Пример #1
 public function errorAction()
     $errors = $this->_getParam('error_handler');
     switch ($errors->type) {
         case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ROUTE:
         case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER:
         case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ACTION:
             // 404 error -- controller or action not found
             $this->view->message = 'Page not found';
             // application error
             $this->view->message = 'Application error';
     // Log exception, if logger available
     if ($log = $this->getLog()) {
         $log->crit($this->view->message, $errors->exception);
     // Log to file if we can
     Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Exception Occured: " . $errors->exception->getMessage() . "\n" . $errors->exception->getTraceAsString());
     // conditionally display exceptions
     if ($this->getInvokeArg('displayExceptions') == true) {
         $this->view->exception = $errors->exception;
     $this->view->request = $errors->request;
Пример #2
  * Generates a bank of questions for a question identifier provided
  * Expects parameters [question_id], [questions_to_generate_num], [max_errors_num]
 public function generatequestionbankAction()
     // Check to see that all the parameters get passed
     $parameters = $this->_getAllParams();
     $check_errors = array();
     foreach (array("question_id" => "Question Identifier", "questions_to_generate_num" => "Number of Questions to Generate", "max_errors_num" => "Maximum number of Errors") as $check_key => $check_text) {
         if (!array_key_exists($check_key, $parameters) || !is_numeric($parameters[$check_key]) || $parameters[$check_key] < 0) {
             $check_errors[] = $check_text . " [" . $check_key . "] was not passed, or not a positive number.";
     if (sizeof($check_errors) > 0) {
         cronlog("The following validation errors occured:");
         foreach ($check_errors as $ce) {
     //cronlog('ok so far');
     $question_base_id = intval($parameters['question_id']);
     $number_of_questions = intval($parameters['questions_to_generate_num']);
     $maximum_errors = intval($parameters['max_errors_num']);
     cronlog("Generating {$number_of_questions} questions from Question Base Identifier {$question_base_id} ; Maximum Error threshold is {$maximum_errors}");
     $vQuestionBase = Model_Quiz_QuestionBase::fromID($question_base_id);
     if (is_null($vQuestionBase)) {
         throw new Exception("The question base identifier passed was invalid");
     $question_counter = 0;
     $error_counter = 0;
     My_Logger::log(__METHOD__ . " number_of_questions: {$number_of_questions}");
     My_Logger::log(__METHOD__ . " maximum_errors: {$maximum_errors}");
     while ($question_counter <= $number_of_questions && $error_counter <= $maximum_errors) {
         My_Logger::log(__METHOD__ . " question_counter: {$question_counter}");
         My_Logger::log(__METHOD__ . " error_counter: {$error_counter}");
         try {
             $vGeneratedQuestion = Model_Quiz_GeneratedQuestion::generateNewFromQuestionBase($vQuestionBase);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             cronlog("Could not generate question. " . $e->getMessage());
             echo Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->getLog();
     cronlog("Finished. Generated " . $question_counter . " questions; " . $error_counter . " errornous questions generated (but discarded)");
Пример #3
  * Selects the next question base appropriate for the quiz attempt passed
  * @param Model_Quiz_QuizAttempt $vQuizAttempt
  * @param boolean $debug Being Phased out TODO
  * @throws Exception
  * @return Model_Quiz_QuestionBase|NULL NULL Should only be returned in exceptional circumstances
 public static function select_next_question($vQuizAttempt, $debug = false)
     //Get all the concepts this quiz tests
     $vQuiz = $vQuizAttempt->getQuiz();
     $vTestedConcepts = $vQuiz->getTestedConcepts();
     if (sizeof($vTestedConcepts) < 1) {
         throw new Exception("This quiz is not ready yet - reason: No testedConcepts specified.");
     //Foreach concept tested, see how many questions we've attempted
     foreach ($vTestedConcepts as $vTestedConcept) {
         Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Looking at TestedConcept: " . $vTestedConcept->getConcept()->getConcept_name());
         $vQuestionAttempts = Model_Quiz_QuestionAttempt::getAllFromQuizAttemptAndConcept($vQuizAttempt, $vTestedConcept->getConcept());
         Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Done " . sizeof($vQuestionAttempts) . "/" . $vTestedConcept->getNumber_tested());
         //If we haven't attempted enough in this concept, we need to choose a question difficulty
         if (sizeof($vQuestionAttempts) < $vTestedConcept->getNumber_tested()) {
             //What difficulties are there being tested within this concept?
