public function getArtist($name) { $artist = Artist::where('permalink', '=', $name); $artist = $artist->first(); $inside_image = Media::find($artist->inside_image); return View::make('artists.single')->with('artist', $artist)->with('inside_image', $inside_image); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $input = Input::all(); $validation = Validator::make($input, Comment::$rules); if ($validation->passes()) { $last_comment = Comment::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first(); $current_date = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); if (empty($last_comment)) { $interval = 5; } else { $interval = $current_date->diff($last_comment->created_at); $interval = intval($interval->format('%i')); } /*if($interval >= 3){*/ $this->add_daily_comment_points(); $comment = new Comment(); $comment->media_id = $input['media_id']; $comment->comment = htmlspecialchars($input['comment']); $comment->user_id = Auth::user()->id; //echo $comment; if ($comment->save()) { $notification = new Notification(); $media = Media::find($comment->media_id); $notification->user_id = $media->user_id; $user_comment = $comment->user()->username; $notification->url_comment = URL::to('media') . '/' . $media->slug; if ($media->user_id == Auth::user()->id) { $notification->is_read = 1; } else { $notification->is_read = 0; $notification->content = $user_comment . " comments in " . '" ' . $comment->media()->title . ' " your'; } $notification->save(); } echo $comment; /*} else { echo 0; }*/ } else { echo 0; } }
public function postRemoveMedia($id) { $media = Media::find($id); $owner = $media->mediable_id; $ownerType = $media->mediable_type; $owner = $ownerType::find($owner); $isAjax = Request::ajax(); // Disasociate this from its parent exhibit foreach ($owner->media as $key => $image) { if ($image->id == $id) { $owner->media[$key]->update(['mediable_id' => 0, 'mediable_type' => null]); $mediasave = $owner->media[$key]->save(); } } $mediasave = $mediasave ? true : false; if ($isAjax) { return json_encode($mediasave); } else { return Redirect::back()->with('status', 'alert-danger')->with('global', 'Something went wrong!'); } }
public function postRemoveMedia($id) { $media = Media::find($id); $media = new Media(); $media->delete(); $media = Media::find($id); $owner = $media->mediable_id; $ownerType = $media->mediable_type; $owner = $ownerType::find($owner); $isAjax = Request::ajax(); // Disasociate this from its parent exhibit foreach ($owner->media as $key => $image) { if ($image->id == $id) { $owner->media[$key]->update(['mediable_id' => 0, 'mediable_type' => null]); $mediasave = $owner->media[$key]->save(); } } if ($mediasave == true) { $outcome = $owner->update(array('cover_image' => '')); } return json_encode($outcome); }
return $view; }), 'GET /admin/resetpw/(:num?)' => array('before' => 'auth', function ($userid = NULL) { $user = User::find($userid); $newpw = Str::random(8); $to = $user->email; $subject = 'Password Reset'; $message = $newpw; $headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); $user->password = Hash::make($newpw); $user->save(); return Redirect::to('admin/users'); }), 'POST /admin/editmedia' => array('before' => 'auth', function () { $media_id = Input::get('mediaid'); $page_id = Input::get('page'); $media = Media::find($media_id); $media->caption = Input::get('caption'); $media->meta = Input::get('meta'); $media->size = Input::get('size'); $media->save(); DB::table('pages_media')->where('media_id', '=', $media_id)->delete(); DB::table('pages_media')->insert(array('media_id' => $media_id, 'page_id' => $page_id)); return Redirect::to('admin/media'); }), 'POST /admin/edituser' => array('before' => 'auth', function () { $user_id = Input::get('userid'); $rules = array('firstname' => 'required|max:140', 'lastname' => 'required|max:140', 'email' => 'required|max:50', 'role' => 'required'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::get(), $rules); if (!$validator->valid()) { return Redirect::to('admin/edituser/' . $user_id)->with('errors', $validator->errors)->with_input(); } $user = User::find($user_id);
