function init($request) { parent::init($request); $ck = new Cookie(COOKIE_NAME_SESSION); $ck->delete(); Request::redirectToModule('index'); }
public function init() { parent::init(); Yii::app()->params['forum_max_crumb_length'] = 40; Yii::app()->params['forum_max_latest_reply_length'] = 30; Yii::app()->params['forum_pageSize'] = 20; }
public static function run() { if (!Site::init(!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : '')) { @header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); exit; } $method = Core::getRequestMethod(); if (!in_array($method, array('get', 'put', 'delete', 'post'))) { @header("HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented"); exit; } $data = Core::getRequestData(); if (empty($data[$method]) && !in_array($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], array($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], "", "/"))) { $data[$method] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $resource = Core::getResource($data, $method); $staticFolders = array('/cache/', '/static/', '/uploads/', '/vendor/'); foreach ($staticFolders as $folder) { if (strncasecmp($resource, $folder, strlen($folder)) === 0) { @header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); exit; } } App::set(App::parse($resource)); Core::resource($resource); Module::init(); $response = Response\Factory::get($resource, $method); if (empty($response)) { @header('HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable'); exit; } Request::init($response, $data); echo Request::run($resource, $method); }
/** * initialize module with request datas * * @param object request * @return void */ function init(&$request) { parent::init($request); $this->tpl->caching = 0; $this->tpl->mainTemplate = 'admin/structureAdmin.tpl'; if (isset($this->site)) { $this->site->generateFiles(); } // set mod to view because of specific elements in this case (period_selection.tpl) $this->tpl->assign('mod', 'admin'); }
public function init() { parent::init(); //nested sets tree $tree = $this->attachComponent('tree', new dbNestedSetsTree(TABLE_SITEMAP_TREE)); // //проверяем наличие корневого элемента // if( $tree->checkRootNode( $nRootID ) ) // { //если только-что создан, создаем и в "недеревянной" таблице // $this->db->execute('INSERT INTO '.TABLE_SITEMAP.' (node_id, keyword, menu_title, created) // VALUES('.$nRootID.', '.$this->db->str2sql('root').', '.$this->db->str2sql('Корневой раздел').', '.$this->db->getNOW().')'); // } }
function init($request) { parent::init($request); // if tpl is not allocated (which is the case for graphs) // and if the login fails, there would be an error here trying to set a template with smarty not constructed // so we simply display an error message and exit if (!is_a($this->tpl, "TemplateEngine")) { print "Error while authentificate, and TemplateEngine not constructed. <br>Exiting...<br>"; exit; } $this->tpl->caching = 0; $this->tpl->setMainTemplate("common/login.tpl"); }
/** * initialize module with request datas * * @param object request * @return void */ function init(&$request, $o_tpl = null, $o_archive = null) { if (!is_a($o_tpl, "TemplateEngine")) { $o_tpl = null; } parent::init($request, $o_tpl); $date = $this->request->getDate(); if (is_null($this->data)) { if (is_null($o_archive)) { $o_archive = DataModel::getArchive($this->site, $date, $this->request->getPeriod()); } $this->data = new DataModel($o_archive, $this->request); } $d = new Date(getDateFromTimestamp(time())); if (($this->data->archive->date->get() == $d->get() || isset($this->disableCache)) && is_a($this->tpl, "TemplateEngine")) { printDebug("Current date asked is today's date, cache not activated<br>"); $this->tpl->caching = 0; } }
public function init() { parent::init(); $this->items_images_path = bff::buildPath('items', 'images'); $this->items_images_url = bff::buildUrl('items', 'images'); # nested sets tree $tree = $this->attachComponent('tree', new dbNestedSetsTree(TABLE_BBS_CATEGORIES)); bff::i()->GetModule('Services'); if (bff::$isFrontend) { return; } # ! # проверяем наличие корневого элемента if ($tree->checkRootNode($nRootID)) { # если только-что создан, создаем категорию $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_BBS_CATEGORIES . ' SET title = ' . $this->db->str2sql('Корневой раздел') . ', created = ' . $this->db->getNOW() . ' WHERE id = ' . $nRootID); } $this->initDynprops(); }
