function OnLoadPageData()
     # Require an API key to include personal contact details to avoid spam bots picking them up
     $api_keys = $this->GetSettings()->GetApiKeys();
     $valid_key = false;
     if (isset($_GET['key']) and in_array($_GET['key'], $api_keys)) {
         $valid_key = true;
     $data = array();
     $data[] = array("Match id", "Title", "Start time", "Match type", "Overs", "Player type", "Players per team", "Latitude", "Longitude", "SAON", "PAON", "Town", "Website", "Description");
     require_once 'stoolball/match-manager.class.php';
     require_once "search/match-search-adapter.class.php";
     $match_manager = new MatchManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     while ($match_manager->MoveNext()) {
         $match = $match_manager->GetItem();
         $adapter = new MatchSearchAdapter($match);
         /* @var $match Match */
         # Add this match to the data array
         $data[] = array($match->GetId(), $match->GetTitle(), Date::Microformat($match->GetStartTime()), MatchType::Text($match->GetMatchType()), $match->GetOvers(), PlayerType::Text($match->GetPlayerType()), $match->GetMaximumPlayersPerTeam(), $match->GetGround() instanceof Ground ? $match->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLatitude() : "", $match->GetGround() instanceof Ground ? $match->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLongitude() : "", $match->GetGround() instanceof Ground ? $match->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetSaon() : "", $match->GetGround() instanceof Ground ? $match->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetPaon() : "", $match->GetGround() instanceof Ground ? $match->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetTown() : "", "https://" . $this->GetSettings()->GetDomain() . $match->GetNavigateUrl(), $adapter->GetSearchDescription());
     require_once "data/csv.class.php";
     # Test code only. Comment out CSV publish line above to enable display as a table.
     require_once "xhtml/tables/xhtml-table.class.php";
     $table = new XhtmlTable();
     $table->BindArray($data, false, false);
     echo $table;
 protected function OnPreRender()
     /* @var $match Match */
     $b_label_types = count($this->label_types);
     $i_next_match_day = 0;
     if ($this->b_microformats) {
     # hCalendar
     foreach ($this->matches as $match) {
         # Create list item for match
         $li = new XhtmlElement('li');
         $i_next_match_day = $this->AddDateClasses($match, $i_next_match_day, $li);
         # Add link to match
         $link = $this->CreateLinkToMatch($match);
         # add match type if not default for season
         if ($b_label_types and in_array($match->GetMatchType(), $this->label_types, true) and strpos($match->GetTitle(), MatchType::Text($match->GetMatchType())) === false) {
             $li->AddControl(' (' . htmlentities(MatchType::Text($match->GetMatchType()), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . ')');
         $match_detail = new XhtmlElement("p", null, "match-detail");
         # Add match date
         if ($match->GetStartTime()) {
             $date = $this->CreateStartDate($match);
             if ($match->GetMatchType() == MatchType::TOURNAMENT_MATCH) {
         # More tournament info
         if ($match->GetMatchType() === MatchType::TOURNAMENT) {
             $fullstop = false;
             if ($match->GetQualificationType() === MatchQualification::OPEN_TOURNAMENT) {
                 $match_detail->AddControl(". ");
                 $fullstop = true;
                 $match_detail->AddControl("Open. ");
             } else {
                 if ($match->GetQualificationType() === MatchQualification::CLOSED_TOURNAMENT) {
                     $match_detail->AddControl(". ");
                     $fullstop = true;
                     $match_detail->AddControl("Invited teams only. ");
             if ($match->GetSpacesLeftInTournament() and $match->GetQualificationType() !== MatchQualification::CLOSED_TOURNAMENT) {
                 if (!$fullstop) {
                     $match_detail->AddControl(". ");
                     $fullstop = true;
                 $match_detail->AddControl('<strong class="spaces-left">' . $match->GetSpacesLeftInTournament() . " spaces.</strong> ");
         # Add meta data
         if ($this->b_microformats) {
             $this->AddMetadata($match, $li);
  * Gets text to use as the description of this match in search results
 public function GetSearchDescription()
     $description = "";
     # Display match type/season/tournament
     if ($this->match->GetMatchType() == MatchType::TOURNAMENT_MATCH) {
         $o_tourney = $this->match->GetTournament();
         if (is_object($o_tourney)) {
             # Check for 'the' to get the grammar right
             $s_title = strtolower($o_tourney->GetTitle());
             $the = (strlen($s_title) >= 4 and substr($s_title, 0, 4) == 'the ') ? "" : "the ";
             $description = "Match in {$the}" . $o_tourney->GetTitle();
             if (is_object($this->match->GetGround())) {
                 $description .= " at " . $this->match->GetGround()->GetNameAndTown();
             $description .= ".";
     } else {
         $description = "Stoolball " . MatchType::Text($this->match->GetMatchType());
         if (is_object($this->match->GetGround())) {
             $description .= " at " . $this->match->GetGround()->GetNameAndTown();
         if ($this->match->GetMatchType() != MatchType::TOURNAMENT) {
             $season_list = "";
             if ($this->match->Seasons()->GetCount() == 1) {
                 $season = $this->match->Seasons()->GetFirst();
                 $b_the = !(stristr($season->GetCompetition()->GetName(), 'the ') === 0);
                 $description .= ' in ' . ($b_the ? 'the ' : '') . $season->GetCompetition()->GetName();
             } elseif ($this->match->Seasons()->GetCount() > 1) {
                 $description .= ' in ';
                 $seasons = $this->match->Seasons()->GetItems();
                 $total_seasons = count($seasons);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $total_seasons; $i++) {
                     $season = $seasons[$i];
                     /* @var $season Season */
                     $description .= $season->GetCompetition()->GetName();
                     if ($i < $total_seasons - 2) {
                         $description .= ', ';
                     } else {
                         if ($i < $total_seasons - 1) {
                             $description .= ' and ';
             $description .= $season_list;
         $description .= '.';
     return $description;
Пример #4
 public function convertSqlToJob(SQLTokenIterator $tokens)
     $alterJob = new AlterStatement();
     if ($tokens->getCurrentTokenNumber() !== SqlToken::T_ALTER()) {
         throw new ErrorException("Tried to parse an ALTER statement when token-iterator does not point to T_ALTER!");
     if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_TABLE())) {
         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing TABLE for ALTER statement!", $tokens);
     if (!$this->tableParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing Table-Specifier for ALTER TABLE statement!");
     $dataChange = new AlterTableDataChange();
     do {
         switch (true) {
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_ADD()):
                 $isInParenthesises = $tokens->seekTokenText('(');
                 do {
                     switch (true) {
                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_COLUMN()):
                             if ($tokens->seekTokenText('(')) {
                                 do {
                                     if (!$this->columnDefinitionParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing column definition after ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN!", $tokens);
                                     $alterJob->addDataChange(clone $dataChange);
                                 } while ($tokens->seekTokenText(','));
                                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenText(')')) {
                                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing ending parenthesis after column list", $tokens);
                             } else {
                                 if (!$this->columnDefinitionParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing column definition after ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN!", $tokens);
                                 $alterJob->addDataChange(clone $dataChange);
                         case $this->columnDefinitionParser->canParseTokens($tokens):
                             $alterJob->addDataChange(clone $dataChange);
                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_PRIMARY(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT(), T_STRING]):
                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_UNIQUE(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT(), T_STRING]):
                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_FOREIGN(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT(), T_STRING]):
                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_FULLTEXT()):
                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_SPATIAL()):
                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_INDEX()):
                             $indexJob = new IndexJob();
                             if ($tokens->isTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT(), TokenIterator::PREVIOUS)) {
                                 $beforeIndex = $tokens->getIndex();
                                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING, TokenIterator::PREVIOUS)) {
                                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing constraing-symbol T_STRING after T_CONSTRAINT!", $tokens);
                             $needsReferenceDefinition = false;
                             switch ($tokens->getCurrentTokenNumber()) {
                                 case SqlToken::T_PRIMARY():
                                     if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_KEY())) {
                                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_KEY after T_FOREIGN!", $tokens);
                                 case SqlToken::T_UNIQUE():
                                 case SqlToken::T_FOREIGN():
                                     if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_KEY())) {
                                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_KEY after T_FOREIGN!", $tokens);
                                     $needsReferenceDefinition = true;
                                 case SqlToken::T_FULLTEXT():
                                 case SqlToken::T_SPATIAL():
                             if (!$indexJob->getIsPrimary() && $tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                             if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                             if (!$tokens->seekTokenText('(')) {
                                 throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing beginning parenthesis for defining columns for PRIMARY KEY index!", $tokens);
                             do {
                                 if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid column-specifier in defining columns for PRIMARY KEY index!", $tokens);
                             } while ($tokens->seekTokenText(','));
                             if (!$tokens->seekTokenText(')')) {
                                 throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing ending parenthesis for defining columns for PRIMARY KEY index!", $tokens);
                             if ($needsReferenceDefinition) {
                                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_REFERENCES())) {
                                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing reference-definition in foreign-constraint-definition!", $tokens);
                                 if (!$this->tableParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing table-definition in foreign-constraint-definition!", $tokens);
                                 $fkTable = $this->tableParser->convertSqlToJob($tokens);
                                 # columns in index
                                 if ($tokens->seekTokenText('(')) {
                                     do {
                                         if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid column in column-list for defining index!", $tokens);
                                         $fkColumn = $this->columnParser->convertSqlToJob($tokens);
                                     } while ($tokens->seekTokenText(','));
                                     if (!$tokens->seekTokenText(')')) {
                                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing closing parenthesis at column-list for index!", $tokens);
                                 if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_MATCH())) {
                                     switch (true) {
                                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_FULL()):