             $vLowest = $vTestedConcept->getLower_difficulty();
             $vHighest = $vTestedConcept->getHigher_difficulty();
             //Find out how many questions I should allocate for each difficulty
             $mQuestionsPerDifficultyLevel = floor(0.8 / ($vHighest + 1 - $vLowest) * $vTestedConcept->getNumber_tested());
             $mBuffer = $vTestedConcept->getNumber_tested() - ($vHighest + 1 - $vLowest) * $mQuestionsPerDifficultyLevel;
             //If there's only one difficulty, that settles that
             if ($vLowest == $vHighest) {
                 return Model_Shell_QuestionChooser::select_next_question_2($vQuizAttempt, $vTestedConcept->getConcept(), $vLowest);
             //Were there any previous attempts at this concept? If not, we need to start a Q at the lowest specified difficulty
             $vQuestionAttempts = $vQuizAttempt->getQuestionAttempts($vTestedConcept->getConcept());
             //echo "Size of vQuestionAttempts:".sizeof($vQuestionAttempts)."<br/>";
             if (sizeof($vQuestionAttempts) == 0) {
                 return Model_Shell_QuestionChooser::select_next_question_2($vQuizAttempt, $vTestedConcept->getConcept(), $vLowest);
             //Find the highest attempted difficulty done so far
             $vHighestSoFar = $vQuizAttempt->getHighestDifficultyTestedSoFar();
             //echo "The highest difficulty so far: $vHighestSoFar<br/>";
             if ($vHighestSoFar >= $vHighest) {
                 //Already at the highest difficulty, the next question will be at this difficulty too
                 return Model_Shell_QuestionChooser::select_next_question_2($vQuizAttempt, $vTestedConcept->getConcept(), $vHighest);
             //Look at the last attempts in this difficulty. Were they below-par (use a percentage?)?
             $vTotal = 0;
             $vTotalRight = 0;
             Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Checking your previous attempts...Size of vQuestionAttempts:" . sizeof($vQuestionAttempts));
             foreach ($vQuestionAttempts as $vQA) {
                 $vQB = $vQA->getQuestion_base();
                 //echo "Looking at " . $vQB->getDifficulty() . " vs $vHighestSoFar<br/>";
                 if ($vQB->getDifficulty() == $vHighestSoFar) {
                     if ($vQB->getEstimated_time() > $vQA->getTime_finished() - $vQA->getTime_started()) {
                         //You did this question in a reasonable time... did you get it right first time?
                         if ($vQA->getInitial_result() == "1") {
             //Note, a divide by 0 happened here before...
             if ($vTotal == 0 || $vTotalRight / $vTotal > 0.8) {
                 //OK. If they WERE good attempts, I should move on if I've hit my quota for this difficulty
                 if ($vTotal >= $mQuestionsPerDifficultyLevel) {
                     //Reached our minumum quota for this difficulty level. NEXT!
                     return Model_Shell_QuestionChooser::select_next_question_2($vQuizAttempt, $vTestedConcept->getConcept(), $vHighestSoFar + 1);
                 } else {
                     //We've done well so far, but we need to do more in this difficulty
                     return Model_Shell_QuestionChooser::select_next_question_2($vQuizAttempt, $vTestedConcept->getConcept(), $vHighestSoFar);
             } else {
                 //Your previous attempts weren't all that good.
                 //Figure out how much buffer we have left. Can we afford to give you a question at $vHighestSoFar? Or do we have to move onto something harder?
                 $mBuffer = $vTestedConcept->getNumber_tested() - ($vHighest - $vHighestSoFar) * $mQuestionsPerDifficultyLevel - sizeof($vQuestionAttempts);
                 if ($mBuffer > 1) {
                     //We can afford to give you another easier question
                     return Model_Shell_QuestionChooser::select_next_question_2($vQuizAttempt, $vTestedConcept->getConcept(), $vHighestSoFar);
                 } else {
                     //Sorry.. buffer is dry. You weren't going too well, but you gotta do the harder stuff
                     return Model_Shell_QuestionChooser::select_next_question_2($vQuizAttempt, $vTestedConcept->getConcept(), $vHighestSoFar + 1);
         //End If
     //End Foreach testedConcept
     //We shouldn't really ever get here, but in case we do -> null
     return null;
  * This action is the quiz shell.
