  * Post the request to the Soap Client in the Profile Model
  * @param Mage_Payment_Model_Info $payment
  * @return Gorilla_ChasePaymentech_Model_Gateway_Result
 public function _postRequest($payment)
     /** @var $model Gorilla_ChasePaymentech_Model_Profile */
     $model = Mage::getModel('chasepaymentech/profile');
     switch ($payment->getChasePaymentechTransType()) {
         case Gorilla_ChasePaymentech_Model_Profile::TRANS_TYPE_AUTH_ONLY:
         case Gorilla_ChasePaymentech_Model_Profile::TRANS_TYPE_AUTH_CAPTURE:
             $response = $model->createOrderTransaction($payment, $this->isSavingCc());
         case Gorilla_ChasePaymentech_Model_Profile::TRANS_TYPE_REFUND:
             $response = $model->createOrderTransaction($payment);
             // should be merged with other requests since all are same.
         case Gorilla_ChasePaymentech_Model_Profile::TRANS_TYPE_VOID:
             $response = $model->createReversalTransaction($payment);
         case Gorilla_ChasePaymentech_Model_Profile::TRANS_TYPE_CAPTURE:
             $response = $model->createMarkForCaptureTransaction($payment);
             $response = false;
     /** @var $result Gorilla_ChasePaymentech_Model_Gateway_Result */
     $result = Mage::getModel('chasepaymentech/gateway_result');
     // Parse the direct response
     if ($response) {
         $r = (array) $response;
     } else {
         $r = false;
     if ($r) {
         $result->setResponseCode((int) str_replace('"', '', isset($r['respCode']) ? $r['respCode'] : null))->setProcStatusCode((int) str_replace('"', '', $r['procStatus']))->setResponseReasonCode((int) str_replace('"', '', $r['procStatus']))->setResponseReasonText($r['procStatusMessage'])->setApprovalCode($r['approvalStatus'])->setAvsResultCode(isset($r['avsRespCode']) ? $r['avsRespCode'] : null)->setTransactionId($r['txRefNum'])->setTransactionRefIdx(isset($r['txRefIdx']) ? $r['txRefIdx'] : null)->setSplitTransactionId(isset($r['splitTxRefIdx']) ? $r['splitTxRefIdx'] : null)->setInvoiceNumber($r['orderID'])->setAmount($payment->getAmount())->setTransactionType(isset($r['transType']) ? $r['transType'] : null)->setCardCodeResponseCode($r['respCode'])->setCAVVResponseCode(isset($r['cvvRespCode']) ? $r['cvvRespCode'] : null)->setCardType(isset($r['cardBrand']) ? $r['cardBrand'] : null)->setRequestedAmount($payment->getAmount())->setAuthorizationCode(isset($r['authorizationCode']) ? $r['authorizationCode'] : null)->setCcLast4(substr($payment->getCcNumber(), -4))->setCustomerId($this->getCustomer()->getId())->setCustomerRefNum(isset($r['customerRefNum']) ? $r['customerRefNum'] : null);
         // if we used a stored credit card we need to set the customer ref number and the last 4 of the cc
         if ($payment->getChasePaymentechCustomerRefNum()) {
             $cardObj = $model->getCustomerPaymentProfile($payment->getChasePaymentechCustomerRefNum());
             $result->setCustomerRefNum($cardObj->customerRefNum)->setCcLast4(substr($cardObj->ccAccountNum, -4));
     } else {
         if ($model->getErrorMessages()) {
         } else {
             Mage::throwException($this->_getHelper()->__('Error in payment gateway.'));
     return $result;
  * Perform transaction (auth, capture, etc.)
  * @param Mage_Payment_Model_Info $payment
  * @param bool $addCustomerProfile
  * @return string $directResponse|bool
 public function createOrderTransaction($payment, $addCustomerProfile = false)
      * Set the order in its own object
     $order = $payment->getOrder();
     $amount = $payment->getAmount() * 100;
     // Must set 100.00 to 10000 per api
     $customerName = $order->getBillingAddress()->getFirstname() . " " . $order->getBillingAddress()->getLastname();
     $street = $order->getBillingAddress()->getStreet();
     $addy1 = $street[0];
     $addy2 = isset($street[1]) ? $street[1] : "";
      * Paymentech uses specific cent values to trigger specific error codes.
      * This can get annoying.
      * If we're in test mode and want to strip cents, let's get rid of them.
