Пример #1
 public function viewGatewayResponseRawMessageAction()
     $messagingId = $this->_getParam('messagingId');
     $messaging = new Messaging();
     $messaging->messagingId = $messagingId;
     $this->view->gatewayResponseRawMessage = $messaging->rawMessageResponse;
Пример #2
 public static function handlereFaxAct(Audit $audit, array $sourceData)
     if ($audit->objectClass != 'ESignature') {
         return false;
     $eSignature = new ESignature();
     $eSignature->eSignatureId = $audit->objectId;
     if ($eSignature->objectClass != 'Medication') {
         return false;
     $medication = new Medication();
     $medication->medicationId = $eSignature->objectId;
     $audit = $sourceData['_audit'];
     $messaging = new Messaging(Messaging::TYPE_OUTBOUND_FAX);
     $messaging->messagingId = (int) $sourceData['transmissionId'];
     $messaging->transmissionId = $messaging->messagingId;
     $messaging->objectId = $messaging->messagingId;
     $messaging->objectClass = $audit->objectClass;
     $messaging->status = 'Faxed';
     $messaging->dateStatus = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $messaging->auditId = $audit->auditId;
     // this must be required for retransmission in case of error
     $efax = new eFaxOutbound();
     $url = Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->eFax->outboundUrl;
     $url .= '?apiKey=' . Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->apiKey;
     // use the default disposition URL
     $dispositionUrl = Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->eFax->dispositionUrl;
     //$efax->addDispositionEmail('Arthur Layese','*****@*****.**');
     foreach ($sourceData['recipients'] as $recipient) {
         if ($messaging->resend && strlen($messaging->faxNumber) > 9) {
             // supersedes fax number from messaging
             $recipient['fax'] = $messaging->faxNumber;
         $efax->addRecipient($recipient['fax'], $recipient['name'], $recipient['company']);
     foreach ($sourceData['files'] as $file) {
         $efax->addFile($file['contents'], $file['type']);
     $ret = $efax->send();
     if (!$ret) {
         $messaging->status = 'Fax Error';
         $messaging->note = implode(PHP_EOL, $efax->getErrors());
     } else {
         $messaging->docid = $efax->getDocId();
         $messaging->status = 'Fax Sent';
         $messaging->note = '';
     if ($messaging->resend) {
         $messaging->resend = 0;
     $messaging->dateStatus = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     return true;
Пример #3
 public function getDisplayAction()
     $action = '';
     switch (strtolower($this->transmit)) {
         case 'fax':
             if ($this->eSignatureId > 0) {
                 $action = 'Faxing';
                 $messaging = new Messaging();
                 $messaging->messagingId = $this->medicationId;
                 if (strlen($messaging->status) > 0) {
                     $action = $messaging->status;
             } else {
                 $action = 'Pending';
     return $action;
 public function getPersonId()
     $personId = (int) $this->medication->personId;
     if (!$personId > 0) {
         $messaging = new Messaging();
         $messaging->messagingId = $this->messageId;
         $personId = (int) $messaging->personId;
     return $personId;
 public function send($response, $inputs, $messageId = null)
     if ($messageId === null) {
         $messageId = $this->messageId;
     if (!isset($this->_validResponses[$response])) {
         $response = 'approved';
     $messaging = new Messaging();
     $messaging->messagingId = $messageId;
     if (!$messaging->populate()) {
         trigger_error(__('Refill request messaging does not exists.'), E_USER_NOTICE);
         return false;
     $refillRequest = new MedicationRefillRequest();
     $refillRequest->messageId = $messageId;
     if (!$refillRequest->populate()) {
         trigger_error(__('Refill request does not exists.'), E_USER_NOTICE);
         return false;
     $data = array();
     //$data['writtenDate'] = date('Ymd',strtotime($inputs['datePrescribed']))
     $data['writtenDate'] = date('Ymd');
     // should be set to the date the prescriber authorized the renewal of the prescription
     $data['message'] = $messaging->rawMessage;
     if ($response == 'approved' && $refillRequest->medication->isScheduled()) {
         $response = 'denied';
         $inputs['note'] = 'This Refill Request is for a controlled substance (Schedule III - V). The approved controlled substance prescription is being faxed to your pharmacy';
         $inputs['refills'] = 0;
     $arrResponse = array();
     switch ($response) {
         case 'approved':
             $this->response = 'Approved';
             $refills = $messaging->refills;
             $newRefills = (int) $inputs['refills'];
             if ($refills != $newRefills) {
                 if ($refills != 0) {
                     $this->response = 'ApprovedWithChanges';
                 //else {
                 $data['refills'] = $newRefills;
             $this->message = $inputs['note'];
             $arrResponse[$this->response] = array('Note' => $this->message);
         case 'denied':
             // quantity should be set to zero
             $data['refills'] = 0;
             if (isset($inputs['note'])) {
                 $this->response = 'DeniedNewPrescriptionToFollow';
                 $this->message = $inputs['note'];