  * It ensures permissions, creates new attempts etc etc.
  * @author Ben Evans
 public function attemptAction()
     Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("User Entered the Attempt Action");
     $identity = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
     $username = $identity->username;
     $auth_model = Model_Auth_General::getAuthModel();
     /*	Before we do anything, test to make sure we've passed a VALID QUIZ which WE ARE ENTITLED to sit.	*/
     $quiz_id = $this->_getParam("quiz");
     if (is_null($quiz_id)) {
         throw new Exception("No quiz was passed. Cannot continue.");
     $vQuiz = Model_Quiz_Quiz::fromID($quiz_id);
     if ($vQuiz == null) {
         throw new Exception("Quiz ID passed was invalid. Cannot continue.");
     $mFinished = false;
     $mMarking = false;
     if ($auth_model->userInGroup($username, $vQuiz->getPermissions_group()) && $vQuiz->getOpen_date() <= strtotime("now")) {
         //Have we run out of attempts?
         $vAttempts = Model_Quiz_QuizAttempt::getAllFromUser($username, $vQuiz);
         if (sizeof($vAttempts) >= $vQuiz->getMax_attempts()) {
             //It is possible that we're on our last attempt, and that it's "in progress"...check
             $bInProgress = false;
             foreach ($vAttempts as $vAttempt) {
                 if ($vAttempt->getDate_finished() == null) {
                     $bInProgress = true;
             if (!$bInProgress) {
                 throw new Exception("You've exceeded your maximum attempts for this quiz. Cannot continue");
     } else {
         if (!$this->view->is_admin) {
             throw new Exception("Insufficient Permissions to take this quiz / Quiz not open yet");
         $vAttempts = Model_Quiz_QuizAttempt::getAllFromUser($username, $vQuiz);
     /*	Ok. We're allowed to TAKE the quiz. Are we resuming, or starting a new one? */
     $mQuizAttempt = null;
     if (is_array($vAttempts)) {
         foreach ($vAttempts as $vAttempt) {
             if ($vAttempt->getDate_finished() == null) {
                 $mQuizAttempt = $vAttempt;
         //End Foreach
     //End If
     if ($mQuizAttempt == null) {
         $mQuizAttempt = Model_Quiz_QuizAttempt::fromScratch(strtotime("now"), $vQuiz, $username);
     /* Calculate the total questions needed for this quiz */
     $vTCs = $vQuiz->getTestedConcepts();
     $vTotalQuestions = 0;
     foreach ($vTCs as $vTC) {
         $vTotalQuestions = $vTotalQuestions + $vTC->getNumber_tested();
     /*	We have our quizAttempt ready to go. Now we look to see if we're resuming a question or not */
     $mQuestionAttempt = $mQuizAttempt->getLastIncompleteQuestion();
     if (is_object($mQuestionAttempt) && !$mQuestionAttempt->isValid()) {
         // Remove the Question attempt (Database was reinitialised or something)
         $mQuestionAttempt = null;
     if ($mQuestionAttempt != null) {
         /*	Are we getting an ANSWER for this question? */
         if (array_key_exists("marking", $_POST) && $_POST['marking'] == "1") {
             /*	Mark it */
             $mMarking = true;
         /* If we reach here, the page has probably been refreshed. We just re-display the last question */
     } else {
         /* Have we finished this quiz? */
         if ($mQuizAttempt->getQuestionAttemptCount() >= $vTotalQuestions) {
             //Close this attempt and display a result later on down the page
             //Calculate and store the final score
             $mFinished = true;
         } else {
             /*	QuizAttempt isn't finished... Fetch a questionBase */
             $vQuestionBase = Model_Shell_QuestionChooser::select_next_question($mQuizAttempt, true);
             /* Make a GeneratedQuestion */
             $vCounter = 0;
             //Make sure we don't get any fluke no-text answers
             while ($vCounter < 3) {
                 Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("vQuestionBase: " . isset($vQuestionBase));
                 Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Generating... from " . $vQuestionBase->getXml());
                 $vGen = Model_Quiz_GeneratedQuestion::fromQuestionBase($vQuestionBase);
                 if ($vGen->getCorrect_answer() != "" && $vGen->getCorrect_answer() != "\r\n") {
                 } else {
             if ($vGen->getCorrect_answer() == "" || $vGen->getCorrect_answer() == "\r\n") {
