Пример #1
 public function action_delete($id = null)
     if ($call_center = Model_Call_Center::find($id)) {
         Session::set_flash('success', 'Deleted call_center #' . $id);
     } else {
         Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not delete call_center #' . $id);
Пример #2
 public function action_senior($center = null)
     if (Auth::has_access('reports.all_centers')) {
         $view_all = TRUE;
     } else {
         $view_all = FALSE;
     $all_call_centers = Model_Call_Center::find('all');
     $this->template->title = 'Senior Leaderboard';
     $this->template->content = View::forge('leaderboard/senior', array('view_all' => $view_all, 'all_call_centers' => $all_call_centers, 'center' => $center, 'url' => !is_null($center) ? '/reports/get_senior_report/' . $center . '.json' : '/reports/get_senior_report.json'));
 public function addNewLead()
     // -- Create a new array the matches the Debtsolv API
     // --------------------------------------------------
     $data = array();
     $data = $this->_values;
     if (count($data) <= 0) {
     $debtsolvData = array();
     $debtsolvData['title'] = $data['title'];
     $debtsolvData['first_name'] = $data['forename'];
     $debtsolvData['last_name'] = $data['surname'];
     $debtsolvData['address1'] = $data['street_and_number'];
     $debtsolvData['address2'] = $data['area'];
     $debtsolvData['city'] = $data['town'];
     $debtsolvData['county'] = $data['county'];
     $debtsolvData['postal_code'] = $data['post_code'];
     $debtsolvData['email'] = $data['email'];
     $debtsolvData['comments'] = $data['notes'];
     $debtsolvData['LeadID'] = 0;
     $debtsolvData['LeadRef2'] = \Model_Call_Center::find($data['introducer_id'])->shortcode;
     // -- Needs to be short code from the company
     $debtsolvData['phone_number'] = $data['tel_home'];
     $debtsolvData['alt_phone'] = $data['tel_mobile'];
     $debtsolvData['AgentID'] = $this->userInfo('username');
     $debtsolvData['AgentFullName'] = $this->userInfo('name');
     // -- Set ListID Get the call centre ID and set the ListID
     // -------------------------------------------------------
     $listID = 99999;
     switch ($data['introducer_id']) {
         case 5:
             // -- SixEleven
             // ------------
             $listID = 'Sixeleven';
         case 6:
             // --RJ High
             // ---------
             $listID = 'RJ5';
     $debtsolvData['ListID'] = $listID;
     // -- This needs to be changed to the call centres list in Debtsolv
     $this->clientID = $this->send('add_new_lead', $debtsolvData);
     // -- Update the call result to referred (900)
     // -------------------------------------------
     if ($this->clientID > 0) {
     $this->_values['debtsolvLeadID'] = $this->clientID;
     return $this->clientID;
Пример #4
 public static function choice($questions = null, $portal_form = null, $apiKey = null)
     // Before anything, do a duplicate check
     $dupes = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_model::duplicationCheck(array('forename' => isset($portal_form['first_name']) ? $portal_form['first_name'] : null, 'surname' => isset($portal_form['last_name']) ? $portal_form['last_name'] : null, 'post_code' => isset($portal_form['postcode']) ? $portal_form['postcode'] : null, 'tel_home' => isset($portal_form['phone_number']) ? $portal_form['phone_number'] : null, 'tel_work' => null, 'tel_mobile' => isset($portal_form['alt_phone']) ? $portal_form['alt_phone'] : null));
     if (count($dupes) > 0) {
         // We have a duplicate so lets find out where it comes from
     } else {
         $noppi = true;
         $nodr = true;
     $centerDetails = \Model_Call_Center::find()->where('api_key', $apiKey)->get_one();
     $clientID = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_model::createReferral(array('user_id' => '', 'company_id' => 1, 'product_id' => 1, 'dialler_lead_id' => isset($portal_form['lead_id']) ? $portal_form['lead_id'] : null, 'dialler_list_id' => isset($portal_form['list_id']) ? $portal_form['list_id'] : null, 'dialler_list_name' => '', 'disposition_id' => '', 'title' => isset($portal_form['title']) ? $portal_form['title'] : null, 'forename' => isset($portal_form['first_name']) ? $portal_form['first_name'] : null, 'surname' => isset($portal_form['last_name']) ? $portal_form['last_name'] : null, 'street_and_number' => isset($portal_form['address1']) ? $portal_form['address1'] : null, 'area' => isset($portal_form['address2']) ? $portal_form['address2'] : null, 'district' => isset($portal_form['address3']) ? $portal_form['address3'] : null, 'town' => isset($portal_form['city']) ? $portal_form['city'] : null, 'county' => isset($portal_form['state']) ? $portal_form['state'] : null, 'post_code' => isset($portal_form['postal_code']) ? $portal_form['postal_code'] : null, 'date_of_birth' => isset($portal_form['date_of_birth']) ? $portal_form['date_of_birth'] : null, 'tel_home' => isset($portal_form['phone_number']) ? $portal_form['phone_number'] : null, 'tel_work' => 0, 'tel_mobile' => isset($portal_form['alt_phone']) ? $portal_form['alt_phone'] : null, 'email' => isset($portal_form['email']) ? $portal_form['email'] : null, 'notes' => isset($portal_form['comments']) ? $portal_form['comments'] : null, 'introducer_id' => $centerDetails->id));