                 $arrResponse[$this->response] = array('Note' => $this->message);
                 //$data['medicationId'] = (int)$inputs['medicationId'];
             } else {
                 $this->response = 'Denied';
                 //$this->message = $inputs['reasonCode'].':'.$inputs['reason']; // empty reason
                 $this->message = $inputs['reason'];
                 $arrResponse[$this->response] = array('DenialReasonCode' => $inputs['reasonCode'], 'DenialReason' => $inputs['reason']);
     $data['response'] = $arrResponse;
     $data['type'] = 'refill';
     $ret = ePrescribe::sendResponse($data, $messaging);
     if ($ret === true) {
         $this->dateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $refillRequest->action = $this->_validResponses[$response];
         $refillRequest->status = 'RESPONDED';
     return $ret;
Пример #6
 public static function activateDownload($daily)
     $data = array();
     $data['daily'] = (int) $daily;
     //$data['clinicName'] = $practice->name;
     $type = 'full';
     if ($data['daily']) {
         $type = 'daily';
     $messaging = new Messaging();
     //$messaging->messagingId = '';
     $messaging->messageType = 'DirectoryDownload';
     //$messaging->objectId = '';
     //$messaging->objectClass = '';
     $messaging->status = 'Downloading';
     $messaging->note = 'Downloading pharmacy (' . $type . ')';
     $messaging->dateStatus = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     //$messaging->auditId = '';
     trigger_error($messaging->note, E_USER_NOTICE);
     $ch = curl_init();
     $pharmacyActivateURL = Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->URL;
     $pharmacyActivateURL .= 'ss-manager.raw/activate-pharmacy-download?apiKey=' . Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->apiKey;
     $cookieFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'ssddcookies_');
     trigger_error('URL: ' . $pharmacyActivateURL, E_USER_NOTICE);
     trigger_error('COOKIEFILE: ' . $cookieFile, E_USER_NOTICE);
     trigger_error('DATA: ' . print_r($data, true));
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $pharmacyActivateURL);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookieFile);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, 'admin:ch3!');
     $output = curl_exec($ch);
     $error = "";
     $downloadURL = "";
     $messaging->status = 'Downloaded';
     $messaging->note = 'Pharmacy downloaded (' . $type . ')';
     if (!curl_errno($ch)) {
         try {
             $responseXml = simplexml_load_string($output);
             if (isset($responseXml->error)) {
                 $error = (string) $responseXml->error->messageCode . ': ' . (string) $responseXml->error->message;
                 trigger_error("There was an error activating synchronization of pharmacies, Error code: " . $responseXml->error->code . " Error Message: " . $responseXml->error->message, E_USER_NOTICE);
             } elseif (isset($responseXml->data->SSDirectoryDownloadUrl)) {
                 $downloadURL = $responseXml->data->SSDirectoryDownloadUrl;
                 trigger_error('DOWNLOAD URL: ' . $downloadURL, E_USER_NOTICE);
             if (isset($responseXml->rawMessage)) {
                 $messaging->rawMessage = base64_decode((string) $responseXml->rawMessage);
                 $messaging->rawMessageResponse = base64_decode((string) $responseXml->rawMessageResponse);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $error = __("There was an error connecting to HealthCloud to activate synchronization of pharmacies. Please try again or contact the system administrator.");
             trigger_error("Curl error connecting to healthcloud to activate pharmacy sync: " . curl_error($ch), E_USER_NOTICE);
     } else {
         $error = __("There was an error connecting to HealthCloud to activate synchronization of pharmacies. Please try again or contact the system administrator.");
         trigger_error("Curl error connecting to healthcloud to activate pharmacy sync: " . curl_error($ch), E_USER_NOTICE);
     if (strlen($error) > 0) {
         $messaging->status = 'Error';
         $messaging->note .= ' ERROR: ' . $error;
         $ret = false;
     if ($messaging->resend) {
         $messaging->resend = 0;
     $messaging->dateStatus = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     trigger_error($messaging->note, E_USER_NOTICE);
     return array('downloadUrl' => $downloadURL, 'cookieFile' => $cookieFile, 'error' => $error);
Пример #7
 public static function pull()
     $ch = curl_init();
     $ePrescribeURL = Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->URL;
     $ePrescribeURL .= 'ss-manager.raw/pull-inbounds?apiKey=' . Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->apiKey;
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ePrescribeURL);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     $output = curl_exec($ch);
     $error = '';
     $ret = 0;
     if (!curl_errno($ch)) {
         try {
             $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($output);
             foreach ($xml->data as $messages) {
                 foreach ($messages as $key => $message) {
                     $rawMessage = base64_decode((string) $message->rawMessage);
                     if ($key == 'refillRequest') {
                         $messageId = (string) $message->messageId;
                         $rxReferenceNumber = (string) $message->rxReferenceNumber;