public function init() { parent::init(); // custom initialization code goes here }
<?php namespace ATPCore\Model; class Module extends \ATP\ActiveRecord { public function displayName() { return $this->name; } public function getActiveModules() { return $this->loadMultiple("is_active = 1"); } public function getActiveModuleNames() { $names = array(); foreach ($this->getActiveModules() as $module) { $names[] = $module->name; } return $names; } } Module::init();
public function init() { Yii::import('application.modules.formdesigner.models.*'); parent::init(); }
public function init() { parent::init(); }
protected function init($page='', $args=array()) { parent::init(); $moduleData = $this->getModuleData(); $this->moduleName = $moduleData['title']; $this->setArgs($args); $this->setPage($page); $this->setTemplatePage($this->page, $this->id); $this->pagetype = $GLOBALS['deviceClassifier']->getPagetype(); $this->platform = $GLOBALS['deviceClassifier']->getPlatform(); $this->supportsCerts = $GLOBALS['deviceClassifier']->getSupportsCerts(); $this->setAutoPhoneNumberDetection($GLOBALS['siteConfig']->getVar('AUTODETECT_PHONE_NUMBERS')); // Pull in fontsize if (isset($args['font'])) { $this->fontsize = $args['font']; setcookie('fontsize', $this->fontsize, time() + $this->getSiteVar('LAYOUT_COOKIE_LIFESPAN'), COOKIE_PATH); } else if (isset($_COOKIE['fontsize'])) { $this->fontsize = $_COOKIE['fontsize']; } switch ($this->pagetype) { case 'compliant': $this->imageExt = '.png'; break; case 'touch': case 'basic': $this->imageExt = '.gif'; break; } }
public function init() { parent::init(); \Yii::configure($this, require __DIR__ . '/config.php'); }
function init() { global $MOD_TITLE, $MOD_GROUP, $MOD_VISIBLE, $MOD_SUBMENU; parent::init($MOD_TITLE, $MOD_GROUP, $MOD_VISIBLE); // получаем список лицевых счетов абонента $this->accounts = array(); $this->urfa->call(-16469); $this->urfa->send(); // получаем количество записей $count = $this->urfa->get_int(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $aid = $this->urfa->get_int(); // номер лицевого счета // пропускаем два неинтересных нам параметра $this->urfa->get_double(); // денег на счету $this->urfa->get_double(); // ?? // добавлем в списков лицевых счетов $this->accounts[$aid] = $aid; } $this->urfa->finish(); if (isset($_REQUEST['Status'])) { $status = $_REQUEST['Status']; } else { $status = ''; } if ($status == 'pay') { // получаем информацию о текущем пользователе $this->user = array(); $this->urfa->call(-0x4052); $this->urfa->send(); $this->user['id'] = $this->urfa->get_int(); $this->user['login'] = $this->urfa->get_string(); $this->user['basic_account'] = $this->urfa->get_int(); $this->user['balance'] = roundDouble($this->urfa->get_double()); $this->user['credit'] = roundDouble($this->urfa->get_double()); $this->user['is_blocked'] = resolveBlockState($this->urfa->get_int()); $this->user['create_date'] = getDateFromTimestamp($this->urfa->get_int()); $this->user['last_change_date'] = getDateFromTimestamp($this->urfa->get_int()); $this->user['who_create'] = resolveUserName($this->urfa->get_int()); $this->user['who_change'] = resolveUserName($this->urfa->get_int()); $this->user['is_juridical'] = $this->urfa->get_int(); $this->user['full_name'] = $this->urfa->get_string(); $accountId = intval($_REQUEST["AccountId"]); // проверка введенного значения суммы оплаты $subtotal_P = $_REQUEST['OutSum']; $subtotal_P = trim($subtotal_P); //убиарем лишние пробелы $subtotal_P = str_replace(',', '.', $subtotal_P); // заменяем запятые на точку $subtotal_P = floatval($subtotal_P); // пробуем преобразовать к числу $subtotal_P = round($subtotal_P, 2); // округляем до 2 знаков после запятой if ($subtotal_P != 0 && $subtotal_P >= 10 && $subtotal_P < 10000) { $client_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; echo $client_ip . '<br \\>' . "\n"; $order_IDP = Uniteller::NewOrder($accountId, $subtotal_P, $client_ip); echo $order_IDP . '<br \\>' . "\n"; //// Для отладки разрешаем переход на страницу оплаты только с определённого IP //if ((strpos($client_ip, '10.79.124.') == 0) // or (strpos($client_ip, '10.78.252.') == 0)) { Uniteller::GoToPaymentPage($accountId, $order_IDP, $subtotal_P); //} } else { // при некорректно введенной сумме платежа возвращаемся на эту же страницу $url_return = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; header('Location: ' . $url_return); } exit; } }
