Пример #1
  * initialize method
  * Merge settings and set Config.language to a valid locale
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function initialize(&$Controller, $config = array())
     App::import('Vendor', 'Mi.MiCache');
     $lang = MiCache::setting('Site.lang');
     if (!$lang) {
         if (!defined('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE')) {
         $lang = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
     } elseif (!defined('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE')) {
         define('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', $lang);
     Configure::write('Config.language', $lang);
     App::import('Core', 'I18n');
     $I18n =& I18n::getInstance();
     $I18n->domain = 'default_' . $lang;
     $I18n->__lang = $lang;
     if (!empty($Controller->plugin)) {
         $config['plugins'][] = Inflector::underscore($Controller->plugin);
     if (!empty($config['plugins'])) {
         $plugins = array_intersect(MiCache::mi('plugins'), $config['plugins']);
         $Inst = App::getInstance();
         foreach ($plugins as $path => $name) {
             $Inst->locales[] = $path . DS . 'locale' . DS;
Пример #2
Файл: Mi.php Проект: razzman/mi
  * viewPaths method
  * @param mixed $locale null
  * @param mixed $plugin null
  * @return void
  * @access protected
 protected function _viewPaths($plugin = null, $locale = null)
     if (!$locale) {
         App::import('Vendor', 'Mi.MiCache');
         $locale = MiCache::setting('Site.lang');
         if (!$locale) {
             $locale = Configure::read('Config.language');
             if (!$locale && defined('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE')) {
                 $locale = 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE';
         if ($locale) {
             Configure::write('Config.language', $locale);
             App::import('Core', 'I18n');
             $I18n =& I18n::getInstance();
             $I18n->domain = 'default_' . $locale;
             $I18n->__lang = $locale;
     if (Mi::cakeVersion() === '1.2') {
         $viewPaths = Configure::read('viewPaths');
         $localePaths = Configure::read('localePaths');
     } else {
         $viewPaths = App::path('views');
         $localePaths = App::path('locales');
     if (!class_exists('I18n')) {
         App::import('Core', array('I18n'));
     $languagePaths = array_filter(array_unique(I18n::getInstance()->l10n->languagePath));
     $paths = array();
     if ($plugin) {
         $count = count($viewPaths);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             $base = $viewPaths[$i] . 'plugins' . DS . $plugin . DS;
             if ($locale) {
                 foreach ($localePaths as $path) {
                     foreach ($localePaths as $_locale) {
                         $paths[] = $_locale . $locale . DS . 'views' . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $plugin . DS;
             $paths[] = $base;
         if (Mi::cakeVersion() === '1.2') {
             $pluginPaths = Configure::read('pluginPaths');
         } else {
             $pluginPaths = App::path('plugins');
         $count = count($pluginPaths);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             $base = $pluginPaths[$i] . $plugin . DS;
             if ($locale) {
                 foreach ($localePaths as $path) {
                     foreach ($languagePaths as $_locale) {
                         $paths[] = $pluginPaths[$i] . $plugin . DS . 'locale' . DS . $_locale . DS . 'views' . DS;
             $paths[] = $base . 'views' . DS;
     if ($locale) {
         foreach ($localePaths as $path) {
             foreach ($languagePaths as $_locale) {
                 $paths[] = $path . $_locale . DS . 'views' . DS;
     if ($paths) {
         $viewPaths = array_merge($paths, $viewPaths);
     if (!empty($theme)) {
         $themePaths = array();
         $count = count($paths);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             if (strpos($paths[$i], DS . 'plugins' . DS) === false && strpos($paths[$i], DS . 'libs' . DS . 'view') === false) {
                 if ($plugin) {
                     $themePaths[] = $paths[$i] . 'themed' . DS . $theme . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $plugin . DS;
                 $themePaths[] = $paths[$i] . 'themed' . DS . $theme . DS;
         $viewPaths = array_merge($themePaths, $viewPaths);
     return array_unique($viewPaths);
Пример #3
  * testConfigureOverrides method
