Пример #1
  * config file不存在
  * @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error
 public function testNotExistsConfigFile()
     $conf = new LtConfig();
     // $conf->configFile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/test_data/conf_not_exists.php";
     $conf->loadConfigFile(dirname(__FILE__) . "/test_data/conf_not_exists.php");
Пример #2
 public function testMostUsedWay()
     $username = '******';
     $password = '******';
     $dtds['username'] = new LtValidatorDtd($_POST['username'], "username", array("max_length" => 8, "mask" => "/^[a-z0-9]+\$/i", "ban" => "/f**k/"), array("mask" => "用户名只能由数字或字组成", "ban" => "用户名不能包含脏话"));
     $dtds['password'] = new LtValidatorDtd($_POST['password'], "password", array("max_length" => 8, "mask" => "/^[a-z0-9]+\$/i", "ban" => "/f**k/"), array("max_length" => "密码最长8位", "mask" => "密码只能由数字或字组成"));
     // 配置文件
     $config['validator.error_messages'] = array('ban' => '%s contain banned words', 'mask' => '%s does not match the given format', 'max_length' => '%s is longer than %s', 'min_length' => '%s is shorter than %s', 'max_value' => '%s is bigger than %s', 'min_value' => '%s is smaller than %s', 'max_selected' => '%s is too much', 'min_selected' => '%s is too few', 'required' => '%s is empty', 'equal_to' => '%s is not equal to %s');
     $configHandle = new LtConfig();
     $validator = new LtValidator();
     $validator->configHandle = $configHandle;
     $dtd = $dtds['username'];
     foreach ($dtd->rules as $ruleKey => $ruleValue) {
         if ($ruleValue instanceof LtConfigExpression) {
             eval('$_ruleValue = ' . $ruleValue->__toString());
             $dtd->rules[$ruleKey] = $ruleValue;
     $error_messages = $validator->validate($dtd);
     $this->assertEquals(array('max_length' => 'username is longer than 8', 'mask' => '用户名只能由数字或字组成', 'ban' => '用户名不能包含脏话'), $error_messages);
     $dtd = $dtds['password'];
     foreach ($dtd->rules as $ruleKey => $ruleValue) {
         if ($ruleValue instanceof LtConfigExpression) {
             eval('$_ruleValue = ' . $ruleValue->__toString());
             $dtd->rules[$ruleKey] = $ruleValue;
     $error_messages = $validator->validate($dtd);
     $this->assertEquals(array('max_length' => '密码最长8位', 'mask' => '密码只能由数字或字组成', 'ban' => 'password contain banned words'), $error_messages);
Пример #3
 public function testPathinfo()
     $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] = '/index.php/default2/index2/id/123456/page/12/q-%FFkey/%E7%A9%BA%20-%FF%E6%A0%BC.html';
     $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/index.php';
     $config['router.routing_table']['default'] = array('module' => 'default', 'action' => 'index');
     $config['router.routing_table']['protocol'] = 'PATH_INFO';
     $configHandle = new LtConfig();
     $router = new LtRouter();
     $router->configHandle = $configHandle;
     $this->assertEquals('default2', $router->module);
     $this->assertEquals('index2', $router->action);
     $this->assertEquals(array('module' => 'default2', 'action' => 'index2', 'id' => '123456', 'page' => '12', 'q-/key' => '空 -/格'), $_GET);
Пример #4
 public function testRewrite()
     $config['router.routing_table']['protocol'] = 'REWRITE';
     $configHandle = new LtConfig();
     $url = new LtUrl();
     $url->configHandle = $configHandle;
     $params = array('id' => 123456, 'page' => '12', 'q-/key' => '空 -/格');
     $url->baseUrl = 'http://localhost';
     $link = $url->generate('goods', 'detail', $params);
     $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/goods-detail-id-123456-page-12-q%FF/key-%E7%A9%BA%20%FF%2F%E6%A0%BC.html', $link);
     $url->baseUrl = '';
     $link = $url->generate('goods', 'detail', $params);
     $this->assertEquals('', $link);
 public function testPerformance()
      * 用LtStoreFile作存储层提升性能
     $cacheHandle = new LtStoreFile();
     // 准备confif_file
     $config_file = dirname(__FILE__) . "/test_data/conf.php";
      * 运行autoloader成功取到一个配置 
      * 这是为了证明:使用LtCache作为LtConfig的存储,功能是正常的
     $conf = new LtConfig();
     $conf->storeHandle = $cacheHandle;
     $this->assertEquals("localhost", $conf->get("db.conn.host"));
      * 运行100次,要求在1秒内运行完
     $base_memory_usage = memory_get_usage();
     $times = 100;
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $times; $i++) {
     $endTime = microtime(true);
