public static function price_for_display($price) { $currency = ShopConfig::get_site_currency(); $field = new Money("Price"); $field->setAmount($price); $field->setCurrency($currency); return $field; }
public function testCanSetAmount() { // Arrange $a = new Money(1); // Act $a->setAmount(123); // Assert $this->assertEquals(123, $a->getAmount()); }
public function testSetValueAsMoney() { $o = new MoneyFieldTest_Object(); $f = new MoneyField('MyMoney', 'MyMoney'); $m = new Money(); $m->setAmount(123456.78); $m->setCurrency('EUR'); $f->setValue($m); $f->saveInto($o); $this->assertEquals(123456.78, $o->MyMoney->getAmount()); $this->assertEquals('EUR', $o->MyMoney->getCurrency()); }
public function testAddCompositedExtraFields() { $obj = new ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields(); $obj->write(); $money = new Money(); $money->setAmount(100); $money->setCurrency('USD'); // the actual test is that this does not generate an error in the sql. $obj->Clients()->add($obj, array('Worth' => $money, 'Reference' => 'Foo')); $check = $obj->Clients()->First(); $this->assertEquals('Foo', $check->Reference, 'Basic scalar fields should exist'); $this->assertInstanceOf('Money', $check->Worth, 'Composite fields should exist on the record'); $this->assertEquals(100, $check->Worth->getAmount()); }
/** * Calculate the {@link Variation} price difference based on current request. * Current seleted options are passed in POST vars, if a matching Variation can * be found, the price difference of that Variation is returned for display on the Product * page. * * TODO return the total here as well * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request * @return String JSON encoded string of price difference */ function variationprice(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $data = array(); $product = $this->data(); $variations = $product->Variations(); $attributeOptions = $request->postVar('Options'); //Filter variations to match attribute ID and option ID $variationOptions = array(); if ($variations && $variations->exists()) { foreach ($variations as $variation) { $options = $variation->Options(); if ($options) { foreach ($options as $option) { $variationOptions[$variation->ID][$option->AttributeID] = $option->ID; } } } } $variation = null; foreach ($variationOptions as $variationID => $options) { if ($options == $attributeOptions) { $variation = $variations->find('ID', $variationID); break; } } $data['totalPrice'] = $product->Amount->Nice(); if ($variation) { if ($variation->Amount->getAmount() == 0) { $data['priceDifference'] = 0; } else { if ($variation->Amount->getAmount() > 0) { $data['priceDifference'] = '(+' . $variation->Amount->Nice() . ')'; $newTotal = new Money(); $newTotal->setCurrency($product->Amount->getCurrency()); $newTotal->setAmount($product->Amount->getAmount() + $variation->Amount->getAmount()); $data['totalPrice'] = $newTotal->Nice(); } else { //Variations have been changed so only positive values, so this is unnecessary //$data['priceDifference'] = '(' . $variation->Amount->Nice() . ')'; } } } return json_encode($data); }
/** * Returns the price for this shipping fee. * * @return Money * * @author Sascha Koehler <*****@*****.**> * @since 13.03.2012 */ public function getCalculatedPrice() { $priceObj = new Money(); $priceObj->setAmount($this->getPriceAmount()); $priceObj->setCurrency($this->getPriceCurrency()); return $priceObj; }
/** * @return Money */ public function PromoSavings() { $currency = method_exists('ShopConfig', 'get_site_currency') ? ShopConfig::get_site_currency() : Payment::site_currency(); $field = new Money("PromoSavings"); $field->setAmount($this->calculatePromoSavings()); $field->setCurrency($currency); return $field; }
function NormalPrice() { $normalPrice = new Money(); $normalPrice->setAmount((int) $this->owner->Price); return $normalPrice; }
public function testToCurrency() { $USD = new Money(); $USD->setLocale('en_US'); $USD->setAmount(53292.18); $this->assertSame('$53,292.18', $USD->Nice()); $this->assertSame('$ 53.292,18', $USD->Nice(array('format' => 'de_AT'))); }