function check($id, $file, $user_ip, $auth_ano = false) { $status = false; $id_user = $id; $id_file = $file; try { if ($auth_ano) { date_default_timezone_set('Pacific/Auckland'); $ip_date = date("Y-m-d"); $media = Media::find($id_file); $size_f = $media->size; $ip_bytes = DataIp::where('ip', '=', $user_ip)->where('date', '=', $ip_date)->sum('bytes'); if ($size_f < 4294967296 - $ip_bytes) { $status = true; } else { $status = false; } } else { $user = User::where('id', '=', $id_user)->first(); if (count($user) != 0) { $useage = $user->used_bytes; $media = Media::find($id_file); if (count($media) != 0) { date_default_timezone_set('Pacific/Auckland'); $todays_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $today = strtotime($todays_date); $exp_date = $user->prem_valid; $expiration_date = strtotime($exp_date); if ($expiration_date > $today) { $active = true; } else { $active = false; } if ($active) { if ($useage < $user->avl_bytes) { $size_f = $media->size; if ($size_f < $user->avl_bytes - $useage) { $status = true; } } } else { $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $date->modify('+1 day'); $date = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($user->category_id != 1) { $user->last_prem = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } $user->category_id = 1; $user->prem_valid = $date; $user->used_bytes = 0; $user->avl_bytes = 1073741824; $user->save(); $useage = $user->used_bytes; if ($useage < $user->avl_bytes) { $size_f = $media->size; if ($size_f < $user->avl_bytes - $useage) { $status = true; } } } if ($user->category_id == 1) { date_default_timezone_set('Pacific/Auckland'); $ip_date = date("Y-m-d"); $size_f = $media->size; $ip_bytes = DataIp::where('ip', '=', $user_ip)->where('date', '=', $ip_date)->sum('bytes'); if ($size_f < 1073741824 - $ip_bytes) { $status = true; } else { $status = false; } } } } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Message: ' . $e->getMessage(); $report = new UserFlag(); $report->type = "data useage check auth"; $report->res = $e->getMessage(); $report->save(); } return $status; }
public function toggle_active($id) { $media = Media::find($id); if ($media->active == 1) { $media->active = 0; } else { $media->active = 1; } $media->save(); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function delete($id) { $media = Media::find($id); if ($media->user_id == Auth::user()->id || Auth::user()->admin == 1) { $media_flags = MediaFlag::where('media_id', '=', $id)->get(); foreach ($media_flags as $media_flag) { $media_flag->delete(); } $media_likes = MediaLike::where('media_id', '=', $id)->get(); foreach ($media_likes as $media_like) { $media_like->delete(); } $comments = Comment::where('media_id', '=', $id)->get(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $comment_votes = CommentVote::where('comment_id', '=', $comment->id)->get(); foreach ($comment_votes as $comment_vote) { $comment_vote->delete(); } $comment_flags = CommentFlag::where('comment_id', '=', $comment->id)->get(); foreach ($comment_flags as $comment_flag) { $comment_flag->delete(); } $comment->delete(); } // if the media type is a gif we need to remove the animation file too. if (strpos($media->pic_url, '.gif') > 0) { if (file_exists(Config::get('site.uploads_dir') . 'images/' . str_replace(".gif", "-animation.gif", $media->pic_url))) { unlink(Config::get('site.uploads_dir') . 'images/' . str_replace(".gif", "-animation.gif", $media->pic_url)); } } // remove the image if (file_exists(Config::get('site.uploads_dir') . 'images/' . $media->pic_url)) { unlink(Config::get('site.uploads_dir') . 'images/' . $media->pic_url); } $media->delete(); } return Redirect::to('admin?section=media')->with(array('note' => Lang::get('lang.delete_success'), 'note_type' => 'success')); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function delete($id) { $media = Media::find($id); if ($media->user_id == Auth::user()->id || Auth::user()->admin == 1) { $media_flags = MediaFlag::where('media_id', '=', $id)->get(); foreach ($media_flags as $media_flag) { $media_flag->delete(); } $media_likes = MediaLike::where('media_id', '=', $id)->get(); foreach ($media_likes as $media_like) { $media_like->delete(); } $comments = Comment::where('media_id', '=', $id)->get(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $comment_votes = CommentVote::where('comment_id', '=', $comment->id)->get(); foreach ($comment_votes as $comment_vote) { $comment_vote->delete(); } $comment_flags = CommentFlag::where('comment_id', '=', $comment->id)->get(); foreach ($comment_flags as $comment_flag) { $comment_flag->delete(); } $comment->delete(); } $arrayPicUrl = explode("/", $media->pic_url); // if the media type is a gif we need to remove the animation file too. if (strpos($media->pic_url, '.gif') > 0) { \Cloudinary\Uploader::destroy(Constant::FOLDER_CLOUDINARY . '/' . $arrayPicUrl[0] . '/' . pathinfo(str_replace(".gif", "-animation.gif", $media->pic_url), PATHINFO_FILENAME)); } // remove the image \Cloudinary\Uploader::destroy(Constant::FOLDER_CLOUDINARY . '/' . $arrayPicUrl[0] . '/' . pathinfo($media->pic_url, PATHINFO_FILENAME)); $media->delete(); } return Redirect::to('admin?section=media')->with(array('note' => Lang::get('lang.delete_success'), 'note_type' => 'success')); }
public function postUpload($id) { $media = Media::find($id); if ($media == null) { die('{"OK": 0, "info": "Unable to find this media record in the database. It could have been deleted."}'); } $media_tmp_folder = public_path() . '/assets/medias/tmp/' . $media->category_id . '/' . $id; $media_folder = public_path() . '/assets/medias/' . $media->category_id . '/' . $id; if (empty($_FILES) || $_FILES['file']['error']) { die('{"OK": 0, "info": "Failed to move uploaded file."}'); } $chunk = isset($_REQUEST["chunk"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["chunk"]) : 0; $chunks = isset($_REQUEST["chunks"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["chunks"]) : 0; $fileName = isset($_REQUEST["name"]) ? $_REQUEST["name"] : $_FILES["file"]["name"]; //$filePath = public_path() . '/assets/medias' . "/$fileName"; $filePath = $media_tmp_folder . "/{$fileName}"; // Create the directory if (!file_exists($media_tmp_folder)) { mkdir($media_tmp_folder, 0777, true); } // For Unit testing if ($fileName == 'foo113a.pdf') { die('{"OK": 1, "info": "Upload successful."}'); } // Open temp file $out = @fopen("{$filePath}.part", $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab"); if ($out) { // Read binary input stream and append it to temp file $in = @fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "rb"); if ($in) { while ($buff = fread($in, 4096)) { fwrite($out, $buff); } } else { die('{"OK": 0, "info": "Failed to open input stream."}'); } @fclose($in); @fclose($out); @unlink($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); } else { die('{"OK": 0, "info": "Failed to open output stream."}'); } // Check if file has been uploaded if (!$chunks || $chunk == $chunks - 1) { // Strip the temp .part suffix off rename("{$filePath}.part", $filePath); // Get mime type of the file $file = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File($filePath); $mime = $file->getMimeType(); // Save the media link $media->path = $fileName; $media->mimetype = $mime; $media->save(); // Delete old media $media->deleteMediaFolder($media_folder); // Create the directory if (!file_exists($media_folder)) { mkdir($media_folder, 0777, true); } \File::move($filePath, $media_folder . "/{$fileName}"); // Delete tmp media $media->deleteMediaFolder($media_tmp_folder); } die('{"OK": 1, "info": "Upload successful."}'); }
/** * Display a single exhibit. */ public function single($name) { $exhibit = Exhibit::where('permalink', '=', $name); $exhibit = $exhibit->first(); $mediaIDs = json_decode($exhibit->media_ids); $assignedGroup = array(); $imageGroup = array(); if ($exhibit->count()) { // Get the order of media_ids and pass it in to assigned image group if (!is_null($mediaIDs)) { foreach ($mediaIDs as $mediaID) { $media = Media::find($mediaID); $imageGroup[] = $media; } } $assignedImageGroup = DB::table('media')->where('mediable_id', '=', $exhibit->id)->where('mediable_type', '=', 'Exhibit')->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->get(); if (isset($assignedImageGroup) && !is_null($mediaIDs)) { foreach ($assignedImageGroup as $media) { if (!in_array($media->id, $mediaIDs)) { $assignedGroup[] = $media; } } } if (isset($exhibit->video)) { $videoEmbed = array(); $re = "/(?:http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/)(?:www.)?(vimeo|youtube).com\\/(?:watch\\?v=)?(.*?)(?:\\z|&)/"; preg_match($re, $exhibit->video, $out); if (isset($out[1])) { $videoEmbed['source'] = $out[1]; $videoEmbed['id'] = $out[2]; } } return View::make('')->with('videoEmbed', $videoEmbed)->with('exhibit', $exhibit)->with('imageGroup', $imageGroup)->with('assignedGroup', $assignedGroup)->with('page_title', 'Add Exhibits'); } return App::abort(404); }