                         $prescriberOrderNumber = (string) $message->prescriberOrderNumber;
                         $auditId = 0;
                         $medicationId = 0;
                         $xmlMessage = new SimpleXMLElement($rawMessage);
                         $lastName = (string) $xmlMessage->Body->RefillRequest->Patient->Name->LastName;
                         $firstName = (string) $xmlMessage->Body->RefillRequest->Patient->Name->FirstName;
                         $messageInfo = ' for ' . $lastName . ', ' . $firstName;
                         $description = (string) $xmlMessage->Body->RefillRequest->MedicationPrescribed->DrugDescription;
                         $datePrescribed = date('m/d/Y', strtotime((string) $xmlMessage->Body->RefillRequest->MedicationPrescribed->WrittenDate));
                         $messageInfo .= ' - ' . $description . ' #' . $datePrescribed;
                         if (strlen($prescriberOrderNumber) > 0) {
                             // currently check for medicationId using the prescriberOrderNumber medication_audit
                             $medAudit = explode('_', $prescriberOrderNumber);
                             $medicationId = (int) $medAudit[0];
                             $auditId = isset($medAudit[1]) ? (int) $medAudit[1] : 0;
                         $medication = new Medication();
                         $medication->medicationId = $medicationId;
                         $patientId = (int) $medication->personId;
                         $unresolved = 0;
                         // retrieve providerId using SPI
                         $SPI = (string) $xmlMessage->Body->RefillRequest->Prescriber->Identification->SPI;
                         $eprescriber = new EPrescriber();
                         $providerId = (int) $eprescriber->providerId;
                         if (!$patientId > 0) {
                             // PON not set or invalid PON, try to automatch based on name, dob, medication and dates in the refreq, if only one match automatically link with correct PON
                             // retrieve pharmacyId using NCPDPID
                             $NCPDPID = (string) $xmlMessage->Body->RefillRequest->Pharmacy->Identification->NCPDPID;
                             $pharmacy = new Pharmacy();
                             $pharmacy->NCPDPID = $NCPDPID;
                             $pharmacyId = (string) $pharmacy->pharmacyId;
                             $gender = (string) $xmlMessage->Body->RefillRequest->Patient->Gender;
                             $dob = (string) $xmlMessage->Body->RefillRequest->Patient->DateOfBirth;
                             // retrieve patientId using LastName, FirstName, Gender and DOB
                             $db = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter');
                             $sqlSelect = $db->select()->from('person', 'person_id')->where('last_name = ?', $lastName)->where('first_name = ?', $firstName)->where('date_of_birth = ?', date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dob)))->limit(1);
                             if ($row = $db->fetchRow($sqlSelect)) {
                                 $patientId = $row['person_id'];
                             // $qualifiers = Medication::listQuantityQualifiersMapping(); TODO: since qualifier are ambiguous, temporarily not to use this qualifier
                             $quantity = (string) $xmlMessage->Body->RefillRequest->MedicationPrescribed->Quantity->Value;
                             $sqlSelect = $db->select()->from('medications')->where('description = ?', $description)->where('quantity = ?', $quantity)->where('personId = ?', (int) $patientId)->where('prescriberPersonId = ?', (int) $providerId)->where('pharmacyId = ?', (int) $pharmacyId);
                             $writtenDate = (string) $xmlMessage->Body->RefillRequest->MedicationPrescribed->WrittenDate;
                             if (strlen($writtenDate) > 0) {
                                 $sqlSelect->where('datePrescribed LIKE ?', date('Y-m-d', strtotime($writtenDate)) . '%');
                             $medicationMatched = false;
                             $rows = $db->fetchAll($sqlSelect);
                             if (count($rows) == 1) {
                                 $medication = new Medication();
                                 $medicationId = $medication->medicationId;
                                 $auditId = Medication::getAuditId($medicationId);
                                 if ($auditId > 0) {
                                     $xmlMessage->Body->RefillRequest->PrescriberOrderNumber = $medicationId . '_' . $auditId;
                                     $rawMessage = $xmlMessage->asXML();
                                 $medicationMatched = true;
                             $messageInfo = ' (Invalid/Missing PON';
                             if ($patientId > 0 && $medicationMatched) {
                                 $patient = new Patient();
                                 $patient->personId = $patientId;
                                 $messageInfo .= ' - automatched to \'' . $patient->displayName . '\' MRN#' . $patient->recordNumber;
                             } else {
                                 $unresolved = 1;
                             $messageInfo .= ')';
                         $refillRequest = new MedicationRefillRequest();