  * Run the tests twice to ensure the first and cached results are the same
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function testConfigureOverrides()
     $negatives = array('array' => array(1, 2, 3), 'false' => true, 'null' => 'you can\'t override with null', 'string' => 'not empty', 'zero' => 1, 'zeroString' => '1');
     Configure::write('MiCacheTest.negatives', $negatives);
     $negatives = array('array' => array(), 'false' => false, 'null' => null, 'string' => '', 'zero' => 0, 'zeroString' => '0');
     $Setting = ClassRegistry::init('MiSettings.Setting');
     $Setting->store('MiCacheTest.negatives', $negatives);
     $stored = $Setting->find('list', array('conditions' => array('id LIKE' => 'MiCacheTest.%')));
     $expected = array('MiCacheTest.negatives.array' => '[]', 'MiCacheTest.negatives.false' => '', 'MiCacheTest.negatives.null' => null, 'MiCacheTest.negatives.string' => '', 'MiCacheTest.negatives.zero' => '0', 'MiCacheTest.negatives.zeroString' => '0');
     $this->assertIdentical($stored, $expected);
     $expected = $negatives;
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $expected = array();
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.array');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.array');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $expected = false;
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.false');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.false');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $expected = 'you can\'t override with null';
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.null');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.null');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $expected = '';
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.string');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.string');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $expected = 0;
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.zero');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.zero');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $expected = '0';
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.zeroString');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $return = MiCache::setting('MiCacheTest.negatives.zeroString');
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $Setting->deleteAll(array('id LIKE' => 'MiCacheTest%'));
  * setting method
  * Query the application setting model, if there is no result query Configure::read - and cache
  * the result
  * @param string $cacheKey ''
  * @param mixed $dummy null
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public static function setting($id = '', $aroId = null)
     if (MiCache::$setting === null) {
     if (MiCache::$settings[MiCache::$setting]['batchLoadSettings']) {
         if (strpos($id, '.')) {
             $keys = explode('.', $id);
             $mainId = array_shift($keys);
             if (!array_key_exists($aroId . '_' . $mainId, MiCache::$_appSettingCache)) {
                 MiCache::$_appSettingCache[$aroId . '_' . $mainId] = MiCache::setting($mainId, $aroId);
             $array = MiCache::$_appSettingCache[$aroId . '_' . $mainId];
             $j = count($keys);
             $return = null;
             if (is_array($array)) {
                 foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
                         $array = null;
                     $array = $array[$key];
                 if ($i == $j - 1) {
                     $return = $array;
             if ($return !== null) {
                 return $return;
     } else {
         if (strpos($id, '.')) {
             $keys = explode('.', $id, 1);
             $mainId = array_shift($keys);
             if (array_key_exists($aroId . '_' . $mainId, MiCache::$_appSettingCache) && array_key_exists($id, MiCache::$_appSettingCache[$aroId . '_' . $mainId])) {
                 return MiCache::$_appSettingCache[$aroId . '_' . $mainId][$id];
     if (MiCache::_hasSettingsTable()) {
         $return = MiCache::data('MiSettings.Setting', 'data', $id, $aroId);
         if ($return !== null) {
             return $return;
     $return = Configure::read($id);
     $cacheKey = MiCache::key(array('MiSettings.Setting', 'data', $id, $aroId));
     MiCache::write($cacheKey, $return, MiCache::$setting);
     return $return;
Пример #5
  * removeStopWords from a string. if $splitOnStopWord is true, the following occurs:
  * 	input "apples bananas pears and red cars"
