public static function test($fpTypeID) { $ob_mapping = new Mapping(); $table_name = $ob_mapping->get_mappped_value('map_table_names', 'l_mlp_property'); $querySelect = "SELECT 1 FROM {$table_name} WHERE listingType = 'rhsProject' AND fpTypeID = {$fpTypeID} AND specialListingID = 3"; my_print($querySelect); $dbhSelect = self::$dbh->prepare($querySelect); if (!$dbhSelect) { my_print(self::$dbh->errorInfo()); die; } $dbhSelect->execute(); $ar_result = $dbhSelect->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (count($ar_result)) { return false; } $queryInsert = "INSERT INTO {$table_name} (listingType, fpTypeID, specialListingID) VALUES ('rhsProject', {$fpTypeID}, 3)"; $dbhInsert = self::$dbh->prepare($queryInsert); if (!$dbhInsert) { my_print(self::$dbh->errorInfo()); die; } $dbhInsert->execute(); $last_id = self::$dbh->lastInsertId(); return $last_id; }
public function setMapping(Mapping $mapping) { if ($mapping) { $this->utilSetFieldFromArray('data_json', 'mapping_id', $mapping->getId()); } else { $this->utilSetFieldFromArray('data_json', 'mapping_id', null); } }
public static function Initialize() { $userMapping = new Mapping("User", "T_User"); $userMapping->AddColumn("UserId", "Id"); $userMapping->AddColumn("CreationDate", "CreDat"); $userMapping->AddColumn("IsAdministrator", "IsAdmin"); self::$Mappings = array("User" => $userMapping); }
/** * Метод регистрируем маппинг */ protected final function register(Mapping $mapping) { if (array_key_exists($mapping->getHash(), $this->mappings)) { raise_error("Маппинг '{$mapping}' уже заругистрирован"); } else { $this->mappings[$mapping->getHash()] = $mapping; } }
public static function get_appointment_data($table_name, $appointmentID, $column_name = NULL) { if (empty($appointmentID)) { die("The appointmentID can not be null. \n"); } if (!is_numeric($appointmentID)) { die("The appointmentID should be numeric. \n"); } $column_name = $column_name ? $column_name : 'appointmentID'; // To do - validate the $table_name $ob_mapping = new Mapping(); $data = self::get_data($ob_mapping->get_mappped_value($table_name), $column_name, $appointmentID); return $data; }
public static function get_data($table_name, $id_field = '', $id_value = '') { $ob_mapping = new Mapping(); $table_name = $ob_mapping->get_mappped_value($table_name); $query = "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} "; if ($id_field != '' && $id_value != '') { $query .= "WHERE {$id_field} = {$id_value}"; } $dbh = self::$dbh->prepare($query); if (!$dbh) { my_print(self::$dbh->errorInfo()); die; } $dbh->execute(); return $dbh->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }
public function __construct($node, $parent) { parent::__construct($node, $parent); self::$possible_attributes = array_merge(parent::$possible_attributes, self::$possible_attributes); self::$required_attributes = array_merge(parent::$required_attributes, self::$required_attributes); self::$possible_children = array_merge(parent::$possible_children, self::$possible_children); self::$required_children = array_merge(parent::$required_children, self::$required_children); }
/** * create type mapping object * * @param array $indexConfig * @return Mapping */ protected function createMapping($indexConfig) { /*$mapping = $this->createMapping($indexConfig['config']['properties'][$typeName]);*/ $mapping = Mapping::create($indexConfig['properties']); $mappingSpecialFields = array('_uid', '_id', '_source', '_all', '_analyzer', '_boost', '_routing', '_index', '_size', '_timestamp', '_ttl', 'dynamic_templates'); foreach ($mappingSpecialFields as $specialField) { if (isset($indexConfig[$specialField])) { $mapping->setParam($specialField, $indexConfig[$specialField]); } } if (isset($indexConfig['_parent'])) { $mapping->setParam('_parent', array('type' => $indexConfig['_parent']['type'])); } return $mapping; }