     $testmode = Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_TESTMODE);
     $stripcents = Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_STRIPCENTS);
     if ($testmode == 1 && $stripcents == 1) {
         $amount = floor($payment->getAmount()) * 100;
      * Create the transaction request data
      * For split requests where we auth the second request
     /*if ($payment->getChasePaymentechTransType() == self::TRANS_TYPE_AUTH_ONLY && $payment->getSplitAuthTransId()) {
           $data = array(
               'transType' => $payment->getChasePaymentechTransType(),
               'ccAccountNum' => null,
               'orderID' => $this->_getUniqueOrderId($payment, $order),
               'amount' => $amount,
               'txRefNum' => $payment->getSplitAuthTransId(),
               'partialAuthInd' => 'Y',
               'comments' => "New Order Auth"
       } else*/
     if ($payment->getChasePaymentechTransType() == self::TRANS_TYPE_REFUND) {
         $data = array('transType' => $payment->getChasePaymentechTransType(), 'ccAccountNum' => null, 'orderID' => $this->_getUniqueOrderId($payment, $order), 'amount' => $amount > 0 ? $amount : null, 'txRefNum' => $payment->getTransId(), 'comments' => "New Order Refund");
     } else {
         $data = array('transType' => $payment->getChasePaymentechTransType(), 'amount' => $amount, 'orderID' => $this->_getUniqueOrderId($payment, $order), 'customerRefNum' => $payment->getChasePaymentechCustomerRefNum(), 'customerName' => substr($customerName, 0, 30), 'avsName' => substr($customerName, 0, 30), 'avsAddress1' => substr($addy1, 0, 30), 'avsAddress2' => substr($addy2, 0, 30), 'avsCity' => $order->getBillingAddress()->getCity(), 'avsState' => Mage::helper('chasepaymentech')->convertStateNameToCode($order->getBillingAddress()->getRegion()), 'avsZip' => $order->getBillingAddress()->getPostcode(), 'avsCountryCode' => $order->getBillingAddress()->getCountryId(), 'avsPhone' => substr($order->getBillingAddress()->getTelephone(), 0, 14), 'customerRefNum' => "");
         // Saved account - send ref num instead of card data
         if ($payment->getChasePaymentechCustomerRefNum()) {
             $additionalData = array('customerRefNum' => $payment->getChasePaymentechCustomerRefNum());
         } else {
             $additionalData = array('ccAccountNum' => $payment->getCcNumber(), 'ccExp' => sprintf('%04d%02d', $payment->getCcExpYear(), $payment->getCcExpMonth()), 'cardBrand' => $payment->getCcType() == self::AMERICAN_EXPRESS ? self::AMERICAN_EXPRESS_VALUE : $payment->getCcType(), 'ccCardVerifyNum' => $payment->getCcCid(), 'ccCardVerifyPresenceInd' => in_array($payment->getCcType(), array('DI', 'VI')) ? 1 : null, 'addProfileFromOrder' => $addCustomerProfile ? "A" : "", 'profileOrderOverideInd' => $addCustomerProfile ? "NO" : "");
         // Merge data arrays
         $data = array_merge($data, $additionalData);
          * If this is a prior auth capture, void, or refund add the transaction id
         if ($payment->getChasePaymentechTransType() == self::TRANS_TYPE_CAPTURE || $payment->getChasePaymentechTransType() == self::TRANS_TYPE_REFUND) {
             $data['txRefNum'] = $payment->getTransId();
          * Send Minimum Auth Amount request, parse the response to check cvv, then send secondary, full, request.
          * $0.00 Auth verification can only be used for MC and Visa so there is no $ being held - does not seem to be working
          * $0.01 Authorization is the least amount you can send in for all other CC.
         $true = false;
         if ($true && !$payment->getChasePaymentechCustomerRefNum()) {
             $data['transType'] = self::TRANS_TYPE_AUTH_ONLY;
             if (in_array($payment->getCcType(), array('MC', 'VI'))) {
                 $data['amount'] = '000';
             } else {
                 $data['amount'] = '001';
             $soap_env = array(self::TRANS_CREATE_TRANS_REQUEST => array_merge($this->_getAuthentication(), $data));
             if (!($response = $this->doCall(self::TRANS_CREATE_TRANS, $soap_env))) {
                 return false;
             $response = $response->return;
             //Mage::log('minimum response:');
             if ($this->_checkErrors()) {
                 // For CLI testing
                 return false;
             if ($response->cvvRespCode != self::RESPONSE_CVV_MATCH) {
                 if ($response->cvvRespCode) {
                 } else {
                     $this->setErrorMessages(array(Mage::helper('paygate')->__('Error with payment info')));
                 // For CLI testing
                 return false;
             // Reset the amount and trans type for full amount request
             $data['amount'] = $amount;
             $data['transType'] = $payment->getChasePaymentechTransType();
             //$data['partialAuthInd'] = 'Y';
     $soap_env = array(self::TRANS_CREATE_TRANS_REQUEST => array_merge($this->_getAuthentication(), $data));
     if (!($response = $this->doCall(self::TRANS_CREATE_TRANS, $soap_env))) {
         return false;
     $response = $response->return;
     //Mage::log("full response");
     $hasErrors = $this->_checkErrors();
     if ($hasErrors) {
         // For CLI testing
     if ($response) {
         if (!$hasErrors) {
             return $response;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;