                 throw new Exception("Error. While generating a question for you, blank answers appeared > 3 times. This should never happen. Either try to refresh this page, or consult your lecturer...");
             /* Make a QuestionAttempt */
             $mQuestionAttempt = Model_Quiz_QuestionAttempt::fromScratch($vQuestionBase, strtotime("now"), strtotime("now"), $mQuizAttempt, $vGen);
     // Pass all relevant information to the view
     $this->view->quiz = $vQuiz;
     $this->view->question_attempt = $mQuestionAttempt;
     $this->view->finished = $mFinished;
     $this->view->marking = $mMarking;
     $this->view->mQuizAttempt = $mQuizAttempt;
     $this->view->vTotalQuestions = $vTotalQuestions;
Пример #5
  * Compiles the question and returns the correct output
  * @return string
 public function getCorrectOutput()
     if (isset($this->mActualAnswer)) {
         return $this->mActualAnswer;
     Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log(" Attempting to generate correct answer for Question.", __METHOD__);
     $this->mActualAnswer = Model_Shell_Compiler::compileAndReturn(time() . rand(1, 99999), $this->mProblem);
     $this->mSubstitutions['ans'] = $this->mActualAnswer;
     return $this->mActualAnswer;
Пример #6
 protected function makeQuestionAttempt($quizAttempt, $now)
     $questionBase = Model_Shell_QuestionChooser::select_next_question($quizAttempt, true);
     $path = $this->getFrontController()->getParam('xml_path');
     // This way we can set it externally from our tests. If not set, called code will just use the configuration value
     /* Make a GeneratedQuestion */
     $cnt = 0;
     // Make sure we don't get any fluke no-text answers
     while ($cnt < 3) {
         Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("vQuestionBase: " . isset($questionBase));
         Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Generating... from " . $questionBase->getXml());
         $vGen = Model_Quiz_GeneratedQuestion::fromQuestionBase($questionBase, $path);
         if ($vGen->getCorrect_answer() != "" && $vGen->getCorrect_answer() != "\r\n") {
         } else {
     if ($vGen->getCorrect_answer() == "" || $vGen->getCorrect_answer() == "\r\n") {
         throw new Exception("Error. While generating a question for you, blank answers appeared > 3 times. This should never happen. Either try to refresh this page, or consult your lecturer...");
     /* Make a QuestionAttempt */
     return Model_Quiz_QuestionAttempt::fromScratch($questionBase, $now, $now, $quizAttempt, $vGen);
Пример #7
  * This will remove ALL pre-generated questions that haven't been used in a quiz
 public static function removePregeneratedQuestions()
     $db = Zend_Registry::get("db");
     /* @var $db Zend_DB_Adapter_Abstract */
     Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Removing all Pre-generated questions");
     $rows = $db->query("SELECT generated_id FROM generated_questions \n\t\t\tWHERE generated_id NOT IN(SELECT generated_questionsgenerated_id AS generated_id FROM question_attempt)")->fetchAll();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $db->delete("generated_questions", "generated_id = " . $db->quote($row['generated_id']));
Пример #8
  * Java-Specific Compilation
  * @param string $mTempFolder 
  * @param string $vFilePrefix 
  * @param string $mSource 
  * @return string
  * @author Ben Evans
 private static function java_compile_and_return($mTempFolder, $vFilePrefix, $mSource)
     Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Entering Java Compilation");
     Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Temporary Folder Given: {$mTempFolder} . File Prefix: {$vFilePrefix}");
     Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Source passed was:\n{$mSource}");
     if (in_array(strtolower(PHP_OS), explode(",", self::NIX_OSES))) {
         // Clean up any old existing files
         if (file_exists(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java"))) {
             Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Existing file exists. Removing");
             unlink(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java"));
         if (file_exists(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix))) {
             Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Existing folder exists. Removing");
             unlink(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix));
         $mTempFolder = self::os_slash($mTempFolder);
         // Output the program that's been generated into a File.