/** * Creates a mapping from given type. * * @param string $type The type * * @return Mapping */ public function of($type) { $isArray = '[]' === substr($type, -2); if ($isArray) { $type = substr($type, 0, -2); } if (array_key_exists($type, $this->mappings)) { $mapping = clone $this->mappings[$type]; } else { $refl = new \ReflectionClass($type); $mapping = new Mapping(new Emitter(), $this->extensions); foreach ($refl->getProperties() as $prop) { if ($child = $this->mappingFromProp($prop)) { $mapping->addChild($prop->getName(), $child); } } $mapping->transformTo($type); $this->mappings[$type] = clone $mapping; } if ($isArray) { $mapping = $mapping->multiple(); } return $mapping; }
public static function createCustomerXml($customer) { $docXml = self::createResponseXml(); $request = $docXml->createElement("request"); $customerElem = $docXml->createElement("Client_Web"); $customerElem->setAttribute('Code_Site_Web', GlobalConfig::getWebSiteCode()); $customerElem->setAttribute('Login', $customer['id_customer']); $customerElem->setAttribute('Civilite', Mapping::psCivility2OsiCivility($customer['id_gender'])); $customerElem->setAttribute('Nom', $customer['customerLastname']); $customerElem->setAttribute('Prenom', $customer['customerFirstname']); $customerElem->setAttribute('Societe', $customer['company']); $customerElem->setAttribute('Adresse_1', $customer['address1']); $customerElem->setAttribute('Adresse_2', $customer['address2']); $customerElem->setAttribute('Code_Postal', $customer['postcode']); $customerElem->setAttribute('Ville', $customer['city']); $customerElem->setAttribute('Code_Pays', $customer['iso_code']); $phone = $customer["phone"] != "" ? $customer["phone"] : $customer["phone_mobile"]; $customerElem->setAttribute('Telephone', $phone); $customerElem->setAttribute('Email', $customer['email']); $request->appendChild($customerElem); $docXml->appendChild($request); return $docXml->saveXML(); }
/** * Check if a domain has a mapping available * * @param stdClass|null $site Site object if already found, null otherwise * @param string $domain Domain we're looking for * @return stdClass|null Site object if already found, null otherwise */ function check_domain_mapping($site, $domain) { // Have we already matched? (Allows other plugins to match first) if (!empty($site)) { return $site; } global $wpdb; // Grab both WWW and no-WWW if (strpos($domain, 'www.') === 0) { $www = $domain; $nowww = substr($domain, 4); } else { $nowww = $domain; $www = 'www.' . $domain; } $mapping = Mapping::get_by_domain(array($www, $nowww)); if (empty($mapping) || is_wp_error($mapping)) { return $site; } // Ignore non-active domains if (!$mapping->is_active()) { return $site; } // Fetch the actual data for the site $mapped_site = $mapping->get_site(); if (empty($mapped_site)) { return $site; } // Note: This is only for backwards compatibility with WPMU Domain Mapping, // do not rely on this constant in new code. defined('DOMAIN_MAPPING') or define('DOMAIN_MAPPING', 1); return $mapped_site; }
if (count($parts) !== 3) { continue; } list($s, $p, $o) = $parts; $key = $s . '#' . $o; if (array_key_exists($key, $wikidataValues)) { $wikidataValues[$key] .= "\t" . $p; } else { $wikidataValues[$key] = $p; } } fclose($input); echo "\nLoad Freebase and compute\n"; $count = 0; $input = fopen($argv[2], 'r'); $mapping = new Mapping(new DummyCVTProvider(), new DummyReviewedFacts(), $argv[3]); $isoDateParser = new ValueParsers\IsoTimestampParser(new ValueParsers\CalendarModelParser(new ValueParsers\ParserOptions()), new ValueParsers\ParserOptions()); while ($line = fgets($input)) { $count++; if ($count % 1000000 === 0) { echo '.'; } list($s, $p, $o) = explode("\t", trim($line, " .\t\n\r\v"), 3); $s = substr($s, 28, -1); if (!$mapping->isFreebaseMapped($s)) { continue; } $s = $mapping->mapMid($s); $p = substr($p, 24, -1); //Format object if ($o[0] === '"') {
