 'app_sys', 3, $app_sys, $indx = NULL, $selected = NULL); //Button submit $form->button('Enregistrer Application'); //Add JS function if need //$form->js_add_funct('alert(\'Test alert\');');
<?php //Check Valid link //End Check Valid link if (Mreq::tp('verif') == 1) { //exit('0#exec'); $posted_data = array('pass' => Mreq::tp('pass'), 'passc' => Mreq::tp('passc'), 'token' => Mreq::tp('token')); //Check if array have empty element return list //for acceptable empty field do not put here $checker = null; $empty_list = "Les champs suivants sont obligatoires:\n<ul>"; if ($posted_data['pass'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Mot de passe</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['passc'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Confirmation mot de passe</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['pass'] != $posted_data['passc']) { $empty_list .= "<li>Les deux mots de passe incompatibles</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['token'] == NULL || strlen($posted_data['token']) != 32) { $empty_list .= "<li>Le token est Invalide</li>"; $checker = 1; } $empty_list .= "</ul>"; if ($checker == 1) { exit("0#{$empty_list}"); }
} //Function check good password function check_Password_complex($pass) { if (strlen($pass) < 8 || !preg_match("#[0-9]+#", $pass) || !preg_match("#[a-zA-Z]+#", $pass)) { exit("false"); // } else { exit("true"); //. } } //Check username avalaible if (Mreq::tp('f') != null && Mreq::tp('f') != 'pass') { $champs = Mreq::tp('f'); $table = Mreq::tp('t'); $value = Mreq::tp($champs); //exit($champs.' '.$table.' '.$value); check_exist($table, $champs, $value, Mreq::tp('isedit')); } if (Mreq::tp('f') == "pass") { check_Password_complex(Mreq::tp('pass')); } /*//Check username avalaible //Check email adress exist for existing account if(Mreq::tp('f') == "mail"){check_exist('users_sys', 'mail', Mreq::tp('email'), Mreq::tp('isedit'));} //Check app task exist for existing task if(Mreq::tp('f') == "app"){check_exist('users_sys', 'mail', Mreq::tp('email'), Mreq::tp('isedit'));} //Check password is good if(Mreq::tp('f') == "pass"){check_Password_complex(Mreq::tp('pass'));}*/
/** * Function Format verif form get an set * using session * return string true. */ public static function form_verif($sens = true) { if ($sens == true) { session::clear('f_v'); session::set('f_v', session::generate_sid()); $str = session::get('f_v'); echo $str; } else { if (Mreq::tp('verif') != null) { if (Mreq::tp('verif') == session::get('f_v')) { return true; } else { exit('3#Token non valid'); } return true; } } }
<?php if (MInit::form_verif(false)) { $posted_data = array('id' => Mreq::tp('id'), 'nom' => Mreq::tp('pseudo'), 'lnom' => Mreq::tp('lnom'), 'fnom' => Mreq::tp('fnom'), 'mail' => Mreq::tp('email'), 'tel' => Mreq::tp('tel'), 'service' => Mreq::tp('service'), 'pass' => Mreq::tp('pass'), 'passc' => Mreq::tp('passc'), 'photo_id' => Mreq::tp('photo-id'), 'form_id' => Mreq::tp('form-id'), 'signature_id' => Mreq::tp('signature-id')); //Check if array have empty element return list //for acceptable empty field do not put here $checker = null; $empty_list = "Les champs suivants sont obligatoires:\n<ul>"; if ($posted_data['lnom'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['fnom'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Prénom</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['nom'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Pseudo</li>"; $checker = 1; } /*if($posted_data['pass'] == NULL){ $empty_list .= "<li>Mot de passe</li>"; $checker = 1; }*/ if ($posted_data['pass'] != NULL && $posted_data['passc'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Confirmation mot de passe</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['mail'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Adresse Email</li>";
<?php if (Mreq::tp('verif') == 1) { $posted_data = array('email' => Mreq::tp('email'), 'captcha' => Mreq::tp('captcha')); //Check if array have empty element return list //for acceptable empty field do not put here $checker = null; $empty_list = "Les champs suivants sont obligatoires:\n<ul>"; if ($posted_data['email'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>L'adresse email ou Pseudo</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['captcha'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Le code Anti-robots</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['captcha'] != $_SESSION['Captcha']) { $empty_list .= "<li>Le code Anti-robots Incorrect</li>"; $checker = 1; } $empty_list .= "</ul>"; if ($checker == 1) { exit("0#{$empty_list}"); } //End check empty element $new_forgot = new MLogin($posted_data); //execute Login returne false if error if ($new_forgot->do_forgot()) { echo "1#" . $new_forgot->log; } else { echo "0#" . $new_forgot->log;