         $fh = fopen(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java"), 'w');
         fwrite($fh, $mSource);
         if (!is_writable($mTempFolder)) {
             throw new Exception("Cannot write to {$mTempFolder} Please ensure permissions are correctly set");
         // Java sometimes generates more than one class... so we put the compiled things in a directory
         mkdir($mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix);
         // Run the program that we outputted to a file into a fully functioning Executable
         $toExec = "javac \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java\" -d \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . "\"";
         Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Attempted to execute: {$toExec}");
         $execResult = exec($toExec);
         Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Execution result was: " . $execResult);
         // OK Now we need to see what classes have been generated in this directory, and then call that when executing
         $directory_contents = scandir($mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix);
         if (sizeof($directory_contents) < 3) {
             throw new Exception("When Trying to generate a new randomised question, Compilation Failed. Reason: " . $execResult);
         // At this point, I'm assuming we have only 1 main class
         $program_to_run = null;
         foreach ($directory_contents as $dc) {
             if (strlen($dc) > 5) {
                 $program_to_run = str_replace(".class", "", $dc);
         if (!is_null($program_to_run)) {
             // Most linuxes and Unixes come with the GNU timeout program. However, OSX doesn't
             if (in_array(strtolower(PHP_OS), array('darwin'))) {
                 $toExec = realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../resources/osx_timeout.sh") . " 5 java -cp \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . "\" " . $program_to_run . " > \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . ".txt\"";
             } else {
                 $toExec = "timeout 5 java -cp \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . "\" " . $program_to_run . " > \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . ".txt\"";
             $execution_result = exec($toExec);
             Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Java program compiled. Now executing: " . $toExec);
             // Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("The shell Execution result (not expecting anything) was: " . $execution_result);
             $vContents = file_get_contents(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".txt"));
             Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("File Execution result was: " . trim($vContents));
             //Delete all the stuff we made
             unlink("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java");
             unlink("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".txt");
             Model_Utils_Filesystem::delete_directory($mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix);
             return $vContents;
         } else {
             return "Compilation failed! Reason:" . $execResult;
     } else {
         //We're running Windows (probably)
         // We have to make sure that the user has defined the JAVA Path (unlike Linux where it's just in the PATH)
         if (!defined("JAVAC_PATH")) {
             throw new Exception("The Windows Javac.exe Path is not defined. Please define it in general.php");
         } else {
             if (!file_exists(JAVAC_PATH)) {
                 throw new Exception("The JavaC Path defined (Windows) is not accessible by this application");
         // Remove all old stuff
         if (file_exists("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java")) {
             unlink(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java"));
         if (file_exists("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".exe")) {
             unlink(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".exe"));
         $fh = fopen(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java"), 'w');
         fwrite($fh, $mSource);
         // Java sometimes generates more than one class... so we put the compiled things in a directory
         mkdir($mTempFolder . "\\" . $vFilePrefix);
         $toExec = "\"" . JAVAC_PATH . "\" \"" . $mTempFolder . "\\" . $vFilePrefix . ".java\" -d \"" . $mTempFolder . "\\" . $vFilePrefix . "\"";
         $execResult = exec($toExec);
         // OK Now we need to see what classes have been generated in this directory, and then call that when executing
         $directory_contents = scandir($mTempFolder . "\\" . $vFilePrefix);
         if (sizeof($directory_contents) < 3) {
             throw new Exception("When Trying to generate a new randomised question, Compilation Failed. Reason: " . $execResult);
         // At this point, I'm assuming we have only 1 main class
         $program_to_run = null;
         foreach ($directory_contents as $dc) {
             if (strlen($dc) > 5) {
                 $program_to_run = str_replace(".class", "", $dc);
         if (!is_null($program_to_run)) {
             $toExec = "java -cp \"" . $mTempFolder . "\\" . $vFilePrefix . "\" " . $program_to_run . " > \"" . $mTempFolder . "\\" . $vFilePrefix . ".txt\"";
             $fh = fopen("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".bat", 'w');
             fwrite($fh, $toExec);
             $toExec = '"' . $mTempFolder . "\\limitexec.exe\" 5 " . $vFilePrefix;
             //echo "EXECUTING: " . $toExec;
             $vContents = file_get_contents(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".txt"));
             //Delete all the stuff we made
             unlink("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".bat");
             unlink("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java");
             unlink("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".txt");
             exec("rmdir \"" . $mTempFolder . "\\" . $vFilePrefix . "\" /S /Q");
             return $vContents;
         } else {
             return "Compilation failed! Reason:" . $execResult;
     //End Windows-specific code
Пример #9
 protected static function java_linux($mTempFolder, $vFilePrefix, $mSource)
     // Clean up any old existing files
     if (file_exists(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java"))) {
         Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Existing file exists. Removing");
         unlink(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java"));
     if (file_exists(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix))) {
         Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Existing folder exists. Removing");
         unlink(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix));
     $mTempFolder = self::os_slash($mTempFolder);
     // Output the program that's been generated into a File.
