function expand_wt($mvd_id) { global $wgOut, $mvgIP; global $mvDefaultSearchVideoPlaybackRes; require_once $mvgIP . '/includes/MV_Index.php'; require_once $mvgIP . '/includes/MV_Title.php'; require_once $mvgIP . '/includes/MV_MetavidInterface/MV_Overlay.php'; $mvd = MvIndex::getMVDbyId($mvd_id); if (count($mvd) != 0) { $mvTitle = new MvTitle($mvd->wiki_title); //validate title and load stream ref: if ($mvTitle->validRequestTitle()) { list($vWidth, $vHeight) = explode('x', $mvDefaultSearchVideoPlaybackRes); $embedHTML = '<span style="float:left;width:' . ($vWidth + 20) . 'px">' . $mvTitle->getEmbedVideoHtml($mvd_id, $mvDefaultSearchVideoPlaybackRes) . '</span>'; $wgOut->clearHTML(); $title = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_MVD, $mvd->wiki_title); $article = new Article($title); $MvOverlay = new MV_Overlay(); $MvOverlay->parse_format_text($article->getContent(), $mvTitle); $bgcolor = $MvOverlay->getMvdBgColor($mvd); $pageHTML = $wgOut->getHTML(); //encasulate page html: $pageHTML = '<span style="padding-top:10px;float:left;width:450px">' . $pageHTML . '</span>'; return $embedHTML . $pageHTML . '<div style="clear: both;"/>'; } else { return wfMsg('mvBadMVDtitle'); } } else { return wfMsg('mv_error_mvd_not_found'); } //$title = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_MVD, $wiki_title); //$article = new Article($title); //output table with embed left, and content right //return $wgOut->parse($article->getContent()); }
function getResultsHTML() { global $mvgIP, $wgOut, $mvgScriptPath, $mvgContLang, $wgUser, $wgParser; $sk =& $wgUser->getSkin(); $o = ''; if ($this->outputContainer) { $o .= '<div id="mv_search_results_container">'; } //for each stream range: if (count($this->results) == 0) { $o .= '<h2><span class="mw-headline">' . wfMsg('mv_search_no_results') . '</span></h2>'; if ($this->outputContainer) { $o .= '</div>'; } return $o; } else { if ($this->outputInlineHeader) { $o .= '<h2> <span class="mw-headline">' . wfMsg('mv_media_matches') . '</span> </h2>'; $title = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MediaSearch'); $o .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($title, wfMsg('mv_advaced_search'), $this->get_httpd_filters_query()); } } //media pagging: $prevnext = mvViewPrevNext($this->offset, $this->limit, SpecialPage::getTitleFor('MediaSearch'), $this->get_httpd_filters_query(), $this->num < $this->limit); $o .= "<br /><span id=\"mv_search_pagging\">{$prevnext}</span>\n"; //add the rss link: $sTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MvExportSearch'); $o .= '<span style="float:right;">'; $o .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($sTitle, '<img border="0" src="' . $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/images/feed-icon-28x28.png">', $this->get_httpd_filters_query()); $o .= '</span>'; //add the results bar: $o .= $this->getResultsBar(); //print_r($this->results); foreach ($this->results as $stream_id => &$stream_set) { $matches = 0; $stream_out = $mvTitle = ''; foreach ($stream_set as &$srange) { $cat_html = $mvd_out = ''; $range_match = 0; foreach ($srange['rows'] as $inx => &$mvd) { $matches++; $mvTitle = new MV_Title($mvd->wiki_title); //retrieve only the first article: //$title = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_MVD, $mvd->wiki_title); //$article = new Article($title); $bgcolor = MV_Overlay::getMvdBgColor($mvd); //output indent if not the first and count more than one if (count($srange['rows']) != 1 && $inx != 0) { $mvd_out .= ' '; } //'<img src="'. $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/images/film.png">' //$mvd_out .= '<div class="mv_rtdesc" title="' . wfMsg('mv_expand_play') . '" '. // '> '; $mvd_out .= '<img style="float:left;width:84px;cursor:pointer;border:solid #' . $bgcolor . '" ' . ' onclick="mv_ex(\'' . $mvd->id . '\')" width="80" height="60" src="' . $mvTitle->getStreamImageURL('icon') . '">'; $mvd_out .= '</div>'; $mvd_out .= '<b>' . $mvTitle->getTimeDesc() . '</b> '; $mvd_cnt_links = ''; if (isset($mvd->spoken_by)) { $ptitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_MAIN, $mvd->spoken_by); $mvd_cnt_links .= wfMsg('mv_search_spoken_by') . ': ' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($ptitle); $mvd_cnt_links .= '<br>'; } if ($this->outputSeqLinks == true) { $mvd_cnt_links .= ' <a href="javascript:mv_add_to_seq({mvclip:\'' . $mvTitle->getStreamName() . '/' . $mvTitle->getTimeRequest() . '\',' . 