//concatenate search sql if value exist if (isset($where) && $where != '') { $sqlTot .= $where; $sqlRec .= $where; } $sqlRec .= " ORDER BY statut DESC, " . $columns[$params['order'][0]['column']] . " " . $params['order'][0]['dir'] . " LIMIT " . $params['start'] . " ," . $params['length'] . " "; if (!$db->Query($sqlTot)) { $db->Kill($db->Error() . " SQLTOT {$sqlTot}"); } // $totalRecords = $db->RowCount(); //Export data to CSV File if (Mreq::tp('export') == 1) { $file_name = 'user_list'; $title = 'Liste utilisateur '; if (Mreq::tp('format') == 'csv') { $header = array('ID', 'Nom & Prénom', 'Service', 'Statut'); Minit::Export_xls($header, $file_name, $title); } else { $header = array('ID' => 10, 'Nom & Prénom' => 50, 'Service' => 20, 'Statut' => 20); Minit::Export_pdf($header, $file_name, $title); } } // if (!$db->Query($sqlRec)) { $db->Kill($db->Error() . " SQLREC {$sqlRec}"); } // //iterate on results row and create new index array of data while (!$db->EndOfSeek()) { $row = $db->RowValue();
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="fr"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title><?php echo SYS_TITRE . ' | ' . MCfg::get('sys_desc') . ' | ' . CLIENT_TITRE; ?> .</title> <meta name="description" content="overview & stats" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <?php if (Mreq::tg('noscript') == "0" && Mreq::tg('_tsk') != 'errorjs') { $error_link = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?_tsk=errorjs&noscript=1'; ?> <noscript> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=<?php echo $error_link; ?> "/> </noscript> <?php } ?> <?php require_once 'css.php'; ?> <!--inline styles related to this page--> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"> <?php $actions = new Mmodul(); $actions->id_task = Mreq::tp('id'); $actions->action_task(); ?> </ul>
<?php if (MInit::form_verif(false)) { $posted_data = array('user' => Mreq::tp('user'), 'pass' => Mreq::tp('pass')); //Check if array have empty element return list //for acceptable empty field do not put here $checker = null; $empty_list = "Les champs suivants sont obligatoires:\n<ul>"; if ($posted_data['user'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom d'utilisateur</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['pass'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Mot de passe</li>"; $checker = 1; } $empty_list .= "</ul>"; if ($checker == 1) { exit("0#{$empty_list}"); } //End check empty element $new_login = new MLogin($posted_data); //execute Login returne false if error if ($new_login->do_login()) { echo "1#" . $new_login->log; } else { echo "0#" . $new_login->log; } } else { view::load('login', 'login'); }
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var table = $('#task_grid').DataTable({ bProcessing: true, serverSide: true, ajax: { url: "./?_tsk=task&ajax=1&id=<?php $info_modul->Shw('id'); ?> ", // type: "post", //data: "id=<?php Mreq::tp('id'); ?> ", // }, aoColumns: [ {"sClass": "center","sWidth":"5%"}, // {"sClass": "left","sWidth":"55%"}, {"sClass": "left","sWidth":"35%"}, {"sClass": "center","sWidth":"5%"}, ],
<th> Description </th> <th width = "5%"> <input name="form-field-checkbox" class="check-all ace ace-checkbox-2" type="checkbox"> <span class="lbl"></span> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php //liste user $query_modul = new Mmodul(); global $db; if (!$db->Query($query_modul->Get_action_modul($row[0], Mreq::tp('id')))) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); } while (!$db->EndOfSeek()) { $row = $db->Row(); ?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $row->action_id; ?> </td> <td>
<?php //Get all compte info $info_user = new Musers(); $info_user->id_user = Mreq::tp('id'); if (!$info_user->get_user()) { exit('3#' . $info_user->log . '<br>Les informations pour cette ligne sont erronées contactez l\'administrateur'); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function($) { // validate signup form on keyup and submit $("#adduser").validate({ execApp:"edituser", execNext:"user", isedit: '<?php $info_user->Shw('id'); ?> ', //execAlert:true, //remoteAlert:true, rules: { fnom: "required", lnom: "required", service: "required", pseudo: {