public function countUsedFacts() { $count = 0; foreach ($this->reviewedFacts as $used) { if ($used) { $count++; } } return $count; } } $outputdirectory = $argv[4]; $input = fopen($argv[1], 'r'); $cvtStorage = new CvtStorage(); $reviewedFactsStorage = new ReviewedFactsStorage(); $mapping = new Mapping($cvtStorage, $reviewedFactsStorage, $argv[3]); print_r($mapping->getStatistics()); //Extract CVTss if (file_exists($outputdirectory . '/cvt-triples.tsv')) { echo "\nLoading CVTs\n"; $cvtStorage->loadfromFile($outputdirectory . '/cvt-triples.tsv'); } else { //Find CVT nodes $cvtMids = array(); if (file_exists($outputdirectory . '/freebase-cvt-ids.csv')) { $cvtIdsFile = fopen($outputdirectory . '/freebase-cvt-ids.csv', 'r'); while ($line = fgets($cvtIdsFile)) { $cvtMids[trim($line)] = true; } fclose($cvtIdsFile); } else {
/** * create object from array * @see parent::fromArray * @param array $array */ public function fromArray($array) { if (!empty($array['number'])) { $this->_ensureNumber()->fromArray($array['number']); unset($array['number']); } if (!empty($array['map_data'])) { $this->setMapData(Mapping::create($array['map_data'])); unset($array['map_data']); } parent::fromArray($array); }
/** * factory to build mapping object by params array * @param array $params array of key=>value properties * @return Mapping */ public static function create($params = array()) { if (isset($params['type'])) { $className = "Didww\\API2\\Mapping\\" . $params['type']; $mapping = new $className(); unset($params['type']); } else { $mapping = new Mapping(); } $mapping->fromArray($params); return $mapping; }
// Begin script debug_message('Script begin.'); /** * Save the Agent information */ $ra = @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $hua = @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $ob_log->write("Remote IP: {$ra}"); $ob_log->write("Remote User Agents: {$hua}"); /*** Availble variables $ob_property $ob_appointment */ $ob_map = new Mapping(); // Get all appointments whose status is complete // To do - This should go in the Appointment class $results = $ob_appointment::get_complted_appointments(); $count = count($results); $ob_log->write("Total {$count} completed appointment found."); // Go through each result foreach ($results as $key => $result) { $ap_details = array(); $ai_details = array(); $aw_details = array(); $ak_details = array(); $ab_details = array(); $at_details = array(); $al_details = array(); // Get the appointment details
public static function save_attributes($property_id, $attributes) { $map = new Mapping(); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $attr_type = self::get_attribute_type($key); if ($attr_type == 'select') { $map_value = $map->get_app_field_value($value); $attr_options = self::get_attribute_options($key); if ($key == 21) { if ($map_value > 3) { $map_value = '4+'; } } if ($key == 15 && $value == 'All Type') { $map_value = 'No preference'; } if ($key == 124 && $value > 0) { $map_value = 'Yes'; } elseif ($key == 124 && ($value = 0)) { $map_value = 'No'; } $attr_option_id = isset($attr_options[$map_value]) ? $attr_options[$map_value] : 0; $attr_option_value = $map_value; } elseif ($attr_type == 'multiselect') { $map_value = explode(',', $map->get_app_field_value($value)); $attr_options = self::get_attribute_options($key); $options = $details = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($attr_options as $id => $option) { if (trim($map_value[$i]) == 'Y') { $options[$id] = $option; $details[$id] = $id; } $i++; } $attr_option_id = join($options, '#|#'); $attr_option_value = join($details, '#|#'); } else { $attr_option_id = 0; $attr_option_value = $map->get_app_field_value($value); } $ar_proprerty_attribute_values = array('propertyID' => $property_id, 'attributeID' => $key, 'attrOptionID' => $attr_option_id); $attrValueID = self::save_data('rp_property_attribute_values', $ar_proprerty_attribute_values); $ar_proprerty_attribute_values_l1 = array('attrValueID' => $attrValueID, 'languageID' => 1, 'attrDetValue' => $attr_option_value); $attrValueID = self::save_data('rp_property_attribute_value_details', $ar_proprerty_attribute_values_l1); $ar_proprerty_attribute_values_l2 = array('attrValueID' => $attrValueID, 'languageID' => 2, 'attrDetValue' => $attr_option_value); $attrValueID = self::save_data('rp_property_attribute_value_details', $ar_proprerty_attribute_values_l2); } }