/** * Get Amount for this modifier so that it can be saved into an {@link Order} {@link Modification}. * Get the FlatFeeTaxRate and multiply the rate by the Order subtotal. * * @see Modification * @param Order $order * @param Int $value ID for a {@link FlatFeeShippingRate} * @return Money */ public function Amount($order, $value) { $currency = Modification::currency(); $amount = new Money(); $amount->setCurrency($currency); $taxRate = DataObject::get_by_id('FlatFeeTaxRate', $value); if ($taxRate && $taxRate->exists()) { $amount->setAmount($order->SubTotal->getAmount() * ($taxRate->Rate / 100)); } else { user_error("Cannot find flat tax rate for that ID.", E_USER_WARNING); //TODO return meaningful error to browser in case error not shown return; } return $amount; }
/** * Returns the charges and discounts for the shopping cart total for * this payment method. * * @param SilvercartShoppingCart $silvercartShoppingCart The shopping cart object * @param string $priceType 'gross' or 'net' * * @return mixed boolean|DataObject * * @author Sascha Koehler <*****@*****.**>, * Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**> * @since 16.11.2013 */ public function getChargesAndDiscountsForTotal(SilvercartShoppingCart $silvercartShoppingCart, $priceType = false) { $handlingCosts = new Money(); $handlingCosts->setAmount(0); $handlingCosts->setCurrency(SilvercartConfig::DefaultCurrency()); if ($priceType === false) { $priceType = SilvercartConfig::PriceType(); } if ($this->useSumModification && $this->sumModificationImpact == 'totalValue') { $excludedPositions = array(); switch ($this->sumModificationValueType) { case 'percent': $amount = $silvercartShoppingCart->getAmountTotal(array(), false, true); $modificationValue = $amount->getAmount() / 100 * $this->sumModificationValue; $index = 1; foreach ($silvercartShoppingCart->SilvercartShoppingCartPositions() as $position) { if ($position->SilvercartProductID > 0 && $position->SilvercartProduct() instanceof SilvercartProduct && $position->SilvercartProduct()->ExcludeFromPaymentDiscounts) { $modificationValue -= $position->getPrice()->getAmount() / 100 * $this->sumModificationValue; $excludedPositions[] = $index; } $index++; } break; case 'absolute': default: $modificationValue = $this->sumModificationValue; } if (count($excludedPositions) > 0) { if (count($excludedPositions) == 1) { $this->sumModificationLabel .= ' (' . sprintf(_t('SilvercartPaymentMethod.ExcludedPosition'), implode(', ', $excludedPositions)) . ')'; } else { $this->sumModificationLabel .= ' (' . sprintf(_t('SilvercartPaymentMethod.ExcludedPositions'), implode(', ', $excludedPositions)) . ')'; } } if ($this->sumModificationImpactType == 'charge') { $handlingCostAmount = $modificationValue; } else { $handlingCostAmount = "-" . $modificationValue; } if (SilvercartConfig::PriceType() == 'gross') { $shoppingCartTotal = $silvercartShoppingCart->getAmountTotal(array(), false, true); } else { $shoppingCartTotal = $silvercartShoppingCart->getAmountTotalNetWithoutVat(array(), false, true); $taxRate = $silvercartShoppingCart->getMostValuableTaxRate(); $handlingCostAmount = round($handlingCostAmount / (100 + $taxRate->Rate) * 100, 4); } if ($handlingCostAmount < 0 && $shoppingCartTotal->getAmount() < $handlingCostAmount * -1) { $handlingCostAmount = $shoppingCartTotal->getAmount() * -1; } $handlingCosts->setAmount($handlingCostAmount); } $this->extend('updateChargesAndDiscountsForTotal', $handlingCosts); if ($handlingCosts->getAmount() == 0) { $handlingCosts = false; } return $handlingCosts; }
/** * Get Amount for this modifier so that it can be saved into an {@link Order} {@link Modification}. * * @see Modification * @param Order $order * @param Int $value ID for a {@link FlatFeeShippingRate} * @return Money */ public function Amount($order, $value) { $optionID = $value; $amount = new Money(); $currency = Modification::currency(); $amount->setCurrency($currency); $flatFeeShippingRates = DataObject::get('FlatFeeShippingRate'); if ($flatFeeShippingRates && $flatFeeShippingRates->exists()) { $shippingRate = $flatFeeShippingRates->find('ID', $optionID); if ($shippingRate) { $amount->setAmount($shippingRate->Amount->getAmount()); } else { user_error("Cannot find flat fee rate for that ID.", E_USER_WARNING); //TODO return meaningful error to browser in case error not shown return; } } return $amount; }
/** * Package the amcount and currency into a Money object. * @return Money */ protected function getMoney() { $money = new Money("Amount"); $money->setAmount($this->amount); $money->setCurrency($this->currency); return $money; }