                                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_PARTIAL()):
                                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_SIMPLE()):
                                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid match parameter for foreign key!", $tokens);
                                 while ($tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_ON())) {
                                     switch (true) {
                                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DELETE()):
                                             switch (true) {
                                                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_RESTRICT()):
                                                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CASCADE()):
                                                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_SET()) && $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_NULL()):
                                                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_NO()) && $tokens->seekTokenText('ACTION'):
                                                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid reference-option for foreign key ON DELETE option!", $tokens);
                                         case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_UPDATE()):
                                             switch (true) {
                                                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_RESTRICT()):
                                                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CASCADE()):
                                                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_SET()) && $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_NULL()):
                                                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_NO()) && $tokens->seekTokenText('ACTION'):
                                                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid reference-option for foreign key ON UPDATE option!", $tokens);
                                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid ON event for foreign key (allowed are UPDATE and DELETE)!", $tokens);
                             $alterJob->addDataChange(clone $dataChange);
                 } while ($isInParenthesises && $tokens->seekTokenText(','));
                 if ($isInParenthesises && !$tokens->seekTokenText(')')) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing closing parenthesis after ALTER ADD statement!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_ALTER()):
                 if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing column-specification for ALTER COLUMN statement!", $tokens);
                 switch (true) {
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_SET()):
                         if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DEFAULT())) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_DEFAULT for ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN SET DEFAULT statement", $tokens);
                         if (!$this->valueParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing new valid value for DEFAULT value!");
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DROP()):
                         if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DEFAULT())) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_DEFAULT for ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN SET DEFAULT statement", $tokens);
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid action (SET or DROP) for ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN statement!", $tokens);
                 $alterJob->addDataChange(clone $dataChange);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CHANGE()):
                 if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing column-specification for ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN statement!", $tokens);
                 if (!$this->columnDefinitionParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing valid column-definiton for ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN statement!", $tokens);
                 switch (true) {
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_FIRST()):
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_AFTER()):
                         if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing column specifier for ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN AFTER statement!", $tokens);
                 $alterJob->addDataChange(clone $dataChange);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_MODIFY()):
                 if (!$this->columnDefinitionParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing valid column definition for ALTER TABLE MODIFY COLUMN statement!", $tokens);
                 switch (true) {
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_FIRST()):
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_AFTER()):
                         if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing column specifier for ALTER TABLE MODIFY COLUMN AFTER statement!", $tokens);
                 $alterJob->addDataChange(clone $dataChange);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DROP()):
                 switch (true) {
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_COLUMN()):
                         if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing valid column specificator for ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN statement!", $tokens);
                     case $this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens):
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_PRIMARY()):
                         if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_KEY())) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_KEY after T_PRIMARY for ALTER TABLE DROP PRIMARY KEY statement!");
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_FOREIGN()):
                         if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_KEY())) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_KEY after T_FOREIGN for ALTER TABLE DROP FOREIGN KEY statement!", $tokens);
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_INDEX()):
                         if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing index name for ALTER TABLE DROP INDEX statement!", $tokens);
                 $alterJob->addDataChange(clone $dataChange);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DISABLE()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenText(SqlToken::T_KEYS())) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_KEYS after T_DISABLE!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_ENABLE()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenText(SqlToken::T_KEYS())) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_KEYS after T_DISABLE!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_RENAME()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_TO())) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_TO after T_RENAME for ALTER TABLE RENAME TO statement!", $tokens);
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing new table-name for ALTER TABLE RENAME TO statement!", $tokens);
                 $alterJob->addDataChange(clone $dataChange);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_ORDER()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_BY())) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing BY after ORDER in ALTER TABLE ORDER BY statement!", $tokens);
                 if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing column specifier for ALTER TABLE ORDER BY statement!", $tokens);
                 switch (true) {
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DESC()):
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_ASC()):
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CHARACTER(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [SqlToken::T_DEFAULT()]):
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CHARACTER(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [SqlToken::T_CONVERT(), SqlToken::T_TO()]):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_SET())) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_SET after T_CHARACTER for ALTER TABLE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET statement!", $tokens);
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing character-set specifier for ALTER TABLE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET statement!", $tokens);
                 $alterJob->addDataChange(clone $dataChange);
                 if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_COLLATE())) {
                     if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing collation-specifier for ALTER TABLE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET COLLATE statement!", $tokens);
                     $alterJob->addDataChange(clone $dataChange);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DISCARD()):
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_IMPORT()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_TABLESPACE())) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_TABLESPACE after T_DISCARD or T_IMPORT!", $tokens);
     } while ($tokens->seekTokenText(','));
     return $alterJob;
 function CreateControls()
     /* @var $team Team */
     /* @var $comp Competition */
     $season = $this->GetDataObject();
     /* @var $season Season */
     require_once 'xhtml/forms/form-part.class.php';
     require_once 'xhtml/forms/textbox.class.php';
     require_once 'xhtml/forms/radio-button.class.php';
     require_once 'xhtml/forms/checkbox.class.php';
     # Show fewer options for a new season than when editing, beacause a new season gets settings copied from last year to save time
     $b_is_new_season = !(bool) $season->GetId();
     # Add competition
     $comp = $season->GetCompetition();
     $competition = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'competition', $comp->GetId());
     # Make current short URL available, because then it can match the suggested one and be left alone
     $short_url = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'ShortUrl', $season->GetShortUrl());
     # add years
     $start_box = new TextBox('start', is_null($season->GetStartYear()) ? Date::Year(gmdate('U')) : $season->GetStartYear(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
     $start_box->AddAttribute('maxlength', 4);
     $start = new FormPart('Year season starts', $start_box);
     $summer = new RadioButton('summer', 'when', 'Summer season', 0);
     $winter = new RadioButton('winter', 'when', 'Winter season', 1);
     if ($season->GetEndYear() > $season->GetStartYear()) {
     } else {
     $when = new XhtmlElement('div', $summer);
     $when_legend = new XhtmlElement('legend', 'Time of year');
     $when_fs = new XhtmlElement('fieldset', $when_legend);
     # add intro
     $intro_box = new TextBox('intro', $season->GetIntro(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
     $intro = new FormPart('Introduction', $intro_box);
     if (!$b_is_new_season) {
         # add types of matches
         if (!$this->IsPostback() or $this->b_saving_new and $this->IsValidSubmit()) {
             foreach ($season->MatchTypes()->GetItems() as $i_type) {
                 $this->match_types_editor->DataObjects()->Add(new IdValue($i_type, ucfirst(MatchType::Text($i_type))));
         $this->AddControl(new FormPart('Match types', $this->match_types_editor));
         # add results
         $result_container = new XhtmlElement('div');
         $result_box = new TextBox('results', $season->GetResults(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
         $result = new FormPart('Results', $result_container);
         $result->GetLabel()->AddAttribute('for', $result_box->GetXhtmlId());
         # Add rules table
         $rules = new XhtmlTable();
         $rules->SetCaption('Points for each result');
         $header = new XhtmlRow(array('Result', 'Points for home team', 'Points for away team'));
         foreach ($this->result_types as $result) {
             /* @var $result MatchResult */
             # Shouldn't ever need to assign points to a postponed match
             if ($result->GetResultType() == MatchResult::POSTPONED) {
             # Populate result with points from season rule
             while ($season->PossibleResults()->MoveNext()) {
                 if ($season->PossibleResults()->GetItem()->GetResultType() == $result->GetResultType()) {
             # Create table row
             $home_box = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Result' . $result->GetResultType() . 'Home', $result->GetHomePoints(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
             $away_box = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Result' . $result->GetResultType() . 'Away', $result->GetAwayPoints(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
             $home_box->AddAttribute('class', 'pointsBox');
             $away_box->AddAttribute('class', 'pointsBox');
             $result_row = new XhtmlRow(array(MatchResult::Text($result->GetResultType()), $home_box, $away_box));