                         $refillRequest->messageId = $messageId;
                         $refillRequest->medicationId = $medicationId;
                         $refillRequest->action = '';
                         $refillRequest->status = '';
                         $refillRequest->dateStart = '';
                         $refillRequest->details = 'Re: ' . $rxReferenceNumber;
                         $refillRequest->dateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                         // disable audits autoprocess, this was set at CHProcessingDaemon
                         $processedAudits = Audit::$_processedAudits;
                         Audit::$_processedAudits = false;
                         Audit::$_processedAudits = $processedAudits;
                         $messaging = new Messaging();
                         $messaging->messagingId = $messageId;
                         $messaging->messageType = 'RefillRequest';
                         $messaging->objectId = $refillRequest->messageId;
                         $messaging->objectClass = 'MedicationRefillRequest';
                         $messaging->note = 'Refill request received - Re:' . $rxReferenceNumber . $messageInfo;
                         $messaging->auditId = $auditId;
                         $messaging->refills = (string) $message->refills;
                         $messaging->personId = $patientId;
                         $messaging->providerId = $providerId;
                         $messaging->unresolved = $unresolved;
                     } else {
                         if ($key == 'status') {
                             $relatesToMessageId = (string) $message->relatesToMessageId;
                             $messageId = (string) $message->messageId;
                             $code = (string) $message->code;
                             $description = (string) $message->description;
                             $messaging = new Messaging();
                             $messaging->messageType = 'Status';
                             $messaging->note = 'Status received for unknown messageId: ' . $relatesToMessageId;
                             $tmpMsg = new Messaging();
                             $tmpMsg->messagingId = $relatesToMessageId;
                             if ($tmpMsg->populate()) {
                                 // populate for newRx details
                                 $tmpMsg->status = 'Sent and Verified';
                                 $x = explode('(', $tmpMsg->note);
                                 $tmpMsg->note = 'newRx';
                                 if ($tmpMsg->objectClass == 'MedicationRefillResponse') {
                                     $tmpMsg->note = 'Refill response';
                                 $tmpMsg->note .= ' sent and verified';
                                 if (isset($x[1])) {
                                     $tmpMsg->note .= ' (' . implode('(', $x);
                                 $tmpMsg->unresolved = 0;
                                 $messaging->auditId = $tmpMsg->auditId;
                                 $messaging->objectId = $tmpMsg->objectId;
                                 $messaging->objectClass = $tmpMsg->objectClass;
                                 $messaging->personId = $tmpMsg->personId;
                                 $messaging->providerId = $tmpMsg->providerId;
                                 $xmlTmpMessage = new SimpleXMLElement($tmpMsg->rawMessage);
                                 $lastName = (string) $xmlTmpMessage->Body->NewRx->Patient->Name->LastName;
                                 $firstName = (string) $xmlTmpMessage->Body->NewRx->Patient->Name->FirstName;
                                 $messageInfo = $lastName . ', ' . $firstName;
                                 $drugDescription = (string) $xmlTmpMessage->Body->NewRx->MedicationPrescribed->DrugDescription;
                                 $datePrescribed = date('m/d/Y', strtotime((string) $xmlTmpMessage->Body->NewRx->MedicationPrescribed->WrittenDate));
                                 $messageInfo .= ' - ' . $drugDescription . ' #' . $datePrescribed;
                                 $messaging->note = 'Status received for ' . $messageInfo;
                             $messaging->note .= "\n" . $code . ':' . $description;
                         } else {
                             if ($key == 'error') {
                                 $relatesToMessageId = (string) $message->relatesToMessageId;
                                 $messageId = (string) $message->messageId;
                                 $code = (string) $message->code;
                                 $description = (string) $message->description;
                                 $messaging = new Messaging();
                                 $messaging->messageType = 'Error';
                                 $messaging->note = 'Error received for unknown messageId: ' . $relatesToMessageId;
                                 $tmpMsg = new Messaging();
                                 $tmpMsg->messagingId = $relatesToMessageId;
                                 if ($tmpMsg->populate()) {
                                     // populate for newRx details
                                     $tmpMsg->status = 'Sent and Verified';
                                     $x = explode('(', $tmpMsg->note);