public static function load($ifsses, $appid) { //Format Messages $msg_ajax = '<div class="alert alert-error"><strong><i class="icon-remove"></i>Attention!</strong><br> Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé(e) à accéder à cette application , redirection vers acceuil.... \\AJAX</div>'; $msg_app = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à accéder à cette application , redirection vers acceuil.... \\APP"; $msg_file = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à accéder à cette application , redirection vers acceuil.... \\FILE"; $msg_perm = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à accéder à cette application , redirection vers acceuil.... \\PERMISSION_USER"; $msg_sess = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à accéder à cette application , redirection vers acceuil.... \\SESSION_USER"; //Avant tout on check le browser //exit($appid); if (!MInit::check_browser()) { $errpage = "Navigateur non supporté<br> merci de contacter le Service Informatique de <<CLIENT>>."; //header("location:ff.exe"); exit(msgbox($errpage, 0, '', 45)); } global $db; Cookie::close_session_open(); $default_applic_id = $ifsses == 1 ? 'login' : $appid; //exit(Mreq::tg('_tsk')); $app_id = Mreq::tg('_tsk') != "0" ? Mreq::tg('_tsk') : $default_applic_id; if (!$db->Query("SELECT * FROM task where app='{$app_id}' ")) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); } if ($db->RowCount() == 0) { exit("3#{$msg_app}'"); } $array = $db->RowArray(); $appc_idc = $array['id']; $needsession = $array['session']; $app_rep = $array['rep']; $app_file = $array['file']; $app_ajax = $array['ajax']; $app_target = MPATH_MODULES . $app_rep . SLASH . $app_file . '_c.php'; if ($app_ajax == 1) { exit("3#{$msg_ajax}"); } //Check if is good appli not need session $good_app = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select modul from task where id = {$appc_idc}"); if ($needsession == 1 && session::get('userid') == FALSE) { //exit("3#$msg_sess"); header('location:./'); } if ($needsession == 0 && session::get('userid') == TRUE) { //exit("3#$msg_sess"); header('location:./'); } if ($good_app == "0") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM permission_users where perm=1 and appid=" . $appc_idc . " and userid=" . $_SESSION['userid']; if (!$db->Query($sql)) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); } if ($db->RowCount() <= 0) { exit("3#{$msg_perm} "); } } if (!file_exists($app_target)) { print "3#{$msg_file} {$app_target}"; } else { define('ACTIV_APP', $array['dscrip']); define('MODUL_APP', $array['modul']); define('APP_ID', $array['id']); require_once $app_target; } }
<?php //Get all compte info $info_langue = new Mlangue(); $info_langue->id_langue = Mreq::tp('id'); if (!$info_langue->get_langue()) { exit('3#' . $info_langue->log . '<br>Les informations pour cette ligne sont erronées contactez l\'administrateur'); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function($) { // validate signup form on keyup and submit $("#editlangue").validate({ execApp:"editlangue", execNext:"langue", isedit: '<?php $info_langue->Shw('id'); ?> ', //execAlert:true, //remoteAlert:true, rules: { lang: "required" },
</thead> </table> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var table = $('#task_grid').DataTable({ bProcessing: true, serverSide: true, ajax_url:"task", extra_data : "id=<?php echo Mreq::tp('id'); ?> ", aoColumns: [ {"sClass": "center","sWidth":"5%"}, // {"sClass": "left","sWidth":"55%"}, {"sClass": "left","sWidth":"35%"}, {"sClass": "center","sWidth":"5%"}, ],
<!-- styles --> <body class="login-layout"> <div class="main-container container-fluid"> <div class="main-content"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span12"> <div class="login-container"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="center"> <!-- ==== load app here==== --> <?php $execute_app = new MAjax(); $execute_app->is_appli = true; $execute_app->default_app = Mreq::tg('_tsk') != "0" ? Mreq::tg('_tsk') : 'login'; $execute_app->load(); //applic::load(1,0); ?> </div><!--/position-relative--> </div> </div> </div><!--/.span--> </div><!--/.row-fluid--> </div> </div><!--/.main-container--> <!-- ======== --> </body> </html>
