 * Exception handler
 * @param Exception $exception The exception raised
function exceptionHandler($exception)
    try {
        $exceptionMessage = NULL;
        // If a transaction is in progress, rollback it
        if (DatabaseFactory::isTransactionInProgress()) {
        // logs exception before doing anything else, for logs to be filled even if an exception will occur during the exception treatment
        $logInstance = LogTool::getInstance();
        // debug exception in web context
        if ($exception instanceof GenericWarningException) {
            // logs warning
            $logInstance->logException($exception, LogTool::WARNING_LEVEL);
        } else {
            // logs error
        $exceptionClass = get_class($exception);
        if ($exception instanceof GenericException) {
            // Displays message
            if (TranslationTool::isTranslationAllowed()) {
                $exceptionMessage = $exception->getUserLocalizedMessage();
            } else {
                $exceptionMessage = $exception->getMessage();
        } else {
            // If error is not managed, displays generic message
            $exceptionMessage = 'GENERIC_EXCEPTION';
        if (SystemTool::isAjaxContext()) {
            echo json_encode(array('error' => $exceptionMessage), true);
        } else {
            echo $exceptionMessage;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
        try {
            echo $exceptionClass . ' raised : ' . $exceptionMessage;
            echo '+ ' . get_class($e) . ' while handling exception : ' . $e->getMessage();
        } catch (Exception $e2) {
            try {
                echo $exceptionClass . ' raised (unable to display exception details)';
            } catch (Exception $e3) {
                echo 'unable to display exception details';
Пример #2
  * Converts a time string to a timestamp
  * @param string $string The time string
  * @param string $format The string format
  * @return int The timestamp
 public static function stringToTimestamp($string, $format = DateTool::FORMAT_MYSQL_DATETIME)
     if (!is_string($string)) {
         throw new Exception('Unable to convert time string to timestamp : "' . $string . '" is not a string');
     $var = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $string);
     if ($var instanceof DateTime) {
         return $var->getTimestamp();
     LogTool::getInstance()->logWarning("DateTime::createFromFormat returned errors.");
     LogTool::getInstance()->logDebug("debug " . serialize(DateTime::getLastErrors()));
     return false;
Пример #3
  * Updates current element
 public function update()
     $updatedPropertyList = $this->getUpdatedPropertyList();
     // Checks if element has to be updated
     if (count($updatedPropertyList) > 0) {
         // Updates element
         // resets original attributes, has element is now updted, there is no more property to update
         $this->originalPropertyList = array();
     } else {
         LogTool::getInstance()->logDebug('Trying to update ' . $this->getElementClass() . ' but no change detected');
  * Generic request execution method
  * @param string $request The request string
  * @return resource The request results or an exception if any error occures
 protected function &request($request)
     $timer = TimerTool::getInstance();
     $timer->tick('Executing request (' . $this->dbName . ') : ' . $request, 'ms', 0, FALSE);
     // Request execution
     $result = mysql_unbuffered_query($request, $this->dbLink);
     if (!$result) {
         $mysqlErrNo = mysql_errno($this->dbLink);
         $mysqlErrMsg = mysql_error($this->dbLink);
         // Mysql connection lost : reconnect and retry query
         if (!$this->isConnected()) {
             $logInstance = LogTool::getInstance();
             $logInstance->logWarning('Connection lost (Error #' . $mysqlErrNo . ' : ' . $mysqlErrMsg . ') during request execution, will reconnect and retry it : ' . $request);
             $logInstance->logWarning('Retrying request (' . $this->dbName . ') : ' . $request);
             $result = mysql_unbuffered_query($request, $this->dbLink);
             if (!$result) {
                 throw DatabaseException::getSpecificException('Error while executing query (retry): "' . $request . '" (Error #' . $mysqlErrNo . ' : ' . $mysqlErrMsg . ')', $mysqlErrNo);
         } else {
             throw DatabaseException::getSpecificException('Error while executing following query : "' . $request . '" (Error #' . $mysqlErrNo . ' : ' . $mysqlErrMsg . ')', $mysqlErrNo);
     $timer->tick('Finished executing request', 'ms', 0, TRUE);
     return $result;
Пример #5
 public function tick($logDebugText = '', $unit = 'ms', $roundPrecision = 0, $isMySQLTime = FALSE, $color = LogTool::COLOR_BLUE)
     $logInstance = LogTool::getInstance();
     if ($unit == 's') {
         $getTimeFunction = 'getTimeSeconds';
     } else {
         $getTimeFunction = 'getTimeMicroseconds';
     // Write debug message
     $logInstance->logDebug((isset($this->countValue) ? '[Increment = ' . $this->countValue . ']' : '') . 'Timer: ' . round($this->{$getTimeFunction}(), $roundPrecision) . ' ' . $unit . ($this->lastTickTime ? ' (' . round($this->{$getTimeFunction}(TRUE), $roundPrecision) . ' ' . $unit . ' since last tick)' : '') . ' : ' . $logDebugText, $color);
     // Adds to cumulative timers
     if ($isMySQLTime) {
         $this->mysqlCumulativeTime += $this->getTimeMicroseconds(TRUE);
