/** * Return the current element * @return EMongoDocument * @since v1.3.4 */ public function current() { $document = $this->_cursor->current(); if (empty($document)) { return $document; } return $this->_model->populateRecord($document); }
/** * (PHP 5 >= 5.0.0)<br/> * Return the current element * @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.current.php * @return mixed Can return any type. */ public function current() { $collection = clone $this->collectionInstance; $collection->writeAttributes((array) $this->cursor->current()); if ($this->fields) { $collection->setCursorFields($this->fields); } if ($collection::isLazyLoadingEnabled()) { $proxyClass = ProxyBuilder::getLazyLoadingClass(get_class($collection), Di::getDefault()); ProxyBuilder::assignProxyValues($proxyClass, $collection); $collection = $proxyClass; } else { $collection->map(); } return $collection; }
/** * Returns the current element * * @return array|object */ public function current() { $values = parent::current(); if (isset($values) && isset($this->collection) && $this->collection->getDocumentClass()) { $values = $this->collection->asDocument($values, $this->lazy); } return $values; }
public function current() { if ($this->collectionName === null) { return new $this->objectType(parent::current()); } else { return new $this->objectType($this->collectionName, parent::current()); } }
/** * Gets the active record for the current row * @return EMongoDocument|mixed * @throws EMongoException */ public function current() { if ($this->model === null) { return $this->current = $this->cursor->current(); } else { return $this->current = $this->model->populateRecord($this->cursor->current(), true, $this->partial); } }
/** * Returns the current file * * @return MongoGridFSFile - The current file. */ public function current() { $current = parent::current(); if (!$current) { return null; } return new MongoGridFSFile($this->gridfs, $current); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return array|Document * @throws ODMException * @throws DefinitionException */ public function current() { $fields = $this->cursor->current(); if (empty($this->class)) { return $fields; } return $fields ? $this->odm->document($this->class, $fields) : null; }
/** * Iterator::current * return current specific object * * @return MongoObject * @throws Exception */ public function current() { $documentData = $this->myResultCursor->current(); /** @var MongoObject $document */ $document = $this->container->getInstanceOf($this->classMapInterface->getClassForResult($this->collection, $documentData)); $document->setCollection($this->collection); $document->loadFromArray($documentData); return $document; }
/** * Iterator interface current. Return a model object * with cursor document. (used in foreach) * * @return mixed */ public function current() { $model = clone $this->model; $document = $this->cursor->current(); if ($model->parseDocument($document)) { return $model; } return false; }
/** * Wrapper method for MongoCursor::current(). * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.current.php * @see http://php.net/manual/en/mongocursor.current.php * @return array|null */ public function current() { $current = $this->mongoCursor->current(); if ($current instanceof \MongoGridFSFile) { $document = $current->file; $document['file'] = new GridFSFile($current); $current = $document; } return $current; }
/** * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return void */ public function rewind() { // if ( $this -> statementMode == self::STATEMENT_MODE_FORWARD && $this -> position > 0 ) // { // throw new Exception\RuntimeException( // 'This result is a forward only result set, calling rewind() after moving forward is not supported' // ); // } $this->resource->rewind(); $this->currentData = $this->resource->current(); $this->currentComplete = true; $this->position = 0; }
/** * Returns the document at the specified index as an object * * @since v1.0.0 */ public function row($index = 0, $class = NULL, $as_object = FALSE) { $size = $this->_cursor->count(); $this->_cursor->reset(); $res = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $this->_cursor->next(); if ($i == $index && $index <= $size) { $res = $as_object ? (object) $this->_cursor->current() : $this->_cursor->current(); break; } } return $res; }
/** * Returns the current element * * @since 0.3.0 * * See [\Iterator::current] * * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/mongocursor.current.php \MongoCursor::current * * @return array */ public function current() { $data = $this->cursor->current(); if (isset($this->benchmark)) { // Stop the benchmark Profiler::stop($this->benchmark); // Clean benchmark token $this->benchmark = null; } if (!$this->model) { return $data; } $model = clone $this->model; return $model->loadValues($data ?: array(), true); }
/** * @return Model */ public function current() { return $this->load_model(parent::current()); }
/** * (PHP 5 >= 5.0.0)<br/> * Return the current element * @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.current.php * @return mixed Can return any type. */ public function current() { return $this->cursor->current(); }
/** * Returns the current element * * @return modelBase */ public function current() { $modelClass = $this->modelClass; return new $modelClass($this->cursor->current()); }
public function current() { return new $this->className($this->collection, parent::current()); }
/** * Required for Iterator Interface * This function must be implemented in extended classes to provide the type * of document as a class * @return array */ public function current() { $this->document = $this->cursor->current(); return $this->document; }
/** * Returns the current file * * @link http://php.net/manual/en/mongogridfscursor.current.php * @return MongoGridFSFile The current file */ public function current() { $file = parent::current(); return $file !== null ? new MongoGridFSFile($this->gridfs, $file) : null; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return \SimpleMongo\Document */ public function current() { return $this->objectFactory->unmarshal($this->mongoCursor->current()); }
/** * Returns the current Morph_Object * @return Morph_Object */ public function current() { $current = $this->cursor->current(); return $this->createObject($current); }
/** * Iterator: current * * @return array|Mongo_Document */ public function current() { $data = $this->_cursor->current(); if (isset($this->_bm)) { $this->db()->profiler_stop($this->_bm); unset($this->_bm); } if (!$this->_model) { return $data; } $model = clone $this->get_model(); return $model->load_values($data ? $data : array(), TRUE); }
public function current() { $data = $this->cursor->current(); return $data ? call_user_func($this->hydrator, $data) : false; }