isValid() публичный Метод

Does a valid cache entry exist?
public isValid ( string $id, integer $srcMtime ) : boolean
$id string cache id (e.g. a filename)
$srcMtime integer mtime of the original source file(s)
Результат boolean exists
Пример #1
function test_Minify_Cache_File()
    $data = str_repeat(md5(time()) . 'í', 100);
    // 3400 bytes in UTF-8
    $id = 'Minify_test_cache_noLock';
    $prefix = 'Minify_Cache_File : ';
    $cache = new Minify_Cache_File();
    echo "NOTE: Minify_Cache_File : path is set to: '" . $cache->getPath() . "'.\n";
    assertTrue(true === $cache->store($id, $data), $prefix . 'store');
    assertTrue(countBytes($data) === $cache->getSize($id), $prefix . 'getSize');
    assertTrue(true === $cache->isValid($id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 10), $prefix . 'isValid');
    $displayed = ob_get_contents();
    assertTrue($data === $displayed, $prefix . 'display');
    assertTrue($data === $cache->fetch($id), $prefix . 'fetch');
    // test with locks
    $id = 'Minify_test_cache_withLock';
    $cache = new Minify_Cache_File('', true);
    assertTrue(true === $cache->store($id, $data), $prefix . 'store w/ lock');
    assertTrue(countBytes($data) === $cache->getSize($id), $prefix . 'getSize');
    assertTrue(true === $cache->isValid($id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 10), $prefix . 'isValid');
    $displayed = ob_get_contents();
    assertTrue($data === $displayed, $prefix . 'display w/ lock');
    assertTrue($data === $cache->fetch($id), $prefix . 'fetch w/ lock');
Пример #2
function test_Minify_Cache_File()
    global $minifyCachePath;
    $data = str_repeat(md5(time()), 160);
    $id = 'Minify_test_cache_noLock';
    $prefix = 'Minify_Cache_File : ';
    $cache = new Minify_Cache_File($minifyCachePath);
    assertTrue(true === $cache->store($id, $data), $prefix . 'store');
    assertTrue(strlen($data) === $cache->getSize($id), $prefix . 'getSize');
    assertTrue(true === $cache->isValid($id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 10), $prefix . 'isValid');
    $displayed = ob_get_contents();
    assertTrue($data === $displayed, $prefix . 'display');
    assertTrue($data === $cache->fetch($id), $prefix . 'fetch');
    // test with locks
    $id = 'Minify_test_cache_withLock';
    $cache = new Minify_Cache_File($minifyCachePath, true);
    assertTrue(true === $cache->store($id, $data), $prefix . 'store w/ lock');
    assertTrue(strlen($data) === $cache->getSize($id), $prefix . 'getSize');
    assertTrue(true === $cache->isValid($id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 10), $prefix . 'isValid');
    $displayed = ob_get_contents();
    assertTrue($data === $displayed, $prefix . 'display w/ lock');
    assertTrue($data === $cache->fetch($id), $prefix . 'fetch w/ lock');
Пример #3
 static function getCache($file)
     $cache = new Minify_Cache_File();
     $dir = dirname($file);
     $cache_path = $cache->getPath() . "/{$dir}";
     // FIX: create the dir if not available
     if (!is_dir($cache_path)) {
         mkdir($cache_path, 0775, true);
     // check if the file is less than an hour old
     return $cache->isValid($file, time("now") - 3600) ? $cache->fetch($file) : false;
Пример #4
function isStatic($file)
    // FIX: Bail out if this is the root
    if ($file == WEB_FOLDER) {
        return false;
    // FIX: clean webfolder from path before comparing
    $file = preg_replace('#^' . addslashes(WEB_FOLDER) . '#', '', $file);
    $root = rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], "/") . "/";
    // check in the document root
    if (file_exists($root . $file)) {
        $target = $root . $file;
        return $target;
    // check in the app public folders
    if (defined("APP")) {
        if (file_exists(APP . "public/" . $file)) {
            $target = APP . "public/" . $file;
            return $target;
        if (is_dir(APP . "plugins/") && ($handle = opendir(APP . "plugins/"))) {
            while (false !== ($plugin = readdir($handle))) {
                if ($plugin == '.' || $plugin == '..') {
                if (is_dir(APP . "plugins/" . $plugin) && file_exists(APP . "plugins/" . $plugin . "/public/" . $file)) {
                    $target = APP . "plugins/" . $plugin . "/public/" . $file;
                    return $target;
    //check the cache (less than an hour old)
    $cache = new Minify_Cache_File();
    //if( $cache->isValid($file, time("now")-3600) ) return $cache->tmp() ."/". $file;
    if ($cache->isValid("/{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/{$file}", 0)) {
        return $cache->tmp() . "/{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/" . $file;
    // check in the base public folders
    if (defined("BASE")) {
        if (file_exists(BASE . "public/" . $file)) {
            $target = BASE . "public/" . $file;
            return $target;
        $target = realpath(BASE . "../public/" . $file);
        if (file_exists($target)) {
            return $target;
        if (is_dir(BASE . "plugins/") && ($handle = opendir(BASE . "plugins/"))) {
            while (false !== ($plugin = readdir($handle))) {
                if ($plugin == '.' || $plugin == '..') {
                if (is_dir(BASE . "plugins/" . $plugin) && file_exists(BASE . "plugins/" . $plugin . "/public/" . $file)) {
                    $target = BASE . "plugins/" . $plugin . "/public/" . $file;
                    return $target;
    // check in the plugins directory
    if (defined("PLUGINS")) {
        $files = glob(PLUGINS . "*/public/{$file}");
        if ($files && count($files) > 0) {
            // arbitrary pick the first file - should have a comparison mechanism in place
            $target = $files[0];
            return $target;
    # 110 looking into web root for plugins
    if (is_dir(SITE_ROOT . "/plugins")) {
        $files = glob(SITE_ROOT . "/plugins/*/public/{$file}");
        if ($files && count($files) > 0) {
            // arbitrary pick the first file - should have a comparison mechanism in place
            $target = $files[0];
            return $target;
    // return false if there are no results
    return false;