  * 	output array('apples bananas pears', 'red cars')
  * If the passed string doesn't contain the seperator, or after stripping out stop words there's
  * nothing left - the original input is returned (in the desired format)
  * Therefore passing "contain" will return immediately array('contain')
  * Passing "contain this text" will return array('text')
  * 	both contain and this are stop words
  * Passing "contain this" will return array('contain this')
  * @param mixed $Model
  * @param mixed $string string or array of words
  * @param array $params
  * @return mixed
  * @access public
 public function removeStopWords(&$Model, $string = '', $params = array())
     if (!$string) {
         return $string;
     $seperator = ' ';
     $splitOnStopWord = true;
     $return = 'array';
     $originalIfEmpty = true;
     if (!class_exists('MiCache')) {
         App::import('Vendor', 'Mi.MiCache');
     if (!empty($this->settings[$Model->alias]['language'])) {
         $lang = $this->settings[$Model->alias]['language'];
     } else {
         $lang = MiCache::setting('Site.lang');
         if (!$lang) {
             $lang = 'eng';
         $this->settings[$Model->alias]['language'] = $lang;
     if (!array_key_exists($lang, $this->stopWords)) {
         if (!App::import('Vendor', 'stop_words/' . $lang, array('file' => "stop_words/{$lang}.txt"))) {
             App::import('Vendor', 'stop_words/' . $lang, array('plugin' => 'Mi', 'file' => "stop_words/{$lang}.txt"));
         $stopWords = preg_replace('@/\\*.*\\*/@', '', ob_get_clean());
         $this->stopWords[$lang] = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode("\n", $stopWords)));
     if (is_array($string)) {
         $originalTerms = $terms = $string;
         foreach ($terms as $i => &$term) {
             $term = trim(preg_replace('@[^\\p{Ll}\\p{Lm}\\p{Lo}\\p{Lt}\\p{Lu}]@u', $seperator, $term), $seperator);
         $lTerms = array_map('mb_strtolower', $terms);
         $lTerms = array_diff($lTerms, $this->stopWords[$lang]);
         $terms = array_intersect_key($terms, $lTerms);
     } else {
         if (!strpos($string, $seperator)) {
             if ($return === 'array') {
                 return array($string);
             return $string;
         $string = preg_replace('@[^\\p{Ll}\\p{Lm}\\p{Lo}\\p{Lt}\\p{Lu}]@u', $seperator, $string);
         $originalTerms = $terms = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode($seperator, $string)));
         if ($splitOnStopWord) {
             $terms = $chunk = array();
             $snippet = '';
             foreach ($originalTerms as $term) {
                 $lterm = strtolower($term);
                 if (in_array($lterm, $this->stopWords[$lang])) {
                     if ($chunk) {
                         $terms[] = $chunk;
                         $chunk = array();
                 $chunk[] = $term;
             if ($chunk) {
                 $terms[] = $chunk;
             foreach ($terms as &$phrase) {
                 $phrase = implode(' ', $phrase);
         } else {
             $lTerms = array_map('mb_strtolower', $terms);
             $lTerms = array_diff($lTerms, $this->stopWords[$lang]);
             $terms = array_intersect_key($terms, $lTerms);
     if (!$terms && $originalIfEmpty) {
         $terms = array(implode(' ', $originalTerms));
     if ($return === 'array') {
         return array_values(array_unique($terms));
     return implode($seperator, $terms);
Пример #6
  * If code and domain are not passed explicitly - use the MiCache setting class
  * to determine which code and domain to use
  * @param mixed $code null
  * @param mixed $domain null
  * @return string the code to inject
  * @access protected
 protected function _codeBlock($code = null, $domain = null)
     if ($this->settings['element']) {
         $element = $this->settings['element'] === true ? 'analytics' : $this->settings['element'];
         return $this->View->element($element, compact('code', 'domain'));
     if (is_null($code)) {
         $code = MiCache::setting('Site.analyticsCode');
         if (!$code) {
     if (is_null($domain)) {
         $domain = MiCache::setting('Site.analyticsDomain');
     $return = String::insert($this->_template, compact('code', 'domain'));
     if ($domain) {
         $return = preg_replace('#(<<<domainStart|domainEnd>>>)\\s*#s', '', $return);
     } else {
         $return = preg_replace('#<<<domainStart.*domainEnd>>>\\s*#s', '', $return);
     return trim($return);