/** * Маппинг групп кешей к сущностям базы - таблицам и представлениям * * @param str $postType - тип поста * @return MappingClient */ public static final function CACHE_DBENTITYS() { return Mapping::inst(MapSrcCacheGroups::inst(array(), __FUNCTION__), MapSrcDbEntitys::inst(array(), __FUNCTION__), 'Группы кеширования к Таблицам и представлениям'); }
private function buildInquireMapping($xml) { $inquireMapping = new InquireMapping(); $inquireMapping->setRequestId((string) $xml->RequestId); $mappings = new Mappings(); $mappingArray = array(); foreach ($xml->Mappings->Mapping as $mapping) { $tmpMapping = new Mapping(); $tmpMapping->setMappingId((string) $mapping->MappingId); $tmpMapping->setSubscriberId((string) $mapping->SubscriberId); $tmpMapping->setAccountUsage((string) $mapping->AccountUsage); $tmpMapping->setDefaultIndicator((string) $mapping->DefaultIndicator); $tmpMapping->setAlias((string) $mapping->Alias); $tmpMapping->setICA((string) $mapping->ICA); $tmpMapping->setAccountNumber((string) $mapping->AccountNumber); $tmpCardholderFullName = new CardholderFullName(); $cardholderFullName = $mapping->CardholderFullName; $tmpCardholderFullName->setCardholderFirstName((string) $cardholderFullName->CardholderFirstName); $tmpCardholderFullName->setCardholderMiddleName((string) $cardholderFullName->CardholderMiddleName); $tmpCardholderFullName->setCardholderLastName((string) $cardholderFullName->CardholderLastName); $tmpAddress = new Address(); $address = $mapping->Address; $tmpAddress->setLine1((string) $address->line1); $tmpAddress->setLine2((string) $address->line2); $tmpAddress->setCity((string) $address->City); $tmpAddress->setCountrySubdivision((string) $address->CountrySubdivision); $tmpAddress->setPostalCode((string) $address->PostalCode); $tmpAddress->setCountry((string) $address->Country); $tmpReceivingEligibility = new ReceivingEligibility(); $receivingEligibility = $mapping->ReceivingEligibility; $tmpReceivingEligibility->setEligible((string) $receivingEligibility->Eligible); $tmpCurrency = new Currency(); $currency = $receivingEligibility->Currency; $tmpCurrency->setAlphaCurrencyCode((string) $currency->AlphaCurrencyCode); $tmpCurrency->setNumericCurrencyCode((string) $currency->NumericCurrencyCode); $tmpCountry = new Country(); $country = $receivingEligibility->Country; $tmpCountry->setAlphaCountryCode((string) $country->AlphaCountryCode); $tmpCountry->setAlphaCountryCode((string) $country->NumericCountryCode); $tmpBrand = new Brand(); $brand = $receivingEligibility->Brand; $tmpBrand->setAcceptanceBrandCode((string) $brand->AcceptanceBrandCode); $tmpBrand->setProductBrandCode((string) $brand->ProductBrandCode); $tmpMapping->setExpiryDate((string) $mapping->ExpiryDate); $tmpReceivingEligibility->setCurrency($tmpCurrency); $tmpReceivingEligibility->setCountry($tmpCountry); $tmpReceivingEligibility->setBrand($tmpBrand); $tmpMapping->setCardholderFullName($tmpCardholderFullName); $tmpMapping->setAddress($tmpAddress); $tmpMapping->setReceivingEligibility($tmpReceivingEligibility); array_push($mappingArray, $tmpMapping); } $mappings->setMapping($mappingArray); $inquireMapping->setMappings($mappings); return $inquireMapping; }
/** * @param $string * @return string */ public function valueMapping($string) { $matches = []; if (preg_match('/@([a-zA-Z\\d_\\-]+).@([a-zA-Z\\d_\\-]+)/', $string, $matches)) { $table = ''; $column = ''; if ($matches[1] == 'this') { $table = $this->classMapping['Table']->name; $column = $this->propertiesMapping[$matches[2]]; } else { $nameSpace = $this->reflectionClass->getNamespaceName(); $mapping = Mapping::getReader($nameSpace . '\\' . ucfirst($matches[1])); $table = $mapping->getClassMapping('Table')->name; $properties = $mapping->getPropertiesMapping(); $column = $properties[$matches[2]]; } return '`' . $table . '`' . '.' . '`' . $column . '`'; } else { return $string; } }