                                     $tmpMsg->note = 'newRx';
                                     if ($tmpMsg->objectClass == 'MedicationRefillResponse') {
                                         $tmpMsg->note = 'Refill response';
                                     $tmpMsg->note .= ' sent and verified';
                                     if (isset($x[1])) {
                                         $tmpMsg->note .= ' (' . implode('(', $x);
                                     $tmpMsg->unresolved = 0;
                                     $messaging->auditId = $tmpMsg->auditId;
                                     $messaging->objectId = $tmpMsg->objectId;
                                     $messaging->objectClass = $tmpMsg->objectClass;
                                     $messaging->personId = $tmpMsg->personId;
                                     $messaging->providerId = $tmpMsg->providerId;
                                     $xmlTmpMessage = new SimpleXMLElement($tmpMsg->rawMessage);
                                     $lastName = (string) $xmlTmpMessage->Body->NewRx->Patient->Name->LastName;
                                     $firstName = (string) $xmlTmpMessage->Body->NewRx->Patient->Name->FirstName;
                                     $messageInfo = $lastName . ', ' . $firstName;
                                     $drugDescription = (string) $xmlTmpMessage->Body->NewRx->MedicationPrescribed->DrugDescription;
                                     $datePrescribed = date('m/d/Y', strtotime((string) $xmlTmpMessage->Body->NewRx->MedicationPrescribed->WrittenDate));
                                     $messageInfo .= ' - ' . $drugDescription . ' #' . $datePrescribed;
                                     $messaging->note = 'Error received for ' . $messageInfo;
                                 $messaging->note .= "\n" . $code . ':' . $description;
                             } else {
                     $messaging->rawMessage = $rawMessage;
                     $messaging->rawMessageResponse = base64_decode((string) $message->rawMessageResponse);
                     $messaging->status = 'Received';
                     $messaging->dateStatus = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             if ($ret > 0) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $error = __('There was an error, the response couldn\'t be parsed as XML: ' . $output);
             trigger_error($error, E_USER_NOTICE);
     } else {
         $error = __('There was an error connecting to HealthCloud. Please try again or contact the system administrator.');
         trigger_error('Curl error connecting to healthcare: ' . curl_error($ch), E_USER_NOTICE);
     return $ret;
 protected function _syncLocation(EPrescriber $ePrescriber)
     $ret = true;
     $dateActiveStart = strtotime($ePrescriber->dateActiveStart);
     $dateActiveEnd = strtotime($ePrescriber->dateActiveEnd);
     $serviceLevel = (int) $ePrescriber->serviceLevel;
     $personId = (int) $ePrescriber->providerId;
     $provider = new Provider();
     $provider->personId = $personId;
     $provider->serviceLevel = $serviceLevel;
     if ($dateActiveStart > 0 && $dateActiveEnd > 0) {
         $provider->dateActiveStart = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dateActiveStart);
         $provider->dateActiveEnd = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dateActiveEnd);
     $person = new Person();
     $person->personId = $personId;
     $practice = new Practice();
     $practice->practiceId = $person->primaryPracticeId;
     $data = array();
     $data['deaNumber'] = $provider->deaNumber;
     $data['stateLicenseNumber'] = $provider->stateLicenseNumber;
     //$data['portalId'] = Zend_Registry::get('config')->sureScripts->portalId;
     //$data['accountId'] = Zend_Registry::get('config')->sureScripts->accountId;
     $data['clinicName'] = '' . $practice->name;
     $data['lastName'] = $person->lastName;
     $data['firstName'] = $person->firstName;
     $address = $ePrescriber->building;
     $data['addressLine1'] = $address->line1;
     $data['addressLine2'] = $address->line2;
     $data['addressCity'] = $address->city;
     $data['addressState'] = $address->state;
     $data['addressZipCode'] = $address->zipCode;
     $data['email'] = $person->email;
     $data['phones'] = array(array('number' => PhoneNumber::autoFixNumber($address->phoneNumber), 'type' => 'TE'), array('number' => PhoneNumber::autoFixNumber($address->fax), 'type' => 'FX'));
     $data['specialtyCode'] = $provider->specialty;
     $specialtyQualifier = '';
     if (strlen($provider->specialty) > 0) {
         $specialtyQualifier = 'AM';
     $data['specialtyQualifier'] = $specialtyQualifier;
     $data['serviceLevel'] = $provider->serviceLevel;
     $now = strtotime('now');
     $days30 = strtotime('+30 days', $now);
     $activeStartTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.0", $now) . 'Z';
     $activeEndTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.0", $days30) . 'Z';
     $data['activeStartTime'] = $provider->dateActiveStartZ;
     $data['activeEndTime'] = $provider->dateActiveEndZ;
     $dateActiveEnd = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($provider->dateActiveEndZ)));
     if ($dateActiveEnd <= strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) {
         // to disable a prescriber ActiveEndTime must be set to current date and ServiceLevel must be set to zero.