     if (Portal_Check::values_to_bool($questions['form-q5']) === true) {
         return array('type' => 'DNQ', 'reason' => 'being in an IVA or Declared Bankrupt.');
     } else {
         if (Portal_Check::values_to_bool($questions['form-q3']) === false and Portal_Check::values_to_bool($questions['form-q4']) === false) {
             // Get client ID from the PPI system
             $Referral = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_class::forge($clientID);
             $saveData['referralQuestions'] = $questions;
             $Referral->product_id = 1;
             $Referral->company_id = 3;
             $Referral = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_class::forge($clientID);
             return array('type' => 'PPI', 'clientID' => $clientID);
         } else {
             // Save details and get client ID from Debtsolv
             $Debtsolv = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_debtsolv_class::forge((int) $clientID);
             $saveData['referralQuestions'] = $questions;
             $Debtsolv->product_id = 2;
             $Debtsolv->company_id = 1;
             // Reload the referral
             $Debtsolv = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_debtsolv_class::forge((int) $clientID);
             $client_ID = $Debtsolv->addNewLead();
             return array('type' => 'DR', 'clientID' => $client_ID);
     return null;
Пример #5
 public function action_disposition()
     $this->template->title = "PPI Disposition Report";
     if (\Auth::has_access('reports.all_centers')) {
         $center = \Input::post('center');
         $view_all = TRUE;
     } else {
         $view_all = FALSE;
         list($driver, $user_id) = \Auth::get_user_id();
         $this_user = \Model_User::find($user_id);
         $center = $this_user->call_center_id;
     $all_call_centers = \Model_Call_Center::find('all');
     $hourlyStatsReport = array('Referrals' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::perPeriod('referral', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'Pack Outs' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::perPeriod('packOut', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'Pack In' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::perPeriod('packIn', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')));
     $quickView = array(array('No Contacts' => count(\Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('noContact', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate'))), 'Referrals' => count(\Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('referral', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate'))), 'Pack Outs' => count(\Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('packOut', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate'))), 'Pack Ins' => count(\Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::packIns($center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')))));
     $report = Report\Create::forge(array('hourlyStats' => array('reportResults' => $hourlyStatsReport, 'displayType' => 'chart'), 'noContacts' => array('reportResults' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('noContact', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'options' => array('class' => 'zebra-striped datatable')), 'referrals' => array('reportResults' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('referral', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'options' => array('class' => 'zebra-striped datatable')), 'packOuts' => array('reportResults' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('packOut', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'options' => array('class' => 'zebra-striped datatable')), 'packIns' => array('reportResults' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::packIns($center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'options' => array('class' => 'zebra-striped datatable')), 'quickView' => array('reportResults' => $quickView, 'options' => array('direction' => 'vertical'))), 3600);
     $this->template->content = View::forge(static::$_viewPath . 'ppi/disposition.php', array('reports' => $report->generate(), 'all_call_centers' => $all_call_centers, 'center' => $center, 'start_date' => \Input::post('startdate'), 'end_date' => \Input::post('enddate'), 'view_all' => $view_all));
Пример #6
 public function action_edit($id = null)
     is_null($id) and Response::redirect('Staff');
     $staff = Model_Staff::find($id);
     $val = Model_Staff::validate('edit');
     if ($val->run()) {
         $staff->first_name = Input::post('first_name');
         $staff->last_name = Input::post('last_name');
         $staff->intranet_id = Input::post('intranet_id');
         $staff->dialler_id = Input::post('dialler_id');
         $staff->debtsolv_id = Input::post('debtsolv_id');
