Пример #1
  * @return void
 public function execute()
     $resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
     $db = $resource->getConnection('core_read');
     $cmsBlockTable = $resource->getTableName('cms/block');
     $cmsPageTable = $resource->getTableName('cms/page');
     $emailTemplate = $resource->getTableName('core/email_template');
     $sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s LIKE '%%{{config %%' OR  %s LIKE '%%{{block %%'";
     $list = array('block' => array(), 'variable' => array());
     $cmsCheck = sprintf($sql, 'content, concat("cms_block=",identifier) as id', $cmsBlockTable, 'content', 'content');
     $result = $db->fetchAll($cmsCheck);
     $this->check($result, 'content', $list);
     $cmsCheck = sprintf($sql, 'content, concat("cms_page=",identifier) as id', $cmsPageTable, 'content', 'content');
     $result = $db->fetchAll($cmsCheck);
     $this->check($result, 'content', $list);
     $emailCheck = sprintf($sql, 'template_text, concat("core_email_template=",template_code) as id', $emailTemplate, 'template_text', 'template_text');
     $result = $db->fetchAll($emailCheck);
     $this->check($result, 'template_text', $list);
     $localeDir = Mage::getBaseDir('locale');
     $scan = scandir($localeDir);
     $this->walkDir($scan, $localeDir, $list);
     if (count($list['block']) > 0) {
         Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log('Blocks that are not whitelisted:');
         foreach ($list['block'] as $key => $blockName) {
             Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log(sprintf('  %s in %s', $blockName, substr($key, 0, -1 * strlen($blockName))));
     if (count($list['variable']) > 0) {
         Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log('Config variables that are not whitelisted:');
         foreach ($list['variable'] as $key => $varName) {
             Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log(sprintf('  %s in %s', $varName, substr($key, 0, -1 * strlen($varName))));
  * @return void
 public function execute($dryRun = true)
     $cmsBlockTable = $this->_resource->getTableName('cms/block');
     $cmsPageTable = $this->_resource->getTableName('cms/page');
     $emailTemplate = $this->_resource->getTableName('core/email_template');
     $configTable = $this->_resource->getTableName('core/config_data');
     $sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s LIKE '%%{{config %%' OR  %s LIKE '%%{{block %%'";
     $list = array('block' => array(), 'variable' => array());
     $cmsCheck = sprintf($sql, 'content, concat("cms_block=",identifier) as id', $cmsBlockTable, 'content', 'content');
     $result = $this->_read->fetchAll($cmsCheck);
     $this->check($result, 'content', $list);
     $cmsCheck = sprintf($sql, 'content, concat("cms_page=",identifier) as id', $cmsPageTable, 'content', 'content');
     $result = $this->_read->fetchAll($cmsCheck);
     $this->check($result, 'content', $list);
     $emailCheck = sprintf($sql, 'template_text, concat("core_email_template=",template_code) as id', $emailTemplate, 'template_text', 'template_text');
     $result = $this->_read->fetchAll($emailCheck);
     $this->check($result, 'template_text', $list);
     $configCheck = sprintf($sql, 'value, concat("path=", path, ", scope=", scope, ", scope_id=", scope_id) as id', $configTable, 'value', 'value');
     $result = $this->_read->fetchAll($configCheck);
     $this->check($result, 'value', $list);
     $localeDir = Mage::getBaseDir('locale');
     $scan = scandir($localeDir);
     $this->walkDir($scan, $localeDir, $list);
     if (count($list['block']) > 0) {
         Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log('Blocks that are not whitelisted:');
         $inserts = array();
         foreach ($list['block'] as $key => $blockName) {
             Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log(sprintf('  %s in %s', $blockName, substr($key, 0, -1 * strlen($blockName))));
             $inserts[$blockName] = array('block_name' => $blockName, 'is_allowed' => 1);
         if ($dryRun === false && !is_null($this->_blocksTable) && count($inserts) > 0) {
             $this->_write->insertMultiple($this->_blocksTable, array_values($inserts));
             Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log('Added missing entries to the whitelist');
     if (count($list['variable']) > 0) {
         Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log('Config variables that are not whitelisted:');
         $inserts = array();
         foreach ($list['variable'] as $key => $varName) {
             Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log(sprintf('  %s in %s', $varName, substr($key, 0, -1 * strlen($varName))));
