Пример #1
  * Hooks into wp_enqueue_scripts to bring everything to the front-end.
  * Loads in our main styles and scripts for the /Me front-end. 
  * Uses wp_localize_script to pass along a few parameters to our Marionette app.
  * @since 0.1.0
  * @uses wp_enqueue_scripts()
  * @see localize_modules
 function load_all_scripts()
     global $wp_query;
     if (isset($wp_query->query_vars['me'])) {
         // This clears all current scripts and styles. Open to more elegant solutions here
         global $wp_scripts;
         global $wp_styles;
         $adminBar = $wp_styles->registered['admin-bar'];
         $openSans = $wp_styles->registered['open-sans'];
         $dashicons = $wp_styles->registered['dashicons'];
         $wp_scripts->registered = array();
         $wp_styles->queue = array("admin-bar");
         wp_enqueue_style('me_css', ME__PLUGIN_URL . 'app/css/style.css');
         // wp_register_script( 'main', ME__PLUGIN_URL . '/app/dist/main.js', '', '', true);
         wp_register_script('main', ME__PLUGIN_URL . '/app/build/index.bundle.js', '', '', true);
         wp_localize_script('main', 'meVars', array('js_url' => ME__PLUGIN_URL . '/app/js', 'root_url' => wp_make_link_relative(home_url('/me')) . '/', 'api_url' => home_url('/wp-json/me/v1'), 'active_modules' => Me::localize_modules(), 'plugin_url' => ME__PLUGIN_URL));