         $data['activeEndTime'] = date('Y-m-d');
         $data['serviceLevel'] = 0;
         $provider->serviceLevel = 0;
     $identifierType = $provider->identifierType;
     if (strlen($identifierType) > 0) {
         $data[$identifierType] = $provider->identifier;
     $messaging = new Messaging();
     //$messaging->messagingId = '';
     $type = 'add';
     $messaging->messageType = 'AddPrescriber';
     if (strlen($ePrescriber->SSID) > 0) {
         $messaging->messageType = 'UpdatePrescriber';
         $data['SPI'] = $ePrescriber->SSID;
         $type = 'update';
     } else {
         if (strlen($provider->sureScriptsSPI) > 0) {
             $messaging->messageType = 'AddPrescriberLocation';
             $data['SPI'] = substr($provider->sureScriptsSPI, 0, -3);
             $type = 'addLocation';
     // backupPortalId must be supplied if type is updateLocation
     //$messaging->objectId = '';
     //$messaging->objectClass = '';
     $messaging->status = 'Sending';
     $messaging->note = 'Sending prescriber data';
     $messaging->dateStatus = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     //$messaging->auditId = '';
     $query = http_build_query(array('type' => $type, 'data' => $data));
     $ch = curl_init();
     $ePrescribeURL = Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->URL;
     $ePrescribeURL .= 'ss-manager.raw/edit-prescriber?apiKey=' . Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->apiKey;
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ePrescribeURL);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     $output = curl_exec($ch);
     trigger_error('OUTPUT: ' . $output, E_USER_NOTICE);
     $error = "";
     $prescriberSPI = '';
     $messaging->status = 'Sent';
     $messaging->note = 'Prescriber data sent';
     if (!curl_errno($ch)) {
         try {
             $responseXml = simplexml_load_string($output);
             if (isset($responseXml->error)) {
                 $errorCode = (string) $responseXml->error->code;
                 $errorMsg = (string) $responseXml->error->message;
                 if (isset($responseXml->error->errorCode)) {
                     $errorCode = (string) $responseXml->error->errorCode;
                 if (isset($responseXml->error->errorMsg)) {
                     $errorMsg = (string) $responseXml->error->errorMsg;
                 $error = $errorMsg;
                 trigger_error('There was an error enabling an ePresciber, Error code: ' . $errorCode . ' Error Message: ' . $errorMsg, E_USER_NOTICE);
             } elseif (isset($responseXml->data)) {
                 $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($responseXml->data);
                 $prescriber = $xml->AddPrescriberResponse->Prescriber;
                 //if ($type == 'addLocation') {
                 if (isset($xml->AddPrescriberLocationResponse)) {
                     $prescriber = $xml->AddPrescriberLocationResponse->Prescriber;
                 $prescriberSPI = (string) $prescriber->Identification->SPI;
                 if (!strlen($prescriberSPI) > 0) {
                     $error = 'Registration failed for location ' . $ePrescriber->building->name;
             if (isset($responseXml->rawMessage)) {
                 $messaging->rawMessage = base64_decode((string) $responseXml->rawMessage);
                 $messaging->rawMessageResponse = base64_decode((string) $responseXml->rawMessageResponse);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $error = __("There was an error connecting to HealthCloud to enable ePrescribing for this provider. Please try again or contact the system administrator.");
             trigger_error("There was an error enabling an ePresciber, the response couldn't be parsed as XML: " . $output, E_USER_NOTICE);
     } else {
         $error = __("There was an error connecting to HealthCloud to enable ePrescribing for this provider. Please try again or contact the system administrator.");
         trigger_error("Curl error connecting to healthcare enabled an ePrescribe record: " . curl_error($ch), E_USER_NOTICE);
     if (strlen($error) > 0) {
         $messaging->status = 'Error';
         $messaging->note = $error;
         $ret = false;
     if ($messaging->resend) {
         $messaging->resend = 0;
     $messaging->dateStatus = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     if (strlen($error) > 0) {
         return $error;
     if (!strlen($provider->sureScriptsSPI) > 0) {
         // handler of the first SPI
         $provider->sureScriptsSPI = $prescriberSPI;
     if ($type == 'add' || $type == 'addLocation') {
         $ePrescriber->SSID = $prescriberSPI;
     return $ret;
