public function testApproveAll()
     $t = new ModerationTestsuite();
     # We edit with two users:
     #	$t->unprivilegedUser (A)
     #	and $t->unprivilegedUser2 (B)
     # We're applying approveall to one of the edits by A.
     # Expected result is:
     # 1) All edits by A were approved,
     # 2) No edits by B were touched during approveall.
     $t->doNTestEditsWith($t->unprivilegedUser, $t->unprivilegedUser2);
     # Find edits by user A (they will be approved)
     $entries = ModerationTestsuiteEntry::findByUser($t->new_entries, $t->unprivilegedUser);
     $this->assertNotNull($entries[0]->approveAllLink, "testApproveAll(): ApproveAll link not found");
     $this->assertRegExp('/\\(moderation-approved-ok: ' . $t->TEST_EDITS_COUNT . '\\)/', $t->html->getMainText(), "testApproveAll(): Result page doesn't contain (moderation-approved-ok: N)");
     $this->assertCount(0, $t->new_entries, "testApproveAll(): Something was added into Pending folder during modaction=approveall");
     $this->assertCount($t->TEST_EDITS_COUNT, $t->deleted_entries, "testApproveAll(): Several edits were approved, but number of deleted entries in Pending folder doesn't match");
     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
         $rev = $t->getLastRevision($entry->title);
         $this->assertEquals($t->unprivilegedUser->getName(), $rev['user']);
     # Check the log entries: there should be
     # - one 'approveall' log entry
     # - TEST_EDITS_COUNT 'approve' log entries.
     $events = $t->apiLogEntries();
     $this->assertCount(1 + $t->TEST_EDITS_COUNT, $events, "testApproveAll(): Number of log entries doesn't match the number of approved edits PLUS ONE (log entry for ApproveAll itself).");
     # Per design, 'approveall' entry MUST be the most recent.
     $le = array_shift($events);
     $this->assertEquals('approveall', $le['action'], "testApproveAll(): Most recent log entry is not 'approveall'");
     $this->assertEquals($t->moderator->getName(), $le['user']);
     $this->assertEquals($t->unprivilegedUser->getUserPage(), $le['title']);
     foreach ($events as $le) {
         $this->assertEquals('approve', $le['action']);
         $this->assertEquals($t->moderator->getName(), $le['user']);
     # Only the formatting of 'approveall' line needs to be checked,
     # formatting of 'approve' lines already tested in testApprove()
     $events = $t->nonApiLogEntries(1);
     $this->assertEquals('approveall', $events[0]['type']);
     $this->assertEquals($t->moderator->getName(), $events[0]['params'][1]);
     $this->assertEquals($t->unprivilegedUser->getUserPage()->getText(), $events[0]['params'][2]);
     $this->assertEquals($t->TEST_EDITS_COUNT, $events[0]['params'][3]);