     * Get a list of the available columns on the specified table. Used for
     * autocomplete.
     * @param string $table Name of the table
     * @return array List of column names
    public function getColumnNames($table)
        $sql = '';
        switch ($this->_db_type) {
            case 'oci':
                // Cheeky UNION here to allow tab completion to work for both all-upper OR
                // all-lowercase table names (only for MatrixDAL/oci, so users can be lazy)
                $sql = "SELECT column_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = " . mb_strtoupper(MatrixDAL::quote($table)) . " UNION " . "SELECT LOWER(column_name) FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = " . mb_strtoupper(MatrixDAL::quote($table));
            case 'pgsql':
                $sql = <<<EOF
\t\t\t\t\t-- phpsqlc: tab-completion: column-names
\t\t\t\t\tSELECT a.attname FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.attrelid IN (
\t\t\t\t\t    SELECT c.oid
\t\t\t\t\t    FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
\t\t\t\t\t         LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
\t\t\t\t\t    WHERE c.relname = '{$table}' AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
\t\t\t\t\t) AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped;
        // We only know queries for pgsql and oci
        if ($sql === '') {
            return array();
        try {
            $names = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAssoc($sql, 0);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $names = array();
        return $names;
$user_assetids = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getChildren($ROOT_ASSETID, 'user', FALSE);
// if we are only interested in SAML/Oauth linked accounts, make sure we filter those don't
    foreach ($user_assetids as $id => $details) {
        // filter SAML
        $not_linked_saml = FALSE;
        $sql = 'select count(*) from sq_saml_lnk where assetid = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($id);
        $result = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAssoc($sql);
        if (isset($result[0]['count']) && empty($result[0]['count'])) {
            $not_linked_saml = TRUE;
        // filter Oauth
        $not_linked_oauth = FALSE;
        $sql = 'select count(*) from sq_oauth_lnk where matrix_userid = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($id);
        $result = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAssoc($sql);
        if (isset($result[0]['count']) && empty($result[0]['count'])) {
            $not_linked_oauth = TRUE;
        if ($not_linked_saml && $not_linked_oauth) {
// add root node itself in if possible
$root_node_user = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAsset($ROOT_ASSETID);
if ($root_node_user instanceof User) {
    $user_assetids[$ROOT_ASSETID] = array();
echo 'Found ' . count($user_assetids) . ' User asset(s) underneath asset ID #' . $ROOT_ASSETID . "\n";
* Execute the write db query
* @param string $sql
* @return boolean|int
function _executeSql($sql, $bind_vars)
    try {
        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
        foreach ($bind_vars as $bind_var => $bind_value) {
            MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, $bind_var, $bind_value);
        $count = MatrixDAL::execPdoQuery($query);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        global $ERRORS;
        $error = 'DB Exception ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . "SQL: " . $sql;
        foreach ($bind_vars as $key => $val) {
            $error = str_replace(':' . $key, MatrixDAL::quote($val), $error);
        $ERRORS[] = $error;
        return FALSE;
    return $count;
// log in as root
$root_user = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getSystemAsset('root_user');
if (!$GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->setCurrentUser($root_user)) {
    echo "ERROR: Failed login in as root user\n";
// make some noiz
$db = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->db;
$sql = 'SELECT assetid FROM sq_ast WHERE type_code = :type_code';
$query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'type_code', $DELETING_ASSET_TYPE);
$assets_of_type = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query, 0);
foreach ($assets_of_type as $index => $val) {
    $assets_of_type[$index] = MatrixDAL::quote($val);
if (!empty($assets_of_type)) {
    $asset_ids_set = '(' . implode(', ', $assets_of_type) . ')';
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM sq_ast_attr_val WHERE assetid in ' . $asset_ids_set;
    $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM sq_ast_lnk WHERE minorid in ' . $asset_ids_set;
    $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM sq_ast WHERE type_code = :type_code';
    $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
    MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'type_code', $DELETING_ASSET_TYPE);
$sql = 'DELETE FROM sq_ast_attr WHERE type_code = :type_code OR owning_type_code = :owning_type_code';
 * Create SQL statements to delete old shadow links and store them in a file.
