public static function fetch($id) { $query = ' SELECT %s, pdf.source as pdf_source, pdf.expiration_duration as pdf_expiration_duration, pdf.media_target as pdf_media_target, as pdf_link FROM pdf as pdf WHERE; '; $result = self::synchronizer()->db->arrayQuery(sprintf($query, implode(', ', self::getQuerySelectFields('pdf')), $id)); if (!is_array($result) || count($result) == 0) { throw new MMSynchException('PDF not found'); } $content_row = parent::fetch($result[0]['m_content_id']); if (!$content_row) return false; $instance = new self(array_merge($content_row, $result[0])); MMSynchronizer::instance()->placeholder(array(__CLASS__, $id), $instance); return $instance; }
public static function fetch($id) { $query = ' SELECT %s, file.media_target as file_media_target FROM file as file WHERE; '; $result = self::synchronizer()->db->arrayQuery(sprintf($query, implode(', ', self::getQuerySelectFields('file')), $id)); if (!is_array($result) || count($result) == 0) { throw new MMSynchException('File not found'); } $content_row = parent::fetch($result[0]['m_content_id']); if (!$content_row) return false; $instance = new self(array_merge($content_row, $result[0])); MMSynchronizer::instance()->placeholder(array(__CLASS__, $id), $instance); return $instance; }
public static function fetch($id) { $key = array(__CLASS__, $id); $dbEz = self::synchronizer()->ezdb; $synchroniser = MMSynchronizer::instance(); $publisher = $synchroniser->placeholder($key); if (!$publisher) { $query = ' SELECT as p_id, pf.path as p_path, pf.default_language as pf_default_language, (SELECT FROM mm_taxonomy as t WHERE code = CONCAT("%s-", p_path)) as t_id FROM mm_publisher_folder as pf WHERE; '; $result = $dbEz->arrayQuery(sprintf($query, self::$class_identifier, $id)); if ((!is_array($result) || count($result) == 0)) { throw new MMSynchException(sprintf('Publisher folder with id %s not found', $id)); } $publisher = new self($result[0]); $synchroniser->placeholder($key, $publisher); } return $publisher; }
public static function instance() { if (!self::$instance) self::$instance = new self(); return self::$instance; }
public static function fetch($id, $origin) { self::$origin = $origin; $query = ' SELECT %s, html_media.headline as html_media_headline, html_media.file as html_media_file, html_media.language as html_media_language, html_media.html_content as html_media_html_content FROM html_media as html_media WHERE; '; $result = self::synchronizer()->db->arrayQuery(sprintf($query, implode(', ', self::getQuerySelectFields('html_media')), $id)); if (!is_array($result) || count($result) == 0) { throw new MMSynchException('HTML Media not found'); } $content_row = parent::fetch($result[0]['m_content_id']); $instance = new self(array_merge($content_row, $result[0])); MMSynchronizer::instance()->placeholder(array(__CLASS__, $id), $instance); return $instance; }
public static function fetch($id) { $query = ' SELECT as ts_name, as t_name, t.source_key as t_source_key FROM taxonomy as t INNER JOIN taxonomy_source as ts ON t.taxonomy_source_id = WHERE;'; $result = MMSynchronizer::instance()->db->arrayQuery(sprintf($query, $id)); if (!is_array($result) || count($result) == 0) { throw new MMSynchException(sprintf('Tag with id %s not found', $id)); } if ($result[0]['t_source_key'] == '') { throw new MMSynchException(sprintf('Tag %s => %s/%s has no source_key', $id, $result['ts_name'], $result['t_name'])); } return new self($result[0]); }
public function __construct(SQLIImportHandlerOptions $options = null) { parent::__construct($options); if (isset($this->options['debug']) && $this->options['debug'] == '1') { MMSynchLog::$cli = $this->cli; MMSynchLog::$level = 4; } else { MMSynchLog::$level = 3; } $this->synchronizer = MMSynchronizer::instance(); $archive = $this->synchronizer->archive; if (isset($this->options['test']) && $this->options['test'] == '1') { $this->cli->warning('Test mode enabled : import_status not fill'); $this->synchronizer->test = true; $archive = false; } if (!$archive || isset($this->options['archive'])) { if ($this->options['archive'] == '1') { $this->cli->warning('Archiving enabled'); $archive = true; } elseif (!$archive || $this->options['archive'] == '0') { $this->cli->warning('Archiving disabled'); $archive = false; } } $this->synchronizer->archive = $archive; }
( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(rc.content_id2 ORDER BY rc.content_order ASC SEPARATOR \',\') FROM related_content as rc WHERE content_id1 = AND language_id1 = a_language ) as a_related_ordered FROM article as a INNER JOIN content as c ON a.content_id = INNER JOIN related_content as related ON = related.content_id1 INNER JOIN publisher_folder as p ON c.publisher_folder_id = INNER JOIN import_status as st ON = st.article_id HAVING st_version=st_last_version AND a_related != a_related_ordered AND a_related != CONCAT_WS(\',\', a_related, a_related); '; $result = MMSynchronizer::instance()->db->arrayQuery($query); $cli->output(sprintf('%s article to check', count($result))); while(list(,$row) = each($result)) { $article = false; try { $db->begin(); $article = MMSynchArticle::fetch($row['a_id']); if ($article) {
<?php // Use admin $user = eZUser::fetchByName('admin'); $userID = $user->attribute( 'contentobject_id' ); eZUser::setCurrentlyLoggedInUser( $user, $userID ); $options = array( 'modification_check' => false, 'update_null_field' => true ); SQLIContentPublisher::getInstance()->setOptions(new SQLIContentPublishOptions($options)); $synchronizer = MMSynchronizer::instance(); $result = $synchronizer->db->arrayQuery('SELECT as ts_id, as ts_name FROM taxonomy_source as ts;'); while(list(,$row) = each($result)) { try { $tag = MMSynchTag::create($row['ts_id'], $row['ts_name']); $identifier = str_replace('&', '_', str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($row['ts_name']))); $cli->output('[' . $identifier . ']'); $cli->output('TagId=' . $tag->attribute( 'id' )); $cli->output('TaxonomyId=' . $row['ts_id']); $cli->output(); } catch (Exception $e)
protected function media($attributes, $text, $tagName, $html, $embed = true) { if ( !isset($attributes['src']) || !isset($attributes['folder']) || !in_array($attributes['folder'], array('audio', 'videos')) ) { throw new MMSynchException(sprintf('Mal formed media tag in core_content %s', $html)); } $ids = array(); if ( $attributes['folder'] == 'audio' && $this->article->source['a_related_inline_audio'] != "" ) { $tableName = 'audio'; $ids = explode(',', $this->article->source['a_related_inline_audio']); } elseif ( $attributes['folder'] == 'videos' && $this->article->source['a_related_inline_video'] != "" ) { $tableName = 'video'; $ids = explode(',', $this->article->source['a_related_inline_video']); } if ( count($ids) > 0 ) { $filenamePos = strrpos($attributes['src'], '/'); $fileName = substr($attributes['src'], $filenamePos ? $filenamePos + 1 : 0); $sql = ' SELECT as id, media.content_id as c_id, media.file as file, media.screen_capture as screen_capture, media.language as language FROM %s as media INNER JOIN content as c ON media.content_id = WHERE IN (%s) AND media.file like "%s"; '; $result = MMSynchronizer::instance()->db->arrayQuery(sprintf($sql, $tableName, implode(',', $ids), '%' . $fileName)); $screen_capture = null; if ( isset($attributes['screen_capture']) && $attributes['screen_capture'] != '' ) { try { $file = MMSynchFileManager::fromFileName($this->article->getOrigin(), $this->article->getPublisher(), MMSynchFileManager::IMAGE_FOLDER, $attributes['screen_capture']); $screen_capture = file_get_contents($file->getFullPath()); $file->setCanArchived(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->article->addWarning($e->getMessage()); } } while ( list(, $row) = each($result) ) { if ( $tableName == 'audio' ) { $media = MMSynchMediaAudio::fetch($row['id']); if($screen_capture) { $media->source['audio_screen_capture'] = $screen_capture; } elseif($row['screen_capture']) { $media->source['audio_screen_capture'] = $row['screen_capture']; } } else { $media = MMSynchMediaVideo::fetch($row['id']); if($screen_capture) { $media->source['video_screen_capture'] = $screen_capture; } elseif($row['screen_capture']) { $media->source['video_screen_capture'] = $row['screen_capture']; } } $content = $media->getContent(); if ( !$content instanceof SQLIContent ) { throw new MMSynchException(sprintf('Media with id %s not synchronized', $row['id'])); } if ( isset($attributes['view']) && $attributes['view'] == 'inline' ) { $replacement = '<embed-inline view="embed-inline" size="medium" id="eZObject_%s" />'; } else { $replacement = '<embed view="embed" size="medium" id="eZObject_%s" />'; } $this->addRelatedMedia($content->attribute('id'), $row['language']); if($embed) { return sprintf($replacement, $content->attribute('id')); } else { return $content->attribute('id'); } } } throw new MMSynchException(sprintf('Media with filename %s not have media table row', $attributes['src'])); }
