public function action_upgrade() { $mig = \Migrate::latest(); $version = \Model_Version::find('last', array('order_by' => array('meta_update_time' => 'desc'))); Config::load('install', true); Config::set('install.version', $version['value']); Config::save('install', 'install'); echo json_encode(array('status' => true, 'ver' => $version['value'], 'dat' => Date('d/m/Y', $version['meta_update_time']))); }
public function action_index() { Config::load('install', true); $this->version = Config::get('install.version'); $this->install_mode = 'Offline'; if ($this->version <= 0) { $req = $this->requirements(false); if (!$req['next']) { return $this->step_0(); } $step = \Input::get('step'); if (!in_array($step, array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4))) { \Response::redirect(\Config::get('base_url') . '/installo?step=1'); } switch ($step) { case 0: return $this->step_0(); break; case 1: return $this->step_1(); break; case 2: return $this->step_2(); break; case 3: return $this->step_3(); break; case 4: return $this->step_4(); break; } } else { // If installed, just output "Already installed" $data['version'] = Model_Version::find('last', array('order_by' => 'meta_update_time')); $data['instaled'] = true; return View::forge('install/version', $data); } }
public function action_index($id = null) { $this->install_mode = 'Online'; Config::load('install', true); $this->version = Config::get('install.version'); if ($this->version <= 0) { $data['instaled'] = false; $data['title'] = 'Installation'; $view = View::forge('install/layout', $data); $req = $this->requirements(false); $view->requirements = View::forge('install/requirements', $req); //set empty $view->configdata = ''; $view->license = ''; //$req['next']=true; if ($req['next']) { //all requirements passed ok $config = $this->configdata(); if ($config['next']) { //install data passed, make install and goto license if ($this->check_license($config)) { return $this->_install($config); } else { $config['next'] = false; $config['errors'] = array('Wrong license key!'); } } $view->configdata = View::forge('install/configdata', $config); } return $view; } else { $this->migrate_modules(); $data['version'] = Model_Version::find('last', array('order_by' => 'meta_update_time')); $data['instaled'] = true; return View::forge('install/version', $data); } }
public function check_remote() { $updatepath = self::NOCLAYER_UPDATE_PATH . $this->_lic->getFromLicenceNocVersion() . '/' . $this->_lic->getChannel(); $data = @file_get_contents($updatepath); if ($data) { $arr = json_decode($data); $version = Model_Version::find('last', array('order_by' => array('meta_update_time' => 'desc'))); //update time $version->lastcheck = time(); //update newer version if ($version->mode != $arr->version) { $version->mode = $arr->version; } $version->save(); $this->_master_version = $version; $this->_available_version = $version->mode; } }
protected function _install($data) { $this->_makeConfig($data); //load config data and connect to database $l = Config::load('install', true); $lastestVersion = Config::get('install.version'); $l = Config::load(Fuel::$env . '/db', null, true, true); Migrate::latest('default', 'app'); $this->_installDefaultUserInDb($data); $this->migrate_modules(); $this->__erase_old_migration(); $db_master = Model_Version::find()->limit(1)->order_by('id', 'desc')->get_one(); //set master on last $db_master->value = $lastestVersion; //set mode on last $db_master->mode = $lastestVersion; $db_master->save(); $data['instaled'] = true; $data['version'] = $db_master; return View::forge('install/version', $data); }