 * @param array $links		An array of old shadow links
 * @param string $file		The file to store SQL statements
 * @return void
function save_sql_statements($links, $file)
    // Create a big SQL string with comments in it
    $sql = '';
    foreach ($links as $link) {
        $sql .= 'DELETE FROM sq_shdw_ast_lnk WHERE linkid=' . MatrixDAL::quote($link['linkid']) . '; -- link_type=' . $link['link_type'] . ', majorid=' . $link['majorid'] . ', minorid=' . $link['minorid'] . "\n";
    // Save the SQL string to file
    if (file_put_contents($file, $sql) === FALSE) {
        echo "\nERROR: Can not write SQL statements to {$file}\n\n";
    } else {
        echo "\nThe SQL statements to delete the old shadow links are saved to {$file}\n\n";
     $assets_of_type[$index] = MatrixDAL::quote($asset_id);
 $asset_ids_set = '(' . implode(', ', $assets_of_type) . ')';
 $sql = 'SELECT linkid FROM sq_ast_lnk WHERE minorid in ' . $asset_ids_set . ' OR majorid in ' . $asset_ids_set;
 $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
 // bugfix #3820
 $res = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query);
 // bugfix #3849 Script remove_assets_of_type.php leaves unwanted table entries
 // while deleting the link make sure we call asset_manager function to do the same
 // we should not be just deleting the links and treeids from the table as it can
 // lead to unexpected behaviour. for more information see the Bug report
 if (!empty($res)) {
     $links_array = array();
     foreach ($res as $value) {
         array_push($links_array, MatrixDAL::quote($value['linkid']));
     $links_set = '(' . implode(', ', $links_array) . ')';
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM sq_ast_lnk WHERE linkid in ' . $links_set;
     $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
 // we need to delete asset from sq_ast table after deleteAssetLink() call
 // or else then function call will throw errors.
 $sql = 'DELETE FROM sq_ast_attr_val WHERE assetid in ' . $asset_ids_set;
 $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
 $sql = 'DELETE FROM sq_ast WHERE type_code = :type_code';
 $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
 MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'type_code', $DELETING_ASSET_TYPE);
* Remove internal messages
* @param string	$period		The period to remove internal messages before
* @param string	$user_from	The userid that the message is sent from
* @param string	$user_to	The userid that the message is sent to
* @param string	$msg_type	The type of internal message to remove, e.g. asset.linking.create, cron.*
* @param string	$msg_status	The status of internal message to remove, e.g. U or D
* @param array	$assetids	The asset id's to delete messages for.
* @return void
* @access public
function purge_internal_message($period, $user_from = '', $user_to = '', $msg_type = '', $msg_status = '', $assetids = array())
    global $db, $QUIET, $SHOW_QUERY_ONLY;
    $bind_vars = array();
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM' . "\n";
    $sql .= '    ' . SQ_TABLE_RUNNING_PREFIX . 'internal_msg' . "\n";
    $sql .= 'WHERE' . "\n";
    $sql .= '    sent <= :sent_before' . "\n";
    $bind_vars['sent_before'] = $period;
    $userids = array(array('field_name' => 'userfrom', 'value' => (string) $user_from), array('field_name' => 'userto', 'value' => (string) $user_to));
    foreach ($userids as $userid) {
        if (strlen(trim($userid['value'])) != 0) {
            if ($userid['value'] == 'all') {
                // All messages sent from/to users
                $sql .= '    AND ' . $userid['field_name'] . ' <> ' . MatrixDAL::quote('0') . "\n";
            } else {
                if (strpos($userid['value'], ':') !== FALSE) {
                    // Multiple userids found
                    $ids = explode(':', $userid['value']);
                    if (count($ids) >= 1) {
                        $sql .= '    AND (';
                        foreach ($ids as $id) {
                            if (strlen(trim($id)) == 0) {
                            if (trim($id) == 'all') {
                            if (strpos($id, '*') !== FALSE && substr($id, -1) == '*') {
                                $sql .= $userid['field_name'] . ' LIKE ' . MatrixDAL::quote(substr($id, 0, -1) . ':%') . ' OR ';
                            } else {
                                $sql .= $userid['field_name'] . ' = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($id) . ' OR ';
                        $sql = substr($sql, 0, -4) . ')' . "\n";
                } else {
                    // Single Userid found
                    if (strpos($userid['value'], '*') !== FALSE && substr($userid['value'], -1) == '*') {
                        $sql .= '    AND ' . $userid['field_name'] . ' LIKE ' . MatrixDAL::quote(substr($userid['value'], 0, -1) . ':%') . "\n";
                    } else {
                        $sql .= '    AND ' . $userid['field_name'] . ' = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($userid['value']) . "\n";
    //end foreach userids
    // Type of message
