Пример #1
 public function dashboard($f3, $params)
     $issue = new \Model\Issue\Detail();
     // Add user's group IDs to owner filter
     $owner_ids = array($this->_userId);
     $groups = new \Model\User\Group();
     foreach ($groups->find(array("user_id = ?", $this->_userId)) as $r) {
         $owner_ids[] = $r->group_id;
     $owner_ids = implode(",", $owner_ids);
     $order = "priority DESC, has_due_date ASC, due_date ASC";
     $projects = $issue->find(array("owner_id IN ({$owner_ids}) AND type_id=:type AND deleted_date IS NULL AND closed_date IS NULL AND status_closed = 0", ":type" => $f3->get("issue_type.project")), array("order" => $order));
     $subprojects = array();
     foreach ($projects as $i => $project) {
         if ($project->parent_id) {
             $subprojects[] = $project;
     $f3->set("projects", $projects);
     $f3->set("subprojects", $subprojects);
     $f3->set("bugs", $issue->find(array("owner_id IN ({$owner_ids}) AND type_id=:type AND deleted_date IS NULL AND closed_date IS NULL AND status_closed = 0", ":type" => $f3->get("issue_type.bug")), array("order" => $order)));
     $f3->set("repeat_issues", $issue->find(array("owner_id IN ({$owner_ids}) AND deleted_date IS NULL AND closed_date IS NULL AND status_closed = 0 AND repeat_cycle NOT IN ('none', '')", ":type" => $f3->get("issue_type.bug")), array("order" => $order)));
     $watchlist = new \Model\Issue\Watcher();
     $f3->set("watchlist", $watchlist->findby_watcher($this->_userId, $order));
     $tasks = new \Model\Issue\Detail();
     $f3->set("tasks", $tasks->find(array("owner_id IN ({$owner_ids}) AND type_id=:type AND deleted_date IS NULL AND closed_date IS NULL AND status_closed = 0", ":type" => $f3->get("issue_type.task")), array("order" => $order)));
     // Get current sprint if there is one
     $sprint = new \Model\Sprint();
     $sprint->load("NOW() BETWEEN start_date AND end_date");
     $f3->set("sprint", $sprint);
     $f3->set("menuitem", "index");
Пример #2
 public function getOwnerIds()
     if ($this->_ownerIds) {
         return $this->_ownerIds;
     $f3 = \Base::instance();
     $this->_ownerIds = array($f3->get("user.id"));
     $groups = new \Model\User\Group();
     foreach ($groups->find(array("user_id = ?", $f3->get("user.id"))) as $r) {
         $this->_ownerIds[] = $r->group_id;
     return $this->_ownerIds;
Пример #3
  * Get a list of users from a filter
  * @param  string $params URL Parameters
  * @return array
 protected function _filterUsers($params)
     if ($params["filter"] == "groups") {
         $group_model = new \Model\User\Group();
         $groups_result = $group_model->find(array("user_id = ?", $this->_userId));
         $filter_users = array($this->_userId);
         foreach ($groups_result as $g) {
             $filter_users[] = $g["group_id"];
         $groups = implode(",", $filter_users);
         $users_result = $group_model->find("group_id IN ({$groups})");
         foreach ($users_result as $u) {
             $filter_users[] = $u["user_id"];
     } elseif ($params["filter"] == "me") {
         $filter_users = array($this->_userId);
     } elseif (is_numeric($params["filter"])) {
         $user = new \Model\User();
         if ($user->role == 'group') {
             $group_model = new \Model\User\Group();
             $users_result = $group_model->find(array("group_id = ?", $user->id));
             $filter_users = array(intval($params["filter"]));
             foreach ($users_result as $u) {
                 $filter_users[] = $u["user_id"];
         } else {
             $filter_users = array($params["filter"]);
     } elseif ($params["filter"] == "all") {
         return array();
     } else {
         return array($this->_userId);
     return $filter_users;
Пример #4
  * GET /backlog
  * GET /backlog/@filter
  * GET /backlog/@filter/@groupid
  * @param \Base $f3
  * @param array $params
 public function index($f3, $params)
     if (empty($params["filter"])) {
         $params["filter"] = "groups";
     if (empty($params["groupid"])) {
         $params["groupid"] = "";
     // Get list of all users in the user's groups
     if ($params["filter"] == "groups") {
         $group_model = new \Model\User\Group();
         if (!empty($params["groupid"]) && is_numeric($params["groupid"])) {
             //Get users list from a specific Group
             $users_result = $group_model->find(array("group_id = ?", $params["groupid"]));
         } else {
             //Get users list from all groups that you are in
             $groups_result = $group_model->find(array("user_id = ?", $this->_userId));
             $filter_users = array($this->_userId);
