function lightspeed_tag_cloud($atts) { // include our handy API wrapper that makes it easy to call the API, it also depends on MOScURL to make the cURL call require_once "MOSAPICall.class.php"; extract(shortcode_atts(array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => false), $atts)); ob_start(); $mosapi = new MOSAPICall("992e498dfa5ab5245f5bd5afee4ee1ce6ac6e0a1ee7d11e36480694a9b5282e7", "83442"); $emitter = ''; $xml_query_string = 'limit=100&orderby=' . $orderby . '&orderby_asc=1'; $terms = $mosapi->makeAPICall("Account.Tag", "Read", null, null, $emitter, $xml_query_string); ?> <div id="tag_cloud-3" class="widget widget_tag_cloud"> <h3 class="widget-title">Tags</h3> <div class="tagcloud"> <?php foreach ($terms as $term) { $slug = sanitize_title($term->name); $tag = $term->name; ?> <a href="<?php echo $slug; ?> " target="_black"><?php echo $tag; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }
function new_products_lightspeed($atts) { /** * Featured Products shortcode * * @param array $atts * @return string */ global $woocommerce_loop, $products, $product; // include our handy API wrapper that makes it easy to call the API, it also depends on MOScURL to make the cURL call require_once "MOSAPICall.class.php"; extract(shortcode_atts(array('per_page' => '12', 'columns' => '4', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'desc'), $atts)); $woocommerce_loop['columns'] = $columns; ob_start(); $mosapi = new MOSAPICall("992e498dfa5ab5245f5bd5afee4ee1ce6ac6e0a1ee7d11e36480694a9b5282e7", "83442"); $emitter = ''; $xml_query_string = 'limit=100&orderby=timeStamp&orderby_desc=1&load_relations=["ItemECommerce","Tags","Images"]'; $products = $mosapi->makeAPICall("Account.ItemMatrix", "Read", null, null, $emitter, $xml_query_string); $wp_session = WP_Session::get_instance(); $products = xml2array($products); $wp_session['products'] = $products; //var_dump($wp_session['products']); $i = 0; //if ( $products->children() ) : ?> <?php woocommerce_product_loop_start(); ?> <?php foreach ($products as $prod) { foreach ($prod as $product) { wc_get_template_part('content', 'lightspeedproduct'); } } // end of the loop. ?> <?php woocommerce_product_loop_end(); ?> <?php //endif; return '<div class="woocommerce columns-' . $columns . '">' . ob_get_clean() . '</div>'; }
<?php // include our handy API wrapper that makes it easy to call the API, it also depends on MOScURL to make the cURL call require_once "MOSAPICall.class.php"; // setup our credentials // this key is to our demo data and allows full access to just /Account/797/Item control $mosapi = new MOSAPICall("992e498dfa5ab5245f5bd5afee4ee1ce6ac6e0a1ee7d11e36480694a9b5282e7", "83442"); // get the itemID out of the response XML // $item_id = $item_response_xml->itemID; // $matrix_id = $item_response_xml->itemMatrixID; // $tag_id = $item_response_xml->tagID; //$emitter = "$account_id/ItemMatrix?limit=200\&load_relations=all\&tag=beyondyoga"; $emitter = '\\&load_relations=["ItemECommerce","Tags","Images"]'; //$xml_query_string = "nodeDepth=0&categoryID="; // make another API call to Account.Item, this time with Update method and our changed Item XML. //$get_items = $mosapi->makeAPICall("Account.Item","Read",$item_id,null,$emitter, $xml_query_string); //$get_matrix = $mosapi->makeAPICall("Account.ItemMatrix","Read",$matrix_id,null); $matrixs = $mosapi->makeAPICall("Account.ItemMatrix", "Read", null, null, $emitter); //$get_tags = $mosapi->makeAPICall("Account.Tag","Read",$tag_id,null); //print_r($get_items); //print_r($matrixs); //print_r($get_tags); // output everything function api_call() { global $matrixs, $mosapi; foreach ($matrixs as $item) { print_r($item); // $id = $item->itemMatrixID; $name = $item->description; // $tax = $item->tax;