$empty_list .= "<li>Nom de l'application</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['description'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Déscription</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['app_sys'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Type de l'Application</li>"; $checker = 1; } $empty_list .= "</ul>"; if ($checker == 1) { exit("0#{$empty_list}"); } //End check empty element $new_modul = new Mmodul($posted_data); //$new_modul->exige_pkg = true; //execute Insert returne false if error if ($new_modul->save_new_task()) { echo "1#" . $new_modul->log; } else { echo "0#" . $new_modul->log; } } else { //check if the modul is the right one if (md5(Mreq::tp('id')) != Mreq::tp('idc')) { exit('3#<br>Les informations pour cette ligne sont erronées contactez l\'administrateur'); } view::load('modul_mgr', 'addtask'); }
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"> <?php $actions = new Musers(); $actions->id_user = Mreq::tp('id'); $actions->action_user(); ?> <!-- <li> <a href="#" class="this_url" redi="user" data="id=%id%" rel="edituser" item="%id%" > <i class="ace-icon fa fa-pencil bigger-100"></i> Afficher contrat </a> </li> --> </ul>
<?php if (Mreq::tp('upld') == 1) { $fileid = Mreq::tp('fileID'); $handle = new Mupload(); if ($handle->upload($_FILES[$fileid])) { $handle->file_max_size = '1000000000'; $handle->Process('temp'); $handle->stop_all = true; $handle->Clean(); } else { echo ' Error2: ' . $handle->error . ''; } } elseif (Mreq::tp('del') == 1) { $handle = new Mupload(); $handle->stop_all = true; $handle->delete_file(Mreq::tp('f')); }
<?php if (Mreq::tg('_tsk') == 'errorjs' && Mreq::tg('noscript') == 0) { //exit(Mreq::tg('noscript').' 1'); header('location:./'); } else { //exit(Mreq::tg('noscript').' 2'); $session = new session(); if (!$session->stop()) { return false; } else { view::load('ajax', 'errorjs'); } }
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"> <?php $actions = new Mlangue(); $actions->id_langue = Mreq::tp('id'); $actions->action_langue(); ?> </ul>
<?php if (MInit::form_verif(false)) { $posted_data = array('id' => Mreq::tp('id'), 'lang' => Mreq::tp('lang'), 'ide' => Mreq::tp('ide')); //Check if array have empty element return list //for acceptable empty field do not put here $checker = null; $empty_list = "Les champs suivants sont obligatoires:\n<ul>"; if ($posted_data['lang'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom de la Lanue</li>"; $checker = 1; } $empty_list .= "</ul>"; if ($checker == 1) { exit("0#{$empty_list}"); } //End check empty element $new_langue = new Mlangue($posted_data); $new_langue->id_langue = $posted_data['id']; //execute Insert returne false if error if ($new_langue->edit_langue()) { echo "1#" . addslashes($new_langue->log); } else { echo "0#" . addslashes($new_langue->log); } } else { view::load('langue', 'editlangue'); }
<?php if (MInit::form_verif(false)) { $posted_data = array('modul' => Mreq::tp('modul'), 'description' => Mreq::tp('description'), 'app' => Mreq::tp('app'), 'sbclass' => Mreq::tp('sbclass')); //Check if array have empty element return list //for acceptable empty field do not put here $checker = null; $empty_list = "Les champs suivants sont obligatoires:\n<ul>"; if ($posted_data['modul'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom de module</li>"; $checker = 1; } if (!MInit::is_regex($posted_data['modul'])) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom de module non valid (a-z 1-9)</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['description'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Déscription</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['app'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom de l'application de base</li>"; $checker = 1; } if (!MInit::is_regex($posted_data['app'])) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom de l'application non valid (a-z 1-9)</li>"; $checker = 1; } $empty_list .= "</ul>"; if ($checker == 1) { exit("0#{$empty_list}");