 public function addProcessAction()
     $dateActiveStart = strtotime($this->_getParam('dateActiveStart'));
     $dateActiveEnd = strtotime($this->_getParam('dateActiveEnd'));
     $serviceLevel = (int) $this->_getParam('serviceLevel');
     $personId = (int) $this->_getParam('personId');
     $provider = new Provider();
     $provider->person_id = $personId;
     $provider->serviceLevel = $serviceLevel;
     if ($dateActiveStart > 0 && $dateActiveEnd > 0) {
         $provider->dateActiveStart = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dateActiveStart);
         $provider->dateActiveEnd = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dateActiveEnd);
     $person = new Person();
     $person->person_id = $personId;
     $address = new Address();
     $address->person_id = $personId;
     $phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber();
     $phoneNumber->person_id = $personId;
     $practice = new Practice();
     $practice->practiceId = $person->primaryPracticeId;
     $data = array();
     $data['deaNumber'] = $provider->deaNumber;
     $data['stateLicenseNumber'] = $provider->stateLicenseNumber;
     //$data['portalId'] = Zend_Registry::get('config')->sureScripts->portalId;
     //$data['accountId'] = Zend_Registry::get('config')->sureScripts->accountId;
     $data['clinicName'] = '' . $practice->name;
     $data['lastName'] = $person->last_name;
     $data['firstName'] = $person->first_name;
     $address = new Address();
     $address->personId = $provider->personId;
     $data['addressLine1'] = $address->line1;
     $data['addressLine2'] = $address->line2;
     $data['addressCity'] = $address->city;
     $data['addressState'] = $address->state;
     $data['addressZipCode'] = $address->zipCode;
     $data['email'] = $person->email;
     $phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber();
     $phoneNumber->personId = $provider->personId;
     $phoneNumberIterator = $phoneNumber->getIteratorByPatientId();
     $phones = array();
     foreach ($phoneNumberIterator as $number) {
     	if (!strlen($number->number) > 0) continue;
     	// SS Type options: BN - Beeper, CP - Cellular, FX - Fax, HP - Home, NP - Night, TE – Telephone*, WP – Work
     	$type = '';
     	switch ($number->type) {
     		case PhoneNumber::TYPE_HOME:
     			$type = 'HP'; 
     		case PhoneNumber::TYPE_WORK:
     			$type = 'WP';
     		case PhoneNumber::TYPE_MOBILE:
     			$type = 'CP';
     		case PhoneNumber::TYPE_FAX:
     			$type = 'FX';
     		case PhoneNumber::TYPE_EMERGENCY:
     		case PhoneNumber::TYPE_EMPLOYER:
     		case PhoneNumber::TYPE_BILLING:
     			$type = 'TE';
     	$phones[$type] = array('number'=>$number->number,'type'=>$type);
     $te = null;
     if (isset($phones['TE'])) {
     	$te = $phones['TE'];
     $fx = null;
     if (isset($phones['FX'])) {
     	$fx = $phones['FX'];
     if ($te === null) {
     	if (count($phones) > 0) {
     		$te = array_unshift($phones);
     	else if ($fx !== null) {
     		$te = $fx;
     if ($fx === null) {
     	if (count($phones) > 0) {
     		$fx = array_unshift($phones);
     	else if ($te !== null) {
     		$fx = $te;
     $data['phones'] = array();
     if ($te !== null) {
     	$data['phones'][] = $te;
     if ($fx !== null) {
     	$data['phones'][] = $fx;
     foreach ($phones as $p) {
     	$data['phones'][] = $p;
     $data['phones'] = $phoneNumber->phoneNumbers;
     /*$phoneNumbers = $phoneNumber->phoneNumbers;
     		$fax = '';
     		if (isset($phoneNumbers['FAX'])) {
     			$fax = $phoneNumbers['FAX'];
     		$phone = $fax;
     		if (count($phoneNumbers) > 0) {
     			$phone = array_pop($phoneNumbers);
     		$data['phoneNumber'] = $phone;
     		$data['faxNumber'] = $fax;*/
     $data['specialtyCode'] = $provider->specialty;
     $specialtyQualifier = '';
     if (strlen($provider->specialty) > 0) {
         $specialtyQualifier = 'AM';
     $data['specialtyQualifier'] = $specialtyQualifier;
     $data['serviceLevel'] = $provider->serviceLevel;
     $now = strtotime('now');
     $days30 = strtotime('+30 days', $now);
     $activeStartTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.0", $now) . 'Z';
     $activeEndTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.0", $days30) . 'Z';
     $data['activeStartTime'] = $provider->dateActiveStartZ;
     $data['activeEndTime'] = $provider->dateActiveEndZ;
     $dateActiveEnd = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($provider->dateActiveEndZ)));
     if ($dateActiveEnd <= strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) {
         // to disable a prescriber ActiveEndTime must be set to current date and ServiceLevel must be set to zero.