         $staff->network_id = Input::post('network_id');
         $staff->center_id = Input::post('center_id');
         $staff->department_id = Input::post('department_id');
         $staff->active = Input::post('active');
         if ($staff->save()) {
             Session::set_flash('success', 'Updated staff #' . $id);
         } else {
             Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not update staff #' . $id);
     } else {
         if (Input::method() == 'POST') {
             $staff->first_name = $val->validated('first_name');
             $staff->last_name = $val->validated('last_name');
             $staff->intranet_id = $val->validated('intranet_id');
             $staff->dialler_id = $val->validated('dialler_id');
             $staff->debtsolv_id = $val->validated('debtsolv_id');
             $staff->network_id = $val->validated('network_id');
             $staff->center_id = $val->validated('center_id');
             $staff->department_id = $val->validated('department_id');
             $staff->active = $val->validated('active');
             Session::set_flash('error', $val->error());
         $this->template->set_global('staff', $staff, false);
     $departments = Model_Staff_Department::find('all');
     $centers = Model_Call_Center::find('all');
     $this->template->set_global('departments', $departments, false);
     $this->template->set_global('centers', $centers, false);
     $this->template->title = "Staffs";
     $this->template->content = View::forge('staff/edit');
Пример #7
 public function addNewLead()
     // -- Create a new array the matches the Debtsolv API
     // --------------------------------------------------
     $portal_form = array();
     $portal_form = $this->_values;
     if (count($portal_form) <= 0) {
         return 0;
     $debtsolvData = array();
     $debtsolvData['title'] = isset($portal_form['title']) ? $portal_form['title'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['first_name'] = isset($portal_form['first_name']) ? $portal_form['first_name'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['last_name'] = isset($portal_form['last_name']) ? $portal_form['last_name'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['address1'] = isset($portal_form['address1']) ? $portal_form['address1'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['address2'] = isset($portal_form['address2']) ? $portal_form['address2'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['city'] = isset($portal_form['city']) ? $portal_form['city'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['county'] = isset($portal_form['state']) ? $portal_form['state'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['postal_code'] = isset($portal_form['postal_code']) ? $portal_form['postal_code'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['email'] = isset($portal_form['email']) ? $portal_form['email'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['comments'] = isset($portal_form['comments']) ? $portal_form['comments'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['LeadID'] = (int) $portal_form['lead_id'];
     $debtsolvData['LeadRef2'] = \Model_Call_Center::find($portal_form['introducer_id'])->shortcode;
     // -- Needs to be short code from the company
     $debtsolvData['phone_number'] = isset($portal_form['phone_number']) ? $portal_form['phone_number'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['alt_phone'] = isset($portal_form['alt_phone']) ? $portal_form['alt_phone'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['AgentID'] = isset($portal_form['AgentID']) ? $portal_form['AgentID'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['AgentFullName'] = isset($portal_form['agent']) ? $portal_form['agent'] : '';
     $debtsolvData['ListID'] = isset($portal_form['list']) ? $portal_form['list'] : '0';
     // -- This needs to be changed to the call centres list in Debtsolv
     $debtsolvData['ListName'] = isset($portal_form['ListName']) ? $portal_form['ListName'] : '';
     $this->clientID = $this->send('add_new_lead', $debtsolvData);
     // -- Update the call result to referred (900)
     // -------------------------------------------
     if ($this->clientID > 0) {
         // -- Test
     $this->_values['debtsolvLeadID'] = $this->clientID;
     return $this->clientID;
Пример #8
 public function sendForConsolidation($emailData = array())
     // -- Send the referral for consolidation
     // --------------------------------------
     // -- Create an Email to send to the consolidators
     // -----------------------------------------------
     $Email = \Email::forge();
     // -- Address needs to be from the company the agent is with
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     $Email->from('*****@*****.**', 'Hot Key Referral');
     // -- Needs to include the company the referral was sent from, with referral ID and lead name
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $Email->subject('Hot Key Referral');
     // -- This needs to go to the address set in the companies table
     // -------------------------------------------------------------
