public function handle($stanza, $parent = false) { $to = current(explode('/', (string) $stanza->attributes()->to)); $from = $this->_to; $node = $this->_node; if ($stanza->pubsub->items->item) { $post = false; foreach ($stanza->pubsub->items->item as $item) { if (isset($item->entry) && (string) $item->entry->attributes()->xmlns == '') { $p = new \Modl\Postn(); $promise = $p->set($item, $from, false, $node); $promise->done(function () use($p) { $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); $pd->set($p); $post = true; if (is_array($this->_askreply)) { $this->pack(['origin' => $this->_askreply['origin'], 'node' => $this->_askreply['node'], 'nodeid' => $this->_askreply['nodeid']]); $this->deliver(); } else { $this->pack($p); $this->event('post', $this->packet); } $this->pack(['server' => $this->_to, 'node' => $this->_node]); $this->deliver(); }); } } } else { $pd = new PostDelete(); $pd->setTo($this->_to)->setNode($this->_node)->setId($this->_id); $pd->handle($stanza); } }
function getComments($post) { $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); return $pd->getComments($post); //$view = $this->tpl(); //$view->assign('comments', $comments); }
public function setPicture() { $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); $item = $pd->getGroupPicture($this->server, $this->node); if ($item) { $item->getAttachments(); $p = new \Picture(); if ($item->getPublicUrl()) { try { $embed = \Embed\Embed::create($item->getPublicUrl()); // We get the icon $url = false; foreach ($embed->providerIcons as $icon) { if ($icon['mime'] != 'image/x-icon') { $url = $icon['value']; } } // If not we take the main picture if (!$url) { $url = (string) $embed->image; } // If not we take the post picture if (!$url) { $url = (string) $item->picture; } $p->fromURL($url); if ($p->set($this->server . $this->node)) { $this->logo = true; } } catch (\Exception $e) { error_log($e->getMessage()); } } } }
function onRemoved() { $md = new Modl\MessageDAO(); $md->clearMessage(); $pd = new Modl\PostnDAO(); $pd->deleteNode($this->user->getLogin(), 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0'); RPC::call('Account.clearAccount'); }
function display() { $cd = new modl\ContactDAO(); $this->view->assign('top', $cd->getTop(6)); $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); $this->view->assign('news', $pd->getAllPosts(false, 0, 4)); $this->view->assign('jid', $this->user->getLogin()); $this->view->assign('presencestxt', getPresencesTxt()); }
public function handle($stanza, $parent = false) { $evt = new Event(); $node = (string) $stanza->pubsub->items->attributes()->node; list($xmlns, $parent) = explode("/", $node); if ($stanza->pubsub->items->item) { foreach ($stanza->pubsub->items->item as $item) { $p = new \Modl\Postn(); $p->set($item, $this->_to, false, $node); $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); $pd->set($p); } } $this->pack(['server' => $this->_to, 'node' => $this->_node, 'id' => $this->_id]); $this->deliver(); }
function dispatch() { $this->page->setTitle(__('')); $user = new User(); if (!$user->isLogged()) { $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); $p = $pd->get($this->fetchGet('s'), $this->fetchGet('n'), $this->fetchGet('i')); if ($p) { if ($p->isMicroblog()) { $this->redirect('blog', [$p->origin, $p->nodeid]); } else { $this->redirect('node', [$p->origin, $p->node, $p->nodeid]); } } else { $this->redirect('login'); } } }
