function getLatestPlacholder()
     $this->strPlaceholder = null;
     $intLimitEnd = intval($this->arrSettings['settingsLatestNumOverview']);
     $objEntries = new MediaDirectoryEntry($this->moduleName);
     $objEntries->getEntries(null, null, null, null, true, null, 1, null, $intLimitEnd);
     foreach ($objEntries->arrEntries as $intEntryId => $arrEntry) {
         if ($objEntries->checkPageCmd('detail' . intval($arrEntry['entryFormId']))) {
             $strDetailCmd = 'detail' . intval($arrEntry['entryFormId']);
         } else {
             $strDetailCmd = 'detail';
         $strDetailUrl = 'index.php?section=' . $this->moduleName . '&cmd=' . $strDetailCmd . '&eid=' . $arrEntry['entryId'];
         $this->strPlaceholder .= '<li><a href="' . $strDetailUrl . '">' . $arrEntry['entryFields'][0] . '</a></li>';
     return '<ul id="' . $this->moduleNameLC . 'LatestPlacholder">' . $this->strPlaceholder . '</ul>';
Пример #2
 function getHeadlines($arrExistingBlocks)
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CORELANG, $objTemplate;
     $objEntry = new MediaDirectoryEntry($this->moduleName);
     $objEntry->getEntries(null, null, null, null, null, null, true, null, $this->arrSettings['settingsLatestNumHeadlines']);
     $i = 0;
     $r = 0;
     $numBlocks = count($arrExistingBlocks);
     if (!empty($objEntry->arrEntries)) {
         foreach ($objEntry->arrEntries as $key => $arrEntry) {
             if ($objEntry->checkPageCmd('detail' . intval($arrEntry['entryFormId']))) {
                 $strDetailCmd = 'detail' . intval($arrEntry['entryFormId']);
             } else {
                 $strDetailCmd = 'detail';
             $objTemplate->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_LATEST_ROW_CLASS' => $r % 2 == 0 ? 'row1' : 'row2', $this->moduleLangVar . '_LATEST_ENTRY_ID' => $arrEntry['entryId'], $this->moduleLangVar . '_LATEST_ENTRY_VALIDATE_DATE' => date("H:i:s - d.m.Y", $arrEntry['entryValdateDate']), $this->moduleLangVar . '_LATEST_ENTRY_CREATE_DATE' => date("H:i:s - d.m.Y", $arrEntry['entryCreateDate']), $this->moduleLangVar . '_LATEST_ENTRY_HITS' => $arrEntry['entryHits'], $this->moduleLangVar . '_ENTRY_DETAIL_URL' => 'index.php?section=' . $this->moduleName . '&amp;cmd=' . $strDetailCmd . '&amp;eid=' . $arrEntry['entryId'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_ENTRY_DETAIL' => $_CORELANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_DETAIL']));
             foreach ($arrEntry['entryFields'] as $key => $strFieldValue) {
                 $intPos = $key + 1;
                 $objTemplate->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_LATEST_ENTRY_FIELD_' . $intPos . '_POS' => $strFieldValue));
             $blockId = $arrExistingBlocks[$i];
             $objTemplate->parse($this->moduleNameLC . 'Latest_row_' . $blockId);
             if ($i < $numBlocks - 1) {
             } else {
                 $i = 0;
Пример #3
 function parsePlaceholders()
     global $objDatabase, $_LANGID, $_CONFIG;
     if ($this->objUser != false) {
         $strUserNick = $this->objUser->getUsername();
         $strUserFirstname = $this->objUser->getProfileAttribute('firstname');
         $strUserLastname = $this->objUser->getProfileAttribute('lastname');
     $objRSEntryFormId = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT form_id FROM\n                                                        " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_entries\n                                                    WHERE\n                                                        id='" . $this->intEntryId . "'\n                                                    LIMIT 1");
     if ($objRSEntryFormId !== false) {
         $intEntryFormId = intval($objRSEntryFormId->fields['form_id']);
     $strRelQuery = "SELECT inputfield.`id` AS `id` FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_inputfields AS inputfield WHERE (inputfield.`type` != 16 AND inputfield.`type` != 17) AND (inputfield.`form` = " . $intEntryFormId . ") ORDER BY inputfield.`order` ASC LIMIT 1";
     $objRSEntryTitle = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT\n                                                        rel_inputfield.`value` AS `value`\n                                                    FROM\n                                                        " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_entries AS entry,\n                                                        " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_rel_entry_inputfields AS rel_inputfield\n                                                    WHERE (rel_inputfield.`entry_id`='" . $this->intEntryId . "')\n                                                    AND (rel_inputfield.`field_id` = (" . $strRelQuery . ")) \n                                                    AND (rel_inputfield.`lang_id` = '" . $_LANGID . "')\n                                                    AND (rel_inputfield.`value` != '')\n                                                    GROUP BY value\n                                                    ");
     if ($objRSEntryTitle !== false) {
         $strEntryTitle = $objRSEntryTitle->fields['value'];
     $objEntry = new MediaDirectoryEntry($this->moduleName);
     if ($objEntry->checkPageCmd('detail' . intval($intEntryFormId))) {
         $strDetailCmd = 'detail' . intval($intEntryFormId);
     } else {
         $strDetailCmd = 'detail';
     $strProtocol = ASCMS_PROTOCOL;
     $strDomain = $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getWebsiteOffsetPath();
     $strDate = date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT);
     $strEntryLink = urldecode($strProtocol . "://" . $strDomain . '/index.php?section=' . $this->moduleName . '&cmd=' . $strDetailCmd . '&eid=' . $this->intEntryId);
     $arrPlaceholder = array('[[USERNAME]]', '[[FIRSTNAME]]', '[[LASTNAME]]', '[[TITLE]]', '[[LINK]]', '[[URL]]', '[[DATE]]');
     $arrReplaceContent = array($strUserNick, $strUserFirstname, $strUserLastname, $strEntryTitle, $strEntryLink, $strDomain, $strDate);
     for ($x = 0; $x < 7; $x++) {
         $this->strTitle = str_replace($arrPlaceholder[$x], $arrReplaceContent[$x], $this->strTitle);
     for ($x = 0; $x < 7; $x++) {
         $this->strTemplate = str_replace($arrPlaceholder[$x], $arrReplaceContent[$x], $this->strTemplate);