     // -- Referral Details
     // -------------------
     $emailData['referralID'] = $this->_referralID;
     $emailData['introducer'] = $this->_values['introducerName'];
     $emailData['company'] = $this->_values['companyName'];
     $emailData['productName'] = $this->_values['productName'];
     $emailData['referralDate'] = $this->_values['referralDate'];
     $emailData['agent'] = $this->_values['introducer_agent_name'];
     $emailData['introducer'] = \Model_Call_Center::find($this->_values['introducer_id'])->title;
     // -- Lead Details
     // ---------------
     $emailData['leadName'] = $this->fullName();
     $emailData['leadAddress'] = $this->address();
     $emailData['telHome'] = $this->_values['tel_home'];
     $emailData['telWork'] = $this->_values['tel_work'];
     $emailData['telMobile'] = $this->_values['tel_mobile'];
     /* No Need to load Data now as we get it from the answers table
        $loadData = $this->loadData();
        $emailData['questions']   = $loadData['referralQuestions'];
     $answerDetails = \Model_Survey_Response::query()->where('reference', $this->_referralID)->get();
     $emailQuestions = array();
     foreach ($answerDetails as $answers) {
         $question = \Model_Survey_Question::find($answers->question_id);
         $eQuestion = $question->question;
         $answer = \Model_Survey_Question_Answer::find($answers->answer_id);
         $eAnswer = $answer->answer;
         $extraAnswer = $answers->extra;
         $emailQuestions[] = array('question' => $eQuestion, 'answer' => $eAnswer, 'extra' => $extraAnswer);
     $emailData['questions'] = $emailQuestions;
     $Email->html_body(\View::forge($this->_emailTemplateDir . 'referral.php', $emailData));
     // -- Send the Email out
     // ---------------------
     $tempReferralID = empty($emailData['debtsolvLeadID']) ? $this->_referralID : $emailData['debtsolvLeadID'];
     \Log::write('Info', 'New ' . $this->_values['productName'] . ' lead referred with the ID of ' . $tempReferralID . ' from ' . $this->_values['introducerName'] . '.', 'Crm_Referrals');
Пример #9
 public function action_edit($id = null)
     is_null($id) and Response::redirect('Dialler_Campaign');
     $dialler_campaign = Model_Dialler_Campaign::find($id);
     $val = Model_Dialler_Campaign::validate('edit');
     if ($val->run()) {
         $dialler_campaign->campaign_title = Input::post('campaign_title');
         $dialler_campaign->campaign_name = Input::post('campaign_name');
         $dialler_campaign->campaign_description = Input::post('campaign_description');
         $dialler_campaign->call_center_id = Input::post('call_center_id');
         if ($dialler_campaign->save()) {
             Session::set_flash('success', 'Updated dialler_campaign #' . $id);
         } else {
             Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not update dialler_campaign #' . $id);
     } else {
         if (Input::method() == 'POST') {
             $dialler_campaign->campaign_title = $val->validated('campaign_title');
             $dialler_campaign->campaign_name = $val->validated('campaign_name');
             $dialler_campaign->campaign_description = $val->validated('campaign_description');
             $dialler_campaign->call_center_id = $val->validated('call_center_id');
             Session::set_flash('error', $val->error());
         $this->template->set_global('dialler_campaign', $dialler_campaign, false);
     $this->template->set_global('call_centers', Arr::assoc_to_keyval(Model_Call_Center::find('all'), 'id', 'title'), false);
     $this->template->title = "Dialler_campaigns";
     $this->template->content = View::forge('dialler/campaign/edit');
Пример #10
 public function action_disposition()
     if (Auth::has_access('reports.all_centers')) {
         $center = $this->param('center');
         $view_all = TRUE;
     } else {
         $view_all = FALSE;
         list($driver, $user_id) = Auth::get_user_id();
         $this_user = Model_User::find($user_id);
         $call_center = Model_Call_Center::find($this_user->call_center_id);
         if (is_null($call_center->shortcode)) {
             $this->response(array('status' => 'FAIL', 'message' => 'You do not have access to the disposition report.'));
         } else {
             $center = $call_center->shortcode;
     $start_date = $this->param('startdate');
     $end_date = $this->param('enddate');
     $all_call_centers = Model_Call_Center::find('all');
     $report_url = "/reports/dispositions";
     $report_url .= !is_null($center) ? "/center/" . $center : "";
     $report_url .= !is_null($start_date) ? "/" . $start_date : "";
     $report_url .= !is_null($end_date) ? "/" . $end_date : "";
     $report_url .= ".json";
     $this->template->title = 'Reports &raquo; Disposition';
     $this->template->content = View::forge('reports/disposition', array('view_all' => $view_all, 'all_call_centers' => $all_call_centers, 'center' => $center, 'start_date' => $start_date, 'end_date' => $end_date, 'report_url' => $report_url));
Пример #11
  * User needs to create a referral from scratch.