         # Add points adjustments
         if (!$this->IsPostback() or $this->b_saving_new and $this->IsValidSubmit()) {
         # Show league table?
         $table = new CheckBox('showTable', 'Show results table', 1, $season->GetShowTable());
         $this->AddControl(new CheckBox('runsScored', 'Include runs scored', 1, $season->GetShowTableRunsScored()));
         $this->AddControl(new CheckBox('runsConceded', 'Include runs conceded', 1, $season->GetShowTableRunsConceded()));
         # add teams
         if (!$this->IsPostback() or $this->b_saving_new and $this->IsValidSubmit()) {
             $teams_in_season = array();
             foreach ($season->GetTeams() as $team) {
                 $teams_in_season[] = new TeamInSeason($team, $season, is_object($season->TeamsWithdrawnFromLeague()->GetItemByProperty('GetId', $team->GetId())));
         $this->AddControl(new FormPart('Teams', $this->teams_editor));
  * Get the match types available for filtering, and if match type parameter is in the query string apply the match type filter
  * @param StatisticsManager $statistics_manager
  * @return Array containing match types, current match type id, and text for filter description
 public static function SupportMatchTypeFilter(StatisticsManager $statistics_manager)
     require_once "stoolball/match-type.enum.php";
     $match_types = array(MatchType::CUP, MatchType::FRIENDLY, MatchType::LEAGUE, MatchType::TOURNAMENT_MATCH);
     $filter_data = array($match_types, null, "");
     if (isset($_GET['match-type']) and is_numeric($_GET['match-type'])) {
         if (in_array($_GET['match-type'], $match_types)) {
             $statistics_manager->FilterByMatchType(array((int) $_GET['match-type']));
             $filter_data[1] = (int) $_GET['match-type'];
             $filter_data[2] = "in " . MatchType::Text((int) $_GET['match-type']) . "es ";
     return $filter_data;
 function CreateControls()
     $match = $this->GetDataObject();
     /* @var $match Match */
     $this->b_user_is_match_owner = ($match->GetAddedBy() instanceof User and AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->GetId() == $match->GetAddedBy()->GetId());
     if ($this->b_user_is_match_admin) {
         # Add match title editing
         $b_new = !$match->GetId();
         $title = new TextBox('title', $b_new ? '' : $match->GetTitle());
         $this->AddControl(new FormPart('Match title', $title));
         $o_generate = new CheckBox('defaultTitle', 'Use default title', 1);
         if ($b_new) {
         } else {
         # Add match type
         if ($match->GetMatchType() != MatchType::TOURNAMENT_MATCH) {
             $o_type_list = new XhtmlSelect('type');
             $o_type_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption(MatchType::Text(MatchType::LEAGUE), MatchType::LEAGUE));
             $o_type_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption(MatchType::Text(MatchType::PRACTICE), MatchType::PRACTICE));
             $o_type_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption(MatchType::Text(MatchType::FRIENDLY), MatchType::FRIENDLY));
             $o_type_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption(MatchType::Text(MatchType::CUP), MatchType::CUP));
             $this->AddControl(new FormPart('Type of match', $o_type_list));
     if ($this->b_user_is_match_owner or $this->b_user_is_match_admin) {
     if ($this->b_user_is_match_admin) {
         # add season
         if (!$this->IsPostback()) {
         # Hidden data on teams, for use by match-fixture-edit-control.js to re-sort teams when the season is changed
         # Format is 1,2,3,4,5;2,3,4,5,6
         # where ; separates each team, and for each team the first number identifies the team and subsequent numbers identify the season
         /* @var $o_team Team */
         /* @var $o_comp Competition */
         $s_team_season = '';
         # Build a list of all seasons, so that the "Not known yet" option can be added to all seasons
         $all_seasons = array();
         foreach ($this->fixture_editor->GetTeams() as $group) {
             foreach ($group as $o_team) {
                 if (!$o_team instanceof Team) {
                 # Add team id
                 if ($s_team_season) {
                     $s_team_season .= ';';
                 $s_team_season .= $o_team->GetId();
                 # add team seasons
                 foreach ($o_team->Seasons() as $team_in_season) {
                     $s_team_season .= ',' . $team_in_season->GetSeasonId();
                     $all_seasons[] = $team_in_season->GetSeasonId();
         # Add the "Don't know yet" option with all seasons
         $all_seasons = array_unique($all_seasons);
         $s_team_season = "0," . implode(",", $all_seasons) . ";{$s_team_season}";
         # Put it in a hidden field accessible to JavaScript.
         $o_ts = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'TeamSeason', $s_team_season);
     $got_home_team = !is_null($match->GetHomeTeam());
     $got_away_team = !is_null($match->GetAwayTeam());
     $b_got_teams = ($got_home_team and $got_away_team);
     $b_future = ($match->GetId() and $match->GetStartTime() > gmdate('U'));
     // Move CSS class to div element
     $match_outer_1 = new XhtmlElement('div');
     $match_outer_1->SetCssClass('matchResultEdit panel');
     $match_outer_2 = new XhtmlElement('div');
     $match_box = new XhtmlElement('div');
     $o_title_inner_1 = new XhtmlElement('span', "Result of this match");
     $o_title_inner_2 = new XhtmlElement('span', $o_title_inner_1);
     $o_title_inner_3 = new XhtmlElement('span', $o_title_inner_2);
     $o_heading = new XhtmlElement('h2', $o_title_inner_3);
     # Who batted first?
     if (!$b_future) {
         $match_box->AddControl('<h3>If the match went ahead:</h3>');
         $toss = $this->SelectOneOfTwoTeams($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Toss', $match, $match->Result()->GetTossWonBy() === TeamRole::Home(), $match->Result()->GetTossWonBy() === TeamRole::Away());
         $toss_part = new FormPart('Who won the toss?', $toss);
         $bat_first = $this->SelectOneOfTwoTeams($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'BatFirst', $match, $match->Result()->GetHomeBattedFirst() === true, $match->Result()->GetHomeBattedFirst() === false);
         $bat_part = new FormPart('Who batted first?', $bat_first);
     # Who won?
     $o_winner = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Result');
     if ($b_future) {
         $o_winner->AddControl(new XhtmlOption('The match will go ahead', ''));
     } else {
         # This option means "no change", therefore it has to have the current value for the match result even though that's
         # a different value from match to match. If it's not there the submitted match doesn't have result info, so when admin
         # saves fixture it regenerates its title as "Team A v Team B", which doesn't match the existing title so gets saved to db.
         # Can't be exactly the current value though, because otherwise a cancelled match has two options with the same value,
         # so re-selecting the option doesn't work. Instead change it to a negative number, which can be converted back when submitted.
         $o_winner->AddControl(new XhtmlOption('Not applicable &#8211; match went ahead', $match->Result()->GetResultType() * -1));
     $result_types = array(MatchResult::HOME_WIN_BY_FORFEIT, MatchResult::AWAY_WIN_BY_FORFEIT, MatchResult::POSTPONED, MatchResult::CANCELLED, MatchResult::ABANDONED);
     foreach ($result_types as $result_type) {
         if (!$b_future or MatchResult::PossibleInAdvance($result_type)) {
             if ($b_got_teams) {
                 $o_winner->AddControl(new XhtmlOption($this->NameTeams(MatchResult::Text($result_type), $match->GetHomeTeam(), $match->GetAwayTeam()), $result_type));
             } else {
                 $o_winner->AddControl(new XhtmlOption(MatchResult::Text($result_type), $result_type));
     if (!$b_future) {
         $match_box->AddControl('<h3 class="ifNotPlayed">Or, if the match was not played:</h3>');
     $o_win_part = new FormPart($b_future ? 'Will it happen?' : 'Why not?', $o_winner);
     # Show audit data
     if ($match->GetLastAudit() != null) {
         require_once "data/audit-control.class.php";
         $match_box->AddControl(new AuditControl($match->GetLastAudit(), "match"));
     # Remember short URL
     $o_short_url = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'ShortUrl', $match->GetShortUrl());
     if ($this->b_user_is_match_admin) {
         $o_url_part = new FormPart('Short URL', $o_short_url);
         $this->AddControl(new CheckBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'RegenerateUrl', 'Regenerate short URL', 1, !$match->GetUseCustomShortUrl(), $this->IsValidSubmit()));
     } else {
     if ($b_future and !$this->b_user_is_match_admin and !$this->b_user_is_match_owner) {
         $this->SetButtonText("Save result");
    function OnPageLoad()
        require_once 'xhtml/navigation/tabs.class.php';
        require_once 'stoolball/match-list-control.class.php';
        require_once 'stoolball/season-list-control.class.php';
        /* @var $season Season */
        $season = $this->competition->GetWorkingSeason();
        echo new XhtmlElement('h1', Html::Encode($this->season->GetCompetitionName()));
        $tabs = array('Summary' => '');
        if ($season->MatchTypes()->Contains(MatchType::LEAGUE)) {
            $tabs['Table'] = $season->GetTableUrl();
        if (count($season->GetTeams())) {
            $tabs['Map'] = $season->GetMapUrl();
        $tabs['Statistics'] = $season->GetStatisticsUrl();
        echo new Tabs($tabs);

        <div class="box tab-box">
            <div class="dataFilter"></div>
            <div class="box-content">
        # Add intro
        if ($this->competition->GetIntro()) {
            $intro = htmlentities($this->competition->GetIntro(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false);
            $intro = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyParagraphs($intro);
            $intro = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyLists($intro);
            $intro = XhtmlMarkup::ApplySimpleXhtmlTags($intro, false);
            $intro = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyLinks($intro);
            echo $intro;
        # Add season intro
        if ($season->GetIntro()) {
            $intro = htmlentities($season->GetIntro(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false);
            $intro = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyCharacterEntities($intro);
            $intro = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyParagraphs($intro);
            $intro = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyLinks($intro);
            $intro = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyLists($intro);
            $intro = XhtmlMarkup::ApplySimpleTags($intro);
            $intro = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyTables($intro);
            echo $intro;
        # Add not active, if relevant
        if (!$this->competition->GetIsActive()) {
            echo new XhtmlElement('p', new XhtmlElement('strong', 'This competition isn\'t played any more.'));
        # Add matches
        $a_matches = $season->GetMatches();
        $i_matches = count($a_matches);
        if ($i_matches > 0) {
            echo new XhtmlElement('h2', 'Matches in ' . htmlentities($season->GetName(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . ' season');
            $o_matches = new MatchListControl($a_matches);
            if ($season->MatchTypes()->Contains(MatchType::LEAGUE)) {
                $o_matches->SetMatchTypesToLabel(array(MatchType::FRIENDLY, MatchType::CUP, MatchType::PRACTICE));