/** * Initialize the request */ protected function init($command = '', $args = array()) { parent::init(); $this->setArgs($args); $this->setCommand($command); }
function init() { parent::init(); config::set(array('robox_on' => true, 'robox_login' => '123567', 'robox_pass1' => 'xxxcccvvv', 'robox_pass2' => 'xxccvvbbnn', 'webmoney_on' => false, 'rbkmoney_on' => false, 'zpay_on' => false), false, 'ps_'); }
protected function init($page = '', $args = array()) { //Don't call parent if we don't have a page. This is a work around. if ($page) { parent::init(); } $this->moduleName = $this->getModuleVar('title', 'module'); $this->setArgs($args); $this->pagetype = $this->getPagetype(); $this->platform = $this->getPlatform(); $this->supportsCerts = $this->getSupportsCerts(); switch ($this->getPagetype()) { case 'compliant': $this->imageExt = '.png'; break; case 'touch': case 'basic': $this->imageExt = '.gif'; break; } if ($page) { // Pull in fontsize if (isset($args['font'])) { $this->fontsize = $args['font']; setcookie('fontsize', $this->fontsize, time() + Kurogo::getSiteVar('LAYOUT_COOKIE_LIFESPAN'), COOKIE_PATH); } else { if (isset($_COOKIE['fontsize'])) { $this->fontsize = $_COOKIE['fontsize']; } } $this->setPage($page); $this->setTemplatePage($this->page, $this->id); $this->setAutoPhoneNumberDetection(Kurogo::getSiteVar('AUTODETECT_PHONE_NUMBERS')); } }
public function init() { parent::init(); $this->params['foo'] = 'bar'; \Yii::configure($this, require __DIR__ . '/config.php'); }
function init($request) { parent::init($request); $this->tpl->caching = 0; }
protected function init($page = '', $args = array()) { $this->setArgs($args); //Don't call parent if we don't have a page. This is a work around. if ($page) { $this->setPage($page); parent::init(); } $this->moduleName = $this->getModuleVar('title', 'module'); $this->pagetype = $this->getPagetype(); $this->platform = $this->getPlatform(); $this->browser = $this->getBrowser(); switch ($this->getPagetype()) { case 'compliant': $this->imageExt = '.png'; break; case 'touch': case 'basic': $this->imageExt = '.gif'; break; } $this->ajaxContentLoad = $this->getArg(self::AJAX_PARAMETER) ? true : false; $this->ajaxContainerPage = $this->getArg(self::AJAX_BREADCRUMB_CONTAINER_PAGE, $this->page); $this->ajaxContainerPageArgs = $this->getArg(self::AJAX_BREADCRUMB_CONTAINER_PAGE_ARGS, http_build_query($this->args)); if ($page) { // Pull in fontsize if (isset($args['font'])) { $this->fontsize = $args['font']; setcookie('fontsize', $this->fontsize, time() + Kurogo::getSiteVar('LAYOUT_COOKIE_LIFESPAN'), COOKIE_PATH); } else { if (isset($_COOKIE['fontsize'])) { $this->fontsize = $_COOKIE['fontsize']; } } $this->setTemplatePage($this->page, $this->id); $this->setAutoPhoneNumberDetection(Kurogo::getSiteVar('AUTODETECT_PHONE_NUMBERS')); } }
public function init() { $this->setImport(array('application.modules.' . $this->getName() . '.models.paymentsystems.*')); parent::init(); }
/** * Initialize the request */ protected function init($command = '', $args = array()) { parent::init(); $this->setArgs($args); $this->setRequestedVersion($this->getArg('v', null), $this->getArg('vmin', null)); if ($context = $this->getArg('context', null)) { $this->setContext($context); } $this->setCommand($command); }
public function init() { Yii::import('application.modules.guestad.models.*'); parent::init(); }
function init() { Yii::import(''); parent::init(); }
/** * Initialize the request */ protected function init($command = '', $args = array()) { set_error_handler(array($this, 'warningHandler'), E_WARNING | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT); $this->setArgs($args); $this->setRequestedVersion($this->getArg('v', null), $this->getArg('vmin', null)); $this->setClientVersion($this->getArg('clientv', null)); $this->setClient($this->getArg('client')); if ($context = $this->getArg('context', null)) { $this->setContext($context); } $this->setCommand($command); parent::init(); }