    if (!empty($msg_type)) {
        if (strpos($msg_type, '*') !== FALSE && substr($msg_type, -1) == '*') {
            $sql .= '    AND type LIKE :msg_type' . "\n";
            $bind_vars['msg_type'] = substr($msg_type, 0, -1) . '%';
        } else {
            $sql .= '    AND type = :msg_type' . "\n";
            $bind_vars['msg_type'] = $msg_type;
    // Message Status
    if (!empty($msg_status)) {
        if (strpos($msg_status, ':') !== FALSE) {
            $tmp = explode(':', $msg_status);
            $sql .= '    and status IN (';
            foreach ($tmp as $token) {
                $sql .= MatrixDAL::quote($token) . ', ';
            $sql = substr($sql, 0, -2) . ")\n";
        } else {
            $sql .= '    AND status = :msg_status' . "\n";
            $bind_vars['msg_status'] = $msg_status;
    if (!empty($assetids)) {
        $sql .= ' and assetid IN (';
        foreach ($assetids as $_id => $assetid) {
            $sql .= MatrixDAL::quote($assetid) . ', ';
        $sql = substr($sql, 0, -2) . ")\n";
    $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
    foreach ($bind_vars as $bind_var => $bind_value) {
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, $bind_var, $bind_value);
    $affected_rows = MatrixDAL::getDbType() == 'oci' ? oci_num_rows($query) : $query->rowCount();
    if (!$QUIET) {
        echo "\n" . $affected_rows . ' INTERNAL MESSAGES ' . ($SHOW_QUERY_ONLY ? 'CAN BE ' : '') . 'DELETED' . "\n\n";
    if ($SHOW_QUERY_ONLY) {
        echo str_repeat('*', 50) . "\n";
        echo '* Expected SQL query to run' . "\n";
        echo str_repeat('*', 50) . "\n";
        echo $sql;
        echo str_repeat('*', 50) . "\n";
$workflows_to_update = array();
$assets_to_update = array();
if (!empty($assets_should_not_have_workflow)) {
    echo "\nFollowing assets are found to be in running workflow state but not in workflow status\n";
    foreach ($assets_should_not_have_workflow as $data) {
        echo "#" . $data['assetid'] . " has status " . $data['status'] . "\n";
        $workflows_to_update[$data['assetid']] = MatrixDAL::quote($data['assetid']);
if (!empty($assets_should_have_workflow)) {
    echo "\nFollowing assets are found to be in workflow status but not in running workflow state\n";
    foreach ($assets_should_have_workflow as $data) {
        echo "#" . $data['assetid'] . " has status " . $data['status'] . "\n";
        $assets_to_update[$data['assetid']] = MatrixDAL::quote($data['assetid']);
$content = ob_get_contents();
if ($toFix) {
    if (!empty($workflows_to_update)) {
        // Break up the assets into chunks of 1000 so that oracle does not complain
        $in_clauses = array();
        foreach (array_chunk($workflows_to_update, 999) as $chunk) {
            $in_clauses[] = ' assetid IN (' . implode(', ', $chunk) . ')';
        $where = '(' . implode(' OR ', $in_clauses) . ')';
        $sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_wflow SET wflow = null WHERE ' . $where;
$query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'assetid', $asset->id);
MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'subfolder_assetid', $sub_folder->id);
MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'inhd_type_code', 'form_submission');
MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'created_from', $from_value);
MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'created_to', $to_value);
$assetids = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query, 0);
if (empty($assetids)) {
    echo "No form submission found for '{$asset->name}' (#{$assetid}) within the specified date range\n";
echo 'Found ' . count($assetids) . " form submission(s) for '{$asset->name}' (#{$assetid})\n(Date range: {$from_value} to {$to_value})\n";
$unquoted_assetids = $assetids;
// quote the assetids to be used in the IN clause
foreach ($assetids as $key => $assetid) {
    $assetids[$key] = MatrixDAL::quote((string) $assetid);
// break up the assets into chunks of 1000 so that oracle does not complain
$assetid_in = array();
foreach (array_chunk($assetids, 999) as $chunk) {
    $assetid_in[] = ' assetid IN (' . implode(', ', $chunk) . ')';
$in_assetid = '(' . implode(' OR ', $assetid_in) . ')';
$assetid_in = array();
foreach (array_chunk($assetids, 999) as $chunk) {
    $assetid_in[] = ' minorid IN (' . implode(', ', $chunk) . ')';
$in_minorid = '(' . implode(' OR ', $assetid_in) . ')';
$assetid_in = array();
foreach (array_chunk($assetids, 999) as $chunk) {
    $assetid_in[] = ' majorid IN (' . implode(', ', $chunk) . ')';
Пример #10
$sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_attr_val
				SET custom_val = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($new_dn) . '
				WHERE ' . (MatrixDAL::getDbType() === 'oci' ? 'DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(custom_val, 2000, 1)' : 'custom_val') . ' = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($old_dn) . '
				AND attrid IN (SELECT attrid FROM sq_ast_attr WHERE type=\'assetid\')';
$result = MatrixDAL::executeSql($sql);
printActionName('Changing asset roles');
$sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_role
				SET userid = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($new_dn) . '
				WHERE userid = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($old_dn);
$result = MatrixDAL::executeSql($sql);
printActionName('Changing asset roles (rollback)');
$sql = 'UPDATE sq_rb_ast_role
				SET userid = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($new_dn) . '
				WHERE userid = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($old_dn);
$result = MatrixDAL::executeSql($sql);
if (!empty($existing_links)) {
    echo "Few links in sq_shdw_ast_lnk table were already updated prior to running script.\n";
    echo "Links for old DN under following parents need to be fixed manually\n";
    foreach ($existing_links as $index => $link) {
        echo "{$index}) {$link}\n";
* Prints the name of the action currently being performed as a padded string
* Pads action to 40 columns
							num_kids = num_kids - 1
							treeid in (' . $sub_sql . ')';
                $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
                MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'linkid', $link['linkid']);
                // we can delete all the links under these nodes because it will be a clean start
                // when we insert into the gap's we create below
                $sub_sql = 'SELECT
								sq_ast_lnk_tree pt,
								sq_ast_lnk_tree ct
									pt.linkid = :linkid
								AND	ct.treeid LIKE pt.treeid || ' . MatrixDAL::quote('%') . '
								AND	ct.treeid > pt.treeid';
                $sql = 'DELETE FROM
							treeid in (' . $sub_sql . ')';
                $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
                MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'linkid', $link['linkid']);
                // we are going to set the treeid nodes that this link is associated
                // with to zero so that we can find it as a gap when we createLink() later on
                $sql = 'UPDATE
							linkid = :linkid,
							num_kids = :num_kids
                if (!empty($ERRORS)) {
                    break 2;
        //end foreach assetids chunk
    //end foreach records
//end foreach tables
// Ok this bit is not quite related to rest of the script
// Get the all notice links and check if minor assetid is outside the site to keeep
$sql = 'SELECT majorid, minorid, value
		FROM sq_ast_lnk
			link_type = ' . MatrixDAL::quote(SQ_LINK_NOTICE);
$results = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAssoc($sql);
foreach ($results as $row) {
    $majorid = $row['majorid'];
    $minorid = $row['minorid'];
    $link_value = $row['value'];
    // Report major ids that are in 'site to keep' but whose minor id is not
    if (isset($KEEP_ASSETIDS[$majorid]) && !isset($KEEP_ASSETIDS[$minorid])) {
        if (isset($DELETE_ASSETIDS[$minorid])) {
            $REPORT['notice_links'][] = $majorid . ',' . $minorid . ',' . $link_value . ',1';
        } else {
            $REPORT['notice_links'][] = $majorid . ',' . $minorid . ',' . $link_value . ',0';
//end foreach
* Ensures the sort order is linear taking into account the existing sort_order
* Begins from the provided root node and cleans all branches stemming from the provided root node
* Note: This is based on Tom's Tool_Asset_Sorter - the difference: Tom's tool is not based on existing sort_order and does not recurse
* @param array	$todo	Parents to sort
* @param array	$done	Parents done sorting
* @return boolean
* @access public
function sortAssets($todo, $done)
    if (!empty($todo)) {
        $parentid = array_shift($todo);
        // order by existing sort_order
        // only concerned with TYPE_1 and TYPE_2
        // retrieve minorids as well because we need them for the recursive behaviour implemented towards the end of this routine
        $sql = 'SELECT linkid, minorid
				FROM sq_ast_lnk
				WHERE majorid = :parentid
					AND link_type IN (' . MatrixDAL::quote(SQ_LINK_TYPE_1) . ', ' . MatrixDAL::quote(SQ_LINK_TYPE_2) . ')
				ORDER BY sort_order ASC';
        try {
            $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
            MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'parentid', $parentid);
            $results = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception('Unable to get linkids for parent: ' . $parentid . ' due to database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
        echo "\n" . '- Updating the sort order for kids of: #' . $parentid . '...';
        // separate results
        $childids = $linkids = array();
        foreach ($results as $row) {
            // linkids used to update the sort_order
            $linkids[] = $row['linkid'];
            // childids used to look for more parents
            $childids[] = $row['minorid'];
        if (!empty($linkids)) {
            // there is a limit to CASE statement size in Oracle, that limits it to
            // 127 WHEN-THEN pairs (in theory), so limit to 127 at a time on Oracle
            $db_type = MatrixDAL::getDbType();
            if ($db_type == 'oci') {