             foreach ($groups_result as $g) {
                 $filter_users[] = $g["group_id"];
             $groups = implode(",", $filter_users);
             $users_result = $group_model->find("group_id IN ({$groups})");
         foreach ($users_result as $u) {
             $filter_users[] = $u["user_id"];
     } elseif ($params["filter"] == "me") {
         //Just get your own id
         $filter_users = array($this->_userId);
     $filter_string = empty($filter_users) ? "" : "AND owner_id IN (" . implode(",", $filter_users) . ")";
     $f3->set("filter", $params["filter"]);
     $sprint_model = new \Model\Sprint();
     $sprints = $sprint_model->find(array("end_date >= ?", $this->now(false)), array("order" => "start_date ASC"));
     $issue = new \Model\Issue\Detail();
     $sprint_details = array();
     foreach ($sprints as $sprint) {
         $projects = $issue->find(array("deleted_date IS NULL AND sprint_id = ? AND type_id = ? {$filter_string}", $sprint->id, $f3->get("issue_type.project")), array('order' => 'priority DESC, due_date'));
         $sprint_details[] = $sprint->cast() + array("projects" => $projects);
     $large_projects = $f3->get("db.instance")->exec("SELECT parent_id FROM issue WHERE parent_id IS NOT NULL AND type_id = ?", $f3->get("issue_type.project"));
     $large_project_ids = array();
     foreach ($large_projects as $p) {
         $large_project_ids[] = $p["parent_id"];
     // Load backlog
     if (!empty($large_project_ids)) {
         $large_project_ids = implode(",", $large_project_ids);
         $unset_projects = $issue->find(array("deleted_date IS NULL AND sprint_id IS NULL AND type_id = ? AND status_closed = '0' AND id NOT IN ({$large_project_ids}) {$filter_string}", $f3->get("issue_type.project")), array('order' => 'priority DESC, due_date'));
     } else {
         $unset_projects = $issue->find(array("deleted_date IS NULL AND sprint_id IS NULL AND type_id = ? AND status_closed = '0' {$filter_string}", $f3->get("issue_type.project")), array('order' => 'priority DESC, due_date'));
     // Filter projects into sorted and unsorted arrays if filtering by group
     if (!empty($params["groupid"])) {
         // Add sorted projects
         $backlog = array();
         $sortModel = new \Model\Issue\Backlog();
         $sortModel->load(array("user_id = ?", $params["groupid"]));
         $sortArray = array();
         if ($sortModel->id) {
             $sortArray = json_decode($sortModel->issues);
             foreach ($sortArray as $id) {
                 foreach ($unset_projects as $p) {
                     if ($p->id == $id) {
                         $backlog[] = $p;
         // Add remaining projects
         $unsorted = array();
         foreach ($unset_projects as $p) {
             if (!in_array($p->id, $sortArray)) {
                 $unsorted[] = $p;
     } else {
         $backlog = $unset_projects;
     $groups = new \Model\User();
     $f3->set("groups", $groups->getAllGroups());
     $f3->set("groupid", $params["groupid"]);
     $f3->set("sprints", $sprint_details);
     $f3->set("backlog", $backlog);
     $f3->set("unsorted", $unsorted);
     $f3->set("title", $f3->get("dict.backlog"));
     $f3->set("menuitem", "backlog");
Пример #5
 public function group_ajax($f3)
     if (!$f3->get("AJAX")) {
     $group = new \Model\User();
     $group->load(array("id = ? AND deleted_date IS NULL AND role = 'group'", $f3->get("POST.group_id")));
     if (!$group->id) {
     switch ($f3->get('POST.action')) {
         case "add_member":
             foreach ($f3->get("POST.user") as $user_id) {
                 $user_group = new \Model\User\Group();
                 $user_group->load(array("user_id = ? AND group_id = ?", $user_id, $f3->get("POST.group_id")));
                 if (!$user_group->id) {
                     $user_group->group_id = $f3->get("POST.group_id");
                     $user_group->user_id = $user_id;
                 } else {
                     // user already in group
         case "remove_member":
             $user_group = new \Model\User\Group();
             $user_group->load(array("user_id = ? AND group_id = ?", $f3->get("POST.user_id"), $f3->get("POST.group_id")));
             $this->_printJson(array("deleted" => 1));
         case "change_title":
             $group->name = trim($f3->get("POST.name"));
             $group->username = \Web::instance()->slug($group->name);
             $this->_printJson(array("changed" => 1));
Пример #6
  * Build a WHERE clause for issue listings based on the current filters and sort options
  * @return array
 protected function _buildFilter()
     $f3 = \Base::instance();
