function onError($error) { global $ost, $thisstaff; $ost->logError('Upgrader Error', $error); $this->setError($error); $this->setState('aborted'); //Alert staff upgrading the system - if the email is not same as admin's // admin gets alerted on error log (above) if (!$thisstaff || !strcasecmp($thisstaff->getEmail(), $ost->getConfig()->getAdminEmail())) { return; } $email = null; if (!($email = $ost->getConfig()->getAlertEmail())) { $email = $ost->getConfig()->getDefaultEmail(); } //will take the default email. $subject = 'Upgrader Error'; if ($email) { $email->send($thistaff->getEmail(), $subject, $error); } else { //no luck - try the system mail. Mailer::sendmail($thistaff->getEmail(), $subject, $error, sprintf('"osTicket Alerts"<%s>', $thistaff->getEmail())); } }
//Not in use of v 1.7 define('SLA_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'sla'); define('API_KEY_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'api_key'); define('TIMEZONE_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'timezone'); #Connect to the DB && get configuration from database $ferror = null; if (!db_connect(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASS) || !db_select_database(DBNAME)) { $ferror = 'Unable to connect to the database'; } elseif (!($ost = osTicket::start(1)) || !($cfg = $ost->getConfig())) { $ferror = 'Unable to load config info from DB. Get tech support.'; } if ($ferror) { //Fatal error //try alerting admin using email in config file $msg = $ferror . "\n\n" . THISPAGE; Mailer::sendmail(ADMIN_EMAIL, 'osTicket Fatal Error', $msg, sprintf('"osTicket Alerts"<%s>', ADMIN_EMAIL)); //Display generic error to the user die("<b>Fatal Error:</b> Contact system administrator."); exit; } //Init $session = $ost->getSession(); //System defaults we might want to make global// #pagenation default - user can overwrite it! define('DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT', $cfg->getPageSize() ? $cfg->getPageSize() : 25); #Cleanup magic quotes crap. if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST = Format::strip_slashes($_POST); $_GET = Format::strip_slashes($_GET); $_REQUEST = Format::strip_slashes($_REQUEST); }
function croak($message) { $msg = $message . "\n\n" . THISPAGE; Mailer::sendmail(ADMIN_EMAIL, 'osTicket Fatal Error', $msg, sprintf('"osTicket Alerts"<%s>', ADMIN_EMAIL)); //Display generic error to the user Http::response(500, "<b>Fatal Error:</b> Contact system administrator."); }
function alertAdmin($subject, $message, $log = false) { //Set admin's email address if (!($to = $this->getConfig()->getAdminEmail())) { $to = ADMIN_EMAIL; } //append URL to the message $message .= "\n\n" . $this->getConfig()->getBaseUrl(); //Try getting the alert email. $email = null; if (!($email = $this->getConfig()->getAlertEmail())) { $email = $this->getConfig()->getDefaultEmail(); } //will take the default email. if ($email) { $email->sendAlert($to, $subject, $message, null, array('text' => true)); } else { //no luck - try the system mail. Mailer::sendmail($to, $subject, $message, sprintf('"osTicket Alerts"<%s>', $to)); } //log the alert? Watch out for loops here. if ($log) { $this->log(LOG_CRIT, $subject, $message, false); } //Log the entry...and make sure no alerts are resent. }
function onError($error) { global $ost, $thisstaff; $subject = '[' . $this->name . ']: ' . _S('Upgrader Error'); $ost->logError($subject, $error); $this->setError($error); $this->upgrader->setState('aborted'); //Alert staff upgrading the system - if the email is not same as admin's // admin gets alerted on error log (above) if (!$thisstaff || !strcasecmp($thisstaff->getEmail(), $ost->getConfig()->getAdminEmail())) { return; } $email = null; if (!($email = $ost->getConfig()->getAlertEmail())) { $email = $ost->getConfig()->getDefaultEmail(); } //will take the default email. if ($email) { $email->sendAlert($thisstaff->getEmail(), $subject, $error); } else { //no luck - try the system mail. Mailer::sendmail($thisstaff->getEmail(), $subject, $error, '"' . _S('osTicket Alerts') . "\" <{$thisstaff->getEmail()}>"); } }
