public function action_delete($article_id) { $article = Model_Article::find($article_id); $article->delete(); Session::set_flash('notice', 'Article deleted'); Response::redirect('-admin/articles'); }
public function action_show($article_id) { $article = Model_Article::find($this->param('id')); $this->title($article->title); $this->view = $this->theme->view('articles/show'); $this->view->set('article', $article); }
function tweet_newArticleBuild($board = null, $article = null) { if ($board == null || $article == null) { return; } if ($board->type != 3) { $longURL = BBS_URL . 'thread' . DS . $board->shortName . DS . $article->id; $shortURL = $this->url_shorten_google($longURL); if (!$shortURL) { $shortURL = $longURL; } if ($article->commentOf == 0) { $text = $shortURL . ' 【' . $board->title . '】にスレッド【' . $article->title . '】が投稿されました。是非ご覧下さい。'; $this->tweet($text); } else { $numArray = [1, 10, 30, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1000]; $th = Model_Article::find($article->commentOf); foreach ($numArray as $num) { if ($th->commentCount == $num) { if ($num == 1) { $text = $shortURL . ' おめでとうございます!掲示板' . '【' . $board->title . '】 のスレッド【' . $th->title . '】に初コメントが付きました!。是非御覧ください。'; } else { $text = $shortURL . ' おめでとうございます!掲示板' . '【' . $board->title . '】のスレッド【' . $th->title . '】のコメントが' . $th->commentCount . 'になりました!。是非御覧ください。'; } $this->tweet($text); break; } } } } }
public function action_delete($id = null) { if ($article = Model_Article::find($id)) { $article->delete(); Session::set_flash('success', 'Deleted article #' . $id); } else { Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not delete article #' . $id); } Response::redirect('articles'); }
/** * Дейсвтие-обработчик ПОСТ-запроса на изменения кол-ва комментов ВК */ public function action_change_comments_num() { if (\Input::method() == 'POST') { $id = (int) \Input::post('id'); $num = (int) \Input::post('num'); if ($id != 0) { $article = \Model_Article::find($id); if ($article) { $article->vk_comments_count = $num; $article->save(); return \View::forge('empty', array()); } } } }
function delete_index() { if (Input::get('id')) { $articulo = Model_Article::find(Input::get('id')); if ($articulo) { $articulo->delete(); $respuesta = array("success" => "true", "data" => array('msg' => 'Articulo Eliminado')); $this->response($respuesta, 200); } else { $respuesta = array("error" => "true", "msg" => 'id No encontrado, No se pudo borrar'); $this->response($respuesta, 404); } } else { $respuesta = array("error" => "true", "msg" => 'No encontrado, No se pudo borrar'); $this->response($respuesta, 404); } }
/** * Display detailed page of Article * * @param void * @access public * @author Nguyen Van Hiep * * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 */ public function action_view() { $art_check = Model_Article::get_art_from_slug(Uri::segment(2)); if (!$art_check) { Response::redirect('common/error'); } $uri = explode('-', Uri::string()); $id = array_pop($uri); $art = Model_Article::find($id); $cat = Model_Categories::get_cat_from_slug(Uri::segment(1)); $related_arts = Model_Article::articles_of_cat_limit($cat->id, $this->lang, $id); if (!$art) { Session::set_flash('error', __('message.art_not_exist')); Response::redirect('common/404'); } $art->views = $art->views + 1; $art->save(); if ($cat->display_type == DS_SANPHAM) { $this->template = \View::forge('customer/template_sanpham_detail'); $view = View::forge('customer/article/detail_sp_slide'); } elseif ($cat->display_type == DS_MONAN) { $this->template = \View::forge('customer/template_monan'); $view = View::forge('customer/article/detail_monan_slide'); } elseif ($cat->display_type == QUY_TRINH_SX) { $view = View::forge('customer/article/detail_quytrinhsx'); } else { $view = View::forge('customer/article/detail'); } $view->art = $art; $view->related_arts = $related_arts; $view->cat = $cat; if (!empty($cat->parent_id)) { $view->p_cat = Model_Categories::find($cat->parent_id); } // data to display menu $this->template->cats = Model_Categories::get_cats_home($this->lang); $this->template->pepper_arts = Model_Article::pepper_artilces($this->lang); $this->template->title = Security::strip_tags($art->title); $this->template->content = $view; }