     $fh = fopen(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java"), 'w');
     fwrite($fh, $mSource);
     if (!is_writable($mTempFolder)) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot write to {$mTempFolder} Please ensure permissions are correctly set");
     // Java sometimes generates more than one class... so we put the compiled things in a directory
     mkdir($mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix);
     $error_file = $mTempFolder . '/' . $vFilePrefix . '.error.txt';
     // Capture error messages here - Ivan
     // Run the program that we outputted to a file into a fully functioning Executable
     $toExec = "javac \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java\" -d \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . "\"" . ' 2> "' . $error_file . '"';
     Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Attempted to execute: {$toExec}");
     $execResult = exec($toExec);
     Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Execution result was: " . $execResult);
     // Ivan
     // OK Now we need to see what classes have been generated in this directory, and then call that when executing
     $directory_contents = scandir($mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix);
     if (sizeof($directory_contents) < 3) {
         throw new Exception("When Trying to generate a new randomised question, Compilation Failed. Reason: " . $execResult);
     // At this point, I'm assuming we have only 1 main class
     $program_to_run = null;
     foreach ($directory_contents as $dc) {
         if (strlen($dc) > 5) {
             $program_to_run = str_replace(".class", "", $dc);
     if (!is_null($program_to_run)) {
         // Most linuxes and Unixes come with the GNU timeout program. However, OSX doesn't
         if (in_array(strtolower(PHP_OS), array('darwin'))) {
             $toExec = realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../resources/osx_timeout.sh") . " 5 java -cp \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . "\" " . $program_to_run . " > \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . ".txt\"";
         } else {
             // For now we will only support our target platform (Ubuntu) - Ivan
             $toExec = "timeout 5 java -cp \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . "\" " . $program_to_run . " > \"" . $mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix . ".txt\"";
         $execution_result = exec($toExec);
         Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("Java program compiled. Now executing: " . $toExec);
         // Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("The shell Execution result (not expecting anything) was: " . $execution_result);
         $vContents = file_get_contents(Model_Shell_Compiler::os_slash("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".txt"));
         Model_Shell_Debug::getInstance()->log("File Execution result was: " . trim($vContents));
         // Delete all the stuff we made
         unlink("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".java");
         unlink("{$mTempFolder}/" . $vFilePrefix . ".txt");
         Model_Utils_Filesystem::delete_directory($mTempFolder . "/" . $vFilePrefix);
         return $vContents;
     } else {
         return "Compilation failed! Reason:" . $execResult;
Пример #10
  * An Administrative function that tests Question Generation
  * @return void
  * @author Ben Evans
 public function testquestiongenerationAction()
     if (!$this->view->is_admin) {
         throw new Exception("Access Denied");
     //$xml_path = APPLICATION_PATH . '/../xml/questions';
     $config = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH . "/configs/application.ini", APPLICATION_ENV);
     $xml_path = $config->xml->import_path;
     $this->view->available_files = $this->getAvailableFiles($xml_path);
     // See what Question we're looking at...
     $this->view->selected_xml = $selected_xml = $this->_getParam("q");
     if (isset($selected_xml) && !is_null($selected_xml)) {
         // Get the Question XML
         try {
             $mQuestion = new Model_Shell_GenericQuestion($xml_path . "/" . $selected_xml . ".xml");
             $this->view->question = $mQuestion;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //throw $e;
         // Just make a new random question, so we get access to functions like Randset
         $temp = new Model_Quiz_GeneratedQuestion();
     //added by Ivan. Force for now, comment out in release