            } else {
                if ($season->MatchTypes()->Contains(MatchType::CUP)) {
                    $o_matches->SetMatchTypesToLabel(array(MatchType::FRIENDLY, MatchType::PRACTICE));
                } else {
            echo $o_matches;
        # Add teams
        $a_teams = $season->GetTeams();
        if (count($a_teams) > 0) {
            require_once 'stoolball/team-list-control.class.php';
            echo new XhtmlElement('h2', 'Teams playing in ' . htmlentities($season->GetName(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . ' season');
            echo new TeamListControl($a_teams);
        # Add results
        if ($season->GetResults()) {
            $s_results = htmlentities($season->GetResults(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false);
            $s_results = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyCharacterEntities($s_results);
            $s_results = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyParagraphs($s_results);
            $s_results = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyLinks($s_results);
            $s_results = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyLists($s_results);
            $s_results = XhtmlMarkup::ApplySimpleTags($s_results);
            $s_results = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyTables($s_results);
            echo $s_results;
        # Add contact details
        $s_contact = $this->competition->GetContact();
        $s_website = $this->competition->GetWebsiteUrl();
        if ($s_contact or $s_website) {
            echo new XhtmlElement('h2', 'Contact details');
        if ($s_contact) {
            $s_contact = htmlentities($s_contact, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false);
            $s_contact = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyCharacterEntities($s_contact);
            require_once 'email/email-address-protector.class.php';
            $protector = new EmailAddressProtector($this->GetSettings());
            $s_contact = $protector->ApplyEmailProtection($s_contact, AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->IsSignedIn());
            $s_contact = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyParagraphs($s_contact);
            $s_contact = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyLists($s_contact);
            $s_contact = XhtmlMarkup::ApplySimpleXhtmlTags($s_contact, false);
            $s_contact = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyLinks($s_contact);
            echo $s_contact;
        if ($s_website) {
            echo new XhtmlAnchor("Visit the " . htmlentities($this->competition->GetName(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . ' website', $s_website);
        # Check for other seasons. Check is >2 becuase current season is there twice - added above
        if (count($this->competition->GetSeasons()) > 2) {
            require_once "stoolball/season-list-control.class.php";
            echo new XhtmlElement('h2', 'Other seasons in the ' . htmlentities($this->competition->GetName(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false), "screen");
            $season_list = new SeasonListControl($this->competition->GetSeasons());
            echo $season_list;
        # Panel for updates
        $you_can = new UserEditPanel($this->GetSettings(), 'this season');
        if (AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_COMPETITIONS)) {
            $you_can->AddLink('edit this competition', $this->competition->GetEditCompetitionUrl());
            $you_can->AddLink('delete this competition', $this->competition->GetDeleteCompetitionUrl());
            $you_can->AddLink('edit this season', $this->season->GetEditSeasonUrl());
            # Only offer delete option if there's more than one season. Don't want to delete last season because
            # that leaves an empty competition which won't display. Instead, must delete whole competition with its one remaining season.
            if (count($this->competition->GetSeasons()) > 1) {
                $you_can->AddLink('delete this season', $this->season->GetDeleteSeasonUrl());
        foreach ($this->season->MatchTypes() as $i_type) {
            if ($i_type != MatchType::PRACTICE and $i_type != MatchType::TOURNAMENT_MATCH) {
                $you_can->AddLink('add a ' . MatchType::Text($i_type), $this->season->GetNewMatchNavigateUrl($i_type));
        if (count($this->season->GetMatches())) {
            # Make sure there's at least one match which is not a tournament or a practice
            foreach ($this->season->GetMatches() as $o_match) {
                /* @var $o_match Match */
                if ($o_match->GetMatchType() == MatchType::PRACTICE or $o_match->GetMatchType() == MatchType::TOURNAMENT or $o_match->GetMatchType() == MatchType::TOURNAMENT_MATCH) {
                } else {
                    $you_can->AddLink('update results', $this->season->GetResultsNavigateUrl());
            $you_can->AddLink('add matches to your calendar', $this->season->GetCalendarNavigateUrl());
        echo $you_can;
        if ($this->has_player_stats) {
            require_once 'stoolball/statistics-highlight-table.class.php';
            echo new StatisticsHighlightTable($this->best_batting, $this->most_runs, $this->best_bowling, $this->most_wickets, $this->most_catches, $this->season->GetName() . " season");
 protected function CreateControls()
     $o_match = $this->GetDataObject();
     if (is_null($o_match)) {
         $o_match = new Match($this->GetSettings());
     /* @var $o_match Match */
     /* @var $o_team Team */
     $b_got_home = !is_null($o_match->GetHomeTeam());
     $b_got_away = !is_null($o_match->GetAwayTeam());
     $b_is_new_match = !(bool) $o_match->GetId();
     $b_is_tournament_match = false;
     if ($this->i_match_type == MatchType::TOURNAMENT_MATCH) {
         $b_is_tournament_match = $this->tournament instanceof Match;
     } else {
         if ($o_match->GetMatchType() == MatchType::TOURNAMENT_MATCH and $o_match->GetTournament() instanceof Match) {
             $b_is_tournament_match = true;
     $o_match_outer_1 = new XhtmlElement('div');
     $o_match_outer_2 = new XhtmlElement('div');
     $o_match_box = new XhtmlElement('div');
     if ($this->GetShowHeading()) {
         $s_heading = str_replace('{0}', MatchType::Text($this->i_match_type), $this->GetHeading());
         # Add match type if required
         $o_title_inner_1 = new XhtmlElement('span', htmlentities($s_heading, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false));
         $o_title_inner_2 = new XhtmlElement('span', $o_title_inner_1);
         $o_title_inner_3 = new XhtmlElement('span', $o_title_inner_2);
         $o_match_box->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('h2', $o_title_inner_3, "medium large"));
     # Offer choice of season if appropriate
     $season_count = $this->seasons->GetCount();
     if ($season_count == 1 and $this->i_match_type != MatchType::PRACTICE) {
         $o_season_id = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Season', $this->seasons->GetFirst()->GetId());
     } elseif ($season_count > 1 and $this->i_match_type != MatchType::PRACTICE) {
         $o_season_id = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Season', '', $this->IsValidSubmit());
         foreach ($this->Seasons()->GetItems() as $season) {
             $o_season_id->AddControl(new XhtmlOption($season->GetCompetitionName(), $season->GetId()));
         $o_match_box->AddControl(new FormPart('Competition', $o_season_id));
     # Start date and time
     $match_time_known = (bool) $o_match->GetStartTime();
     if (!$match_time_known) {
         # if no date set, use specified default
         if ($this->i_default_time) {
             if ($b_is_tournament_match) {
         } else {
             # if no date set and no default, default to today at 6.30pm BST
             $i_now = gmdate('U');
             $o_match->SetStartTime(gmmktime(17, 30, 00, (int) gmdate('n', $i_now), (int) gmdate('d', $i_now), (int) gmdate('Y', $i_now)));
     $o_date = new DateControl($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Start', $o_match->GetStartTime(), $o_match->GetIsStartTimeKnown(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
     # if no date set and only one season to choose from, limit available dates to the length of that season
     if (!$match_time_known and $season_count == 1) {
         if ($this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetStartYear() == $this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetEndYear()) {
             $i_mid_season = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 6, 30, $this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetStartYear());
         } else {
             $i_mid_season = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetStartYear());
         $season_dates = Season::SeasonDates($i_mid_season);
         $season_start_month = gmdate('n', $season_dates[0]);
         $season_end_month = gmdate('n', $season_dates[1]);
         if ($season_start_month) {
         if ($season_end_month) {
             $o_date->SetMonthEnd($season_end_month + 1);
         // TODO: need a better way to handle this, allowing overlap. Shirley has indoor matches until early April.
         $season_start_year = $this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetStartYear();
         $season_end_year = $this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetEndYear();
         if ($season_start_year) {
         if ($season_end_year) {
     if ($b_is_tournament_match) {
     } else {
         $o_date_part = new FormPart('When?', $o_date);
     # Who's playing?
     if ($this->i_match_type == MatchType::PRACTICE and isset($this->context_team)) {
         $home_id = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Home', $this->context_team->GetId());
         $away_id = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Away', $this->context_team->GetId());
     } else {
         $o_home_list = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Home');
         $o_away_list = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Away');
         $first_real_team_index = 0;
         if ($this->b_user_is_admin) {
             # Option of not specifying teams is currently admin-only
             # Value of 0 is important because PHP sees it as boolean negative, but it can be used as the indexer of an array in JavaScript
             $o_home_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("Don't know yet", '0'));
             $o_away_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("Don't know yet", '0'));
             $first_real_team_index = 1;
         foreach ($this->a_teams as $group_name => $teams) {
             foreach ($teams as $o_team) {
                 $home_option = new XhtmlOption($o_team->GetName(), $o_team->GetId());
                 if (is_string($group_name) and $group_name) {
                 $away_option = new XhtmlOption($o_team->GetName(), $o_team->GetId());
                 if (is_string($group_name) and $group_name) {
         $o_home_part = new FormPart('Home team', $o_home_list);
         $o_away_part = new FormPart('Away team', $o_away_list);
         if ($b_got_home) {
         if (!$b_got_home and $b_is_new_match) {
             // if no home team data, select the first team by default
             // unless editing a match, in which case it may be correct to have no teams (eg cup final)
         if (!$b_got_away and $b_is_new_match) {
             // if no away team data, select the second team as the away team so that it's not the same as the first
             // unless editing a match, in which case it may be correct to have no teams (eg cup final).
