public function parse($path)
     $mpq = new MPQFile($path, true, false);
     $init = $mpq->getState();
     if (!$init) {
         return false;
     $r = $mpq->parseReplay();
     if (!$r) {
         return false;
     $this->r_infos['version'] = $mpq->getVersionString();
     $this->r_infos['realm'] = $r->getRealm();
     $this->r_infos['speed'] = $r->getGameSpeed();
     $this->r_infos['winner_known'] = $r->isWinnerKnown();
     $this->r_infos['type'] = $r->getTeamSize();
     $this->r_infos['length'] = $r->getGameLength();
     $this->r_infos['real_length'] = (int) ($this->r_infos['length'] * 60) / 83.5;
     $this->r_infos['map'] = $r->getMapName();
     $this->r_infos['map_hash'] = $r->getMapHash();
     $this->r_infos['players'] = $r->getPlayers();
     foreach ($this->r_infos['players'] as $k => &$player) {
         if ($player['isObs']) {
             $this->r_infos['obs'][] = $this->r_infos['players'][$k];
         $player['army'] = $player['race'];
         $player['bnet_id'] = (int) $player['uid'];
     return true;
Пример #2
 private function parseDocumentHeader($string)
     $numByte = 44;
     // skip header and unknown stuff
     $numDeps = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
     // uncertain that this is the number of dependencies, might also be uint32 if it is
     $numByte += 3;
     while ($numDeps > 0) {
         while (MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte) !== 0) {
     $numAttribs = MPQFile::readUInt32($string, $numByte);
     $attribs = array();
     while ($numAttribs > 0) {
         $keyLen = MPQFile::readUInt16($string, $numByte);
         $key = MPQFile::readBytes($string, $numByte, $keyLen);
         $numByte += 4;
         // always seems to be followed by ascii SUne
         $valueLen = MPQFile::readUInt16($string, $numByte);
         $value = MPQFile::readBytes($string, $numByte, $valueLen);
         $attribs[$key] = $value;
     $this->author = $attribs["DocInfo/Author"];
     $this->mapName = $attribs["DocInfo/Name"];
     $this->description = $attribs["DocInfo/DescLong"];
     $this->shortDescription = $attribs["DocInfo/DescShort"];
Пример #3
function test_file($file)
    echo "Testing {$file} \n";
    $mpq = new MPQFile($file);
    $rep = $mpq->parseReplay();
    if (!$rep) {
        echo "Parse error!";
    $new = $rep->jsonify();
    if (file_exists($file . '.parsed')) {
        $old = file_get_contents($file . '.parsed');
        $diff = diff($old, $new);
        if ($diff != -1) {
            echo $file . ': position ' . $diff . ' old: >>' . substr($old, $diff - 5, 10) . '<< new: >>' . substr($new, $diff - 5, 10) . "<< ";
            file_put_contents($file . '.new.parsed', $new);
            echo "New content saved as " . $file . ".new.parsed\n";
            //printDiff($old, $new);
    } else {
        file_put_contents($file . '.parsed', $new);
        echo "Content saved as {$file}.parsed\n";
Пример #4
     $err = true;
 if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
     $text .= "Error: No file was selected for uploading.<br />";
     $err = true;
 if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname)) {
     $text .= "Error: Uploaded filename doesn't point to an uploaded file.<br />";
     $err = true;
 if ($err !== true) {
     if (class_exists("MPQFile") || (include './include/replays/mpqfile.php')) {
         $start = microtime_float();
         $parseDurationString = "";
         $debug = 0;
         $a = new MPQFile($tmpname, true, $debug);
         $init = $a->getState();
         if ($init == false) {
             $text .= "Error parsing uploaded file, make sure it is a valid MPQ archive!<br />\n";
         } else {
             if ($a->getFileType() == "SC2replay") {
                 $b = $a->parseReplay();
                 $parseDurationString .= sprintf("Parsed replay in %d ms.<br />\n", (microtime_float() - $start) * 1000);
                 $players = $b->getPlayers();
                 $recorder = $b->getRecorder();
                 $error_str = '';
                 if ($event_id) {
                     $event = new Event($event_id);
                     $match = new Match();
                     // Check if replay->TeamSize == event->MatchType
                     if ($b->getTeamSize() != $event->getField('MatchType')) {
Пример #5
 public function addFakeObserver($obsName)
     return false;
     // this function does not work currently so DO NOT USE!