/** * Calculate the total paid for this order, only 'Success' payments * are considered. * * @return Money With value and currency of total paid */ function TotalPaid() { $paid = 0; if ($this->Payments()) { foreach ($this->Payments() as $payment) { if ($payment->Status == 'Success') { $paid += $payment->Amount->getAmount(); } } } $totalPaid = new Money(); $totalPaid->setAmount($paid); $totalPaid->setCurrency($this->Total->getCurrency()); return $totalPaid; }
/** * Change product price after it is in the cart, check that price has not changed in cart */ function testAddProductToCartChangePrice() { $productA = $this->objFromFixture('Product', 'productA'); $this->logInAs('admin'); $productA->doPublish(); $this->logOut(); $productALink = $productA->Link(); $this->get(Director::makeRelative($productALink)); $this->submitForm('AddToCartForm_AddToCartForm', null, array('Quantity' => 1)); $order = CartControllerExtension::get_current_order(); $items = $order->Items(); $firstItem = $items->First(); $firstProduct = clone $productA; $this->assertEquals(1, $order->Items()->Count()); $this->assertEquals($productA->Amount->getAmount(), $firstItem->Amount->getAmount()); $this->assertEquals($productA->Amount->getCurrency(), $firstItem->Amount->getCurrency()); $newAmount = new Money(); $newAmount->setAmount(72.34); $newAmount->setCurrency('NZD'); $this->logInAs('admin'); $productA->Amount->setValue($newAmount); $productA->doPublish(); $this->logOut(); $productALink = $productA->Link(); $this->get(Director::makeRelative($productALink)); $this->submitForm('AddToCartForm_AddToCartForm', null, array('Quantity' => 1)); $order = CartControllerExtension::get_current_order(); $items = $order->Items(); $firstItem = $items->First(); $secondItem = $items->Last(); $this->assertEquals(2, $order->Items()->Count()); $this->assertEquals($firstProduct->Amount->getAmount(), $firstItem->Amount->getAmount()); $this->assertEquals($firstProduct->Amount->getCurrency(), $firstItem->Amount->getCurrency()); $this->assertEquals($newAmount->getAmount(), $secondItem->Amount->getAmount()); $this->assertEquals($newAmount->getCurrency(), $secondItem->Amount->getCurrency()); }
/** * price sum of this position * * @param boolean $forSingleProduct Indicates wether the price for the total * quantity of products should be returned * or for one product only. * @param boolean $priceType 'gross' or 'net'. If undefined it'll be automatically chosen. * * @return Money the price sum * * @author Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**>, * Sascha Koehler <*****@*****.**> * @since 19.11.2014 */ public function getPrice($forSingleProduct = false, $priceType = false) { $priceKey = (string) $forSingleProduct . '-' . (string) $priceType; if (!array_key_exists($priceKey, $this->prices)) { $pluginPriceObj = SilvercartPlugin::call($this, 'overwriteGetPrice', array($forSingleProduct), false, 'DataObject'); if ($pluginPriceObj !== false) { return $pluginPriceObj; } $product = $this->SilvercartProduct(); $price = 0; if ($product && $product->getPrice($priceType)->getAmount()) { if ($forSingleProduct) { $price = $product->getPrice($priceType)->getAmount(); } else { $price = $product->getPrice($priceType)->getAmount() * $this->Quantity; } } $priceObj = new Money(); $priceObj->setAmount($price); $priceObj->setCurrency(SilvercartConfig::DefaultCurrency()); $this->extend('updatePrice', $priceObj); $this->prices[$priceKey] = $priceObj; } return $this->prices[$priceKey]; }
/** * Returns the Price formatted by locale. * * @return string * * @author Sascha Koehler <*****@*****.**> * @since 31.01.2011 */ public function PriceFormatted() { $priceObj = new Money(); $priceObj->setAmount($this->getPriceAmount()); $priceObj->setCurrency($this->price->getCurrency()); return $priceObj->Nice(); }
/** * Returns tax amounts included in the shoppingcart separated by tax rates * without fee taxes. * * @param array $excludeModules An array of registered modules that shall not * be taken into account. * @param array $excludeShoppingCartPosition Positions that shall not be counted * * @return ArrayList */ public function getTaxRatesWithoutFeesAndCharges($excludeModules = array(), $excludeShoppingCartPosition = false) { $positions = $this->SilvercartShoppingCartPositions(); $taxes = new ArrayList(); $registeredModules = $this->callMethodOnRegisteredModules('ShoppingCartPositions', array(SilvercartCustomer::currentUser()->getCart(), SilvercartCustomer::currentUser(), true), $excludeModules, $excludeShoppingCartPosition); // products foreach ($positions as $position) { $taxRate = $position->SilvercartProduct()->getTaxRate(); $originalTaxRate = $position->SilvercartProduct()->getTaxRate(true); if (!