     } else {
         $this->phpCumulativeTime += $this->getTimeMicroseconds(TRUE);
     // Remember current microTime
     $this->lastTickTime = TimerTool::getMicrotimeFloat();
  * Imports data, creating a table and inserting rows
  * @param string $tablename The destination table's name
  * @param array $head The column headers
  * @param array $data The data to import
  * @param string $mismatchtable Optional table's name to store type mismatch alerts
  * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
 public function importRequest($tablename = null, $head = null, $data = null, $mismatchtable = null)
     if ($tablename === null || $head === null || $data === null) {
         // mandatory params
         return false;
     try {
         $logInstance = LogTool::getInstance();
         $coltype = array();
         // tells int, float or varchar for each column
         $nadata = array();
         // stores type mismatch alerts in a second table
         $nb_lines_to_check = 5;
         $sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $tablename . ' (';
         if ($mismatchtable) {
             $sql2 = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $mismatchtable . ' (';
         $nb_col_to_check = array_key_exists(0, $head) ? count($head) - 1 : count($head);
         // if columns begin at #1, there's no id and we won't create one ;
         // if they begin at #0, it probably means there's an id, so let's handle it
         if (array_key_exists(0, $head)) {
             // " && $head[0] == 'id' " unnecessary
             $coltype[$head[0]] = 'int(11)';
             $sql .= '`' . $head[0] . '` ' . $coltype[$head[0]] . ', ';
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_col_to_check; $i++) {
             $colindex = StringTool::cleanVarName($head[$i]);
             if ($colindex == SGBD_SDF_MOLSTRUCCOL) {
                 $coltype[$colindex] = 'text';
             } else {
                 $nb_flt = 0;
                 $nb_int = 0;
                 $nb_str = 0;
                 // try the first $nb_lines_to_check lines of data
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $nb_lines_to_check; $j++) {
                     //$logInstance->logDebug("j : ".$j." - colindex : ".$colindex);
                     if (array_key_exists($j, $data)) {
                         // "false" if less than 5 lines in data
                         $temp = $data[$j][$colindex];
                         if (StringTool::isFloat($temp)) {
                         } elseif (StringTool::isInt($temp)) {
                         } else {
                 if ($nb_flt > 0 && $nb_flt + $nb_int >= $nb_lines_to_check - 1) {
                     // we tolerate 1 line with wrong type
                     $coltype[$colindex] = 'float';
                 } elseif ($nb_int >= $nb_lines_to_check - 1) {
                     $coltype[$colindex] = 'int(11)';
                 } else {
                     $coltype[$colindex] = 'text';
                 // varchar too short sometimes
                 if ($mismatchtable) {
                     $sql2 .= '`' . $head[$i] . '` varchar(50), ';
                 // store mismatches directly in this table (not just 0/1/null)
             $sql .= '`' . $head[$i] . '` ' . $coltype[$colindex] . ', ';
         // the line below gets rid of the comma
         $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 2);
         $sql .= ') ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;';
         $ok = $this->createRequest($sql);
         if (!$ok) {
             return false;
         // ensure it's empty
         $sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $tablename . ';';
         $ok = $this->deleteRequest($sql);
         if ($mismatchtable) {
             $sql2 = substr($sql2, 0, strlen($sql2) - 2);
             $sql2 .= ') ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;';
             $ok = $this->createRequest($sql2);
             $sql2 = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $mismatchtable . ';';
             $ok = $this->deleteRequest($sql2);
         // now insert data
         $entry = array();
         if ($mismatchtable) {
             $entry2 = array();
         foreach ($data as $key => $row) {
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tablename . ' VALUES (\'';
             foreach ($row as $field => $value) {
                 if ($coltype[$field] == 'float' && !StringTool::isFloat($value) && !StringTool::isInt($value) || $coltype[$field] == 'int(11)' && !StringTool::isInt($value) && !StringTool::isFloat($value)) {
                     if ($mismatchtable) {
                         $entry2[] = $value == "" ? "NULL" : "1:" . $value;
                         // store mismatches directly in this table, with "1:" prefix
                     $value = "NULL";
                 } elseif ($value !== "" && !is_null($value)) {
                     if ($mismatchtable && $field != SGBD_SDF_MOLSTRUCCOL) {
                         $entry2[] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $value = "NULL";
                     if ($mismatchtable) {
                         $entry2[] = "NULL";
                 $entry[] = $value;
             $sql .= implode("','", $entry);
             $sql .= '\');';
             $sql = str_replace('\'NULL\'', 'NULL', $sql);
             $entry = array();
             $ok = $this->insertRequest($sql);