     $totalTime = round($endTime - $startTime, 6);
     $averageTime = round($totalTime / $times, 6);
     $memory_usage = memory_get_usage() - $base_memory_usage;
     $averageMemory = formatSize($memory_usage / $times);
     $memory_usage = formatSize($memory_usage);
         echo "\n----------------------config-----------------------------\n";
         echo "times      \t{$times}\n";
         echo "totalTime   \t{$totalTime}s\taverageTime   \t{$averageTime}s\n";
         echo "memoryUsage \t{$memory_usage}\taverageMemory \t{$averageMemory}";
         echo "\n---------------------------------------------------------\n";
     $this->assertTrue(1 > $totalTime);
Пример #6
 public function testMostUsedWay()
     // 角色 可以是多个
     $roles = array('Administrators', 'Users');
     $roles = array_merge(array("*"), $roles);
     // 访问控制列表 deny优先
     $acl['allow']['*'][] = 'Index/Index';
     $acl['deny']['*'][] = '';
     $acl['allow']['Administrators'][] = 'admin/*';
     $acl['allow']['Administrators'][] = 'User/*';
     $acl['allow']['Users'][] = 'User/View';
     $acl['allow']['Users'][] = 'User/Signin';
     $acl['allow']['Users'][] = 'User/DoSignin';
     $acl['deny']['Users'][] = 'User/AddUser';
     $configHandle = new LtConfig();
     $configHandle->addConfig(array('rbac.acl' => $acl));
     $rbac = new LtRbac();
     $rbac->configHandle = $configHandle;
     $this->assertTrue($rbac->checkAcl($roles, 'admin/test'));
     $this->assertFalse($rbac->checkAcl($roles, 'User/AddUser'));
Пример #7
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------
  * LtConfig要求: 
  * # 配置文件以return array()形式返回一个配置数组 
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------
  * LtConfig不在意: 
  * # 配置文件中用什么变量名和常量名 
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 本测试用例期望效果:
  * 通过LtConfig类能取到定义在config_file里面的配置信息
 public function testMostUsedWay()
     $conf = new LtConfig();
     $conf->loadConfigFile(dirname(__FILE__) . "/test_data/conf.php");
     $this->assertEquals("localhost", $conf->get("db.conn.host"));
     $this->assertEquals($conf->get("misc.test_array"), array("test_array_key_1" => "test_array_value_1", "test_array_key_2" => "test_array_value_2"));
     $this->assertEquals(time(), $conf->get("misc.now"));
Пример #8
  * prepare config
  * @todo 先加载proj/conf下的配置,再加载app/conf下的配置,并自动覆盖重复项
  * 注意避开array_merge的坑
  * 或者,至少做个判断,app/conf不存在,去找proj/conf,不能不加载配置文件
 protected function prepareConfig()
     $this->configHandle = LtObjectUtil::singleton('LtConfig', false);
     if (!$this->devMode) {
         $configFile = 'conf/conf.php';
         $this->configHandle->storeHandle = clone $this->coreCacheHandle;
         $this->configHandle->storeHandle->prefix = $this->coreCacheHandle->prefix . '-conf';
     } else {
         $configFile = 'conf/conf_dev.php';
     if ($this->app_dir && is_file($this->app_dir . $configFile)) {
         $this->configHandle->loadConfigFile($this->app_dir . $configFile);
Пример #9
* 加载MVC类文件
$lotusHome = substr(__FILE__, 0, strpos(__FILE__, "example")) . '/';
include $lotusHome . "runtime/Config.php";
include $lotusHome . "runtime/Store.php";
include $lotusHome . "runtime/StoreMemory.php";
include $lotusHome . "runtime/ObjectUtil/ObjectUtil.php";
include $lotusHome . "runtime/MVC/Dispatcher.php";
include $lotusHome . "runtime/MVC/Action.php";
include $lotusHome . "runtime/MVC/Component.php";
include $lotusHome . "runtime/MVC/Context.php";
include $lotusHome . "runtime/MVC/View.php";
include $lotusHome . "runtime/Validator/Validator.php";
include $lotusHome . "runtime/Validator/ValidatorDtd.php";
// 配置文件
$config['validator.error_messages'] = array('ban' => '%s contain banned words', 'mask' => '%s does not match the given format', 'max_length' => '%s is longer than %s', 'min_length' => '%s is shorter than %s', 'max_value' => '%s is bigger than %s', 'min_value' => '%s is smaller than %s', 'max_selected' => '%s is too much', 'min_selected' => '%s is too few', 'required' => '%s is empty', 'equal_to' => '%s is not equal to %s');
$configHandle = new LtConfig();
 * 加载Action类文件
$appDir = "./simplest_app/";
include $appDir . "action/User-Signin.Action.php";
 * 实例化
$dispatcher = LtObjectUtil::singleton('LtDispatcher');
$dispatcher->configHandle = $configHandle;
$dispatcher->viewDir = "./simplest_app/view/";
$dispatcher->dispatchAction("User", "Signin");