$taxes->find('Rate', $taxRate)) { $taxes->push(new DataObject(array('Rate' => $taxRate, 'OriginalRate' => $originalTaxRate, 'AmountRaw' => (double) 0.0))); } $taxSection = $taxes->find('Rate', $taxRate); $taxSection->AmountRaw += $position->getTaxAmount(); } // Registered Modules foreach ($registeredModules as $moduleName => $moduleOutput) { foreach ($moduleOutput as $modulePosition) { $taxRate = $modulePosition->TaxRate; if (!$taxes->find('Rate', $taxRate)) { $taxes->push(new DataObject(array('Rate' => $taxRate, 'OriginalRate' => $taxRate, 'AmountRaw' => (double) 0.0))); } $taxSection = $taxes->find('Rate', $taxRate); $taxAmount = $modulePosition->TaxAmount; $taxSection->AmountRaw = round($taxSection->AmountRaw + $taxAmount, 4); } } foreach ($taxes as $tax) { $taxObj = new Money(); $taxObj->setAmount($tax->AmountRaw); $taxObj->setCurrency(SilvercartConfig::DefaultCurrency()); $tax->Amount = $taxObj; } return $taxes; }
public function testToCurrency() { $USD = new Money(); $USD->setCurrency('USD'); $USD->setLocale('en_US'); $EGP = new Money(); $EGP->setCurrency('EGP'); $EGP->setLocale('ar_EG'); $USD->setAmount(53292.18); $this->assertSame('$53,292.18', $USD->Nice()); $USD->setAmount(53292.18); $this->assertSame('$٥٣,٢٩٢.١٨', $USD->Nice(array('script' => 'Arab'))); $USD->setAmount(53292.18); $this->assertSame('$ ٥٣.٢٩٢,١٨', $USD->Nice(array('script' => 'Arab', 'format' => 'de_AT'))); $USD->setAmount(53292.18); $this->assertSame('$ 53.292,18', $USD->Nice(array('format' => 'de_AT'))); $EGP->setAmount(53292.18); $this->assertSame('ج.م. 53٬292٫18', $EGP->Nice()); $EGP->setAmount(53292.18); $this->assertSame('ج.م. ٥٣٬٢٩٢٫١٨', $EGP->Nice(array('script' => 'Arab'))); $EGP->setAmount(53292.18); $this->assertSame('ج.م. ٥٣.٢٩٢,١٨', $EGP->Nice(array('script' => 'Arab', 'format' => 'de_AT'))); $EGP->setAmount(53292.18); $this->assertSame('ج.م. 53.292,18', $EGP->Nice(array('format' => 'de_AT'))); $USD = new Money(); $USD->setLocale('en_US'); $USD->setAmount(53292.18); $this->assertSame('$53,292.18', $USD->Nice()); /* try { $this->assertSame('$ 53,292.18', $USD->Nice('nocontent')); $this->fail("No currency expected"); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertContains("has to be numeric", $e->getMessage()); } */ $INR = new Money(); $INR->setLocale('de_AT'); $INR->setCurrency('INR'); $INR->setAmount(1.2); $this->assertSame('Rs. 1,20', $INR->Nice()); $INR->setAmount(1); $this->assertSame('Re. 1,00', $INR->Nice()); $INR->setAmount(0); $this->assertSame('Rs. 0,00', $INR->Nice()); $INR->setAmount(-3); $this->assertSame('-Rs. 3,00', $INR->Nice()); }
/** * Get unit price for this item including item options price and quantity. * * @return Money Item total inclusive of item options prices and quantity */ public function Total() { $amount = $this->Amount->getAmount(); foreach ($this->ItemOptions() as $itemOption) { $amount += $itemOption->Amount->getAmount(); } $amount = $amount * $this->Quantity; $subTotal = new Money(); $subTotal->setAmount($amount); $subTotal->setCurrency($this->Amount->getCurrency()); return $subTotal; }
/** * returns carts net value including all editional costs * * @return Money amount * * @deprecated Use property AmountTotal instead */ public function getAmountNet() { user_error('SilvercartOrder::getAmountNet() is marked as deprecated! Use property AmountTotal instead.', E_USER_ERROR); $amountNet = $this->AmountGrossTotal->getAmount() - $this->Tax->getAmount(); $amountNetObj = new Money(); $amountNetObj->setAmount($amountNet); $amountNetObj->setCurrency(SilvercartConfig::DefaultCurrency()); return $amountNetObj; }
/** * Try to save a Variation with a negative price difference * * @see Variation::validate() */ function testNegativeVariationPrice() { $this->loginAs('admin'); $smallRedShortsVariation = $this->objFromFixture('Variation', 'shortsSmallRedCotton'); $originalAmount = $smallRedShortsVariation->Amount; $this->assertTrue($originalAmount->getAmount() >= 0); $newAmount = new Money(); $newAmount->setAmount(-1); $newAmount->setCurrency($originalAmount->getCurrency()); $smallRedShortsVariation->Amount = $newAmount; $errorMessage = null; try { $smallRedShortsVariation->write(); } catch (Exception $e) { $errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); } //Make sure there is an error when trying to save $this->assertTrue($errorMessage != null); }