             if ($mismatchtable) {
                 $sql2 = 'INSERT INTO ' . $mismatchtable . ' VALUES (\'';
                 $sql2 .= implode("','", $entry2);
                 $sql2 .= '\');';
                 $sql2 = str_replace('\'NULL\'', 'NULL', $sql2);
                 $ok = $this->insertRequest($sql2);
                 $entry2 = array();
         return true;
     } catch (ParameterException $e) {
         return false;
  * Gets all entities by type from cache
  * @param string $elementClass The element type searched
  * @param string $conditions The conditions string to apply
  * @param string $orderBy The order string to apply
  * @return array The found entities or an exception if the entities hasn't been cached
 public static function &getElementList($elementClass, $conditions = null, $orderBy = null)
     // Entities not cached yet
     if (!self::isCachedElementList($elementClass, $conditions, $orderBy)) {
         throw new CacheFactoryException('No element list found in cache for ' . $elementClass . ' (conditions:"' . $conditions . '", order:"' . $orderBy . '")');
     // Element cached
     LogTool::getInstance()->logDebug('Getting List from cache');
     $cachedElementIdList = self::$cachedElementListArray[$elementClass][self::getListIndex($conditions, $orderBy)];
     $cachedElementList = array();
     foreach ($cachedElementIdList as $cachedElementId) {
         $cachedElementList[$cachedElementId] = self::getElement($elementClass, $cachedElementId, false);
     return $cachedElementList;
  * Translates the string in correct language
  * @param string $string The string to translate
  * @param array $paramList The param list to be replaced in the string
  * @param int $quantity The quantity to pluralize the string
  * @param string $category The translation's category
  * @return string The translated string
 public function translate($string, $paramList = NULL, $quantity = NULL, $category = NULL)
     // Checks if string has to be pluralized
     if ($quantity !== NULL && $quantity !== 1) {
         $string .= '_PLURAL';
     // Set silent mode to avoid every translation log
     return $string;
     // Gets string from database
     try {
         if ($category !== NULL) {
             $category = ' AND translation_category = \'' . $category . '\'';
         } else {
             $category = '';
         $translation = ElementFactory::getElement('Translation', NULL, 'translation_language = \'' . $this->getLocale() . '\' AND translation_text = \'' . $string . '\'' . $category);
         if ($paramList === NULL) {
             return $translation->value;
         // String has params "%1" to be replaced
         if (!is_array($paramList)) {
             $paramList = array($paramList);
         // Sets pattern to be replaced
         $patternList = array();
         for ($paramNumber = 1; $paramNumber <= count($paramList); ++$paramNumber) {
             $patternList[] = '/%' . $paramNumber . '(?![0-9])/';
         return preg_replace($patternList, $paramList, $translation->value);
     } catch (ElementNoResultException $e) {
         // String is not localized
         try {
             $warningTracking = new WarningTracking();
             $warningTracking->addTracking("Missing " . $this->getLocale() . " translation on " . $string);
             // TODO : Get template.
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         return 'TO_BE_LOCALIZED(' . $string . ')';
  * Cancels current transactions
 public static function rollback()
     LogTool::getInstance()->logNotice('Rolling back database modifications...');
  * Deletes an element list in database
  * @param string $elementClass The element class to delete
  * @param string $conditions The delete request conditions
  * @return int The affected rows number
 public static function deleteElementList($elementClass, $conditions)
     $logInstance = LogTool::getInstance();
     $logInstance->logDebug('Deletes ' . $elementClass . ' element list');
     // Deletes element in database
     return DatabaseFactory::deleteElementList($elementClass, $conditions);
Пример #11
        $isBestTime = true;
//Checks if structures are unlocked
if ($isSuccess) {
    $relatedStructureList = OsteoFactory::getElementList('StructureRequiredStructure', 'required_structure_id=' . $quizz['structureId']);
    foreach ($relatedStructureList as $relatedStructure) {
        $structure = OsteoFactory::getElement('Structure', $relatedStructure->structure_id);
        $requiredStructureList = OsteoFactory::getElementList('StructureRequiredStructure', 'structure_id=' . $structure->id . ' AND required_structure_id !=' . $quizz['structureId']);
        $isUnlocked = true;
        foreach ($requiredStructureList as $requiredStructure) {
            try {
                OsteoFactory::getElement('PlayerHasStructure', null, 'player_id=' . $player->id . ' AND structure_id=' . $requiredStructure->required_structure_id);
            } catch (ElementNoResultException $e) {
                LogTool::getInstance()->logWarning('no unlock');
                $isUnlocked = false;
        if ($isUnlocked) {
            try {
                $newPlayerStructure = new PlayerHasStructure();
                $newPlayerStructure->player_id = $player->id;
                $newPlayerStructure->structure_id = $relatedStructure->structure_id;
            } catch (DatabaseDuplicateEntryException $e) {
                // Already in database