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function action_create()
     $creditorList = Creditor_class::loadCreditorList();
     $debtList = \Crm\Ppi\Ppi_class::getDebtList();
     $centers = \Model_Call_Center::find('all');
     $this->template->title = "Add Referral";
     $this->template->content = View::forge(static::$_viewPath . '/create.php', array('creditorList' => $creditorList, 'debtList' => $debtList, 'introducers' => $centers));
Пример #12
 public function get_save($apiKey, $surveyID = 0)
     // -- Check API Key
     // ----------------
     $apiCheck = \Crm\Portal\Portal_Check::api_key($apiKey);
     if ($apiCheck === false) {
         $this->response(array('status' => 'FAIL', 'message' => 'Invalid API Key has been used, please contact your IT support!'));
     } else {
         if ((int) $surveyID == 0) {
             $this->response(array('status' => 'FAIL', 'message' => 'Invalid Survey ID, please contact your IT support!'));
         } else {
             // -- Save the Lead Details
             // ------------------------
             $centerDetails = \Model_Call_Center::query()->where('api_key', $apiKey)->get_one();
             $Debtsolv = new Debtsolv();
             $Debtsolv->data(array('introducer_id' => $centerDetails->id));
             $leadpoolID = 0;
             $leadpoolID = $Debtsolv->addNewLead();
             if ((int) $leadpoolID > 0) {
                 $responseLogID = 0;
                 $responseLogID = ScriptForms::saveFormData($leadpoolID, 0, 0, 1, $surveyID, \Input::get('scriptForm'));
                 $Survey = new ScriptForms($surveyID);
                 // -- Save the Survey Results
                 // --------------------------
                 #if(ScriptForms::saveFormData($leadpoolID, 0, 0, 0, $surveyID, \Input::get('scriptForm')) === true)
                 // -- Save the Product Recommendations
                 // -----------------------------------
                 $Survey->saveResponseProducts((int) $responseLogID);
                 if ($responseLogID > 0) {
                     // -- All Saved and Done. Now send an email
                     // ----------------------------------------
                     $callCentre = \Model_Call_Center::query()->where('api_key', $apiKey)->get_one();
                     $Email = \Email::forge();
                     $Email->from('*****@*****.**', 'Money Management Services');
                     $Email->subject($leadpoolID . ' - New Survey Result');
                     $Email->html_body(\View::forge('email', array('leadDetails' => \Input::get(), 'leadpoolID' => $leadpoolID, 'recommendedProducts' => $Survey->getProductsRecomendations((int) $responseLogID), 'scriptForm' => ScriptForms::loadResponse($leadpoolID, 0, 1), 'centre' => $callCentre->title, 'agent' => \Input::get('agent'), 'pitchScript' => \Input::get('surveyName'))));
                     catch(\EmailSendingFailedException $e)
                         				  'status' => 'SUCCESS',
                         				  'message' => 'Survey Saved (Failed to send email)',
                         'results' => $Survey->getProductsRecomendations((int)$responseLogID),
                         'leadpoolID' => $leadpoolID,
                     $this->response(array('status' => 'SUCCESS', 'message' => 'This Survey has been received.', 'results' => $Survey->getProductsRecomendations((int) $responseLogID), 'leadpoolID' => $leadpoolID));
                 } else {
                     $this->response(array('status' => 'FAIL', 'message' => 'Failed to save survey results. Debtsolv Lead ID is ' . $leadpoolID));
             } else {
                 $this->response(array('status' => 'FAIL', 'message' => 'Failed to save to Debtsolv'));
Пример #13
 public static function choice($questions = null, $portal_form = null, $apiKey = null)
     // Before anything, do a duplicate check
     $apiCheck = \Crm\Portal\Portal_Check::api_key($apiKey);
     $surveyChoice = $apiCheck->survey;
     $surveyDetails = \Model_Survey::find($surveyChoice);
     $collectOnly = true;
     if ($surveyDetails->type == 'CHOICE') {
         $collectOnly = false;
     } else {
         $collectOnly = true;