function prepareList($type = 'all', $server = null, $node = null, $page = 0) { $view = $this->tpl(); $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); $count = $pd->getCountSince(Cache::c('since')); // getting newer, not older if ($page == 0 || $page == "") { $count = 0; Cache::c('since', date(DATE_ISO8601, strtotime($pd->getLastDate()))); } $next = $page + 1; switch ($type) { case 'all': $view->assign('history', $this->call('ajaxGetAll', $next)); $items = $pd->getAllPosts(false, $page * $this->_paging + $count, $this->_paging); break; case 'news': $view->assign('history', $this->call('ajaxGetNews', $next)); $items = $pd->getNews($page * $this->_paging + $count, $this->_paging); break; case 'feed': $view->assign('history', $this->call('ajaxGetFeed', $next)); $items = $pd->getFeed($page * $this->_paging + $count, $this->_paging); break; case 'me': $view->assign('history', $this->call('ajaxGetMe', $next)); $items = $pd->getMe($page * $this->_paging + $count, $this->_paging); break; case 'node': $view->assign('history', $this->call('ajaxGetNode', '"' . $server . '"', '"' . $node . '"', '"' . $next . '"')); $items = $pd->getNode($server, $node, $page * $this->_paging + $count, $this->_paging); break; } $view->assign('items', $items); $view->assign('page', $page); $view->assign('paging', $this->_paging); $html = $view->draw('_menu_list', true); if ($page == 0 || $page == "") { $view = $this->tpl(); $view->assign('to', $this->user->getLogin()); $html .= $view->draw('_menu_add', true); } return $html; }
function getComments($post) { $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); return $pd->getComments($post); }
function prepareContact($jid) { if (!$this->validateJid($jid)) { return; } $cd = new \Modl\ContactDAO(); $c = $cd->get($jid, true); if ($c == null || $c->created == null || $c->isOld()) { if ($c == null) { $c = new \Modl\Contact(); $c->jid = $jid; } $this->ajaxRefreshVcard($jid); } $cr = $cd->getRosterItem($jid); $view = $this->tpl(); $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); $gallery = $pd->getGallery($jid, 0, 12); $blog = $pd->getPublic($jid, 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0', 0, 4); $presencestxt = getPresencesTxt(); $view->assign('edit', $this->call('ajaxEditContact', "'" . echapJS($jid) . "'")); $view->assign('delete', $this->call('ajaxDeleteContact', "'" . echapJS($jid) . "'")); if (isset($c)) { $view->assign('mood', getMood()); $view->assign('contact', $c); $view->assign('contactr', $cr); if ($cr->node != null && $cr->ver != null && $cr->node && $cr->ver) { $node = $cr->node . '#' . $cr->ver; $cad = new \Modl\CapsDAO(); $caps = $cad->get($node); if ($cr->value != null) { $view->assign('presence', $presencestxt[$cr->value]); } if (isset($caps) && $caps->name != '' && $caps->type != '') { $clienttype = getClientTypes(); $view->assign('caps', $caps); $view->assign('clienttype', $clienttype); } } else { $view->assign('caps', null); } $view->assign('gallery', $gallery); $view->assign('blog', $blog); $view->assign('chat', $this->call('ajaxChat', "'" . echapJS($c->jid) . "'")); return $view->draw('_contact', true); } elseif (isset($cr)) { $view->assign('contact', null); $view->assign('contactr', $cr); $view->assign('chat', $this->call('ajaxChat', "'" . echapJS($cr->jid) . "'")); return $view->draw('_contact', true); } else { return $this->prepareEmpty(0, $jid); } }
function ajaxTogglePrivacy($id) { $validate = Validator::string()->length(6, 128); if (!$validate->validate($id)) { return; } $pd = new \Modl\PrivacyDAO(); $p = $pd->get($id); $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); $po = $pd->getItem($id); if ($po->isMine()) { if ($po->privacy == 1) { Notification::append(false, $this->__('post.public_no')); \Modl\Privacy::set($id, 0); } if ($po->privacy == 0) { Notification::append(false, $this->__('post.public_yes')); \Modl\Privacy::set($id, 1); } } }
public function countComments() { $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); return $pd->countComments($this->commentorigin, $this->commentnodeid); }
private function prepareGroup($server, $node, $page = 0) { $pd = new \Modl\PostnDAO(); $posts = $pd->getNodeUnfiltered($server, $node, $page * $this->_paging, $this->_paging); $view = $this->tpl(); $view->assign('server', $server); $view->assign('node', $node); $view->assign('page', $page); $view->assign('posts', $posts); $html = $view->draw('_group_posts', true); return $html; }