'src:\'' . $mvTitle->getWebStreamURL() . '\',' . 'img_url:\'' . $mvTitle->getStreamImageURL() . '\'})">' . '<img style="cursor:pointer;" ' . 'title="' . wfMsg('mv_seq_add_end') . '" ' . 'src="' . $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/mv_embed/images/application_side_expand.png">' . wfMsg('mv_seq_add_end') . '</a>'; } $mvd_cnt_links .= '<a title="' . wfMsg('mv_expand_play') . '" href="javascript:mv_ex(\'' . $mvd->id . '\')">' . '<img id="mv_img_ex_' . $mvd->id . '" src="' . $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/images/closed.png">' . '<span id="mv_watch_clip_' . $mvd->id . '">' . wfMsg('mv_watch_clip') . '</span>' . '<span style="display:none;" id="mv_close_clip_' . $mvd->id . '">' . wfMsg('mv_close_clip') . '</span>' . '</a>' . ' '; //output control links: //make stream title link: $mvStreamTitle = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, $mvTitle->getNearStreamName()); //$mvTitle->getStreamName() .'/'.$mvTitle->getStartTime() .'/'. $mvTitle->getEndTime() ); $mvd_cnt_links .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($mvStreamTitle, '<img border="1" src="' . $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/images/run_mv_stream.png"> ' . wfMsg('mv_improve_transcript'), '', '', '', '', ' title="' . wfMsg('mv_view_in_stream_interface') . '" '); $mvd_cnt_links .= '<br>'; //$title = MakeTitle::() //don't inclue link to wiki page (too confusing) //$mvd_out .=' '; $mvdTitle = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_MVD, $mvd->wiki_title); //$mvd_out .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($mvdTitle, '<img border="0" src="' . $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/images/run_mediawiki.png">', '', '', '', '', ' title="' . wfMsg('mv_view_wiki_page') . '" '); $mvd_out .= '<span id="mvr_desc_' . $mvd->id . '">'; if (!isset($mvd->toplq)) { $mvd->toplq = false; } //output short desc send partial regEx: if (!$mvd->toplq) { $mvd_out .= $this->termHighlight($mvd->text, implode('|', $this->getTerms())); } else { if ($mvdTitle->exists() && !isset($mvd->text)) { //grab the article text: $curRevision = Revision::newFromTitle($mvdTitle); $wikiText = $curRevision->getText(); } else { $wikiText =& $mvd->text; } //@@todo parse category info if present $cat_html = ''; //run via parser to add in Category info: $parserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromUser($wgUser); $parserOptions->setEditSection(false); $parserOptions->setTidy(true); $title = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_MVD, $mvd->wiki_title); $parserOutput = $wgParser->parse($wikiText, $title, $parserOptions); $cats = $parserOutput->getCategories(); foreach ($cats as $catkey => $title_str) { $catTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_CATEGORY, $catkey); $cat_html .= ' ' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($catTitle); } //add category pre-text: //if ($cat_html != '') //$mvd_out.= wfMsg('Categories') . ':' . $cat_html; $mvd_out .= $cat_html; $mvd_out .= count($srange['rows']) - 1 == 1 ? wfMsg('mv_match_text_one') : wfMsg('mv_match_text', count($srange['rows']) - 1); //$wgOut->addCategoryLinks( $parserOutput->getCategories() ); //$cat_html = $sk->getCategories(); //empty out the categories //$wgOut->mCategoryLinks = array(); } $mvd_out .= '</span>'; $mvd_out .= '<br>' . $mvd_cnt_links; $mvd_out .= '<div style="display:block;clear:both;padding-top:4px;padding-bottom:4px;"/>'; $mvd_out .= '<div id="mvr_' . $mvd->id . '" style="display:none;background:#' . $bgcolor . ';" ></div>'; } $stream_out .= $mvd_out; /*if(count($srange['rows'])!=1){ $stream_out .= ' ' . $cat_html . ' In range:' . seconds2ntp($srange['s']) . ' to ' . seconds2ntp($srange['e']) . wfMsg('mv_match_text', count($srange['rows'])).'<br />' . "\n"; $stream_out .= $mvd_out; }else{ $stream_out .= $mvd_out; }*/ } $nsary = $mvgContLang->getNamespaces(); //output stream name and mach count /*$o.='<br /><img class="mv_stream_play_button" name="'.$nsary[MV_NS_STREAM].':' . $mvTitle->getStreamName() . '" align="left" src="'.$mvgScriptPath.'/skins/mv_embed/images/vid_play_sm.png">'; */ $o .= '<h3>' . $mvTitle->getStreamNameText(); $o .= $matches == 1 ? wfMsg('mv_match_text_one') : wfMsg('mv_match_text', $matches); $o .= '</h3>'; $o .= '<div id="mv_stream_' . $stream_id . '">' . $stream_out . '</div>'; } if ($this->outputContainer) { $o .= '</div>'; } return $o; }