     $dupes = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_model::duplicationCheck(array('forename' => isset($portal_form['first_name']) ? $portal_form['first_name'] : null, 'surname' => isset($portal_form['last_name']) ? $portal_form['last_name'] : null, 'post_code' => isset($portal_form['postcode']) ? $portal_form['postcode'] : null, 'tel_home' => isset($portal_form['phone_number']) ? $portal_form['phone_number'] : null, 'tel_work' => null, 'tel_mobile' => isset($portal_form['alt_phone']) ? $portal_form['alt_phone'] : null));
     if (count($dupes) > 0) {
         // We have a duplicate so lets find out where it comes from
     } else {
         $noppi = true;
         $nodr = true;
     $centerDetails = \Model_Call_Center::query()->where('api_key', $apiKey)->get_one();
     $clientID = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_model::createReferral(array('user_id' => '', 'company_id' => 3, 'product_id' => 1, 'dialler_lead_id' => isset($portal_form['lead_id']) ? $portal_form['lead_id'] : null, 'dialler_list_id' => isset($portal_form['list']) ? $portal_form['list'] : null, 'dialler_list_name' => '', 'introducer_agent_name' => isset($portal_form['agent']) ? $portal_form['agent'] : null, 'disposition_id' => '', 'title' => isset($portal_form['title']) ? $portal_form['title'] : null, 'forename' => isset($portal_form['first_name']) ? $portal_form['first_name'] : null, 'surname' => isset($portal_form['last_name']) ? $portal_form['last_name'] : null, 'street_and_number' => isset($portal_form['address1']) ? $portal_form['address1'] : null, 'area' => isset($portal_form['address2']) ? $portal_form['address2'] : null, 'district' => isset($portal_form['address3']) ? $portal_form['address3'] : null, 'town' => isset($portal_form['city']) ? $portal_form['city'] : null, 'county' => isset($portal_form['state']) ? $portal_form['state'] : null, 'post_code' => isset($portal_form['postal_code']) ? $portal_form['postal_code'] : null, 'date_of_birth' => isset($portal_form['date_of_birth']) ? $portal_form['date_of_birth'] : null, 'tel_home' => isset($portal_form['phone_number']) ? $portal_form['phone_number'] : null, 'tel_work' => 0, 'tel_mobile' => isset($portal_form['alt_phone']) ? $portal_form['alt_phone'] : null, 'email' => isset($portal_form['email']) ? $portal_form['email'] : null, 'notes' => isset($portal_form['comments']) ? $portal_form['comments'] : null, 'introducer_id' => $centerDetails->id));
     \log::write('PPI-DEBUG', \Format::forge($questions)->to_json());
     foreach ($questions as $questionId => $questionAnswer) {
         if (substr($questionId, 0, 6) == "form-q") {
             $answers = new \Model_Survey_Response();
             $answers->reference = $clientID;
             $answers->question_id = (int) str_replace("form-q", "", $questionId);
             $answers->answer_id = !is_null($questionAnswer) ? $questionAnswer : "";
             $answers->extra = !is_null($questions['form-e' . (int) str_replace("form-q", "", $questionId)]) ? $questions['form-e' . (int) str_replace("form-q", "", $questionId)] : "-";
     if (!$collectOnly) {
         if ((int) $questions['form-q21'] == 126) {
             return array('type' => 'DNQ', 'reason' => 'being in an IVA or Declared Bankrupt.');
         } else {
             if ((int) $questions['form-q19'] == 123 and (int) $questions['form-q20'] == 125) {
                 // Get client ID from the PPI system
                 $Referral = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_class::forge($clientID);
                 $saveData['referralQuestions'] = $questions;
                 $Referral->product_id = 1;
                 $Referral->company_id = 3;
                 $Referral = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_class::forge($clientID);
                 return array('type' => 'PPI', 'clientID' => $clientID);
             } else {
                 // Save details and get client ID from Debtsolv
                 $Debtsolv = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_debtsolv_class::forge((int) $clientID);
                 $saveData['referralQuestions'] = $questions;
                 $Debtsolv->product_id = 2;
                 $Debtsolv->company_id = 1;
                 // Reload the referral
                 $Debtsolv = \Crm\Referrals\Referrals_debtsolv_class::forge((int) $clientID);
                 $client_ID = $Debtsolv->addNewLead();
                 return array('type' => 'DR', 'clientID' => $client_ID);
     } else {
         return array('type' => 'DONE', 'clientID' => $client_ID);
     return null;