public static function PagesSearch_handler($data, $website, &$output) { if (preg_match('/<mainwp>(.*)<\\/mainwp>/', $data, $results) > 0) { $pages = unserialize(base64_decode($results[1])); unset($results); foreach ($pages as $page) { if (isset($page['dts'])) { if (!stristr($page['dts'], '-')) { $page['dts'] = MainWPUtility::formatTimestamp(MainWPUtility::getTimestamp($page['dts'])); } } if (!isset($page['title']) || $page['title'] == '') { $page['title'] = '(No Title)'; } ob_start(); ?> <tr id="page-1" class="page-1 page type-page status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized alternate iedit author-self" valign="top"> <th scope="row" class="check-column"><input type="checkbox" name="page[]" value="1"></th> <td class="page-title page-title column-title"> <input class="pageId" type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $page['id']; ?> "/> <input class="allowedBulkActions" type="hidden" name="allowedBulkActions" value="|trash|delete|<?php if ($page['status'] == 'trash') { echo 'restore|'; } ?> "/> <input class="websiteId" type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $website->id; ?> "/> <strong> <abbr title="<?php echo $page['title']; ?> "> <?php if ($page['status'] != 'trash') { ?> <a class="row-title" href="admin.php?page=SiteOpen&websiteid=<?php echo $website->id; ?> &location=<?php echo base64_encode('post.php?post=' . $page['id'] . '&action=edit'); ?> " title="Edit '<?php echo $page['title']; ?> '?"><?php echo $page['title']; ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo $page['title']; ?> <?php } ?> </abbr> </strong> <div class="row-actions"> <?php if ($page['status'] != 'trash') { ?> <span class="edit"><a href="admin.php?page=SiteOpen&websiteid=<?php echo $website->id; ?> &location=<?php echo base64_encode('post.php?post=' . $page['id'] . '&action=edit'); ?> " title="Edit this item"><?php _e('Edit', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> <span class="trash"> | <a class="page_submitdelete" title="Move this item to the Trash" href="#"><?php _e('Trash', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </span> <?php } ?> <?php if ($page['status'] == 'publish') { ?> <span class="view"> | <a href="<?php echo $website->url . (substr($website->url, -1) != '/' ? '/' : '') . '?p=' . $page['id']; ?> " target="_blank" title="View '<?php echo $page['title']; ?> '?" rel="permalink"><?php _e('View', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> <?php } ?> <?php if ($page['status'] == 'trash') { ?> <span class="restore"> <a class="page_submitrestore" title="Restore this item" href="#"><?php _e('Restore', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </span> <span class="trash"> | <a class="page_submitdelete_perm" title="Delete this item permanently" href="#"><?php _e('Delete Permanently', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </span> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="row-actions-working"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i> <?php _e('Please wait', 'mainwp'); ?> </div> </td> <td class="author column-author"> <?php echo $page['author']; ?> </td> <td class="comments column-comments"> <div class="page-com-count-wrapper"> <a href="#" title="0 pending" class="post-com-count"><span class="comment-count"><abbr title="<?php echo $page['comment_count']; ?> "><?php echo $page['comment_count']; ?> </abbr></span></a> </div> </td> <td class="date column-date"><abbr title="<?php echo $page['dts']; ?> "><?php echo $page['dts']; ?> </abbr> </td> <td class="status column-status"><?php echo self::getStatus($page['status']); ?> </td> <td class="categories column-categories"> <a href="<?php echo $website->url; ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo $website->url; ?> </a> <div class="row-actions"> <span class="edit"><a href="admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=<?php echo $website->id; ?> "><?php _e('Dashboard', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> | <a href="admin.php?page=SiteOpen&websiteid=<?php echo $website->id; ?> "><?php _e('WP Admin', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> </div> </td> </tr> <?php $newOutput = ob_get_clean(); echo $newOutput; MainWPCache::addBody('Page', $newOutput); $output->pages++; } unset($pages); } else { $output->errors[$website->id] = MainWPErrorHelper::getErrorMessage(new MainWPException('NOMAINWP', $website->url)); } }
public function cache_add_body($page, $body) { MainWPCache::addBody($page, $body); }
