Пример #1
  * Sends a confirmation link to email address given
  * @return unknown
 public function sendConfirmationLink($StLogin)
     $this->execSQL("\nSELECT\n  count(*) as ItCount\nFROM\n  " . DBPREFIX . "User\nWHERE\n  StEmail = '{$StLogin}'");
     $ArResult = $this->getResult('num');
     if ($ArResult[0][0] != 1) {
         throw new ErrorHandler(EXC_USER_WRONGUSER);
     $StLink = $this->generateConfirmationLink($StLogin);
     $ArMsg = $this->generateMessage($StLink);
     $MailHandler = new MailHandler();
     $BoResult = $MailHandler->sendMail($StLogin, LNG_PASSREM_SUBJ, $ArMsg[0], $ArMsg[1]);
     return $BoResult;
Пример #2
  * send an email to admins alerting about an error
  * @author Dimitri Lameri <*****@*****.**>
 private function _adviseAdmins()
     $ArAdmins = $this->_getAdminsMail();
     $Text = $this->_getErrorAsHTML(false);
     $MailHandler = new MailHandler();
     if (is_array($ArAdmins)) {
         $MailHandler->sendMail($ArAdmins, ERR_MAIL_SUBJ, $Text, 'content-type:text/html;utf-8');
Пример #3
     * Send an email to all users related to the ticket given for each new message.
     * @param int $IDTicket
     * @return Boolean
    public function _sendNotifyMessage($IDTicket)
        $ArUsersDepartment = array();
        $ArUsersDepartmentReader = array();
        # Preparing mail header
        $ArEmails = $ArUsersDepartment = $ArUsersDepartmentReader = array();
        $MailHandler = new MailHandler();
        $StHeaders = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
        $StHeaders .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n";
        # Get the users related with the ticket
        $ArRecipients = $this->getTicketDestination($IDTicket);
        $ArReaders = $this->getTicketReaders($IDTicket);
        $StSQL = '
  StEmail, BoNotify
  ' . DBPREFIX . 'User U
LEFT JOIN ' . DBPREFIX . "Ticket T ON (T.IDUser = U.IDUser)\nWHERE\n  T.IDTicket = {$IDTicket}";
        $ArResult = $this->getResult('string');
        # Get the department related with the ticket and his supporters
        $ArDepartment = array_shift($this->getTicketDepartments($IDTicket));
        $ArDepartmentReaders = array_shift($this->getTicketDepartmentsReader($IDTicket));
        if (isset($ArDepartment['IDDepartment']) && isset($ArDepartmentReaders['IDDepartment'])) {
            $ArUsersDepartment = F1DeskUtils::getDepartmentSupporters($ArDepartment['IDDepartment']);
            $ArUsersDepartmentReader = F1DeskUtils::getDepartmentSupporters($ArDepartmentReaders['IDDepartment']);
        # Merging all users in one array
        $ArUsers = array_merge($ArRecipients, $ArReaders);
        $ArUsersDepart = array_merge($ArUsersDepartment, $ArUsersDepartmentReader);
        $ArFinal = array_merge($ArUsers, $ArUsersDepart);
        $ArFinal = array_merge($ArFinal, $ArResult);
        # Insert Message and Subject and strip the emails that already are in array
        foreach ($ArFinal as $User) {
            if ($User['BoNotify']) {
                if (array_search($User['StEmail'], $ArEmails) === false) {
                    $ArEmails[] = $User['StEmail'];
        $StSubject = str_replace('###TKTNUM###', $IDTicket, NOTIFY_SUBJ);
        $StMessage = str_replace('###TKTNUM###', $IDTicket, NOTIFY_MESSAGE);
        $BoResult = $MailHandler->sendMail($ArEmails, $StSubject, $StMessage, $StHeaders);
        return $BoResult;