         $data['activeEndTime'] = date('Y-m-d');
         $data['serviceLevel'] = 0;
         $provider->serviceLevel = 0;
     $identifierType = $provider->identifierType;
     if (strlen($identifierType) > 0) {
         $data[$identifierType] = $provider->identifier;
     		foreach ($data as $k=>$v) {
     			if (!strlen(trim($v)) > 0) {
     				$tmp = ' ';
     				if ($k == 'addressState') {
     					$tmp = 'AZ';
     				if ($k == 'addressZipCode') {
     					$tmp = '12345';
     				$data[$k] = $tmp;
     $messaging = new Messaging();
     //$messaging->messagingId = '';
     $type = 'add';
     $messaging->messageType = 'AddPrescriber';
     if (strlen($provider->sureScriptsSPI) > 0) {
         $messaging->messageType = 'UpdatePrescriber';
         $data['SPI'] = $provider->sureScriptsSPI;
         $type = 'update';
     //$messaging->objectId = '';
     //$messaging->objectClass = '';
     $messaging->status = 'Sending';
     $messaging->note = 'Sending prescriber data';
     $messaging->dateStatus = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     //$messaging->auditId = '';
     $query = http_build_query(array('type' => $type, 'data' => $data));
     $ch = curl_init();
     $ePrescribeURL = Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->URL;
     $ePrescribeURL .= 'ss-manager.raw/edit-prescriber?apiKey=' . Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->apiKey;
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ePrescribeURL);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     $output = curl_exec($ch);
     trigger_error('OUTPUT: ' . $output, E_USER_NOTICE);
     $error = "";
     $prescriberSPI = '';
     $messaging->status = 'Sent';
     $messaging->note = 'Prescriber data sent';
     if (!curl_errno($ch)) {
         try {
             $responseXml = simplexml_load_string($output);
             if (isset($responseXml->error)) {
                 $errorCode = (string) $responseXml->error->code;
                 $errorMsg = (string) $responseXml->error->message;
                 if (isset($responseXml->error->errorCode)) {
                     $errorCode = (string) $responseXml->error->errorCode;
                 if (isset($responseXml->error->errorMsg)) {
                     $errorMsg = (string) $responseXml->error->errorMsg;
                 $error = $errorMsg;
                 trigger_error('There was an error enabling an ePresciber, Error code: ' . $errorCode . ' Error Message: ' . $errorMsg, E_USER_NOTICE);
             } elseif (isset($responseXml->data)) {
                 $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($responseXml->data);
                 $prescriber = $xml->AddPrescriberResponse->Prescriber;
                 if (isset($xml->AddPrescriberLocationResponse)) {
                     $prescriber = $xml->AddPrescriberLocationResponse->Prescriber;
                 $prescriberSPI = (string) $prescriber->Identification->SPI;
             if (isset($responseXml->rawMessage)) {
                 $messaging->rawMessage = base64_decode((string) $responseXml->rawMessage);
                 $messaging->rawMessageResponse = base64_decode((string) $responseXml->rawMessageResponse);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $error = __("There was an error connecting to HealthCloud to enable ePrescribing for this provider. Please try again or contact the system administrator.");
             trigger_error("There was an error enabling an ePresciber, the response couldn't be parsed as XML: " . $output, E_USER_NOTICE);
     } else {
         $error = __("There was an error connecting to HealthCloud to enable ePrescribing for this provider. Please try again or contact the system administrator.");
         trigger_error("Curl error connecting to healthcare enabled an ePrescribe record: " . curl_error($ch), E_USER_NOTICE);
     if (strlen($error) > 0) {
         $messaging->status = 'Error';
         $messaging->note = $error;
         $ret = false;
     if ($messaging->resend) {
         $messaging->resend = 0;
     $messaging->dateStatus = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $json = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json');
     $json->suppressExit = true;
     $this->view->error = $error;
     if (strlen($error) > 0) {
         $json->direct(array('error' => $error));
     if ($type == 'add') {
         $provider->sureScriptsSPI = trim($prescriberSPI);
     } else {
         $prescriberSPI = $provider->sureScriptsSPI;
     $this->view->message = "ePrescribing Information Saved for Provider, assigned SPI Number: " . $prescriberSPI;
     $this->view->prescriberSPI = $prescriberSPI;
     $json->direct(array('message' => $this->view->message, 'prescriberSPI' => $prescriberSPI, 'error' => $error));
Пример #10
 public function getRxReferenceNumber()
     $ret = '';
     if (strlen($this->refillRequestId) > 0) {
         $messaging = new Messaging();
         $messaging->messagingId = $this->refillRequestId;
         $rawMessage = $messaging->rawMessage;
         if (strlen($rawMessage) > 0) {
             $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($rawMessage);
             $ret = (string) $xml->Body->RefillRequest->RxReferenceNumber;
     return $ret;