echo '\\n';
} else {
    echo '[Failure] [open meta agent log]\\n';
    echo '\\n';
// 准备configuration
$meta_conf = new BigpipeMetaConf();
$meta_conf->meta_host = ',,,,';
$meta_conf->root_path = '/bigpipe_pvt_cluster3';
$agent_conf = new MetaAgentConf();
$agent_conf->meta = $meta_conf->to_array();
$agent_conf->agents = array(array("socket_address" => "", "socket_port" => 8021, "socket_timeout" => 300));
$agent_conf->conn_conf->try_time = 1;
// 调试方便
$adapter = new MetaAgentAdapter();
if (false === $adapter->init($agent_conf)) {
if ($adapter->connect()) {
    echo "[Success] [connect to meta] [{$adapter->meta_name}]\n";
} else {
    echo "[Failure] [{$adapter->last_error_message}]\n";
// 取得可发布broker
$pipe_name = 'pipe1';
$pipelet_id = 2;
// 加1在哪里做好呢?
$broker = $adapter->get_pub_broker($pipe_name, $pipelet_id);
if (!$broker) {
    echo "[Failure][get pub info]\n";
    echo '\\n';
} else {
    echo '[Failure] [open meta agent log]\\n';
    echo '\\n';
// 准备meta agent
$meta_conf = new BigpipeMetaConf();
$meta_conf->meta_host = ',,,,';
$meta_conf->root_path = '/bigpipe_pvt_cluster3';
$agent_conf = new MetaAgentConf();
$agent_conf->meta = $meta_conf->to_array();
$agent_conf->agents = array(array("socket_address" => "", "socket_port" => 8021, "socket_timeout" => 300));
$agent_conf->conn_conf->try_time = 1;
// 调试方便
$adapter = new MetaAgentAdapter();
if (false === $adapter->init($agent_conf)) {
if ($adapter->connect()) {
    echo "[Success] [connect to meta] [{$adapter->meta_name}]\n";
} else {
    echo "[Failure] [{$adapter->last_error_message}]\n";
// 准备bigpipe stomp
$stomp_conf = new BigpipeStompConf();
$stomp_conf->conn_conf->try_time = 1;
$stomp = new BigpipeStompAdapter($stomp_conf);
// 发布/订阅参数
$pipe_name = 'pipe1';
$pipelet_id = 2;
 public function testAuthorize()
     $subject = new MetaAgentAdapter();
     $pipe_name = 'pipe';
     $token = 'token';
     $role = BStompRoleType::PUBLISHER;
     // 测试1 从还未被初始化的对象调用接口
     $this->assertFalse($subject->authorize($pipe_name, $token, $role));
     // 测试2 meta name为空
     $this->assertTrue(TestUtilities::set_private_var($subject, '_inited', true));
     $this->assertFalse($subject->authorize(null, $token, $role));
     // mock connection 行为
     // 定义connection行为
     $ack_pkgs = $this->_gen_authorize_ack();
     $this->stub_conn->expects($this->any())->method('receive')->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls(null, $ack_pkgs['bad'], $ack_pkgs['failed'], $ack_pkgs['passed']));
     $this->assertTrue(TestUtilities::set_private_var($subject, '_connection', $this->stub_conn));
     // 测试2.2 request null
     $subject->meta_name = 'meta';
     $this->assertFalse($subject->authorize($pipe_name, $token, $role));
     // 测试2.3 ack wrong pakcage
     $this->assertFalse($subject->authorize($pipe_name, $token, $role));
     // 测试2.4 认证不通过
     $auth_ret = $subject->authorize($pipe_name, $token, $role);
     $this->assertTrue(false != $auth_ret);
     // 测试2.5 认证通过
     $auth_ret = $subject->authorize($pipe_name, $token, $role);
     $this->assertTrue(false != $auth_ret);
     $this->assertTrue(TestUtilities::set_private_var($subject, '_inited', false));