createIndex() публичный Метод

Creates an index on the given field(s), or does nothing if the index already exists
public createIndex ( array $keys, array $options = [] ) : array
$keys array Field or fields to use as index.
$options array [optional] This parameter is an associative array of the form array("optionname" => , ...).
Результат array Returns the database response.
  * Note that we use TTL Collections to have the Mongo deamon automatically clean
  * expired entries.
  * @link
  * @param array $options
 public function __construct(array $options = array())
     if (!extension_loaded('mongo')) {
         Zend_Cache::throwException('The MongoDB extension must be loaded for using this backend !');
     // Merge the options passed in; overriding any default options
     $this->_options = array_merge($this->_options, $options);
     $conn = new \MongoClient($this->_getServerConnectionUrl());
     $this->_database = $conn->{$this->_options['dbname']};
     $this->_collection = $this->_database->selectCollection($this->_options['collection']);
     $this->_collection->createIndex(array('tags' => 1), array('background' => true));
     $this->_collection->createIndex(array('expires_at' => 1), array('background' => true, 'expireAfterSeconds' => 0));
Пример #2
  * Specify an index for the collection.
  * @param  string|array  $columns
  * @param  array         $options
  * @return Blueprint
 public function index($columns = null, $options = [])
     $columns = $this->fluent($columns);
     // Columns are passed as a default array.
     if (is_array($columns) && is_int(key($columns))) {
         // Transform the columns to the required array format.
         $transform = [];
         foreach ($columns as $column) {
             $transform[$column] = 1;
         $columns = $transform;
     $this->collection->createIndex($columns, $options);
     return $this;
 public function postUp(Schema $schema)
     $upgradeHelper = new UpgradeHelper($this->container);
     if ($upgradeHelper->areProductsStoredInMongo()) {
         $database = $upgradeHelper->getMongoInstance();
         $tableHelper = new SchemaHelper($this->container);
         echo "Add index to Version document on column loggetAt...\n";
         $versionCollection = new \MongoCollection($database, $tableHelper->getTableOrCollection('version'));
         $versionCollection->createIndex(['loggedAt' => -1], ['background' => true]);
         echo "Done.";
  * Run the migrations.
  * @return void
 public function up()
     $db = \DB::getMongoDB();
     $statementsCollection = new MongoCollection($db, 'statements');
     $statementsCollection->createIndex(['stored' => 1], ['background' => 1, 'socketTimeoutMS' => -1]);
     $statementsCollection->createIndex(['stored' => -1], ['background' => 1, 'socketTimeoutMS' => -1]);
     $statementsCollection->createIndex(['lrs_id' => 1, 'stored' => 1], ['background' => 1, 'socketTimeoutMS' => -1]);
     $statementsCollection->createIndex(['lrs_id' => 1, 'stored' => -1], ['background' => 1, 'socketTimeoutMS' => -1]);
     $statementsCursor = $statementsCollection->find();
     $remaining = $statementsCursor->count();
     print $remaining . ' statements total' . PHP_EOL;
     $maxBatchSize = 10000;
     while ($statementsCursor->hasNext()) {
         $batch = new MongoUpdateBatch($statementsCollection);
         $batchSize = 0;
         while ($batchSize < $maxBatchSize && $statementsCursor->hasNext()) {
             $statement = $statementsCursor->next();
             $statementStored = new Carbon\Carbon($statement['statement']['stored']);
             $query = ['q' => ['_id' => $statement['_id']], 'u' => ['$set' => ["stored" => new \MongoDate($statementStored->timestamp, $statementStored->micro)]], 'multi' => false, 'upsert' => false];
             if (isset($statement['refs'])) {
                 foreach ($statement['refs'] as $key => $refStatement) {
                     if (isset($refStatement['timestamp']) && !$refStatement['timestamp'] instanceof MongoDate) {
                         $timestamp = new Carbon\Carbon($refStatement['timestamp']);
                         $query['u']['$set']['refs.' . $key . '.timestamp'] = new \MongoDate($timestamp->timestamp, $timestamp->micro);
                     if (isset($refStatement['stored']) && !$refStatement['stored'] instanceof MongoDate) {
                         $stored = new Carbon\Carbon($refStatement['stored']);
                         $query['u']['$set']['refs.' . $key . '.stored'] = new \MongoDate($stored->timestamp, $stored->micro);
             $batch->add((object) $query);
         $remaining -= $batchSize;
         print $remaining . ' remaining' . PHP_EOL;
Пример #5
$keys['flatsale'] = ['', 'state', 'city', 'county', 'region', 'aptName', 'area'];
$keys['houserent'] = ['', 'state', 'city', 'county', 'region', 'monthlyType'];
$keys['aptrent'] = ['', 'state', 'city', 'county', 'region', 'aptName', 'area', 'monthlyType'];
$keys['flatrent'] = ['', 'state', 'city', 'county', 'region', 'aptName', 'area', 'monthlyType'];
foreach ($keys as $key => $val) {
    echo 'Adding index $key...\\n';
    $col = new MongoCollection($db, $key);
    $col_agg = new MongoCollection($db, $key . '_agg');
    $idx_key = [];
    foreach ($val as $id) {
        if ($id) {
            $idx_key[$id] = 1;
        $added_idx_key = array_merge($idx_key, ['year' => 1]);
        $r = $col->createIndex($added_idx_key);
        $added_idx_key = array_merge($idx_key, ['year' => 1, 'month' => 1]);
        $r = $col->createIndex($added_idx_key);
        $added_idx_key = array_merge($idx_key, ['year' => -1, 'month' => -1]);
        $r = $col->createIndex($added_idx_key);
        $col->createIndex(['year' => 1, 'month' => 1]);
        $col->createIndex(['year' => -1, 'month' => -1]);
        $r = $col_agg->createIndex($added_idx_key);
        $col_agg->createIndex(['year' => 1, 'month' => 1]);
        $col_agg->createIndex(['year' => -1, 'month' => -1]);
  * Run the migrations.
  * @return void
 public function up()
     $db = \DB::getMongoDB();
     $indexOptions = ['background' => 1, 'socketTimeoutMS' => -1];
     $statements = new MongoCollection($db, 'statements');
     $statements->createIndex(['' => 1, 'lrs_id' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['stored' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['timestamp' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['active' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['voided' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['lrs_id' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['lrs_id' => 1, 'active' => -1, 'voided' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['lrs_id' => 1, '' => 1, '' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['lrs_id' => 1, '' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['lrs_id' => 1, '' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['lrs_id' => 1, '' => 1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['lrs_id' => 1, 'stored' => -1], $indexOptions);
     $statements->createIndex(['lrs_id' => 1, 'timestamp' => -1], $indexOptions);
 function __construct($host = 'localhost', $port = 27017)
     $this->connection = new \MongoClient('mongodb://' . $host . ':' . $port);
     $this->index = $this->connection->search->index;
     $this->index->createIndex(array('token' => 1), array('unique' => true));
Пример #8
 public function createIndex()
     $this->collection->createIndex(["packageName" => 1, "packageVersion" => 1]);
Пример #9
 public function ensureIndex($fieldName)
     $this->collection->createIndex([$fieldName => 1]);