protected function purgeFromArchiveTable(LocalFile $file)
     $db = $file->getRepo()->getSlaveDB();
     $res = $db->select('filearchive', array('fa_archive_name'), array('fa_name' => $file->getName()), __METHOD__);
     foreach ($res as $row) {
Пример #2
  * Run the transaction, except the cleanup batch.
  * The cleanup batch should be run in a separate transaction, because it locks different
  * rows and there's no need to keep the image row locked while it's acquiring those locks
  * The caller may have its own transaction open.
  * So we save the batch and let the caller call cleanup()
  * @return FileRepoStatus
 public function execute()
     global $wgLang;
     $repo = $this->file->getRepo();
     if (!$this->all && !$this->ids) {
         // Do nothing
         return $repo->newGood();
     $lockOwnsTrx = $this->file->lock();
     $dbw = $this->file->repo->getMasterDB();
     $status = $this->file->repo->newGood();
     $exists = (bool) $dbw->selectField('image', '1', array('img_name' => $this->file->getName()), __METHOD__, $lockOwnsTrx ? array() : array('LOCK IN SHARE MODE'));
     // Fetch all or selected archived revisions for the file,
     // sorted from the most recent to the oldest.
     $conditions = array('fa_name' => $this->file->getName());
     if (!$this->all) {
         $conditions['fa_id'] = $this->ids;
     $result = $dbw->select('filearchive', ArchivedFile::selectFields(), $conditions, __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'fa_timestamp DESC'));
     $idsPresent = array();
     $storeBatch = array();
     $insertBatch = array();
     $insertCurrent = false;
     $deleteIds = array();
     $first = true;
     $archiveNames = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $idsPresent[] = $row->fa_id;
         if ($row->fa_name != $this->file->getName()) {
             $status->error('undelete-filename-mismatch', $wgLang->timeanddate($row->fa_timestamp));
         if ($row->fa_storage_key == '') {
             // Revision was missing pre-deletion
             $status->error('undelete-bad-store-key', $wgLang->timeanddate($row->fa_timestamp));
         $deletedRel = $repo->getDeletedHashPath($row->fa_storage_key) . $row->fa_storage_key;
         $deletedUrl = $repo->getVirtualUrl() . '/deleted/' . $deletedRel;
         if (isset($row->fa_sha1)) {
             $sha1 = $row->fa_sha1;
         } else {
             // old row, populate from key
             $sha1 = LocalRepo::getHashFromKey($row->fa_storage_key);
         # Fix leading zero
         if (strlen($sha1) == 32 && $sha1[0] == '0') {
             $sha1 = substr($sha1, 1);
         if (is_null($row->fa_major_mime) || $row->fa_major_mime == 'unknown' || is_null($row->fa_minor_mime) || $row->fa_minor_mime == 'unknown' || is_null($row->fa_media_type) || $row->fa_media_type == 'UNKNOWN' || is_null($row->fa_metadata)) {
             // Refresh our metadata
             // Required for a new current revision; nice for older ones too. :)
             $props = RepoGroup::singleton()->getFileProps($deletedUrl);
         } else {
             $props = array('minor_mime' => $row->fa_minor_mime, 'major_mime' => $row->fa_major_mime, 'media_type' => $row->fa_media_type, 'metadata' => $row->fa_metadata);
         if ($first && !$exists) {
             // This revision will be published as the new current version
             $destRel = $this->file->getRel();
             $insertCurrent = array('img_name' => $row->fa_name, 'img_size' => $row->fa_size, 'img_width' => $row->fa_width, 'img_height' => $row->fa_height, 'img_metadata' => $props['metadata'], 'img_bits' => $row->fa_bits, 'img_media_type' => $props['media_type'], 'img_major_mime' => $props['major_mime'], 'img_minor_mime' => $props['minor_mime'], 'img_description' => $row->fa_description, 'img_user' => $row->fa_user, 'img_user_text' => $row->fa_user_text, 'img_timestamp' => $row->fa_timestamp, 'img_sha1' => $sha1);
             // The live (current) version cannot be hidden!
             if (!$this->unsuppress && $row->fa_deleted) {
                 $storeBatch[] = array($deletedUrl, 'public', $destRel);
                 $this->cleanupBatch[] = $row->fa_storage_key;
         } else {
             $archiveName = $row->fa_archive_name;
             if ($archiveName == '') {
                 // This was originally a current version; we
                 // have to devise a new archive name for it.