             $o_away_list->SelectIndex($first_real_team_index + 1);
             // if there was a home team but not an away team, make sure we don't select the home team against itself
             if ($b_got_home and $o_away_list->GetSelectedValue() == (string) $o_match->GetHomeTeamId()) {
         } else {
             if ($b_got_away) {
             if (!$b_is_new_match) {
                 # Note which away team was previously saved, even if it's "not known" - this is for JavaScript to know it shouldn't auto-change the away team
                 $away_saved = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'SavedAway', $o_match->GetAwayTeamId());
     # Where?
     # If tournament match, assume same ground as tournament. Otherwise ask the user for ground.
     if ($b_is_tournament_match) {
         $ground = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Ground', $this->tournament->GetGroundId() ? $this->tournament->GetGroundId() : $o_match->GetGroundId());
     } else {
         $o_ground_list = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Ground');
         $o_ground_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("Don't know", -1));
         $o_ground_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption('Not listed (type the address in the notes field)', -2));
         # Promote home grounds for this season to the top of the list
         $a_home_ground_ids = array();
         foreach ($this->a_teams as $teams) {
             foreach ($teams as $o_team) {
                 $a_home_ground_ids[$o_team->GetId()] = $o_team->GetGround()->GetId();
         $a_home_grounds = array();
         $a_other_grounds = array();
         /* @var $o_ground Ground */
         foreach ($this->a_grounds as $o_ground) {
             if (array_search($o_ground->GetId(), $a_home_ground_ids) > -1) {
                 $a_home_grounds[] = $o_ground;
             } else {
                 $a_other_grounds[] = $o_ground;
         # Add home grounds
         foreach ($a_home_grounds as $o_ground) {
             $option = new XhtmlOption($o_ground->GetNameAndTown(), $o_ground->GetId());
             $option->SetGroupName('Home grounds');
         # Add away grounds
         foreach ($a_other_grounds as $o_ground) {
             $option = new XhtmlOption($o_ground->GetNameAndTown(), $o_ground->GetId());
             $option->SetGroupName('Away grounds');
         # Select ground
         if ($o_match->GetGroundId()) {
         } elseif ($this->i_match_type == MatchType::PRACTICE and isset($this->context_team)) {
         $o_ground_part = new FormPart('Where?', $o_ground_list);
         # Note which grounds belong to which teams, for use by match-fixture-edit-control.js to select a ground when the home team is changed
         # Format is 1,2;2,3;4,5
         # where ; separates each team, and for each team the first number identifies the team and the second is the ground
         $s_team_ground = '';
         foreach ($a_home_ground_ids as $i_team => $i_ground) {
             if ($s_team_ground) {
                 $s_team_ground .= ';';
             $s_team_ground .= $i_team . ',' . $i_ground;
         $o_hidden = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'TeamGround', $s_team_ground);
         # Note which ground was previously saved - this is for JavaScript to know it shouldn't auto-change the ground
         if (!$b_is_new_match) {
             $o_hidden = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'SavedGround', $o_match->GetGroundId());
     # Notes
     $o_notes = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Notes', $o_match->GetNotes());
     $o_notes_part = new FormPart('Notes', $o_notes);
     # Remember match type, tournament and short URL
     $o_type = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'MatchType', $this->GetMatchType());
     if ($b_is_tournament_match) {
         $tourn_box = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Tournament', $this->tournament->GetId());
     $o_short_url = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'ShortUrl', $o_match->GetShortUrl());
     # Note the context team - to be picked up by JavaScript to enable auto-changing of away team if
     # context team is not selected as home team
     if (isset($this->context_team)) {
         $context_team_box = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'ContextTeam', $this->context_team->GetId());
     * Build the form
    protected function OnPreRender()
        $this->AddControl('<div id="statisticsFilter" class="panel"><div><div><h2><span><span><span>Filter these statistics</span></span></span></h2>');
        # Track whether to show or hide this filter
        $filter = '<input type="hidden" id="filter" name="filter" value="';
        $filter .= (isset($_GET["filter"]) and $_GET["filter"] == "1") ? 1 : 0;
        $filter .= '" />';
        $type_filters = array();
        # Support player type filter
        if (is_array($this->player_type_filter)) {
            require_once "stoolball/player-type.enum.php";
            $player_type_list = new XhtmlSelect("player-type");
            $blank = new XhtmlOption("any players", "");
            foreach ($this->player_type_filter[0] as $player_type) {
                $player_type_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption(strtolower(PlayerType::Text($player_type)), $player_type, $player_type === $this->player_type_filter[1]));
            $label = new XhtmlElement("label", "Type of players", "aural");
            $label->AddAttribute("for", $player_type_list->GetXhtmlId());
            $type_filters[] = $label;
            $type_filters[] = $player_type_list;
        # Support match type filter
        if (is_array($this->match_type_filter)) {
            require_once "stoolball/match-type.enum.php";
            $match_type_list = new XhtmlSelect("match-type");
            $blank = new XhtmlOption("any match", "");
            foreach ($this->match_type_filter[0] as $match_type) {
                $match_type_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption(str_replace(" match", "", MatchType::Text($match_type)), $match_type, $match_type === $this->match_type_filter[1]));
            $label = new XhtmlElement("label", "Type of competition", "aural");
            $label->AddAttribute("for", $match_type_list->GetXhtmlId());
            $type_filters[] = $label;
            $type_filters[] = $match_type_list;
        if (count($type_filters)) {
            $type = new XhtmlElement("fieldset", new XhtmlElement("legend", "Match type", "formLabel"), "formPart");
            $controls = new XhtmlElement("div", null, "formControl");
            foreach ($type_filters as $control) {
        # Support team filter
        if (is_array($this->team_filter)) {
            $team_list = new XhtmlSelect("team");
            $blank = new XhtmlOption("any team", "");
            foreach ($this->team_filter[0] as $team) {
                $team_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption($team->GetName(), $team->GetId(), $team->GetId() == $this->team_filter[1]));
            $this->AddControl(new FormPart("Team", $team_list));
        # Support opposition team filter
        if (is_array($this->opposition_filter)) {
            $opposition_list = new XhtmlSelect("opposition");
            $blank = new XhtmlOption("any team", "");
            foreach ($this->opposition_filter[0] as $team) {
                $opposition_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption($team->GetName(), $team->GetId(), $team->GetId() == $this->opposition_filter[1]));
            $this->AddControl(new FormPart("Against", $opposition_list));
        # Support ground filter
        if (is_array($this->ground_filter)) {
            $ground_list = new XhtmlSelect("ground");
            $blank = new XhtmlOption("any ground", "");
            foreach ($this->ground_filter[0] as $ground) {
                $ground_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption($ground->GetNameAndTown(), $ground->GetId(), $ground->GetId() == $this->ground_filter[1]));
            $this->AddControl(new FormPart("Ground", $ground_list));
        # Support competition filter
        if (is_array($this->competition_filter)) {
            $competition_list = new XhtmlSelect("competition");
            $blank = new XhtmlOption("any competition", "");
            foreach ($this->competition_filter[0] as $competition) {
                $competition_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption($competition->GetName(), $competition->GetId(), $competition->GetId() == $this->competition_filter[1]));
            $this->AddControl(new FormPart("Competition", $competition_list));