public function checkout_post() { $data = $this->data; $this->form_validation->set_rules('receive_name_Str', '收件人姓名', 'required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('receive_address_Str', '收件人地址', 'required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('receive_phone_Str', '收件人電話', 'required'); if ($this->form_validation->run() !== FALSE) { $receive_name_Str = $this->input->post('receive_name_Str', TRUE); $receive_address_Str = $this->input->post('receive_address_Str', TRUE); $receive_phone_Str = $this->input->post('receive_phone_Str', TRUE); $receive_time_Str = $this->input->post('receive_time_Str', TRUE); $receive_remark_Str = $this->input->post('receive_remark_Str', TRUE); //讀取建構中的訂單 $OrderShop = new OrderShop(['db_where_Arr' => array('uid_Num' => $data['User']->uid_Num, 'order_status_Num' => -1)]); if ($OrderShop->pay_paytype_Str === 'card') { $OrderShop->pay_status_Num = 1; $OrderShop->paycheck_status_Num = 1; } else { if ($OrderShop->pay_paytype_Str === 'cash_on_delivery') { $OrderShop->pay_status_Num = 1; } } $OrderShop->receive_name_Str = $receive_name_Str; $OrderShop->receive_address_Str = $receive_address_Str; $OrderShop->receive_phone_Str = $receive_phone_Str; $OrderShop->receive_time_Str = $receive_time_Str; $OrderShop->receive_remark_Str = $receive_remark_Str; //將訂單從建構中改為已建立 $finish_order_Return = $OrderShop->finish_order(); if ($finish_order_Return === TRUE) { //寄出訂單新增通知給管理員 $smtp_email_Setting = new Setting(['db_where_Arr' => ['keyword_Str' => 'smtp_email']]); $smtp_username_Setting = new Setting(['db_where_Arr' => ['keyword_Str' => 'smtp_username']]); $email_Str = $smtp_email_Setting->value_Str; $email_name_Str = $smtp_username_Setting->value_Str; $title_Str = '訂單成交通知'; $message_Str = '您好:<br><br>我們已經收到一則訂單資訊!<br><br>' . '購買人:' . $data['User']->email_Str . '<br>' . '購買的產品如下:<br><br>'; foreach ($OrderShop->cart_CartShopList->obj_Arr as $key => $value_CartShop) { $message_Str .= $value_CartShop->product_ProductShop->name_Str . ' ( ' . $value_CartShop->StockProductShop->classname1_Str . ' / ' . $value_CartShop->StockProductShop->classname2_Str . ' ) ' . '單價' . $value_CartShop->price_Num . '元 * ' . $value_CartShop->amount_Num . ' 總價共 ' . $value_CartShop->price_total_Num . '元<br>'; } $message_Str .= '<br><br>運費總金額:' . $OrderShop->pay_price_freight_Num . '元<br>' . '購物總金額(含運費):' . $OrderShop->pay_price_total_Num . '元<br><br>' . '訂購時間:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $Mailer = new Mailer(); $return_message_Str = $Mailer->sendmail($email_Str, $email_name_Str, $title_Str, $message_Str); if ($return_message_Str === TRUE) { //寄件成功 } else { //送出訊息 $this->load->model('Message'); $this->Message->show(array('message' => 'error(4):郵件伺服器出錯', 'url' => 'order/cartlist')); return FALSE; } //寄出下單通知給買家 $email_Str = $data['User']->email_Str; $email_name_Str = $data['User']->email_Str; $title_Str = '訂單成交通知'; $message_Str = '您好:<br><br>我們收到您的訂單資訊!<br><br>' . '購買人:' . $data['User']->email_Str . '<br>' . '購買的產品如下:<br><br>'; foreach ($OrderShop->cart_CartShopList->obj_Arr as $key => $value_CartShop) { $message_Str .= $value_CartShop->product_ProductShop->name_Str . ' ( ' . $value_CartShop->StockProductShop->classname1_Str . ' / ' . $value_CartShop->StockProductShop->classname2_Str . ' ) ' . '單價' . $value_CartShop->price_Num . '元 * ' . $value_CartShop->amount_Num . ' 總價共 ' . $value_CartShop->price_total_Num . '元<br>'; } $message_Str .= '<br><br>運費總金額:' . $OrderShop->pay_price_freight_Num . '元<br>' . '購物總金額(含運費):' . $OrderShop->pay_price_total_Num . '元<br><br>' . '訂購時間:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $Mailer = new Mailer(); $return_message_Str = $Mailer->sendmail($email_Str, $email_name_Str, $title_Str, $message_Str); if ($return_message_Str === TRUE) { //寄件成功 } else { //送出訊息 $this->load->model('Message'); $this->Message->show(array('message' => 'error(4):郵件伺服器出錯', 'url' => 'order/cartlist')); return FALSE; } $message_Str = '訂單完成'; $url_Str = 'admin/user/order_shop/order_shop/tablelist'; $this->load->model('Message'); $this->Message->show(array('message' => $message_Str, 'url' => $url_Str)); return TRUE; } else { $message_Str = $finish_order_Return; $url_Str = 'order/cartlist'; $this->load->model('Message'); $this->Message->show(array('message' => $message_Str, 'url' => $url_Str, 'second' => 7)); return TRUE; } } else { $message_Str = '請填寫詳細收件人資料'; $url_Str = 'order/checkout'; $this->load->model('Message'); $this->Message->show(array('message' => $message_Str, 'url' => $url_Str)); } }