                $chunk_size = 127;
            } else {
                $chunk_size = 500;
            foreach (array_chunk($linkids, $chunk_size, TRUE) as $chunk) {
                $cases = '';
                foreach ($chunk as $i => $linkid) {
                    $cases .= 'WHEN (linkid = ' . $linkid . ') THEN ' . $i . ' ';
                $sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_lnk
						SET sort_order = CASE ' . $cases . ' ELSE sort_order END
						WHERE linkid IN (' . implode(', ', $chunk) . ')';
                try {
                    $result = MatrixDAL::executeSql($sql);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    throw new Exception('Unable to update sort_order for parent: ' . $parentid . ' due to database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
        // ensure we do not update this parent again
        if (!in_array($parentid, $done)) {
            $done[] = $parentid;
        echo ' [done]';
        // check each child of the parent to see if the parent is a grandparent (i.e. parent's children have children)
        // only examining 1 level deep at a time
        if (!empty($childids)) {
            echo "\n\t" . '- Searching immediate children of: #' . $parentid . ' for branches';
            foreach ($childids as $assetid) {
                // check we have not processed it yet
                if (!in_array($assetid, $done)) {
                    // these are the kids that we have already sorted
                    // check to see if they are parents as well
                    // shadow asset links are ignored
                    $sql = 'SELECT minorid
							FROM sq_ast_lnk
							WHERE majorid = :assetid';
                    try {
                        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
                        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'assetid', $assetid);
                        $children = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query);
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        throw new Exception('Unable to check children of parent: ' . $parentid . ' due to database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
                    if (!empty($children) && count($children) > 1) {
                        // we have a potential new parent
                        // check that the returned children contain at least one TYPE 1 or 2 linked asset
                        // e.g. asset could just be tagged with a thesaurus term (shadow link), meaning it is not a valid parent
                        $valid = FALSE;
                        foreach ($children as $grandchild) {
                            $link = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getLink($grandchild['minorid'], NULL, '', TRUE, NULL, 'minor');
                            if (!empty($link) && ($link['link_type'] == SQ_LINK_TYPE_1 || $link['link_type'] == SQ_LINK_TYPE_2)) {
                                $valid = TRUE;
                        if ($valid) {
                            echo "\n\t\t#" . $assetid . ' is a parent with kids that will be sorted';
                            $todo[] = $assetid;
        echo "\n" . '* ' . count($todo) . ' items left to process' . "\n";
        echo '* Using ' . round(memory_get_usage() / 1048576, 2) . ' MB' . "\n";
        sortAssets($todo, $done);
    } else {
        // there are no more items to process
        return TRUE;
 * delete remaps
 * @params $remaps array
 * @return null
function deleteRemaps($remaps)
    $count = 0;
    // chunck to small batches, so oracle can accept the sql
    foreach (array_chunk($remaps, 100) as $chunk) {
        $urls = array();
        foreach ($chunk as $data) {
            $urls[] = MatrixDAL::quote($data['url']);
        $remaps_sql = implode(', ', $urls);
        $sql = 'DELETE FROM sq_ast_lookup_remap WHERE url in (' . $remaps_sql . ')';
        try {
            $count += MatrixDAL::executeSql($sql);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception('Unable to delete remaps due to database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
        //end try-catch
    return $count;
function renameTerm($fieldids, $old_term, $new_term)
    // Do the rename per asset and play nice with ORACLE
    $chunk_size = 1000;
    $field_chunks = array_chunk($fieldids, $chunk_size);
    foreach ($field_chunks as $field_chunk) {
        // Quoting Shakespeare
        foreach ($field_chunk as $index => $field_assetid) {
            $field_chunk[$index] = MatrixDAL::quote($field_assetid);
        //end foreach
        $sql = "SELECT value, assetid, fieldid, contextid FROM sq_ast_mdata_val WHERE value like '{$old_term},%' OR value like '%,{$old_term}' OR value like '%,{$old_term},%'";
        $results = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAssoc($sql);
        if (!empty($results)) {
            foreach ($results as $index => $result) {
                $asset_id = $result['assetid'];
                $value = $result['value'];
                $field_id = $result['fieldid'];