        # Support date filter
        # Use text fields rather than HTML 5 date fields because then we can accept dates like "last Tuesday"
        # which PHP will understand. Jquery calendar is at least  as good as native date pickers anyway.
        $date_fields = '<div class="formPart">
			<label for="from" class="formLabel">From date</label>
			<div class="formControl twoFields">
			<input type="text" class="date firstField" id="from" name="from" placeholder="any date" autocomplete="off"';
        if (!$this->IsValid()) {
            $date_fields .= ' value="' . (isset($_GET["from"]) ? $_GET["from"] : "") . '"';
        } else {
            if ($this->after_date_filter) {
                $date_fields .= ' value="' . Date::BritishDate($this->after_date_filter, false, true, false) . '"';
        $date_fields .= ' />
			<label for="to">Up to date
			<input type="text" class="date" id="to" name="to" placeholder="any date" autocomplete="off"';
        if (!$this->IsValid()) {
            $date_fields .= ' value="' . (isset($_GET["to"]) ? $_GET["to"] : "") . '"';
        } else {
            if ($this->before_date_filter) {
                $date_fields .= ' value="' . Date::BritishDate($this->before_date_filter, false, true, false) . '"';
        $date_fields .= ' /></label>
        # Support innings filter
        $innings_list = new XhtmlSelect("innings");
        $innings_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("either innings", ""));
        $innings_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("first innings", 1, 1 == $this->innings_filter));
        $innings_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("second innings", 2, 2 == $this->innings_filter));
        $this->AddControl('<div class="formPart">
        <label for="innings" class="formLabel">Innings</label>
        <div class="formControl">' . $innings_list . '</div>' . '</div>');
        # Support batting position filter
        if (is_array($this->batting_position_filter)) {
            $batting_position_list = new XhtmlSelect("batpos");
            $blank = new XhtmlOption("any position", "");
            foreach ($this->batting_position_filter[0] as $batting_position) {
                $batting_position_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption($batting_position == 1 ? "opening" : $batting_position, $batting_position, $batting_position == $this->batting_position_filter[1]));
            $this->AddControl('<div class="formPart">
			<label for="batpos" class="formLabel">Batting at</label>
			<div class="formControl">' . $batting_position_list . '</div>' . '</div>');
        # Support match result filter
        $result_list = new XhtmlSelect("result");
        $result_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("any result", ""));
        $result_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("win", 1, 1 === $this->match_result_filter));
        $result_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("tie", 0, 0 === $this->match_result_filter));
        $result_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("lose", -1, -1 === $this->match_result_filter));
        $this->AddControl('<div class="formPart">
        <label for="result" class="formLabel">Match result</label>
        <div class="formControl">' . $result_list . '</div>' . '</div>');
        # Preserve the player filter if applied
        if (isset($_GET["player"]) and is_numeric($_GET["player"])) {
            $this->AddControl('<input type="hidden" name="player" id="player" value="' . $_GET["player"] . '" />');
        $this->AddControl('<p class="actions"><input type="submit" value="Apply filter" /></p>');
    function OnPageLoad()
        if (!$this->match instanceof Match) {
            echo new XhtmlElement('h1', ucfirst($this->match_or_tournament) . ' already deleted');
            echo new XhtmlElement('p', "The " . $this->match_or_tournament . " you're trying to delete does not exist or has already been deleted.");
        echo new XhtmlElement('h1', 'Delete ' . $this->match_or_tournament . ': <cite>' . htmlentities($this->match->GetTitle(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . '</cite>');
        if ($this->b_deleted) {
			<p>The <?php 
            echo $this->match_or_tournament;
 has been deleted.</p>
            if ($this->match->GetTournament() instanceof Match) {
                echo '<p><a href="' . htmlentities($this->match->GetTournament()->GetNavigateUrl(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . '">Go to ' . htmlentities($this->match->GetTournament()->GetTitle(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . '</a></p>';
            } else {
                if ($this->match->Seasons()->GetCount()) {
                    foreach ($this->match->Seasons() as $season) {
                        echo '<p><a href="' . htmlentities($season->GetNavigateUrl(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . '">Go to ' . htmlentities($season->GetCompetitionName(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . '</a></p>';
                } else {
                    echo '<p><a href="/matches/">View all matches</a></p>';
        } else {
            $has_permission = (AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_MATCHES) or AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->GetId() == $this->match->GetAddedBy()->GetId());
            if ($has_permission) {
                $s_detail = 'This is a ' . MatchType::Text($this->match->GetMatchType());
                $s_detail .= $this->match->GetIsStartTimeKnown() ? ' starting at ' : ' on ';
                $s_detail .= $this->match->GetStartTimeFormatted() . '. ';
                $s_context = '';
                if ($this->match->GetTournament() instanceof Match) {
                    $s_context = "It's in the " . $this->match->GetTournament()->GetTitle();
                if ($this->match->Seasons()->GetCount()) {
                    $season = $this->match->Seasons()->GetFirst();
                    $b_the = !(stristr($season->GetCompetitionName(), 'the ') === 0);
                    $s_context .= $s_context ? ', in ' : 'It\'s in ';
                    $s_context .= $b_the ? 'the ' : '';
                    if ($this->match->Seasons()->GetCount() == 1) {
                        $s_context .= $season->GetCompetitionName() . '.';
                    } else {
                        $s_context .= 'following seasons: ';
                $s_detail .= $s_context;
                echo new XhtmlElement('p', htmlentities($s_detail, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false));
                if ($this->match->Seasons()->GetCount() > 1) {
                    $seasons = new XhtmlElement('ul');
                    foreach ($this->match->Seasons() as $season) {
                        $seasons->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('li', htmlentities($season->GetCompetitionName(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false)));
                    echo $seasons;
                if ($this->match->GetMatchType() == MatchType::TOURNAMENT) {
					<p>Deleting a tournament cannot be undone.</p>
                } else {
					<p>Deleting a match cannot be undone. The match will be removed from all league tables and statistics.</p>
				<p>Are you sure you want to delete this <?php 
                echo $this->match_or_tournament;
				<form action="<?php 
                echo htmlentities($this->match->GetDeleteNavigateUrl(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false);
" method="post" class="deleteButtons">
				<input type="submit" value="Delete <?php 
                echo $this->match_or_tournament;
" name="delete" />
				<input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="cancel" />
                require_once 'stoolball/user-edit-panel.class.php';
                $panel = new UserEditPanel($this->GetSettings(), 'this ' . $this->match_or_tournament);
                $panel->AddLink('view this ' . $this->match_or_tournament, $this->match->GetNavigateUrl());
                $panel->AddLink('edit this ' . $this->match_or_tournament, $this->match->GetEditNavigateUrl());
                echo $panel;
            } else {
				<p>Sorry, you can't delete a <?php 
                echo $this->match_or_tournament;
 unless you added it.</p>
				<p><a href="<?php 
                echo htmlentities($this->match->GetNavigateUrl(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false);
">Go back to <?php 
                echo $this->match_or_tournament;
 protected function OnPreRender()
     /* @var $o_home Team */
     /* @var $o_away Team */
     /* @var $o_tourney Match */
     # Date and tournament
     $o_date_para = new XhtmlElement('p');
     $o_date = new XhtmlElement('abbr', htmlentities($this->o_match->GetStartTimeFormatted(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false));
     # hCalendar
     # hCalendar
     $o_date->AddAttribute("property", "schema:startDate");
     $o_date->AddAttribute("datatype", "xsd:date");
     $o_date->AddAttribute("content", Date::Microformat($this->o_match->GetStartTime()));
     $o_date_para->AddControl('When: ');
     # hCalendar end date
     if ($this->o_match->GetIsStartTimeKnown()) {
         $i_end_time = $this->o_match->GetStartTime() + 60 * 90;
         $o_hcal_end = new XhtmlElement('abbr', ' until around ' . htmlentities(Date::Time($i_end_time), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false));
         $o_hcal_end->SetCssClass('metadata dtend');
     # If we know the time and place, show when the sun sets
     # TODO: Assumes UK
     if ($this->o_match->GetGround() instanceof Ground and $this->o_match->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLatitude() and $this->o_match->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLongitude()) {
         $o_date_para->AddControl(' <span class="sunset">sunset ' . htmlentities(Date::Time(date_sunset($this->o_match->GetStartTime(), SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP, $this->o_match->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLatitude(), $this->o_match->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLongitude())), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . '</span>');
     # Display match type/season/tournament
     if ($this->o_match->GetMatchType() == MatchType::TOURNAMENT_MATCH) {
         # hCal
         $o_tourney = $this->o_match->GetTournament();
         if (is_object($o_tourney)) {
             $tournament_link = new XhtmlAnchor(htmlentities($o_tourney->GetTitle(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false), $o_tourney->GetNavigateUrl());
             $tournament_link->AddAttribute("typeof", "schema:SportsEvent");
             $tournament_link->AddAttribute("about", $o_tourney->GetLinkedDataUri());
             $tournament_link->AddAttribute("rel", "schema:url");
             $tournament_link->AddAttribute("property", "schema:name");
             $tournament_container = new XhtmlElement("span", $tournament_link);
             $tournament_container->AddAttribute("rel", "schema:superEvent");
             # Check for 'the' to get the grammar right
             $s_title = strtolower($o_tourney->GetTitle());
             if (strlen($s_title) >= 4 and substr($s_title, 0, 4) == 'the ') {
                 $o_date_para->AddControl(', in ');
             } else {
                 $o_date_para->AddControl(', in the ');
         } else {
             $o_date_para->AddControl(', in a tournament.');
     } else {
         # hCalendar desc, built up at the same time as the date and league/tournament
         $hcal_desc = new XhtmlElement('div', null, 'description');
         $s_detail_xhtml = ucfirst(MatchType::Text($this->o_match->GetMatchType()));
         $season_list_xhtml = null;
         if ($this->o_match->Seasons()->GetCount() == 1) {
             $season = $this->o_match->Seasons()->GetFirst();
             $season_name = new XhtmlAnchor(htmlentities($season->GetCompetitionName(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false), $season->GetNavigateUrl());
             $b_the = !(stristr($season->GetCompetitionName(), 'the ') === 0);
             $s_detail_xhtml .= ' in ' . ($b_the ? 'the ' : '') . $season_name->__toString() . '.';
         } elseif ($this->o_match->Seasons()->GetCount() > 1) {
             $s_detail_xhtml .= ' in the following seasons: ';
             $season_list_xhtml = new XhtmlElement('ul');
             $seasons = $this->o_match->Seasons()->GetItems();
             $total_seasons = count($seasons);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $total_seasons; $i++) {
                 $season = $seasons[$i];
                 /* @var $season Season */
                 $season_name = new XhtmlAnchor(htmlentities($season->GetCompetitionName(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false), $season->GetNavigateUrl());
                 $li = new XhtmlElement('li', $season_name);
                 if ($i < $total_seasons - 2) {
                     $li->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('span', ', ', 'metadata'));
                 } else {
                     if ($i < $total_seasons - 1) {
                         $li->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('span', ' and ', 'metadata'));
         } else {
             $s_detail_xhtml .= '.';
         $hcal_desc->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('p', $s_detail_xhtml));
         if (!is_null($season_list_xhtml)) {
     # Who
     $o_home = $this->o_match->GetHomeTeam();
     $o_away = $this->o_match->GetAwayTeam();
     $has_home = $o_home instanceof Team;
     $has_away = $o_away instanceof Team;
     if ($has_home or $has_away) {
         $who = new XhtmlElement("p", "Who: ");
         if ($has_home) {
         if ($has_home and $has_away) {
             $who->AddControl(" and ");
         if ($has_away) {
     # When
     # Ground
     $o_ground = $this->o_match->GetGround();
     if (is_object($o_ground)) {
         $o_ground_link = new XhtmlElement('a', htmlentities($o_ground->GetNameAndTown(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false));
         $o_ground_link->AddAttribute('href', $o_ground->GetNavigateUrl());
         # hCalendar
         $o_ground_link->AddAttribute("typeof", "schema:Place");
         $o_ground_link->AddAttribute("about", $o_ground->GetLinkedDataUri());
         $o_ground_link->AddAttribute("rel", "schema:url");
         $o_ground_link->AddAttribute("property", "schema:name");
         $o_ground_control = new XhtmlElement('p', 'Where: ');
         $o_ground_control->AddAttribute("rel", "schema:location");
     # Add result
     $o_result = $this->o_match->Result();
     $b_result_known = !$o_result->GetResultType() == MatchResult::UNKNOWN;
     $toss_known = !is_null($this->o_match->Result()->GetTossWonBy());
     $b_batting_order_known = !is_null($this->o_match->Result()->GetHomeBattedFirst());
     $has_scorecard_data = ($o_result->HomeBatting()->GetCount() or $o_result->HomeBowling()->GetCount() or $o_result->AwayBatting()->GetCount() or $o_result->AwayBowling()->GetCount() or $o_result->GetHomeRuns() or $o_result->GetHomeWickets() or $o_result->GetAwayRuns() or $o_result->GetAwayWickets());
     $has_player_of_match = $this->o_match->Result()->GetPlayerOfTheMatch() instanceof Player and $this->o_match->Result()->GetPlayerOfTheMatch()->GetName();
     $has_player_of_match_home = $this->o_match->Result()->GetPlayerOfTheMatchHome() instanceof Player and $this->o_match->Result()->GetPlayerOfTheMatchHome()->GetName();
     $has_player_of_match_away = $this->o_match->Result()->GetPlayerOfTheMatchAway() instanceof Player and $this->o_match->Result()->GetPlayerOfTheMatchAway()->GetName();