/** * Delete Slider Image * * @param int $id Image ID * * @author Nguyen Van Hiep * @access public * * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 */ public function action_delete($id = null, $current_cat_view = '', $current_lang_view = '') { if ($current_cat_view != 'cat' and $current_lang_view != 'lang') { $current_cat_view = "cat={$current_cat_view}&lang={$current_lang_view}"; } elseif ($current_cat_view != 'cat') { $current_cat_view = "cat={$current_cat_view}&lang="; } elseif ($current_lang_view != 'lang') { $current_cat_view = "cat=&lang={$current_lang_view}"; } else { $current_cat_view = "cat=&lang="; } $a = Model_Article::find($id); if (!$a) { Session::set_flash('error', __('message.art_not_exists')); Response::redirect("admin/article?{$current_cat_view}"); } // Delete image if (Fuel\Core\File::exists($this->dir . $a->thumb)) { File::delete($this->dir . $a->thumb); } Model_ArtCat::del_art_cat($id); if ($a->delete()) { Session::set_flash('success', __('message.art_deleted')); Response::redirect("admin/article?{$current_cat_view}"); } else { Session::set_flash('error', __('message.cannot_del_art')); } }
/** * Удаление статьи */ public function action_delete($id = null) { is_null($id) and \Response::redirect('admin/articles'); if ($article = \Model_Article::find($id)) { $article->delete(); \Session::set_flash('success', 'Статья успешно удалена'); } else { \Session::set_flash('error', e('Could not delete articles_i18n #' . $id)); } \Response::redirect('admin/articles'); }
public function action_remove_pic() { $article_id = Input::post('article_id'); $img_name = Input::post('image'); $upload_id = Input::post('upload_id'); $type_id = Input::post('type_id'); if ($upload_id && $type_id) { if ($img_name) { $article = Model_Article::find($article_id); $uploads = $article->getUploads(7, 1); $uploads->removeFiles(); unset($article->uploads[$uploads->id]); $article->save(); //$model = new Model_Upload(); //$output = $model->removeProfileLogo($img_name, $upload_id, $type_id); $xx["msg"] = "photo_deleted_successfully"; $xx["status"] = "success"; } else { $xx["msg"] = "Delete Fail"; $xx["status"] = "fail"; } $data['response'] = json_encode($xx); } else { $xx["msg"] = "Upload id or upload type not found"; $xx["status"] = "false"; $data['response'] = json_encode($xx); } return Response::forge(View::forge('response', $data, false)); }
public function action_edit($id = null) { is_null($id) and Response::redirect('article'); if (!($article = Model_Article::find($id))) { Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not find article #' . $id); Response::redirect('article'); } $val = Model_Article::validate('edit'); if ($val->run()) { $article->category_id = Input::post('category_id'); $article->name = Input::post('name'); $article->url_title = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower(Input::post('name'))); $article->description = Input::post('description'); $article->keywords = Input::post('keywords'); $article->image = Input::post('image'); $article->editor_id = $this->current_user->id; if ($article->save()) { Session::set_flash('success', 'Updated article #' . $id); Response::redirect('admin/article'); } else { Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not update article #' . $id); } } else { if (Input::method() == 'POST') { $article->category_id = $val->validated('category_id'); $article->name = $val->validated('name'); $article->description = $val->validated('description'); $article->keywords = $val->validated('keywords'); $article->image = $val->validated('image'); Session::set_flash('error', $val->error()); } $this->template->set_global('article', $article, false); } $this->template->title = "Articles"; $data['categories'] = Model_Category::getSelectList(); $this->template->content = View::forge('admin/article/create', $data); }
/** * 書き込みを削除 * @param type $ar 書き込み */ public function deleteArticle($ar) { //書き込み本体 $articleId = $ar->id; $commentOf = $ar->commentOf; $this->deleteAttach($ar); $ar->delete(); //スレッド元の総コメント数修正 if ($commentOf != 0) { $masterPost = Model_Article::find($commentOf); if ($masterPost != null) { $masterPost->commentCount--; $masterPost->save(); } } //レス $query = Model_Article::query()->where('commentOf', $articleId); $comments = $query->get(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $this->deleteAttach($comment); $comment->delete(); } }
public function action_upload_pic() { $article = Model_Article::find(Input::get('object_id')); $output = $article->uploadPicture(); $data['response'] = json_encode($output); return Response::forge(View::forge('response', $data, false)); }