protected static function usersSearchHandlerRenderer($users, $website) { $return = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { ob_start(); ?> <tr id="user-1" class="alternate"> <th scope="row" class="check-column"><input type="checkbox" name="user[]" value="1"></th> <td class="username column-username"> <input class="userId" type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $user['id']; ?> "/> <input class="userName" type="hidden" name="name" value="<?php echo $user['login']; ?> "/> <input class="websiteId" type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $website->id; ?> "/> <?php if (isset($user['avatar'])) { echo $user['avatar']; } ?> <strong><abbr title="<?php echo $user['login']; ?> "><?php echo $user['login']; ?> </abbr></strong> <div class="row-actions"> <span class="edit"><a href="admin.php?page=SiteOpen&websiteid=<?php echo $website->id; ?> &location=<?php echo base64_encode('user-edit.php?user_id=' . $user['id']); ?> " title="Edit this user"><?php _e('Edit', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </span> <?php if ($user['id'] != 1 && $user['login'] != $website->adminname) { ?> <span class="trash"> | <a class="user_submitdelete" title="Delete this user" href="#"><?php _e('Delete', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </span> <?php } else { if ($user['id'] == 1 || $user['login'] == $website->adminname) { ?> <span class="trash"> | <span title="This user is used for our secure link, it can not be deleted." style="color: gray"><?php _e('Delete', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('This user is used for our secure link, it can not be deleted.', 'mainwp'), '', 'images/info.png', 'float: none !important;'); ?> </span> </span> <?php } } ?> </div> <div class="row-actions-working"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i> <?php _e('Please wait', 'mainwp'); ?> </div> </td> <td class="name column-name"><?php echo $user['display_name']; ?> </td> <td class="email column-email"><a href="mailto:<?php echo $user['email']; ?> "><?php echo $user['email']; ?> </a></td> <td class="role column-role"><?php echo self::getRole($user['role']); ?> </td> <td class="posts column-posts" style="text-align: left; padding-left: 1.7em ;"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=PostBulkManage&siteid=' . $website->id . '&userid=' . $user['id']); ?> "><?php echo $user['post_count']; ?> </a></td> <td class="website column-website"><a href="<?php echo $website->url; ?> "><?php echo $website->url; ?> </a> <div class="row-actions"> <span class="edit"><a href="admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=<?php echo $website->id; ?> "><?php _e('Dashboard', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> | <a href="admin.php?page=SiteOpen&websiteid=<?php echo $website->id; ?> "><?php _e('WP Admin', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> </div> </td> </tr> <?php $newOutput = ob_get_clean(); echo $newOutput; MainWPCache::addBody('Users', $newOutput); $return++; } return $return; }
public static function renderTable($keyword, $status, $groups, $sites) { MainWPCache::initCache('Themes'); $output = new stdClass(); $output->errors = array(); $output->themes = array(); if (get_option('mainwp_optimize') == 1) { //Search in local cache if ($sites != '') { foreach ($sites as $k => $v) { if (MainWPUtility::ctype_digit($v)) { $website = MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteById($v); $allThemes = json_decode($website->themes, true); for ($i = 0; $i < count($allThemes); $i++) { $theme = $allThemes[$i]; if ($status == "active" || $status == "inactive") { if ($theme['active'] == 1 && $status !== "active") { continue; } else { if ($theme['active'] != 1 && $status !== "inactive") { continue; } } } if ($keyword != '' && !stristr($theme['title'], $keyword)) { continue; } $theme['websiteid'] = $website->id; $theme['websiteurl'] = $website->url; $output->themes[] = $theme; } } } } if ($groups != '') { foreach ($groups as $k => $v) { if (MainWPUtility::ctype_digit($v)) { $websites = MainWPDB::Instance()->query(MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsitesByGroupId($v)); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { if ($website->sync_errors != '') { continue; } $allThemes = json_decode($website->themes, true); for ($i = 0; $i < count($allThemes); $i++) { $theme = $allThemes[$i]; if ($status == "active" || $status == "inactive") { if ($theme['active'] == 1 && $status !== "active") { continue; } else { if ($theme['active'] != 1 && $status !== "inactive") { continue; } } } if ($keyword != '' && !stristr($theme['title'], $keyword)) { continue; } $theme['websiteid'] = $website->id; $theme['websiteurl'] = $website->url; $output->themes[] = $theme; } } @MainWPDB::free_result($websites); } } } } else { //Fetch all! //Build websites array $dbwebsites = array(); if ($sites != '') { foreach ($sites as $k => $v) { if (MainWPUtility::ctype_digit($v)) { $website = MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteById($v); $dbwebsites[$website->id] = MainWPUtility::mapSite($website, array('id', 'url', 'name', 'adminname', 'nossl', 'privkey', 'nosslkey')); } } } if ($groups != '') { foreach ($groups as $k => $v) { if (MainWPUtility::ctype_digit($v)) { $websites = MainWPDB::Instance()->query(MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsitesByGroupId($v)); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { if ($website->sync_errors != '') { continue; } $dbwebsites[$website->id] = MainWPUtility::mapSite($website, array('id', 'url', 'name', 'adminname', 'nossl', 'privkey', 'nosslkey')); } @MainWPDB::free_result($websites); } } } $post_data = array('keyword' => $keyword); if ($status == "active" || $status == "inactive") { $post_data['status'] = $status; $post_data['filter'] = true; } else { $post_data['status'] = ""; $post_data['filter'] = false; } MainWPUtility::fetchUrlsAuthed($dbwebsites, 'get_all_themes', $post_data, array(MainWPThemes::getClassName(), 'ThemesSearch_handler'), $output); if (count($output->errors) > 0) { foreach ($output->errors as $siteid => $error) { echo '<strong>Error on ' . MainWPUtility::getNiceURL($dbwebsites[$siteid]->url) . ': ' . $error . ' <br /></strong>'; } echo '<br />'; } if (count($output->errors) == count($dbwebsites)) { return; } } MainWPCache::addContext('Themes', array('keyword' => $keyword, 'the_status' => $status)); ob_start(); ?> <div class="alignleft"> <select name="bulk_action" id="mainwp_bulk_action"> <option value="none"><?php _e('Choose Action', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> <?php if ($status == 'inactive') { ?> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "activate_themes")) { ?> <option value="activate"><?php _e('Activate', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> <?php } ?> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "delete_themes")) { ?> <option value="delete"><?php _e('Delete', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <option value="ignore_updates"><?php _e('Ignore Updates', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <input type="button" name="" id="mainwp_bulk_theme_action_apply" class="button" value="<?php _e('Confirm', 'mainwp'); ?> "/> <span id="mainwp_bulk_action_loading"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i></span> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php if (count($output->themes) == 0) { ?> No themes found <?php $newOutput = ob_get_clean(); echo $newOutput; MainWPCache::addBody('Themes', $newOutput); return; } //Map per siteId $sites = array(); //id -> url $siteThemes = array(); //site_id -> theme_version_name -> theme obj $themes = array(); //name_version -> name $themesVersion = array(); //name_version -> title_version $themesRealVersion = $themesSlug = array(); //name_version -> title_version foreach ($output->themes as $theme) { $sites[$theme['websiteid']] = $theme['websiteurl']; $themes[$theme['name'] . '_' . $theme['version']] = $theme['name']; $themesSlug[$theme['name'] . '_' . $theme['version']] = $theme['slug']; $themesVersion[$theme['name'] . '_' . $theme['version']] = $theme['title'] . ' ' . $theme['version']; $themesRealVersion[$theme['name'] . '_' . $theme['version']] = $theme['version']; if (!isset($siteThemes[$theme['websiteid']]) || !is_array($siteThemes[$theme['websiteid']])) { $siteThemes[$theme['websiteid']] = array(); } $siteThemes[$theme['websiteid']][$theme['name'] . '_' . $theme['version']] = $theme; } ?> <div id="mainwp-table-overflow" style="overflow: auto !important ;"> <table class="wp-list-table widefat fixed pages" style="width: auto; word-wrap: normal"> <thead> <tr> <th class="headcol"></th> <?php foreach ($themesVersion as $theme_name => $theme_title) { echo '<th style="height: 100px; padding: 5px ;"> <p style="font-family: Arial, Sans-Serif; text-shadow: none ; width: 100px !important; height: 30px ; text-align: center; width: auto; height: auto; font-size: 13px; -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); -o-transform: rotate(-90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg); writing-mode: lr-tb; "> <input type="checkbox" value="' . $themes[$theme_name] . '" id="' . $theme_name . '" version="' . $themesRealVersion[$theme_name] . '" class="mainwp_theme_check_all" style="margin: 3px 0px 0px 0px; display: none ; " /> <label for="' . $theme_name . '">' . $theme_title . '</label> </p> </th>'; } ?> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($sites as $site_id => $site_url) { ?> <tr> <td class="headcol"> <input class="websiteId" type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $site_id; ?> "/> <label for="<?php echo $site_url; ?> "><strong><?php echo $site_url; ?> </strong></label> <input type="checkbox" value="" id="<?php echo $site_url; ?> " class="mainwp_site_check_all" style="display: none ;"/> </td> <?php foreach ($themesVersion as $theme_name => $theme_title) { echo '<td style="text-align: center">'; if (isset($siteThemes[$site_id]) && isset($siteThemes[$site_id][$theme_name])) { echo '<input type="checkbox" value="' . $themes[$theme_name] . '" version="' . $themesRealVersion[$theme_name] . '" slug="' . $themesSlug[$theme_name] . '" class="selected_theme" />'; } echo '</td>'; } ?> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php $newOutput = ob_get_clean(); echo $newOutput; MainWPCache::addBody('Themes', $newOutput); }