     $db = $f3->get("db.instance");
     $issues = new \Model\Issue\Detail();
     // Filter issue listing by URL parameters
     $filter = array();
     $args = $f3->get("GET");
     foreach ($args as $key => $val) {
         if (!empty($val) && !is_array($val) && $issues->exists($key)) {
             $filter[$key] = $val;
     // Build SQL string to use for filtering
     $filter_str = "";
     foreach ($filter as $i => $val) {
         if ($i == "name") {
             $filter_str .= "`{$i}` LIKE " . $db->quote("%{$val}%") . " AND ";
         } elseif ($i == "status" && $val == "open") {
             $filter_str .= "status_closed = 0 AND ";
         } elseif ($i == "status" && $val == "closed") {
             $filter_str .= "status_closed = 1 AND ";
         } elseif ($i == "repeat_cycle" && $val == "repeat") {
             $filter_str .= "repeat_cycle IS NOT NULL AND ";
         } elseif ($i == "repeat_cycle" && $val == "none") {
             $filter_str .= "repeat_cycle IS NULL AND ";
         } elseif (($i == "author_id" || $i == "owner_id") && !empty($val) && is_numeric($val)) {
             // Find all users in a group if necessary
             $user = new \Model\User();
             if ($user->role == 'group') {
                 $group_users = new \Model\User\Group();
                 $list = $group_users->find(array('group_id = ?', $val));
                 $garray = array($val);
                 // Include the group in the search
                 foreach ($list as $obj) {
                     $garray[] = $obj->user_id;
                 $filter_str .= "{$i} in (" . implode(",", $garray) . ") AND ";
             } else {
                 // Just select by user
                 $filter_str .= "{$i} = " . $db->quote($val) . " AND ";
         } else {
             $filter_str .= "`{$i}` = " . $db->quote($val) . " AND ";
     $filter_str .= " deleted_date IS NULL ";
     // Build SQL ORDER BY string
     $orderby = !empty($args['orderby']) ? $args['orderby'] : "priority";
     $filter["orderby"] = $orderby;
     $ascdesc = !empty($args['ascdesc']) && strtolower($args['ascdesc']) == 'asc' ? "ASC" : "DESC";
     $filter["ascdesc"] = $ascdesc;
     switch ($orderby) {
         case "id":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY id {$ascdesc} ";
         case "title":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY name {$ascdesc}";
         case "type":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY type_id {$ascdesc}, priority DESC, due_date DESC ";
         case "status":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY status {$ascdesc}, priority DESC, due_date DESC ";
         case "parent_id":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY parent_id {$ascdesc}, priority DESC, due_date DESC ";
         case "author":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY author_name {$ascdesc}, priority DESC, due_date DESC ";
         case "assignee":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY owner_name {$ascdesc}, priority DESC, due_date DESC ";
         case "created":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY created_date {$ascdesc}, priority DESC, due_date DESC ";
         case "due":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY due_date {$ascdesc}, priority DESC";
         case "sprint":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY sprint_start_date {$ascdesc}, priority DESC, due_date DESC ";
         case "closed":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY closed_date {$ascdesc}, priority DESC, due_date DESC ";
         case "priority":
             $filter_str .= " ORDER BY priority {$ascdesc}, due_date DESC ";
     return array($filter, $filter_str);
Пример #7
  * Send an email alert with issues due on the given date
  * @param  string $date
  * @return bool
 public function sendDueAlert($date = '')
     if (!$this->id) {
         return false;
     if (!$date) {
         $date = date("Y-m-d", \Helper\View::instance()->utc2local());
     // Get group owner IDs
     $ownerIds = array($this->id);
     $groups = new \Model\User\Group();
     foreach ($groups->find(array("user_id = ?", $this->id)) as $r) {
         $ownerIds[] = $r->group_id;
     $ownerStr = implode(",", $ownerIds);
     // Find issues assigned to user or user's group
     $issue = new Issue();
     $issues = $issue->find(array("due_date = ? AND owner_id IN({$ownerStr}) AND closed_date IS NULL AND deleted_date IS NULL", $date), array("order" => "priority DESC"));
     if ($issues) {
         $notif = new \Helper\Notification();
         return $notif->user_due_issues($this, $issues);
     } else {
         return false;