function offsetUnset($offset) { parent::offsetUnset($this->parseOffset($offset)); }
public static function update_data($table, $data, $key_field) { $ar_columns = array(); $str_columns = array(); // Todo : use a validation class to get validation massages if (!is_string($table)) { die("\$table should be a string \n"); } if (!is_array($data)) { die("\$data should be an array \n"); } if (!is_string($key_field)) { die("\$key_field should be an array \n"); } if (isset($data[$key_field])) { $key_value = $data[$key_field]; unset($data[$key_field]); } else { echo "The key field <em>{$key_field}</em> is not in the data."; die; } foreach ($data as $col_name => $col_value) { $ar_columns[] = "{$col_name} = '{$col_value}'"; } $str_columns = join($ar_columns); $ob_mapping = new Mapping(); $table_name = $ob_mapping->get_mappped_value('map_table_names', $table); $query = "UPDATE {$table_name} SET {$str_columns} WHERE {$key_field} = '{$key_value}'"; $dbh = self::$dbh->prepare($query); //my_print($query); if (!$dbh) { my_print(self::$dbh->errorInfo()); die; } $dbh->execute(); $last_id = self::$dbh->lastInsertId(); return $last_id; }
} } fclose($input); echo "\nSaving Wikidata labels languages\n"; $file = fopen($argv[4] . '/wikidata-labels-languages.tsv', 'w'); foreach ($wikidataLabels as $qid => $languages) { fwrite($file, $qid . "\t" . implode(' ', $languages) . "\n"); } fclose($file); } $input = fopen($argv[2], 'r'); $output = fopen($argv[4] . '/freebase-new-labels.tsv', 'w'); $LANGUAGE_CODE_CONVERSION = ['iw' => 'he', 'pt-pt' => 'pt', 'fil' => 'tl', 'es-419' => 'es', 'en-us' => 'en']; //Count types $count = 0; $mapping = new Mapping(new DummyCVTProvider(), new DummyReviewedFacts(), $argv[3]); echo "\nCreating missing labels list\n"; while ($line = fgets($input)) { list($mid, $labelSer) = explode("\t", trim($line)); $parts = explode('@', $labelSer); if (count($parts) === 2) { list($label, $language) = $parts; } else { $label = $parts[0]; for ($i = 1; $i < count($parts) - 1; $i++) { $label .= '@' . $parts[$i]; } $language = $parts[$i]; } $language = strtolower($language); if (array_key_exists($language, $LANGUAGE_CODE_CONVERSION)) {
public function fromServiceData($properties) { $properties = (array) $properties; if ($this->_order) { $this->_order->setCountryIso($properties['country_iso']); $this->_order->setCityPrefix($properties['city_prefix']); $this->_order->setAutorenewEnable($properties['autorenew_enable']); $mappingVars = explode(":", $properties['did_mapping_format']); if (count($mappingVars) == 3) { $mapping = Mapping::create(array("map_type" => $mappingVars[0], "map_proto" => $mappingVars[1], "map_detail" => $mappingVars[2])); $this->_order->setMapData($mapping); } } unset($properties['city_prefix'], $properties['country_iso'], $properties['autorenew_enable']); $assignType = $this->getAssignType(); $this->setAssignType(\Didww\API2\Object::ASSIGN_IGNORE); $this->fromArray($properties); $this->setAssignType($assignType); }
/** * Маппинг фолдингов к сущностям БД * * @param str $postType - тип поста * @return MappingClient */ public static final function FOLDINGS2DB() { return Mapping::inst(MapSrcAllFoldings::inst(__FUNCTION__), MapSrcDbEntitys::inst(__FUNCTION__), 'Маппинг фолдингов к сущностям БД'); }
/** * Add properties to load. * * @param string[] $properties * * @return $this */ public function addProperties($properties) { $this->mapping->addProperties($properties); return $this; }