<?php if (MInit::form_verif(false)) { $posted_data = array('modul' => Mreq::tp('modul'), 'description' => Mreq::tp('description'), 'app_modul' => Mreq::tp('app_modul'), 'pkg_id' => Mreq::tp('pkg-id')); //Check if array have empty element return list //for acceptable empty field do not put here $checker = null; $empty_list = "Les champs suivants sont obligatoires:\n<ul>"; if ($posted_data['modul'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom de module</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['description'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Déscription</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['app_modul'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Application de base</li>"; $checker = 1; } $empty_list .= "</ul>"; if ($checker == 1) { exit("0#{$empty_list}"); } //End check empty element $new_modul = new Mmodul($posted_data); //$new_modul->exige_pkg = true; //execute Insert returne false if error if ($new_modul->save_new_modul()) { echo "1#" . $new_modul->log; } else {
//SELECT `fnom`, `lnom`, `servic`,`active` FROM `users_sys` //define index of column $columns = array(0 => 'id', 1 => 'dscrip', 2 => 'file'); //Format all variables $colms = $tables = $joint = $where = $sqlTot = $sqlRec = ""; // define used table. $tables .= " task, modul "; // define joint and rtable elation start always with 'WHERE' $joint .= " WHERE task.modul = modul.id "; // set sherched columns.(the final colm without comma) $colms .= " task.id, "; //$colms .= " CONCAT('<div class=\"user\"><img class=\"nav-user-photo\" alt=\"\" src=\"./upload/useres/',users_sys.id,'/',MD5(users_sys.photo),'48x48.png\"></div>') as photo, "; $colms .= " task.dscrip, "; $colms .= " CONCAT(task.rep,'-',task.file) as file "; //default where"; $where .= "AND modul.id = " . Mreq::tp('id'); // check search value exist if (!empty($params['search']['value'])) { $serch_value = str_replace('+', ' ', $params['search']['value']); //Format where in case joint isset $where .= $joint == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND "; $where .= " task.file LIKE '%" . $serch_value . "%' "; $where .= " OR task.rep LIKE '%" . $serch_value . "%' "; $where .= " OR task.id LIKE '%" . $serch_value . "%' "; } // getting total number records without any search $sql = "SELECT {$colms} FROM {$tables} {$joint} "; $sqlTot .= $sql; $sqlRec .= $sql; //concatenate search sql if value exist if (isset($where) && $where != '') {
<?php if (MInit::form_verif(false)) { $posted_data = array('modul' => Mreq::tp('modul'), 'description' => Mreq::tp('description'), 'app' => Mreq::tp('app'), 'sbclass' => Mreq::tp('sbclass'), 'id' => Mreq::tp('id'), 'id_checker' => Mreq::tp('id_checker'), 'id_app' => Mreq::tp('id_app')); //Check if array have empty element return list //for acceptable empty field do not put here $checker = null; $empty_list = "Les champs suivants sont obligatoires:\n<ul>"; if ($posted_data['id_checker'] != MInit::cryptage($posted_data['id'], 1)) { $empty_list .= "<li>Le ID n'est pas Valid</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['modul'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom de module</li>"; $checker = 1; } if (!MInit::is_regex($posted_data['modul'])) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom de module non valid (a-z 1-9)</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['description'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Déscription</li>"; $checker = 1; } if ($posted_data['app'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom de l'application de base</li>"; $checker = 1; } if (!MInit::is_regex($posted_data['app'])) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom de l'application non valid (a-z 1-9)</li>"; $checker = 1;
public static function auto_lastexec($field) { if (!isset($_SESSION[$field]) or Mreq::tg('tik') == 0) { $_SESSION[$field] = time(); } }
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"> <?php $actions = new Mmodul(); $actions->id_modul = Mreq::tp('id'); $actions->action_modul(); ?> </ul>
<?php if (MInit::form_verif(false)) { $posted_data = array('lang' => Mreq::tp('lang')); //Check if array have empty element return list //for acceptable empty field do not put here $checker = null; $empty_list = "Les champs suivants sont obligatoires:\n<ul>"; if ($posted_data['lang'] == NULL) { $empty_list .= "<li>Nom de la Langue</li>"; $checker = 1; } $empty_list .= "</ul>"; if ($checker == 1) { exit("0#{$empty_list}"); } //End check empty element $new_langue = new Mlangue($posted_data); //execute Insert returne false if error if ($new_langue->save_new_langue()) { echo "1#" . $new_langue->log; } else { echo "0#" . $new_langue->log; } } else { view::load('langue', 'addlangue'); }