                $contextid = $result['contextid'];
                $pattern_1 = '/(.*)' . $old_term . '$/';
                $pattern_2 = '/^' . $old_term . '(.*)/';
                $pattern_3 = '/(.*)' . $old_term . '(.*)/';
                $replacement_1 = '$1' . $new_term;
                $replacement_2 = $new_term . '$1';
                $replacement_3 = '$1' . $new_term . '$2';
                if (preg_match($pattern_2, $value)) {
                    $new_value = preg_replace($pattern_2, $replacement_2, $value);
                } else {
                    if (preg_match($pattern_1, $value)) {
                        $new_value = preg_replace($pattern_1, $replacement_1, $value);
                    } else {
                        $new_value = preg_replace($pattern_3, $replacement_3, $value);
                // Run the Query against the current assetid
                if (MatrixDAL::getDbType() === 'oci') {
                    $sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_mdata_val SET value=:new_value WHERE TO_CHAR(value)=:old_value AND contextid=:contextid AND fieldid=:fieldid AND assetid=:assetid';
                } else {
                    $sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_mdata_val SET value=:new_value WHERE value=:old_value AND contextid=:contextid AND fieldid=:fieldid AND assetid=:assetid';
                //end if
                try {
                    $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
                    MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'new_value', $new_value);
                    MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'old_value', $value);
                    MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'contextid', $contextid);
                    MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'fieldid', $field_id);
                    MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'assetid', $asset_id);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    throw new Exception('DB Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
        // Run the Query against the current assetid
        if (MatrixDAL::getDbType() === 'oci') {
            $sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_mdata_val SET value=:new_term WHERE TO_CHAR(value)=:old_term AND fieldid IN (' . implode(',', $field_chunk) . ')';
        } else {
            $sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_mdata_val SET value=:new_term WHERE value=:old_term AND fieldid IN (' . implode(',', $field_chunk) . ')';
        //end if
        // Update EVERYTHING
        try {
            $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
            MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'new_term', $new_term);
            MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'old_term', $old_term);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception('DB Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
* Re-creates the link tree table starting from th
* @param string		$majorid	the ID of the asset whose children to recreate
* @param string		$path		the path so far
* @return void
* @access public
function recurse_tree_create($majorid, $path)
    global $db, $index, $echo_i, $pgdb, $no_ddl;
    foreach ($index[$majorid] as $i => $data) {
        $treeid = $path . asset_link_treeid_convert($i, true);
        $num_kids = empty($index[$data['minorid']]) ? 0 : count($index[$data['minorid']]);
        if ($pgdb && !$no_ddl) {
            $sql = $treeid . "\t" . (string) $data['linkid'] . "\t" . (string) $num_kids;
        } else {
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO sq_ast_lnk_tree (treeid, linkid, num_kids) VALUES (' . MatrixDAL::quote($treeid) . ',' . MatrixDAL::quote((int) $data['linkid']) . ',' . MatrixDAL::quote($num_kids) . ');';
        echo $sql, "\n";
        if ($echo_i % 200 == 0) {
            fwrite(STDERR, '.');
        if ($num_kids) {
            recurse_tree_create($data['minorid'], $treeid);
    //end foreach
$exclude_user_string = getCLIArg('excludeuser');
$exclude_user_sql = '';
if (!empty($exclude_user_string)) {
    $exclude_users = explode(',', $exclude_user_string);
    foreach ($exclude_users as $key => $value) {
        $exclude_users[$key] = MatrixDAL::quote($exclude_users[$key]);
    $exclude_user_sql = ' AND userid NOT IN (' . implode(', ', $exclude_users) . ')';
// permission type condition
$type_string = getCLIArg('type');
$type_sql = '';
if (!empty($type_string)) {
    $types = explode(',', $type_string);
    foreach ($types as $key => $value) {
        $types[$key] = MatrixDAL::quote($types[$key]);
    $type_sql = ' AND permission IN (' . implode(', ', $types) . ')';
$sql = $sql . $in_clause_sql . $include_user_sql . $exclude_user_sql . $type_sql;
// confirmation to proceed
$message = "This script is about to remove ALL permissions for assets under root node:" . $root_nodes_string;
if (!empty($include_user_string)) {
    $message .= " assigned to user:"******" excluding user:"******" with permission type:" . $type_string;