public function fromServiceData($properties) { $properties = (array) $properties; if ($this->_order) { $this->_order->setCountryIso($properties['country_iso']); $this->_order->setCityPrefix($properties['city_prefix']); $this->_order->setAutorenewEnable($properties['autorenew_enable']); // only URI supporting if (preg_match("/^URI:(\\w+)\\/(\\S+)\$/", $properties['did_mapping_format'], $matches)) { if (count($matches) == 3) { $mapping = Mapping::create(array("map_type" => 'URI', "map_proto" => $matches[1], "map_detail" => $matches[2])); $this->_order->setMapData($mapping); } } } unset($properties['city_prefix'], $properties['country_iso'], $properties['autorenew_enable']); $assignType = $this->getAssignType(); $this->setAssignType(\Didww\API2\Object::ASSIGN_IGNORE); $this->fromArray($properties); $this->setAssignType($assignType); }
/** * Puts a mapping on index * * @param array|object $mapping * @param array $config * @throws Exception * @return array */ public function map($mapping, array $config = array()) { if (is_array($mapping)) { $mapping = new Mapping($mapping); } $mapping->config($config); try { $type = $mapping->config('type'); } catch (\Exception $e) { } // No type is cool if (isset($type) && !$this->passesTypeConstraint($type)) { throw new Exception("Cant create mapping due to type constraint mismatch"); } return $this->request('_mapping', 'PUT', $mapping->export(), true); }
public static function save_attributes($property_id, $attributes) { $map = new Mapping(); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $attr_type = self::get_attribute_type($key); if ($attr_type == 'select') { $map_value = $map->get_app_field_value($value); $attr_options = self::get_attribute_options($key); if ($key == 21) { $map_value = 1; } if ($key == 15 && $value == 'All Type') { $map_value = 'No preference'; } if ($key == 124 && $value > 0) { $map_value = 'Yes'; } elseif ($key == 124 && ($value = 0)) { $map_value = 'No'; } $attr_option_id = isset($attr_options[$map_value]) ? $attr_options[$map_value] : 0; $attr_option_value = $map_value; //my_print('arrt_id: '.$key); //my_print('value: '.$value); //my_print('Map value: '.$map_value); //my_print($attr_options); } else { $attr_option_id = 0; $attr_option_value = $map->get_app_field_value($value); } //my_print($key . '::' . $attr_option_id . '::' . $attr_option_value . '::' . $attr_type); $ar_proprerty_attribute_values = array('propertyID' => $property_id, 'attributeID' => $key, 'attrOptionID' => $attr_option_id); $attrValueID = self::save_data('rp_property_attribute_values', $ar_proprerty_attribute_values); $ar_proprerty_attribute_values_l1 = array('attrValueID' => $attrValueID, 'languageID' => 1, 'attrDetValue' => $attr_option_value); $attrValueID = self::save_data('rp_property_attribute_value_details', $ar_proprerty_attribute_values_l1); $ar_proprerty_attribute_values_l2 = array('attrValueID' => $attrValueID, 'languageID' => 2, 'attrDetValue' => $attr_option_value); $attrValueID = self::save_data('rp_property_attribute_value_details', $ar_proprerty_attribute_values_l2); } }
break; case MappingDetail::$MAPPING_AMOUNT: // We may have Credit / Debit Column, so at one time there is one column have value one doesn't if (trim($data[$map->getCsvColumnNumber()])) { $activity->setAmount(trim($data[$map->getCsvColumnNumber()])); } break; case MappingDetail::$MAPPING_NAME: $activity->setName($data[$map->getCsvColumnNumber()]); break; } } } fclose($handle); } $transaction->commit(); $smarty->assign('message', "Imported CSV successfully"); } $smarty->assign('left_menu', true); $smarty->assign('mappingTypes', Mapping::getOptions(array('USER_ID' => $user->getId())) + Mapping::getOptions()); $smarty->display('process.tpl'); } catch (AccessDeniedException $e) { header('HTTP/1.1 401 Access Denied'); echo "AccessDeniedException: " . $e->getMessage(); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($transaction && !$transaction->isComplete()) { $transaction->rollback(); } header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); echo "Exception: " . $e->getMessage(); }