                 // Format is <timestamp of archiving>!<name>
                 $timestamp = wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $row->fa_deleted_timestamp);
                 do {
                     $archiveName = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $timestamp) . '!' . $row->fa_name;
                 } while (isset($archiveNames[$archiveName]));
             $archiveNames[$archiveName] = true;
             $destRel = $this->file->getArchiveRel($archiveName);
             $insertBatch[] = array('oi_name' => $row->fa_name, 'oi_archive_name' => $archiveName, 'oi_size' => $row->fa_size, 'oi_width' => $row->fa_width, 'oi_height' => $row->fa_height, 'oi_bits' => $row->fa_bits, 'oi_description' => $row->fa_description, 'oi_user' => $row->fa_user, 'oi_user_text' => $row->fa_user_text, 'oi_timestamp' => $row->fa_timestamp, 'oi_metadata' => $props['metadata'], 'oi_media_type' => $props['media_type'], 'oi_major_mime' => $props['major_mime'], 'oi_minor_mime' => $props['minor_mime'], 'oi_deleted' => $this->unsuppress ? 0 : $row->fa_deleted, 'oi_sha1' => $sha1);
         $deleteIds[] = $row->fa_id;
         if (!$this->unsuppress && $row->fa_deleted & File::DELETED_FILE) {
             // private files can stay where they are
         } else {
             $storeBatch[] = array($deletedUrl, 'public', $destRel);
             $this->cleanupBatch[] = $row->fa_storage_key;
         $first = false;
     // Add a warning to the status object for missing IDs
     $missingIds = array_diff($this->ids, $idsPresent);
     foreach ($missingIds as $id) {
         $status->error('undelete-missing-filearchive', $id);
     if (!$repo->hasSha1Storage()) {
         // Remove missing files from batch, so we don't get errors when undeleting them
         $checkStatus = $this->removeNonexistentFiles($storeBatch);
         if (!$checkStatus->isGood()) {
             return $status;
         $storeBatch = $checkStatus->value;
         // Run the store batch
         // Use the OVERWRITE_SAME flag to smooth over a common error
         $storeStatus = $this->file->repo->storeBatch($storeBatch, FileRepo::OVERWRITE_SAME);
         if (!$status->isGood()) {
             // Even if some files could be copied, fail entirely as that is the
             // easiest thing to do without data loss
             $this->cleanupFailedBatch($storeStatus, $storeBatch);
             $status->ok = false;
             return $status;
     // Run the DB updates
     // Because we have locked the image row, key conflicts should be rare.
     // If they do occur, we can roll back the transaction at this time with
     // no data loss, but leaving unregistered files scattered throughout the
     // public zone.
     // This is not ideal, which is why it's important to lock the image row.
     if ($insertCurrent) {
         $dbw->insert('image', $insertCurrent, __METHOD__);
     if ($insertBatch) {
         $dbw->insert('oldimage', $insertBatch, __METHOD__);
     if ($deleteIds) {
         $dbw->delete('filearchive', array('fa_id' => $deleteIds), __METHOD__);
     // If store batch is empty (all files are missing), deletion is to be considered successful
     if ($status->successCount > 0 || !$storeBatch || $repo->hasSha1Storage()) {
         if (!$exists) {
             wfDebug(__METHOD__ . " restored {$status->successCount} items, creating a new current\n");
             DeferredUpdates::addUpdate(SiteStatsUpdate::factory(array('images' => 1)));
         } else {
             wfDebug(__METHOD__ . " restored {$status->successCount} as archived versions\n");
     return $status;