     if ($b_result_known or $b_batting_order_known or $has_scorecard_data) {
         # Put result in header, so long as we have something to put after it. Otherwise put the result after it.
         $result_header = "Result";
         if ($b_result_known and ($b_batting_order_known or $has_scorecard_data)) {
             $result_header .= ": " . $this->o_match->GetResultDescription();
         $result_header = new XhtmlElement('h2', htmlentities($result_header, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false));
         if ($has_scorecard_data) {
     if ($toss_known) {
         $toss_team = $this->o_match->Result()->GetTossWonBy() === TeamRole::Home() ? $this->o_match->GetHomeTeam() : $this->o_match->GetAwayTeam();
         if ($toss_team instanceof Team) {
             $toss_text = $toss_team->GetName() . " won the toss";
             if ($b_batting_order_known) {
                 $chose_to = ($this->o_match->Result()->GetTossWonBy() === TeamRole::Home()) == $this->o_match->Result()->GetHomeBattedFirst() ? "bat" : "bowl";
                 $toss_text .= " and chose to " . $chose_to;
             $this->AddControl("<p>" . Html::Encode($toss_text) . '.</p>');
     # If at least one player recorded, create a container for the metadata
     if ($has_scorecard_data or $has_player_of_match or $has_player_of_match_home or $has_player_of_match_away) {
         $this->AddControl('<div rel="schema:performers">');
     if ($has_scorecard_data) {
     } else {
         # Got to be just result and batting order now. Only include result if batting order's not there, otherwise result will already be in header.
         if ($b_result_known and !$b_batting_order_known) {
             $this->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('p', htmlentities($this->o_match->GetResultDescription(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . '.'));
         if ($b_batting_order_known) {
             $this->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('p', htmlentities(($this->o_match->Result()->GetHomeBattedFirst() ? $o_home->GetName() : $o_away->GetName()) . ' batted first.'), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false));
     # Player of the match
     if ($has_player_of_match) {
         $player = $this->o_match->Result()->GetPlayerOfTheMatch();
         $team = $player->Team()->GetId() == $o_home->GetId() ? $o_home->GetName() : $o_away->GetName();
         $player_of_match = new XhtmlElement('p', 'Player of the match: <a property="schema:name" rel="schema:url" href="' . htmlentities($player->GetPlayerUrl(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . '">' . htmlentities($player->GetName(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . "</a> ({$team})");
         $player_of_match->AddAttribute("typeof", "schema:Person");
         $player_of_match->AddAttribute("about", $player->GetLinkedDataUri());
     if ($has_player_of_match_home) {
         $player = $this->o_match->Result()->GetPlayerOfTheMatchHome();
         $player_of_match = new XhtmlElement('p', $o_home->GetName() . ' player of the match: <a property="schema:name" rel="schema:url" href="' . htmlentities($player->GetPlayerUrl(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . '">' . htmlentities($player->GetName(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . "</a>");
         $player_of_match->AddAttribute("typeof", "schema:Person");
         $player_of_match->AddAttribute("about", $player->GetLinkedDataUri());
     if ($has_player_of_match_away) {
         $player = $this->o_match->Result()->GetPlayerOfTheMatchAway();
         $player_of_match = new XhtmlElement('p', $o_away->GetName() . ' player of the match: <a property="schema:name" rel="schema:url" href="' . htmlentities($player->GetPlayerUrl(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . '">' . htmlentities($player->GetName(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false) . "</a>");
         $player_of_match->AddAttribute("typeof", "schema:Person");
         $player_of_match->AddAttribute("about", $player->GetLinkedDataUri());
     # End container for the metadata
     if ($has_scorecard_data or $has_player_of_match or $has_player_of_match_home or $has_player_of_match_away) {
     # Add notes
     if ($this->o_match->GetNotes()) {
         $this->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('h2', 'Notes'));
         $s_notes = htmlentities($this->o_match->GetNotes(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false);
         $s_notes = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyCharacterEntities($s_notes);
         require_once 'email/email-address-protector.class.php';
         $protector = new EmailAddressProtector($this->o_settings);
         $s_notes = $protector->ApplyEmailProtection($s_notes, AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->IsSignedIn());
         $s_notes = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyHeadings($s_notes);
         $s_notes = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyParagraphs($s_notes);
         $s_notes = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyLists($s_notes);
         $s_notes = XhtmlMarkup::ApplySimpleTags($s_notes);
         $s_notes = XhtmlMarkup::ApplyLinks($s_notes);
         if (strpos($s_notes, '<p>') > -1) {
         } else {
             $this->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('p', $s_notes));
     # hCalendar metadata
     $o_hcal_para = new XhtmlElement('p');
     # hCalendar timestamp
     $o_hcal_para->AddControl('Status: At ');
     $o_hcal_stamp = new XhtmlElement('abbr', htmlentities(Date::Time(gmdate('U')), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false));
     # hCalendar GUID
     $o_hcal_para->AddControl(' match ');
     $o_hcal_guid = new XhtmlElement('span', htmlentities($this->o_match->GetLinkedDataUri(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false));
     # work out hCalendar status
     $s_status = 'CONFIRMED';
     switch ($this->o_match->Result()->GetResultType()) {
         case MatchResult::CANCELLED:
         case MatchResult::POSTPONED:
         case MatchResult::AWAY_WIN_BY_FORFEIT:
         case MatchResult::HOME_WIN_BY_FORFEIT:
             $s_status = 'CANCELLED';
     # hCalendar URL and status
     $o_hcal_para->AddControl(' is ');
     $o_hcal_url = new XhtmlAnchor($s_status, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->o_match->GetNavigateUrl());
     $o_hcal_url->SetCssClass('url status');
 function OnPrePageLoad()
     if (isset($this->i_season_id)) {
         $this->SetPageTitle('New ' . MatchType::Text($this->i_match_type) . ' in ' . $this->season->GetCompetitionName());
     } else {
         if ($this->team instanceof Team) {
             $this->SetPageTitle('New ' . MatchType::Text($this->i_match_type) . ' for ' . $this->team->GetName());
Пример #14
  * This parses a CREATE TABLE statement.