     if (!$this->init || $this->getFileSize("replay.initData") == 0) {
         return false;
     $string = $this->readFile("replay.initData");
     $numByte = 0;
     $numPlayers = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
     $playerAdded = false;
     $playerId = 0;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $numPlayers; $i++) {
         $nickLen = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
         if ($nickLen > 0) {
             $numByte += $nickLen;
             $numByte += 5;
         } elseif (!$playerAdded) {
             // first empty slot
             $playerAdded = true;
             if ($i == $numPlayers) {
                 $len = 5;
             } else {
                 $len = 6;
             // add the player to the initdata file
             $obsNameLength = strlen($obsName);
             $repString = chr($obsNameLength) . $obsName . str_repeat(chr(0), 5);
             $newData = substr($string, 0, $numByte) . $repString . substr($string, $numByte - $len + strlen($repString));
             $numByte += strlen($repString);
             //$this->replaceFile("replay.initData", $newData);
             $playerId = $i;
             $string = $newData;
             // skip the next null part because it is 1 byte shorter than normal
             if ($i < $numPlayers) {
                 $numByte += 4;
         } else {
             $numByte += 5;
     if ($this->debug) {
         $this->debug(sprintf("Got past first player loop, counter = {$i}, numbyte: %04X", $numByte));
     if ($playerId == 0) {
         return false;
     $numByte += 25;
     $accountIdentifierLength = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
     if ($accountIdentifierLength > 0) {
         $accountIdentifier = MPQFile::readBytes($string, $numByte, $accountIdentifierLength);
     $numByte += 684;
     // length seems to be fixed, data seems to vary at least based on number of players
     while (true) {
         $str = MPQFile::readBytes($string, $numByte, 4);
         if ($str != 's2ma') {
             $numByte -= 4;
         $numByte += 2;
         // 0x00 0x00
         $realm = MPQFile::readBytes($string, $numByte, 2);
         $this->realm = $realm;
         $numByte += 32;
     // start of variable length data portion
     $numByte += 2;
     $numPlayers = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
     // need to increment numplayers by 1
     $string = substr_replace($string, pack("c", $numPlayers + 1), $numByte - 1, 1);
     $numByte += 4;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $numPlayers; $i++) {
         $firstByte = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
         $secondByte = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
         if ($this->debug) {
             $this->debug(sprintf("Function addFakeObserver: numplayer: %d, first byte: %02X, second byte: %02X", $i, $firstByte, $secondByte));
         switch ($firstByte) {
             case 0xca:
                 switch ($secondByte) {
                     case 0x20:
                         // player
                         $numByte += 20;
                     case 0x28:
                         // player
                         $numByte += 24;
                     case 0x4:
                     case 0x2:
                         // spectator
                     // spectator
                     case 0x0:
                         // computer
                         $numByte += 4;
             case 0xc2:
                 switch ($secondByte) {
                     case 0x4:
                         $tmp = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
                         if ($tmp == 0x5) {
                             $numByte += 4;
                         $numByte += 20;
                     case 0x24:
                     case 0x44:
                         $numByte += 5;
                 if ($this->debug) {
                     $this->debug(sprintf("Function addFakeObserver: Unknown byte at byte offset %08X, got %02X", $numByte, $firstByte));
                 return false;
     // insert join game event and initial camera event for the newly created player
     $string = $this->readFile("");
     $string = substr_replace($string, pack("c3", 0, $playerId, 0xb), 0, 0);
     $tmpByte = $i * 3 + 5;
     $camerastring = pack("c2", 0, 0x60 | $playerId) . MPQFile::readBytes($string, $tmpByte, 11);
     $string = substr_replace($string, $camerastring, $tmpByte, 0);
     $this->replaceFile("", $string);
     return $playerId;
Пример #6
 static function parseTimeStamp($string, &$numByte)
     $one = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
     if (($one & 3) > 0) {
         // check if value is two bytes or more
         $two = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
         $two = $one >> 2 << 8 | $two;
         if (($one & 3) >= 2) {
             $tmp = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
             $two = $two << 8 | $tmp;
             if (($one & 3) == 3) {
                 $tmp = MPQFile::readByte($string, $numByte);
                 $two = $two << 8 | $tmp;
         return $two;
     return $one >> 2;
Пример #7
     echo "Error: Uploaded filename doesn't point to an uploaded file.<br />";
     $err = true;
 if ($err !== true) {
     if ($_POST['debug'] == 1) {
     if (class_exists("MPQFile") || (include 'mpqfile.php')) {
         $start = microtime_float();
         $parseDurationString = "";
         $debug = 0;
         if ($_POST['debug'] == 1 || $_POST['test'] == 1) {
             echo sprintf("<b>Debugging is on.</b><br />\n");
             $debug = 2;
         $a = new MPQFile($tmpname, true, $debug);
         $init = $a->getState();
         if (isset($_POST['test']) && $_POST['test'] == 1) {
             if (class_exists("SC2Replay") || (include 'sc2replay.php')) {
                 //$bool = $a->insertChatLogMessage("testing testing", "testguy", 1);
                 //$bool = $a->insertChatLogMessage("testing 2", 1, 5);
                 //$a->saveAs("testfile.SC2Replay", true);
                 //$a = new MPQFile("testfile.SC2Replay", true, 2);
                 $byte = 0;
                 $b = new SC2Replay($a);
                 $tmp = $b->parseDetailsValue($a->readFile("replay.details"), $byte);
                 echo "<pre>";
                 echo "</pre>";
Пример #8
 static function initCryptTable()
     if (!self::$cryptTable) {
         self::$cryptTable = array();
     $seed = 0x100001;
     $index1 = 0;
     $index2 = 0;
     for ($index1 = 0; $index1 < 0x100; $index1++) {
         for ($index2 = $index1, $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++, $index2 += 0x100) {
             $seed = uPlus($seed * 125, 3) % 0x2aaaab;
             $temp1 = ($seed & 0xffff) << 0x10;
             $seed = uPlus($seed * 125, 3) % 0x2aaaab;
             $temp2 = $seed & 0xffff;
             self::$cryptTable[$index2] = $temp1 | $temp2;