             $inserts[$varName] = array('variable_name' => $varName, 'is_allowed' => 1);
         if ($dryRun === false && !is_null($this->_varsTable) && count($inserts) > 0) {
             $this->_write->insertMultiple($this->_varsTable, array_values($inserts));
             Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log('Added missing entries to the whitelist');
Пример #3
     * @return void
    public function execute($dryRun = true)
        $cmsBlockTable = $this->_resource->getTableName('cms/block');
        $cmsPageTable = $this->_resource->getTableName('cms/page');
        $emailTemplate = $this->_resource->getTableName('core/email_template');
        $sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s LIKE '%%{{config %%' OR  %s LIKE '%%{{block %%'";
        $list = array('block' => array(), 'variable' => array());
        $cmsCheck = sprintf($sql, 'content, concat("cms_block=",identifier) as id', $cmsBlockTable, 'content', 'content');
        $result = $this->_read->fetchAll($cmsCheck);
        $this->check($result, 'content', $list);
        $cmsCheck = sprintf($sql, 'content, concat("cms_page=",identifier) as id', $cmsPageTable, 'content', 'content');
        $result = $this->_read->fetchAll($cmsCheck);
        $this->check($result, 'content', $list);
        $emailCheck = sprintf($sql, 'template_text, concat("core_email_template=",template_code) as id', $emailTemplate, 'template_text', 'template_text');
        $result = $this->_read->fetchAll($emailCheck);
        $this->check($result, 'template_text', $list);
        $localeDir = Mage::getBaseDir('locale');
        $scan = scandir($localeDir);
        $this->walkDir($scan, $localeDir, $list);
        if (count($list['block']) > 0) {
            $setupScriptVariables = array();
            Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log('Blocks that are not whitelisted:');
            $inserts = array();
            foreach ($list['block'] as $key => $blockName) {
                Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log(sprintf('  %s in %s', $blockName, substr($key, 0, -1 * strlen($blockName))));
                $inserts[$blockName] = array('block_name' => $blockName, 'is_allowed' => 1);
                $setupScriptVariables[$blockName] = $blockName;
            if ($dryRun === false && !is_null($this->_blocksTable) && count($inserts) > 0) {
                $this->_write->insertMultiple($this->_blocksTable, array_values($inserts));
                Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log('Added missing entries to the whitelist');
            } elseif ($setupScriptVariables) {
                $variableString = var_export(array_values($setupScriptVariables), true);
                //strip numeric keys 1=> 'value
                $variableString = preg_replace("/[0-9]+ \\=\\>/i", '', $variableString);
                $content = '$blocksToAllow = ' . $variableString . ";\n\n";
                $content .= <<<scriptContent
foreach (\$blocksToAllow as \$blockName) {
\t//collection load avoids duplicate creation if setup script is executed multiple times
                Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log("Add following as setup script \n\n" . $content . "\n");
        if (count($list['variable']) > 0) {
            Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log('Config variables that are not whitelisted:');
            $inserts = array();
            $setupScriptVariables = array();
            foreach ($list['variable'] as $key => $varName) {
                Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log(sprintf('  %s in %s', $varName, substr($key, 0, -1 * strlen($varName))));
                $inserts[$varName] = array('variable_name' => $varName, 'is_allowed' => 1);
                $setupScriptVariables[$varName] = $varName;
            if ($dryRun === false && !is_null($this->_varsTable) && count($inserts) > 0) {
                $this->_write->insertMultiple($this->_varsTable, array_values($inserts));
                Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log('Added missing entries to the whitelist');
            } elseif ($setupScriptVariables) {
                $variableString = var_export(array_values($setupScriptVariables), true);
                //strip numeric keys 1=> 'value
                $variableString = preg_replace("/[0-9]+ \\=\\>/i", '', $variableString);
                $content = '$variablesToAllow = ' . $variableString . ";\n\n";
                $content .= <<<scriptContent
foreach (\$variablesToAllow as \$variableName) {
\t//collection load avoids duplicate creation if setup script is executed multiple times
                Mage_Shell_PatchClass::log("Add following as setup script \n\n" . $content . "\n");