public function archive() { if ($this->archived) return true; if (!$this->getCanArchived()) { throw new MMSynchException(sprintf('File "%s" not ready to be archived', $this->getFullPath())); } if (MMSynchronizer::instance()->archive == false) { $moved = true; } else { $importINI = eZINI::instance('sqliimport.ini'); $modeUAT = false; if ( $importINI->hasVariable( 'XMLImportSettings', 'ModeUAT' ) && $importINI->variable( 'XMLImportSettings', 'ModeUAT' ) == 'enabled' ) { $modeUAT = true; } if ( $modeUAT ) { $moved = copy($this->getFullPath(), $this->getArchivePath()); } else { $moved = rename($this->getFullPath(), $this->getArchivePath()); } } if ($moved === false) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Fail to move "%s" to archive file "%s"', $this->fullPath, $this->getArchivePath())); } else { MMSynchLog::debug(false, sprintf('Archive %s to %s', $this->getFullPath(), $this->getArchivePath())); } $this->archived = true; return true; }
// Configure publisher SQLIContentPublisher::getInstance()->setOptions(new SQLIContentPublishOptions(array( 'modification_check' => false, 'update_null_field' => false ))); MMSynchMonitor::start(); // Import one article unlink($lockFileName); try { $db->begin(); MMSynchronizer::instance()->test = true; $article = MMSynchArticle::import($options['article'], $options['force']); if ($article) { $cli->output('Node Id = ' . $article->getContent()->defaultLocation->getNodeId()); } $db->commit(); $iteration++; } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollback(); $cli->error($e->getMessage());
protected static function synchronizer() { return MMSynchronizer::instance(); }
public function process( $row ) { $db = eZDB::instance(); // Récupéraiton de l'article $article = MMSynchArticle::fetch($row['a_id']); $contentObject = eZContentObject::fetchByRemoteID( $article->remoteId() ); if (!$contentObject) { $this->cli->notice(sprintf(' Synchronization problem for Article %s ', $row['a_id'])); return false; } // Récupération des publisher_internal_id $referenceArticleIds = array(); if (trim($article->source['a_referencearticleid']) != '') { $referenceArticleIds = array_unique(explode('|', trim($article->source['a_referencearticleid']))); } $db->begin(); try { if (count($referenceArticleIds) > 0) { $query = sprintf(" SELECT as a_id FROM article a, content c WHERE a.content_id = AND a.language = '%s' AND a.publisher_internal_id IN (%s) AND c.publisher_folder_id = %s ", $row['a_language'], implode(', ', $referenceArticleIds), $article->source['c_publisher_folder_id'] ); $referenceArticles = MMSynchronizer::instance()->db->arrayQuery($query); if (count($referenceArticles) > 0) { $referenceArticlesObjectIds = array(); // Fetch des object correspondant au publisher_internal_id while(list(,$referenceArticleRow) = each($referenceArticles)) { $referenceArticle = MMSynchArticle::fetch($referenceArticleRow['a_id']); $referenceContentObject = eZContentObject::fetchByRemoteID( $referenceArticle->remoteId() ); if ($referenceContentObject) { $referenceArticlesObjectIds[] = $referenceContentObject->attribute('id'); } else { $this->cli->notice(sprintf(' Synchronization problem for Article %s', $referenceArticleRow['a_id'])); } } if (count($referenceArticlesObjectIds)) { $dataMap = $contentObject->fetchDataMap(false, $row['a_language']); $attribute = $dataMap['reference_articles']; $attribute->fromString(implode('-', array_unique($referenceArticlesObjectIds))); $attribute->store(); if (count($referenceArticlesObjectIds) == count($referenceArticleIds)) { $this->updateStatus($row); } else { $this->cli->notice(sprintf(' Relationships among the missing publisher_internal_id %s', implode(', ', $referenceArticleIds))); } } } else { $this->cli->notice(sprintf(' No items synchronized among publisher_internal_id %s', implode(', ', $referenceArticleIds))); } } else { $dataMap = $contentObject->fetchDataMap(false, $row['a_language']); $attribute = $dataMap['reference_articles']; if ($attribute && $attribute->hasContent()) { $attribute->fromString(''); $attribute->store(); } $this->updateStatus($row); } $db->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollback(); } eZContentObject::clearCache(); }