  * @param SQLTokenIterator $tokens
  * @throws MalformedSql
 protected function parseCreateTable(SQLTokenIterator $tokens)
     $createTableJob = new CreateTableStatement();
     $createTableJob->setIsTemporaryTable(is_int($tokens->isTokenNum(SqlToken::T_TEMPORARY(), TokenIterator::PREVIOUS)));
     # [IF NOT EXISTS]:
     if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_IF())) {
         if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_NOT()) || !$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_EXISTS())) {
             throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid create-database statement (invalid 'IF NOT EXISTS')!", $tokens);
     } else {
     # NAME
     if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
     } elseif ($this->valueParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
     } else {
         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing name of table to create!", $tokens);
     $checkEndParenthesis = $tokens->seekTokenText('(');
     # LIKE other table?
     if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_LIKE())) {
         if (!$this->tableParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing valid table-specifier for 'CREATE TABLE LIKE' statement!", $tokens);
     } elseif ($this->selectParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
         # normal column definition
     } else {
         do {
             switch (true) {
                 # normal column definition
                 case $this->columnDefinitonParser->canParseTokens($tokens):
                     # [CONSTRAINT [$keyName]] PRIMARY KEY [$keyType] ($column[, $column, ...])
                 # [CONSTRAINT [$keyName]] PRIMARY KEY [$keyType] ($column[, $column, ...])
                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_PRIMARY(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [T_STRING, SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT()]):
                     $indexJob = new IndexPart();
                     if ($tokens->isTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT(), TokenIterator::PREVIOUS, [T_STRING]) && $tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING, TokenIterator::PREVIOUS)) {
                     if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_KEY())) {
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_KEY for PRIMARY KEY constraint in create-table statement!", $tokens);
                     # define index type (BTREE, HASH, ...)
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                     } else {
                     # columns in index
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenText('(')) {
                         do {
                             if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                                 throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid column in column-list for defining index!", $tokens);
                         } while ($tokens->seekTokenText(','));
                         if (!$tokens->seekTokenText(')')) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing closing parenthesis at column-list for index!", $tokens);
                     # KEY|INDEX [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)
                 # KEY|INDEX [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)
                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_INDEX()):
                 case $tokens->seekTokenNUm(SqlToken::T_KEY()):
                     /* @var $indexJob IndexPart */
                     $indexJob = new IndexPart();
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                     } else {
                         # first column name is used
                     # define index type (BTREE, HASH, ...)
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                     } else {
                     # columns in index
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenText('(')) {
                         do {
                             if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                                 throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid column in column-list for defining index!", $tokens);
                         } while ($tokens->seekTokenText(','));
                         if (!$tokens->seekTokenText(')')) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing closing parenthesis at column-list for index!", $tokens);
                     # [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] UNIQUE|FULLTEXT|SPATIAL [INDEX] [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)
                 # [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] UNIQUE|FULLTEXT|SPATIAL [INDEX] [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)
                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_UNIQUE(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT(), T_STRING]):
                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_FULLTEXT(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT(), T_STRING]):
                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_SPATIAL(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT(), T_STRING]):
                     /* @var $indexJob IndexPart */
                     $indexJob = new IndexPart();
                     switch ($tokens->getCurrentTokenNumber()) {
                         case SqlToken::T_UNIQUE():
                         case SqlToken::T_FULLTEXT():
                         case SqlToken::T_SPATIAL():
                     if ($tokens->isTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT(), TokenIterator::PREVIOUS, [T_STRING]) && $tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING, TokenIterator::PREVIOUS)) {
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                     } else {
                         # first column name is used
                     # define index type (BTREE, HASH, ...)
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                     } else {
                     # columns in index
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenText('(')) {
                         do {
                             if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                                 throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid column in column-list for defining index!", $tokens);
                         } while ($tokens->seekTokenText(','));
                         if (!$tokens->seekTokenText(')')) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing closing parenthesis at column-list for index!", $tokens);
                     # [CONSTRAINT [$symbol]] FOREIGN KEY [$name] ($column[, $column, ...]) [$reference]
                 # [CONSTRAINT [$symbol]] FOREIGN KEY [$name] ($column[, $column, ...]) [$reference]
                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_FOREIGN(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [T_STRING, SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT()]):
                     /* @var $indexJob IndexPart */
                     $indexJob = new IndexPart();
                     if ($tokens->isTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CONSTRAINT(), TokenIterator::PREVIOUS, [T_STRING]) && $tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING, TokenIterator::PREVIOUS)) {
                     if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_KEY())) {
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_KEY after T_FOREIGN in constraint-definition!", $tokens);
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                     } else {
                         # first column name is used
                     # columns in index
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenText('(')) {
                         do {
                             if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                                 throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid column in column-list for defining index!", $tokens);
                         } while ($tokens->seekTokenText(','));
                         if (!$tokens->seekTokenText(')')) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing closing parenthesis at column-list for index!", $tokens);
                     if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_REFERENCES())) {
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing reference-definition in foreign-constraint-definition!", $tokens);
                     if (!$this->tableParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing table-definition in foreign-constraint-definition!", $tokens);
                     $fkTable = $this->tableParser->convertSqlToJob($tokens);
                     # columns in index
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenText('(')) {
                         do {
                             if (!$this->columnParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                                 throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid column in column-list for defining index!", $tokens);
                             $fkColumn = $this->columnParser->convertSqlToJob($tokens);
                             $fkColumn = ColumnSpecifier::factory($fkTable . '.' . $fkColumn->getColumn());
                         } while ($tokens->seekTokenText(','));
                         if (!$tokens->seekTokenText(')')) {
                             throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing closing parenthesis at column-list for index!", $tokens);
                     if ($tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_MATCH())) {
                         switch (true) {
                             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_FULL()):
                             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_PARTIAL()):
                             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_SIMPLE()):
                                 throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid match parameter for foreign key!", $tokens);
                     while ($tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_ON())) {
                         switch (true) {
                             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DELETE()):
                                 switch (true) {
                                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_RESTRICT()):
                                         $option = ReferenceOption::RESTRICT();
                                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CASCADE()):
                                         $option = ReferenceOption::CASCADE();
                                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_SET()) && $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_NULL()):
                                         $option = ReferenceOption::SET_NULL();
                                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_NO()) && $tokens->seekTokenText("ACTION"):
                                         $option = ReferenceOption::NO_ACTION();
                                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid reference-option for foreign key ON DELETE option!", $tokens);
                             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_UPDATE()):
                                 switch (true) {
                                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_RESTRICT()):
                                         $option = ReferenceOption::RESTRICT();
                                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CASCADE()):
                                         $option = ReferenceOption::CASCADE();
                                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_SET()) && $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_NULL()):
                                         $option = ReferenceOption::SET_NULL();
                                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_NO()) && $tokens->seekTokenText("ACTION"):
                                         $option = ReferenceOption::NO_ACTION();
                                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid reference-option for foreign key ON UPDATE option!", $tokens);
                                 throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid ON event for foreign key (allowed are UPDATE and DELETE)!", $tokens);
                     # CHECK (expression)
                 # CHECK (expression)
                 case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CHECK()):
                     if (!$this->conditionParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid CHECK condition statement!", $tokens);
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid definition in CREATE TABLE statement!", $tokens);
         } while ($tokens->seekTokenText(','));
     if ($checkEndParenthesis && !$tokens->seekTokenText(')')) {
         throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing closing parenthesis at end of table-definition!", $tokens);
     while (true) {
         switch (true) {
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_ENGINE()):
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_TYPE()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_STRING after T_ENGINE!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_AUTO_INCREMENT()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_NUM_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing number-string for T_AUTO_INCREMENT!", $tokens);
                 $createTableJob->setAutoIncrement((int) $tokens->getCurrentTokenString());
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_AVG_ROW_LENGTH()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_NUM_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing number-string for T_AVG_ROW_LENGTH!", $tokens);
                 $createTableJob->setAverageRowLength((int) $tokens->getCurrentTokenString());
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CHARACTER(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [SqlToken::T_DEFAULT()]):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_SET())) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing SET after CHARACTER keyword!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CHARSET(), TokenIterator::NEXT, [SqlToken::T_DEFAULT()]):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) && !$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing string for CHARACTER SET!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_COLLATE()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) && !$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing string for COLLATE!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CHECKSUM()):
                 switch (true) {
                     case $tokens->seekTokenText('0'):
                     case $tokens->seekTokenText('1'):
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid value for CHECKSUM! (only 0 or 1 allowed!)", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_COMMENT()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing encapsed string for comment!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_CONNECTION()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing encapsed string for connection-string!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_MAX_ROWS()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_NUM_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing number-string for MAX_ROWS!", $tokens);
                 $createTableJob->setMaximumRows((int) $tokens->getCurrentTokenString());
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_MIN_ROWS()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_NUM_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing number-string for MIN_ROWS!", $tokens);
                 $createTableJob->setMinimumRows((int) $tokens->getCurrentTokenString());
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_PACK_KEYS()):
                 switch (true) {
                     case $tokens->seekTokenText('DEFAULT'):
                     case $tokens->seekTokenText('0'):
                     case $tokens->seekTokenText('1'):
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid value for PACK_KEYS! (only DEFAULT, 0 or 1 allowed!)", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_PASSWORD()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing encapsed string for password!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DELAY_KEY_WRITE()):
                 switch (true) {
                     case $tokens->seekTokenText('0'):
                     case $tokens->seekTokenText('1'):
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid value for DELAY_KEY_WRITE! (only 0 or 1 allowed!)", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_ROW_FORMAT()):
                 $keyword = $tokens->getExclusiveTokenString();
                 $rowFormat = RowFormat::factory($keyword);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_UNION()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenText('(')) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing opening parenthesis for union-table-definition!", $tokens);
                 do {
                     if (!$this->tableParser->canParseTokens($tokens)) {
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid table in table-list for defining union tables!", $tokens);
                 } while ($tokens->seekTokenText(','));
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenText(')')) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing closing parenthesis at union-table-list!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_INSERT_METHOD()):
                 switch (true) {
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_NO()):
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_FIRST()):
                     case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_LAST()):
                         throw new MalformedSqlException("Invalid value given for insert-method (allowed are NO, FIRST and LAST)!");
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DATA()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DIRECTORY())) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_DIRECTORY after T_DATA for data-directory!", $tokens);
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing encapsed string for comment!", $tokens);
             case $tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_INDEX()):
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(SqlToken::T_DIRECTORY())) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing T_DIRECTORY after T_INDEX for index-directory!", $tokens);
                 if (!$tokens->seekTokenNum(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) {
                     throw new MalformedSqlException("Missing encapsed string for comment!", $tokens);
                 break 2;
     return $createTableJob;